im heutigen Post geht es in der Tat um vier verschiedene Arten von "Willkommen". Und das erste Willkommen ist selbstverständlich dem neuen Monat gewidmet! Unglaublich... der August ist da!!! Und natürlich habe ich auch in diesem Monat meiner Birgit mit der Umstellung ihrer vielen Kalender geholfen, Ihr wisst ja - ich bin ein Gentlebär durch und durch... *kicher* Natürlich finden wir auch für den August ein schönes Bild in unserem Sprüchekalender - und ein Zitat von Jochen Mariss: "Am Baum des Lebens wachsen viele Augenblicke. Jeder einzelne davon ist kostbar."
... today's post is about four variations of "Welcome". And the first welcome is of course dedicated to the new month! Incredible... August is already here!!! And of course this month I have helped my Birgit once more with the update of her several calendars, you know it - I am a gentlebear from top to toe... *giggle* And of course there is once more a lovely picture waiting in August for us on our wisdom calendar and this month's saying is from Jochen Mariss (as always I am not going to quote but try to say it in my own poor English); he said at the tree of life many moments are growing and every single one of them is precious.
... today's post is about four variations of "Welcome". And the first welcome is of course dedicated to the new month! Incredible... August is already here!!! And of course this month I have helped my Birgit once more with the update of her several calendars, you know it - I am a gentlebear from top to toe... *giggle* And of course there is once more a lovely picture waiting in August for us on our wisdom calendar and this month's saying is from Jochen Mariss (as always I am not going to quote but try to say it in my own poor English); he said at the tree of life many moments are growing and every single one of them is precious.
Ja, das stimmt... dem ist nichts hinzuzufügen, wie ich finde. Genau wie zu diesem Zitat des Baseballspielers Jim Nelson: "Lange bevor ich erwachsen wurde, lehrte mich ein Teddy, was Liebe wirklich heißt: Nämlich da zu sein, wenn man gebraucht wird." Hach... ganz ehrlich... diesen Spruch liebe ich! Schöner kann man es nicht sagen... glücklich, wer einen Teddy zum Freund hat - so wie meine Birgit... Die kann echt froh sein, dass sie mich hat, denn ich bin ja ein Bärchen und damit auch ein Teddy... und ich bin immer da, wenn ihre Kalender aktualisiert werden müssen... *lach*
Yes, that's true... nothing to add to this as far as I am concerned. As well as with a saying by Baseball player Jim Nelson who said long before growing into an adult a teddy taught him what love really means - being there when you're needed. *sigh* Really... I just love this saying! You couldn't say it any better... happy are those having a teddy as a friend - like my Birgit... She can be really happy to have me because I am a beary which means I am a teddy... and I am always there to help with updating her calendars... *LOL*
Yes, that's true... nothing to add to this as far as I am concerned. As well as with a saying by Baseball player Jim Nelson who said long before growing into an adult a teddy taught him what love really means - being there when you're needed. *sigh* Really... I just love this saying! You couldn't say it any better... happy are those having a teddy as a friend - like my Birgit... She can be really happy to have me because I am a beary which means I am a teddy... and I am always there to help with updating her calendars... *LOL*
Aber nun kommen wir zum 2. Willkommen... ich sage nur: Willkommen bei der 93876. Folge von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten"! *hihi* Ja, es war mal wieder Zeit, dass Rosey und ich im Garten auf Entdeckungstour gehen und diesmal war auch noch Azurro mit von der Partie. Komisch, Birgit hat irgendwas gemurmelt von wegen "vielleicht schafft es mein blaues Schutzengelbärchen, die Beiden vom Streiten abzuhalten..." Versteht Ihr, was sie damit gemeint hat? Als würden Rosey und ich je streiten... *grins* Aber es war schön, dass Azurro mit dabei war... und auch sehr passend - denn das erste Ziel unseres Ausflugs war unsere blaue Hortensie, die mittlerweile in voller Blüte steht. Herrlich... da braucht es auch gar keine weiteren Erklärungen...
But now we continue with the second welcome... let me say it this way: Welcome to the 93876th episode of "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"! *teehee* Yes, it was about time for Rosey and me to go on a discovery tour in our garden again and this time Azurro was with us. Strange somehow, Birgit muttered something about "maybe my blue guardian angel beary can keep them away from arguing..." Do you understand how she meant this? As if Rosey and I would ever argue... *grin* But it was great having Azurro with us... and it fit well - because the first stop on our tour was our blue hydrangea who is in full bloom now. Great... and this doesn't need any further explanations...
But now we continue with the second welcome... let me say it this way: Welcome to the 93876th episode of "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"! *teehee* Yes, it was about time for Rosey and me to go on a discovery tour in our garden again and this time Azurro was with us. Strange somehow, Birgit muttered something about "maybe my blue guardian angel beary can keep them away from arguing..." Do you understand how she meant this? As if Rosey and I would ever argue... *grin* But it was great having Azurro with us... and it fit well - because the first stop on our tour was our blue hydrangea who is in full bloom now. Great... and this doesn't need any further explanations...
Aber wie nicht anders zu erwarten, wenn Miss Ich-liebe-alles-was-Pink-ist dabei ist, haben wir auch einen Abstecher zu unserer pinkfarbenen Hortensie gemacht. Was soll ich sagen... auch schön... und auch sehr bequem! *lach*
But as you would have expected when having Miss I-love-everything-in-pink around we also visited the pink hydrangea. And what am I supposed to tell you... also beautiful... and also very comfy! *LOL*
But as you would have expected when having Miss I-love-everything-in-pink around we also visited the pink hydrangea. And what am I supposed to tell you... also beautiful... and also very comfy! *LOL*
Damit kommen wir dann schon zum 3. Willkommen - und zu einer kleinen Butzelei von Birgit für Gerties Altersruhesitz, die wunderbar zu unserem heutigen Thema passt: Birgit hat nämlich Türdrücker für Gerties Haustür gemacht - und die werden in Zukunft jeden Besucher (zumindest die gebetenen) Willkommen heißen.
And now to the third welcome - and to a little crafting-along Birgit has made for Gertie's retirement home matching today's topic perfectly: Birgit has made door plates for Gertie's door - and in the future they will welcome every visitor (at least the invited ones).
And now to the third welcome - and to a little crafting-along Birgit has made for Gertie's retirement home matching today's topic perfectly: Birgit has made door plates for Gertie's door - and in the future they will welcome every visitor (at least the invited ones).
So sehen die noch nach nicht viel aus - aber mit ein wenig Farbe wird's schon besser. Wirken ganz schön erstaunt, die Jungs, oder? *schmunzel*
This way they don't look very interesting at all - but it improves at once with a little colour. These guys look quite amazed, don't they? *smile*
This way they don't look very interesting at all - but it improves at once with a little colour. These guys look quite amazed, don't they? *smile*
Und so sehen die dann an Gerties Haustür aus (okay, zumindest einer von ihnen... der andere ist ja auf der anderen Seite... *zwinker*):
And this is how they look attached to Gertie's door (okay, at least one of them... the other one is of course on the other side... *wink*):
And this is how they look attached to Gertie's door (okay, at least one of them... the other one is of course on the other side... *wink*):
Und nun kommen wir zum 4. und letzten Willkommen für heute - einem ganz herzlichen Willkommen für das neueste Mitglied unserer BiWuBärchentruppe!!! *freu* Ja, Birgit ist mal wieder ein BiWuBärchen von der Nadel gehopst... genauer gesagt... ein BiWuBären-Schneemann. Flocke heißt er - und so sieht er aus:
And now we come the the 4th and last welcome for today - a really heartwarm welcome for the newest member of our BiWuBeary gang!!! *beams-with-joy* Yes, once more a BiWuBeary hopped from Birgit's needle... or to be more exact... a BiWuBeary snowman. Flocke is his name which is German for "flake" - and he looks like this:
And now we come the the 4th and last welcome for today - a really heartwarm welcome for the newest member of our BiWuBeary gang!!! *beams-with-joy* Yes, once more a BiWuBeary hopped from Birgit's needle... or to be more exact... a BiWuBeary snowman. Flocke is his name which is German for "flake" - and he looks like this:
Unsere langjährigen Leser werden jetzt vielleicht aufhorchen... Schneemann im August?! Genau... wie in jedem Jahr so auch in 2015 hat unsere stille Blogleserin alias Birgits Mama alias meine Oma alias die größte Schneemannliebhaberin die ich kenne heute Geburtstag!!! Und deshalb wird Flocke nun die Sammlung von Schneewesen (es sind ja nicht nur Schneemänner sondern auch einige Schneedamen dabei) von Birgits Mama noch um eine Karottennase größer machen - und Rosey, Flocke und ich sagen jetzt im Chor:
Maybe our long-standing readers might be thinking by now... snowman in August?! Yes... as in every year also in 2015 today's the birthday of our silent blogreader aka Birgit's Mom aka my Granny aka the biggest snowman lover I know!!! And that's why Flocke is going to make the collection of snow beings (because there are not only snowmen but also some snow ladies) of Birgit's Mom bigger for just one more carrot nose - and Rosey, Flocke and I are saying now together:
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Alles, alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!
Congratulations!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Euch allen wünschen wir einen wunderbaren August mit ganz vielen kostbaren Augenblicken!
To all of you we're wishing a wonderful August full with many precious moments!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
Maybe our long-standing readers might be thinking by now... snowman in August?! Yes... as in every year also in 2015 today's the birthday of our silent blogreader aka Birgit's Mom aka my Granny aka the biggest snowman lover I know!!! And that's why Flocke is going to make the collection of snow beings (because there are not only snowmen but also some snow ladies) of Birgit's Mom bigger for just one more carrot nose - and Rosey, Flocke and I are saying now together:
Herzlichen Glückwunsch!!! Alles, alles Gute zum Geburtstag!!!
Congratulations!!! Happy Birthday!!!
Euch allen wünschen wir einen wunderbaren August mit ganz vielen kostbaren Augenblicken!
To all of you we're wishing a wonderful August full with many precious moments!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
15 Kommentare:
Hi Flutterby! Thank you so much: You always make me feel so good and happy when I read your stories and see your photos! snowmen even...! ;) and Such lovely flowers:Happy birthday!
Have a nice week!
Oh Flutterby! There's nothing more refreshing than seeing you, Rosey and Azurro
among the beautiful blooms! A big welcome to Flocke who is lucky to be in good company at Birgit's Mom home.
And wow those door plates are fantastic and the door is very beautiful.
Have a wonderful month of August!
Hugs, Drora
Happy birthday, Birgit's mom!!! Flake is adorable. I'm sure she'll love him so much! Welcome, welcome, welcome! xo Jennifer
Happy Birthday to your Mom!!!!! May her dreams come true!
Oh again I LOVE photos of your garden (somehow I hear deep breaths of missing from Lady A and Peevee here teehee. ;) ) The flowers are spectacular.
And the door plates look fantastic! Together with the whole door of course. :)
Mr Flocke made Lady A. blushing! Such a gentlesnowman. :) :)
Hugs and kisses from tired of heat:
Lady A., Peevee and me
Hello Fluby,
Thank you for this wonderful post!! I love your words of wisdom for the month :) Teddy bears are so important and Birgit is very blessed to have your love.
As always I adore the garden photos!! My favourite is the photo of all three of you on the pink hydrangea!!
I am sending Birgit's mum lots of Happy Birthday hugs ♥ ♥ I hope she is having a wonderful day. Flocke is such a special gift for her snowman collection :)
The plates for Getie's door are wonderful..they have the Birgit magic :)
Hugs for you all ♥ Vicky ♥
The plates for Gerties door are fantastic and the door itself is stunning. Your garden looks beautiful I love your blue hydrangeas. Wishing your Mom a very Happy Birthday. Flocke is wonderful and I am sure he will give his new owner lots of love.
Hugs Maria
Cuánto tiempo, no sabes lo que echaba de menos tus preciosos ositos y tus maravillosos cuentos.
Gracias por seguir en mi blog.
Mil besos...Julia
Well, now I feel better... the month of August has been welcomed properly! And the words of Wisdom are perfect! But the Best parts are seeing the flower garden Tour and the Fantastic doorknobs!!! I truly think Birgit has out-done herself with those! What a Brilliant witchy and magical touch! I would only worry that the poor fellows would get tired of having their noses grabbed! LOL! But I guess there must be a sort of pride taken in being a door-knob and being able to Greet everybody! LOL! I think the door to Gertie's House is one of the best witchy doors I have ever seen!
And of course, Flocke is a very Special sort of BiWuBaren and he looks very happy to be joining the Family! Many Happy Birthday wishes to your "Grandmother" Fluby! She is surely a lucky Lady to have Birgit making "magic" in her home!!!
¡Que maravillosa entrada¡, las fotos con tus osos son espectaculares , son una ternura tus osos. Felicidades a mamá Birgit y continuando las felicitaciones , tu puerta ; un trabajo impecable.
Me quedo con tu frase del jugador de béisbol"estar allí cuando lo necesita", feliz vera, besos:-)
Hello Flutterby,
Firstly, the most important thing...Happy Birthday Grandma! I wish you all the best and a wonderful birthday. What better way to celebrate a birthday then with a snowman.
The doorknobs are just amazing. What a great touch. I love them. It looked like you had hours of fun in the flowers, good for you! Enjoy every minute.
Big hug,
Happy birthday to your mom.
The door is amazing. Beautiful photos in the garden.
Feliz cumpleaños a su mami y eres afortunada de tener esos ositos.
Un abrazo
feliz cumpleaños a la mamá, hermosas hortensias ...
Such fun! Rosey is a darling and your flowers look lovely. Hugs Sanne
Happy Birthday :-) beautiful photos, I love hydrangeas and these sweet Bears! Flocke is adorable... today I'm dreaming about one wintry day...here is 37 C...
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