da sind wir wieder... und möchten Euch allen schöne Ostertage wünschen!
we're back... and would like to wish to all of you lovely days of Easter!
we're back... and would like to wish to all of you lovely days of Easter!
Aber noch viel wichtiger... wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei Euch für die vielen lieben Kommentare zu unserem letzten Post bedanken. Das hat uns sehr gut getan und uns sehr gerührt. So ganz sind wir alle immer noch nicht wieder in der Spur (was ja auch normal ist), man merkt das zum Beispiel daran, dass meine Birgit noch nicht wieder so ganz den Draht zum Basteln hat. Birgit meint wiederum, es wäre schon auffällig, wie wenig Rosey und ich derzeit streiten würden... äh... Themawechsel. Bedingt durch unsere Blogabstinenz haben wir noch einige Dinge aufzuarbeiten, insbesondere einige Geschenke von lieben Bloggern. Und auch wenn wir heute Ostern haben, aber den Anfang machen nun zwei Weihnachtsgeschenke... das erste war ein Weihnachtsgruß von Jennifer mit einer schönen Karte...
But even more important... we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the lovely comments our last post received. We have been really touched and it helped us along. We're still not totally back on track (which is somehow quite normal), for example it's obvious that Birgit is still not back to dating her creativity. Birgit on the other hand says it would be remarkable how nice Rosey and I are treating each other at the moment... eh... let's change the subject. Due to our absence from our blog we need to catch up with a few things, especially with gifts from dear bloggers. And although it's Easter now we would love to start with some Christmas gifts... the first being a Christmas greeting from Jennifer coming along with a beautiful card...
But even more important... we want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all the lovely comments our last post received. We have been really touched and it helped us along. We're still not totally back on track (which is somehow quite normal), for example it's obvious that Birgit is still not back to dating her creativity. Birgit on the other hand says it would be remarkable how nice Rosey and I are treating each other at the moment... eh... let's change the subject. Due to our absence from our blog we need to catch up with a few things, especially with gifts from dear bloggers. And although it's Easter now we would love to start with some Christmas gifts... the first being a Christmas greeting from Jennifer coming along with a beautiful card...
... und liebevoll verpackten Päckchen.
... and lovely wrapped packages.
... and lovely wrapped packages.
Und zum Vorschein kamen diese Schätze:
And these are the treasures that came to light:
And these are the treasures that came to light:
Wir zeigen sie Euch noch mal etwas näher:
We're going to show them a little closer:
We're going to show them a little closer:
Rosey ist ganz begeistert von Jennifers Stickerei und mir gefällt die Schatzkiste unheimlich gut. Quizfrage - was für einen Schatz würde ich dort hinein legen?
Rosey is absolutely in awe with Jennifer's stitching and I like the treasure chest very much. Riddle time - what kind of treasure am I supposed to put inside of it?
Rosey is absolutely in awe with Jennifer's stitching and I like the treasure chest very much. Riddle time - what kind of treasure am I supposed to put inside of it?
Dear Jennifer, thank you so much for all these fantastic treasures - but even more for so kindly thinking of us!
War ja nicht besonders schwer zu erraten, oder? *schmunzel* Eigentlich waren diese schönen Miniaturen die Preise von Jennifers letztem Giveaway - aber leider hat sich die Gewinnerin nicht gemeldet, sehr schade. Und da hat Jennifer beschlossen, sich auf diese Weise für unseren Weihnachtsgruß zu bedanken und nun sind wir die glücklichen neuen Besitzer. Und auch von unserer lieben Ulrike haben wir noch nachweihnachtliche Post bekommen. Birgit hatte nämlich einen Gutschein für ein Paar Socken bekommen, denn Ulrike kann so wunderbar stricken und Birgit wegen ihrer lädierten Arme ja bekanntermaßen gar nicht. Seht mal:
This wasn't hard to guess at all, was it? *smile* Actually these fantastic miniatures have been the prices of Jennifer's last giveaway - but sadly the winner never got in contact, what a pity. So Jennifer decided to use them now as a thank you for our Christmas greeting and that's how we became the happy new owners. And from our dear Ulrike too we received some After-Christmas mail. Birgit got a voucher for a pair of socks because Ulrike is able to knit the most wonderful pieces and Birgit is known for not being able to knit herself due to her sore arms. Have a look:
This wasn't hard to guess at all, was it? *smile* Actually these fantastic miniatures have been the prices of Jennifer's last giveaway - but sadly the winner never got in contact, what a pity. So Jennifer decided to use them now as a thank you for our Christmas greeting and that's how we became the happy new owners. And from our dear Ulrike too we received some After-Christmas mail. Birgit got a voucher for a pair of socks because Ulrike is able to knit the most wonderful pieces and Birgit is known for not being able to knit herself due to her sore arms. Have a look:
Liebe Ulrike, auch an dieser Stelle noch einmal vielen, vielen Dank... wir haben uns wirklich riesig gefreut!
Eigentlich sollten sie für Birgits Papa sein... aber das Leben hatte nun mal andere Pläne. Nun wird Birgit im nächsten Winter schön warme Füße haben... Schnell weiter mit dem nächsten Überraschungspaket - und das war ein Ostergruß von unserer lieben Freundin Ilona, die Birgit in dieser schweren Zeit wirklich sehr unterstützt hat. Lauter spannende Sachen kamen da zum Vorschein...
Actually they were intended for Birgit's Dad... but life had other plans. Now it's Birgit who is going to have warm feet during the next winter... Let's better head towards the next surprise package - which was an Easter greeting coming from our dear friend Ilona, who was a true support to Birgit during these hard times. Loads of awesome things came into sight...
Actually they were intended for Birgit's Dad... but life had other plans. Now it's Birgit who is going to have warm feet during the next winter... Let's better head towards the next surprise package - which was an Easter greeting coming from our dear friend Ilona, who was a true support to Birgit during these hard times. Loads of awesome things came into sight...
... liebevoll eingepackt...
... nicely packed...
... nicely packed...
... und natürlich vergisst Ilona auch nie, dass Birgit die Zeichnungen von Marjolein Bastin so sehr mag.
... and of course Ilona always has in mind that Birgit likes the drawings by Marjolein Bastin so much.
Als Erstes haben wir die Osterhäschen befreit...
First of all we have freed the Easter bunnies...
First of all we have freed the Easter bunnies...
... und das schön dekorierte Glas steht jetzt bei Birgit im Wohnzimmer. Diese niedliche Osterdeko hat sofort einen Ehrenplatz bei Birgits Mama bekommen...
... and the lovely decorated glass got a place in Birgit's living room. This cute Easter decoration got a place of honor from Birgit's Mom...
... and the lovely decorated glass got a place in Birgit's living room. This cute Easter decoration got a place of honor from Birgit's Mom...
... während die Blumensamen demnächst einen Platz im Garten bekommen werden.
... while the flower seed will get a place in our garden very soon.
... while the flower seed will get a place in our garden very soon.
Mal sehen, ob die auch so gut duften wie die Räucherstäbchen aus Sandelholz. Das nächste Päckchen hat Birgit ganz besonders begeistert:
We will see if these will smell as lovely as the sandalwood incence. The next package was a true highlight for Birgit:
We will see if these will smell as lovely as the sandalwood incence. The next package was a true highlight for Birgit:
Eine Booklamp - wie toll ist das denn??? Und wir haben sie natürlich gleich mal ausprobiert.
A booklamp - how great is that??? And of course we have tried it at once.
A booklamp - how great is that??? And of course we have tried it at once.
Die gibt richtig viel Licht - trotzdem zeigen wir Euch die wunderschönen Glastiere noch mal etwas mehr aus der Nähe.
It spreads plenty of light - nevertheless we're going to show you these beautiful glass animals a little closer still.
It spreads plenty of light - nevertheless we're going to show you these beautiful glass animals a little closer still.
Die werden vermutlich das Sortiment der Glashütte auf dem BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarkt erweitern. Und die nächsten drei Kandidaten hat Ilona ausdrücklich mitgeschickt, um Birgit zum Lächeln zu bringen.
These will probably go into the glass booth at the BiWuBeary Christmas Market. And Ilona added the next three candidates to make Birgit smile.
These will probably go into the glass booth at the BiWuBeary Christmas Market. And Ilona added the next three candidates to make Birgit smile.
Dearest Ilona, from all of us including our Granny aka Birgit's Mom aka Silke a heartfelt "Thank you" for sending us so much joy via mail - and even more thanks for being our friend.
Hat funktioniert - Birgit ist ja bekanntermaßen ein großer Disney-, Comic- und auch Pooh-Fan. Wir haben noch einen weiteren sehr lieben Gruß erhalten, der aus Riverside zu uns kam... aber den zeigen wir Euch beim nächsten Mal, damit es nicht zu viele Geschenke auf einmal werden - und auch, damit wir noch Platz haben für Folge 93881 von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Fotos von BiWuBärchen im Garten". *grins*
And it worked - Birgit is known for being a big Disney-, cartoon- and also Pooh-lover. We have received another very lovely greeting coming along from Riverside to us... but we're going to show it the next time because otherwise it would be too many gifts at once - and moreover we still need some space for volume 93881 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". *grin*
And it worked - Birgit is known for being a big Disney-, cartoon- and also Pooh-lover. We have received another very lovely greeting coming along from Riverside to us... but we're going to show it the next time because otherwise it would be too many gifts at once - and moreover we still need some space for volume 93881 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". *grin*
The Song of the Scilla Fairy
(by Cicely Mary Barker)
"Scilla, Scilla, tell me true,
Why are you so very blue?"
Oh, I really cannot say
Why I'm made this lovely way!
I might know, if I were wise.
Yet - I've heard of seas and skies,
Where the blue is deeper far
Than our skies of Springtime are.
P'r'aps I'm here to let you see
What that Summer blue will be.
When you see it think of me!
For our foreign readers - this variety of daffodils is known in Germany as "Osterglocke" = Easter bell
So, das war's von uns für heute - wir wünschen Euch schöne Ostertage, hoffentlich mit einem schönen gemütlichen Osternachmittagskaffeeklatsch mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Osternachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Osternachmittagskuchen. Und weil Ostern ist vielleicht noch zusätzlich ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen von dem hier...?!
And that's all from us for today - we're wishing to you lovely days of Easter, hopefully with a nice and cozy Easterafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" with one, two cups of tasty Easterafternooncoffee and one, two, three, four cups of yummy Easterafternooncake. And because it's Easter maybe with one, two, three, four additional pieces of this one... ?!
And that's all from us for today - we're wishing to you lovely days of Easter, hopefully with a nice and cozy Easterafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" with one, two cups of tasty Easterafternooncoffee and one, two, three, four cups of yummy Easterafternooncake. And because it's Easter maybe with one, two, three, four additional pieces of this one... ?!
Selbst schuld, Hasi - was schmeckst Du auch so gut? *grins*
It's all your fault, bunny - why do you taste this good? *grin*
It's all your fault, bunny - why do you taste this good? *grin*
Schöne Ostern!
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs