Freitag, 20. September 2024



September is slowly saying goodbye while in the meantime autumn will officially start this coming Sunday. Or in other words: Time to dust off the candles, get out the cuddly blankets, make yourself a big cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate/whatever and to make yourself comfortable with all of this plus a good book. *LOL* Halloween is also coming nearer and don't make me start to think about that certain holiday at the end of the year which is coming nearer and nearer without showing any mercy for a certain flutterybeary whose name shall not be mentioned due to reasons of discretion but who is really in need for any good point in the Golden Book. Saying this... I bet none of you will be surprised at all that Rosey and I did not miss our chance to earn ourselves a few good points at the beginning of September when it was time for updating Birgit's calendars. 

But apart from threatening holidays at the horizon autumn is a time for filling expressions with life and meaning like coziness, comfortableness, snugness, the Danish "hygge" or the German "Gemütlichkeit". And what could ever be cozier or "gemütlicher" like cuddling up in bed? Okay, I admit it... I don't know if I'm earning myself the award for "Best topic bridge in a post" now... however... I wouldn't say no! *teehee* Yes, this post is about beds and to be more exact about beds for the North Pole project. But we also thought we could use this for some trip down memory lane showing first a parade of beds Birgit has created or in some cases used over the years. And we're starting *drumroll please" with the best and most beautiful of all these beds - mine! *LOL* Do you remember at all it is changeable? This is the strawberry version in Strawberry Cottage...

... and this is the (sorry, I need to say it this time) Christmas version in Christmas Cottage. And of course you can not only see my beautiful, terrific, awesome, fabulous bed but also the cuddly bed of my trusted furry mate Wuff.

And although it's only coming along in one version my little sis' too received her bearsonal dream bed made by Birgit for Flower Cottage.

Another lovely bed is offering rest for any beary being exhausted after having fun with all the toys in the playroom of the Beary House.

The next one we want to show is the bed our friend Ilona made for Bowler and his snowball home. It was completely made by her - except for the toppings on the bed's posts which were added by Birgit.

Link to Ilona's blog:

And as you would expect our magical friends go to rest in some very special beds. This is the bed of Magica de Spell in the Old Witch Tower - a photo from the archives when Arthud Skullington was still jinxed into a toad and Purple hadn't joined the other teenage dragons yet. 

Next in line is the bed of Mysteria de Spell and Borthud Skullington (a bought piece from an English miniaturist who is no longer selling)...

... followed by the bed of our beloved herb witch Gertie Gumthrop.

And we shall not forget the bed of Orlin Mc Twizzle which can be found in the roof top garden of Gertie's retirement home. And don't you worry about Orlin... as a root gnome he enjoys being outside even in his sleep. And you should also keep in mind that the leaves in his bed's canopy come from a magical rambler... they will never allow any teardrop to reach Orlin or his bedding. 

We also thought it would be nice to remember the tiny beds in scale 1:48 - from left to right in Pumpkin Cottage, Strawberry Hut and Flower Hut.

And with this we're finally hopping over to the North Pole where Einar and Ylvi are looking forward to have the sweetest dreams in their future bedroom in the stunning sleigh bed being made and given to us as a gift from our friend Ilona

And sleigh beds seem to be in fashion at the North Pole as Soot and Crystal also have sleigh beds. And as they share a room with Lasse Birgit painted their beds to match with the colour scheme of his room. 

Time for a little riddle: Are you able to guess which bed belongs to whom??? *LOL*

And now we can finally start with the creation of Lasse's bed. Birgit wanted to have something very special for him so it was a stroke of luck that she received a kit for a stunning bunk bed created and given to her by her friend Rosanna (who we sadly lost to Instagram). This is the photo from last year's "Christmas gifts on parade" showing the kit (and some yummy candy which vanished a long time ago):

Birgit knew exactly what she wanted to do with it... it started with gesso and the lovely metallic blue she already used for Lasse's cabinet and the sleigh beds for Soot and Crystal.

She also had some kind of glittery fabric of almost the same metallic blue in her stash and used it for Lasse's mattress. And of course she used the same silver metallic paint she had already used for the cabinet and then added a few stickers from her stash which give another good hint of the special theme Lasse's room will be dedicated to. 

Birgit also happened to find some bedding matching this theme. The red cushion was part of this offer but it will get a place in the bedroom of Lasse's parents.

Bedding set found at Etsy:

And as it was just the fabric being sewn together Birgit stuffed it a bit to make it extra comfortable for Lasse...

... and she also attached a few lights (not fixed yet... which is also true when it comes to the bed's front wall).

As you can see Lasse is sleeping at the top of the bed which means that the compartment below offers plenty of space for... eh... well, let me put it this way... as some might say a bit of Birgit-touch... or as others would say a lot of Birgit-craziness. Whatever it may be called... this will be part of a future post.

Yes, we're almost at the end of today's post. But if anyone just started to believe that this would finally be a post free from even more boring pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden you rejoiced too early! *grin* Sorry, but who are we to leave without one more volume of our *coughcough* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". Here comes episode No. 93940 - being a "late summer garden" edition:

And now we're saying goodbye for today and for September - with one last picture we would like to share. These tiny guys are in fact a birthday gift Birgit gave to herself. These busy baking elves are totally cute, aren't they? And it's easy to see that Birgit had Einar in mind who will be happy to receive a scene with baking elves. But apart from being tiny and cute these little guys are fascinating just regarding the material they were made of - can you guess it?

Yes, they are made of wood... and even more they are wood art from the Ore Mountains. Very special pieces... which we will see again some day somewhere in the North Pole project. And that's all from us... really... however... we would still wish you all the best for the remaining days of September and a good start into October! ;O)

Flutterby & Rosey

Montag, 12. August 2024

Slip slidin' away


here we are again! And - is anybody humming this song by Paul Simon now? *grin* Well, don't worry - we don't want to get philosophical about time passing by... (However, we could... I mean it's August! AUGUST!!! This special holiday at the end of the year which shall not be named yet is coming nearer and nearer and some of us don't have the best balance in Santa's Golden Book when it comes to the good points... eh... where was I... ah... yes...) We will get back to this song's title when we're going to show you the cabinet Birgit has built for Lasse's room... after we've shown volume 93939 of our *coughcough* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". Summer edition... *grin*

(Btw... once more another song by Simon & Garfunkel is coming to my mind: Scarborough Fair. Well, we only need parsley and sage still as we already have ROSE(mar)Y sitting in the thyme. And yes... Rosey disliked this little joke as much as she already did the first time when I made it last October... tsssssss... when it comes to herb jokes she seems to lose her sense of humour *broad grin*)

And it's always a great thing whenever we happen to meet other fluttery beings during our garden tours. I'm even bowing down now to help you spot her:

Bumblebees are as cute as they are useful, aren't they? 

And after all these colours of summer it was time to face a bit of cold and the-you-know-what-holiday-starting-with-C by caring about the North Pole project. In our last post we had told you there were rumours about Birgit building a cabinet for Lasse, the elf boy. And what are we supposed to say - these rumours were true! *LOL* Birgit used once more a kit she had bought from Iriginals... a cabinet she had always liked and which she wanted to use for Lasse's room. And as Lasse's room will receive a special theme this cabinet needed to become special too. These were the beginnings - always following the instructions (and hoping that the BiWuBearies won't cover important informations *giggle*):

Link to the commercial website of Iriginals:

For sure one of the big and statement kind of cabinets... *grin* And after some time, work, glue and paint this is the result:

Birgit was over the moon when she found out that the compartments are big enough to host some very special miniatures - the Secret Books made of kits which were gifts from Betsy and the snowman jars we received as a gift from Jodi. The result of our little test fit was: Perfect!

And if you remember Paul Simon and our headline you may perhaps guess the little secret of this cabinet... tadaaaaaa:

Sliding doors!!! How great is that?! And Birgit has a very special idea for filling this big blue center compartment. She's not sure if Plan A will work but if not she would still come up with a Plan B. Both of them would be related with the theme of Lasse's room... and we are curious if anyone of you can already guess it as we have given you a little hint. *smile* And if not... be assured we're revealing it soon. For now we're saying goodbye... of course not without visible evidence that also in August my little sis' and I have been the most helpful bearies around:

Enjoy the rest of August and even more all the little wonders and miracles life has in store.

Flutterby & Rosey