heute kann ich Euch endlich wieder Neues vom Bau von Gertie Gumthrops Altersruhesitz zeigen... der wirklich unaufhaltsam seiner Vollendung zugeht. Ein paar wenige Kleinigkeiten fehlen noch - als Erstes hatte Birgit einen sehr wichtigen Punkt auf ihrer To-do-Liste zu erledigen: Es musste unbedingt noch Licht ins Dunkel gebracht werden.
... today I'm finally able to show you something new from the building of Gertie Gumthrop's retirement home... Only a few little things are still missing - but Birgit had to take care of one very important point on her to-do-list first: It was necessary to bring some light into the darkness.
... today I'm finally able to show you something new from the building of Gertie Gumthrop's retirement home... Only a few little things are still missing - but Birgit had to take care of one very important point on her to-do-list first: It was necessary to bring some light into the darkness.
Gerties Wohnraum wird ja von einer Lichterkette in der hinteren Felswand beleuchtet. Leider zeigte sich schnell, dass die Felsendeko viel von dem Licht schluckt und der Innenraum nur sehr wenig beleuchtet wird. Da der Raum aber bereits fix und fertig war, kam Birgit auf die Idee, zusätzlich noch zwei batteriebetriebene Lampen zu installieren, die mit Hilfe von Magneten an der Decke befestigt werden. Nach einiger Suche hat sich Birgit dann für diese Lampen hier entschieden:
Gertie's living room is illuminated by a light chain attached to the back rock wall. Sadly it showed soon that the rock decoration swallows plenty of the light leaving only very few light left for the interior room. But with the room already being fully built and decorated Birgit came up with the idea to install two battery operated lamps which get attached to the ceiling by magnets. After some research Birgit decided to use these lamps:
Gertie's living room is illuminated by a light chain attached to the back rock wall. Sadly it showed soon that the rock decoration swallows plenty of the light leaving only very few light left for the interior room. But with the room already being fully built and decorated Birgit came up with the idea to install two battery operated lamps which get attached to the ceiling by magnets. After some research Birgit decided to use these lamps:
Na, dann wollen wir die mal anstellen...
Okay, now we want to see them at work...
Okay, now we want to see them at work...
In der Tat... die bringen Licht ins Dunkel! *schmunzel* Allerdings konnten die Lampen nicht so bleiben - das strahlende "Gold" fand Birgit nicht passend für Gerties Heim. Also wurden die Lampen kurzerhand mit Birgits Pinseln bekannt gemacht und sahen danach so aus:
Well, they're bringing some light into the darkness indeed! *smile* But of course these lamps needed to have a makeover - Birgit didn't think this bright "gold" would match with Gertie's home. That's why the lamps were scheduled for a meeting with Birgit's brushes and in the end they looked like this:
Well, they're bringing some light into the darkness indeed! *smile* But of course these lamps needed to have a makeover - Birgit didn't think this bright "gold" would match with Gertie's home. That's why the lamps were scheduled for a meeting with Birgit's brushes and in the end they looked like this:
Ja, das passt schon besser in das Interieur einer pensionierten Kräuterhexe! *lach* Nun wollen wir aber mal schauen, ob die auch wirklich ihren Zweck erfüllen. Hier seht Ihr Gerties Wohnraum - nur beleuchtet durch die Lichterkette in der Rückwand:
Yes, this matches much better with the interior of a retired herb witch! *LOL* But now we will have a look if they really do fulfil their task. Here you can see Gertie's living room - just illuminated from the light chain in the back wall:
Und so sieht der Raum aus, wenn die beiden neuen Lampen dazu kommen:
And this is how the room looks like when the two new lamps are added:
And this is how the room looks like when the two new lamps are added:
Eindeutig eine Verbesserung - man kann deutlich mehr erkennen. Zum Beispiel zwei neue Details, die Birgit in der Zwischenzeit ergänzt hat - da wären einmal die Froschslipper, die Drora uns geschenkt hat.
For sure an improvement - you really can see more now. For example two new details Birgit has added in the meantime - first there are the froggie slippers we once got from Drora as a gift.
For sure an improvement - you really can see more now. For example two new details Birgit has added in the meantime - first there are the froggie slippers we once got from Drora as a gift.
Die stehen nur vor Gerties Bett parat, damit sie morgens beim Aufstehen keine kalten Füße bekommt. Und dann hat auch noch der Buchständer endlich seinen Platz bekommen.
They're now waiting in front of Gertie's bed to make sure she won't get cold feet after getting up in the morning. And the book stand too got finally its place.
They're now waiting in front of Gertie's bed to make sure she won't get cold feet after getting up in the morning. And the book stand too got finally its place.
Dieses schöne Teil haben wir von Jane bekommen - sie hat es extra für Gertie angefertigt. Und damit verabschiede ich mich für heute - demnächst zeige ich Euch dann die letzten (wirklich, ich schwöre!!!) noch fehlenden Details... ;O)
We got this stunning piece from Jane - who had made it just for Gertie. And that's all for today - the next time I'm going to show you the last (honestly, I swear!!!) still missing details... ;O)
We got this stunning piece from Jane - who had made it just for Gertie. And that's all for today - the next time I'm going to show you the last (honestly, I swear!!!) still missing details... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs