The North Pole Workshop

Next to the magical beings from the Witch Towers there are more friends from the Magical Emporium who often show up on our blog. That's why we would like to also present the "Who is who at the North Pole Workshop"!

Elf ladies first: Ylvi is the CEWD of the North Pole which stands for "Chief Elf of the Wishing Department" - the most important position after Santa Claus himself. She's responsible for sorting all wishes and deciding if they belong into the "nice" or "naughty" section. 

Her partner Einar is the Baker of the North Pole and he really knows how to put a Christmas spell into any recipe.

Lasse is Ylvi's and Einar's son... and as an elf child naturally interested in fun and mischief.

En, To and Tren are Christmas Elves too - but of the tiny sort. They are brothers and Ylvi's official helpers in the wishing department... and whenever they have free time they do their best to help Lasse with his mission of "spreading fun".

Next to the Christmas Elves there are some magical animals living in the North Pole Workshop too. First we have the very reasonable Christmas goose Abigail Gabble who is just called Abby by everybody (her name is of course referring to one of the geese from the Disney movie "Aristocats"). And then there are Soot and Crystal... who give the expression "getting along like a cat and a dog" for sure two faces. Crystal usually calls the black dog "the black plague on paws" which makes Soot call her "an error of nature". Soot's name was inspired from our friend Betsy ( from About my DollHouses) who came up with the theory that if Santa would ever have a dog it would be a black one looking as if fallen into soot. 

And of course there are also two flying reindeers living at this Workshop. Dasher and Dancer used to pull Santa's sleigh for some seasons but they're retired since a while. This job is so demanding that after a few years the reindeers get replaced by the next generation of Dashers, Dancers, Prancers, Vixens, Comets, Cupids, Donners, Blitzens and of course Rudolphs. Dasher and Dancer happily passed one of their sleigh places to their daughter Blitzen and enjoy their retirement.

All Elves big and small completely made by Birgit. Soot and Crystal are originally figurines by the company of Schleich being repainted and flocked by Birgit. Dasher and Dancer are figurines by the company of Papo being repainted and flocked and in Dancer's case being changed in her body's position by Birgit. Abby was made and bought from Ebe of Moonflowerminigarden.

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