und herzlich Willkommen zu unserem heutigen Post zum 2. Advent, der ja gleichzeitig auch Nikolaustag ist. Schon der 2. Advent... die Zeit verfliegt wieder mal... und irgendwie im Dezember sogar noch ein wenig schneller als sonst... nur noch so wenig Zeit bis Ihr-wisst-schon-was... und nur noch so erschreckend wenig Zeit für ein gewisses Flatterbärchen, um sich dringend benötigte Pluspunkte im Goldenen Buch des Weihnachtsmannes zu sichern... Ob es schon Pluspunkte gibt, wenn man für ein Kaffeeklatschbild mit seiner kleinen Schwester zusammen in einen Weihnachtsbecher steigt? Wohl eher nicht... *schluck*...
... and a cordial welcome to today's post for Advent 2nd which is at the same time also the day of St. Nicholas. Already Advent 2nd... time is flying so fast once more... and somehow in December it's flying away even faster than it usually does... and only so little time left until You-know-what... and only terrifying little time left for a certain flutterybeary to gain himself some urgently needed good points in the Golden Book of Santa Claus... If one might already gain good points when entering a Christmas cup for a "Kaffeeklatsch"-picture with his little sis'? My, I suppose not... *gulp*
Aber vielleicht bekomme ich ja einen Pluspunkt, wenn ich Euch darauf hinweise, dass es keine schlechte Idee wäre, beim Lesen dieses Posts einen Pott Kaffee oder Tee zur Hand zu haben?! *schmunzel* Fangen wir also gleich an... und begeben uns aus der Kaffeeklatschtasse direkt ins ehemalige Strawberry Cottage, das sich natürlich dank Birgit wie immer rechtzeitig zur Adventszeit in Christmas Cottage verwandelt hat. Natürlich wie immer erst, nachdem Birgit vorher ausgiebig darüber gejammert hat, dass sie einfach zu viel Weihnachtsgedönse hat - für uns immer der offizielle Beginn der Weihnachtszeit. *breitgrins*
But perhaps I might earn a good point if I would point out to you that it would be quite a good idea to have a cup of coffee or tea at hand while reading this post?! *smile* So let's better start right away... and we're heading right out of the"Kaffeeklatsch"-cup into the former Strawberry Cottage which changed thanks to Birgit as always into Christmas Cottage during the time of Advent. But of course not until Birgit was extinsively complaining about having much too much Christmas stuff - around here this marks the official start of Christmas season. *broad grin*
Und vielleicht habt Ihr sie ja schon entdeckt - auch Abigail Gabble, die Weihnachtsgans, ist wieder da und wird mit uns die Adventszeit verbringen. Eine Adventszeit, die für uns alle anders werden wird als wir es kennen... mit dem notwendigen Abstand aber ohne viele liebgewordene Traditionen. So fallen hier in Deutschland zum Beispiel die Weihnachtsmärkte durch den Lockdown aus... also, zumindest die im Maßstab 1:1...denn ein gewisser Weihnachtsmarkt in 1:12 kann wie gewohnt statt finden. Ach, ich bin soooo froh, ein BiWuBärchen zu sein... *strahl*
And perhaps you might have noticed her already - Abigail Gabble, the Christmas goose, came back and will stay with us during Advent time. An Advent time which will be very different from the ones we knew... with the necessary distances but without many beloved traditions. For example in Germany the Christmas Markets were canceled during the lockdown... well, at least the ones in scale 1:1... because a certain Christmas Market in 1:12 can take place as usual. My, I am soooo glad to be a BiWuBeary... *beams-with-joy*
Auch in diesem Jahr werden die Besucher des BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarktes also gleich am Portal freundlich begrüßt von Mr. T...
So in this year too the visitors of the BiWuBeary Christmas Market will be friendly greeted right away at the entrance by Mr. T...
... und von Magicas Schneemann.
... and by Magica's snowman.
"Magica" ist übrigens ein gutes Stichwort... Wir verdanken es nämlich Magica de Spell, dass wir auch in diesem Jahr unseren Weihnachtsmarkt wie gewohnt und ohne die ansonsten gebotene Vorsicht und auch ohne Masken genießen dürfen. Sie will uns nicht verraten, wie sie das geschafft hat, aber sie hat vom Magischen Rat tatsächlich die Erlaubnis bekommen, einen Schutzzauber über unseren Weihnachtsmarkt legen zu dürfen. Heißa!!! Es ist so schön, ein BiWuBärchen zu sein... äh... wo war ich... ach ja... nun, vermutlich hat es auch etwas damit zu tun, dass unsere magischen Freunde ja auch einen eigenen Verkaufsstand auf unserem Weihnachtsmarkt haben. Wie auch immer, wir beginnen daher unseren traditionellen Rundgang über den Weihnachtsmarkt Magica zu Ehren mit dem Verkaufswagen der Hexentürmer.
Btw "Magica" is for sure a good keyword... See, we owe it to Magica de Spell that we're able to enjoy our Christmas Market even in this year as usual without the otherwise needed care and even without wearing face masks. She doesn't want to tell us how she did it but in fact she managed to get the permission of the Magical Council to put a protection spell over our Christmas Market. Hooray!!! It's so good to be a BiWuBeary... eh... where was I... oh yes... well, probably this could be explained with the fact that our magical friends have their own sales cart at our Christmas Market. Anyhow, to honor Magica we're starting our traditional tour around the Christmas Market with the sales cart of the Witch Tower Crew.
Hier die magische Seite...
Here we have the magical side...
... und hier die leckere Seite... yummy!
... and here is the tasty side... yummy!
Und ebenfalls wie immer haben Rosey und ich als erfahrene Blogbärchen bereits vor der offiziellen Eröffnung Fotos von den Buden usw. gemacht. Unsere langjährigen Blogfreunde kennen sie ja - trotzdem, nach 11 Monaten Abwesenheit möchten sie sich wieder bei Euch in Erinnerung bringen. Da wären zunächst die "Glashütte" und die "Weihnachtsbäckerei"...
As usual Rosey and I being the experienced blogbearies that we are took some photos of the stalls etc. before the official opening. Our longtime blogfriends know them by now - anyhow, after 11 months of absence they would like to bring themselves back into your memory. For the beginning we're having here the "Glashütte" and the "Weihnachtsbäckerei"... "Glashütte" litterally translated means "glass hut" or "glass booth". But there's a double meaning; it's also our German word for a place were glass is professionally transformed (mostly by blowing) into objects like drinking glasses, vases etc. And "Weihnachtsbäckerei" means in English... sure... the Christmas bakery! *smile*
... und dann kommen wir auch schon zum "Zuckerbäcker" und zur "Erzgebirgischen Holzkunst".
... followed right away by the "Zuckerbäcker" and the "Erzgebirgische Holzkunst". "Zuckerbäcker" means a confectioner of all kinds of sweets and candies... or in other words everything a BiWuBeary (and not only us... *LOL*) loves to enjoy. "Erzgebirgische Holzkunst" translated means traditional wood art from the region of the Ore Mountains which belong to the German state of Saxony. Many world famous Christmas decorations have their origin here, especially "Schwibbögen" and pyramids. "Made in Erzgebirge" means highest handmade quality. Btw glass baubles for Christmas trees have their origin too in this region, they were invented already in the 16th century in Lauscha, a town in Thuringia not far away from Saxony.
Was natürlich gar nicht fehlen darf ist "Teddys Bude". Bekanntermaßen ist dieser Stand ja der Ursprung unseres Weihnachtsmarktes. Und ohne ihn wäre unser Weihnachtsmarkt auch nur halb so schön, denn Teddy braut bekanntlich den besten Punsch der Welt... nach einem Rezept seiner Schwiegermutter. *grins*
And what can't be missed is "Teddy's Booth". It's known by now that this stall marks the beginning of our Christmas Market. And without it our Christmas Market would only be half as nice because it's well known that Teddy brews the best punch / "Glühwein" in the world... using a recipe of his mother-in-law. *grin*
Zu Teddys Stand gehört noch der Verkaufskarren, der wie immer gut gefüllt ist mit Weihnachtsdekoration, die Teddy offensichtlich von Birgit bezogen hat.
An addition of Teddy's stall is the sales cart which is filled with Christmas decorations which Teddy without doubt must have received from Birgit.
Und auch das "Toyland" ist natürlich wieder mit dabei.
And of course "Toyland" too is joining the party once more.
Leider auch in diesem Jahr wieder nicht mit dabei ist die neue Bude, die Birgit eigentlich schon letztes Jahr fertig haben wollte und in der es wohl Lebkuchen zu kaufen geben soll. Na, immerhin hat Birgit in diesem Jahr schon mal ein wenig am Lebkuchenangebot gearbeitet - wenn auch auf Birgit-Art (wir erinnern an unseren März-Post "Das BiWuBären-Backstudio" *lach*). Aber immerhin hat Birgit dieses Jahr eine andere Neuerung für unseren Weihnachtsmarkt fertig gemacht - und ich muss sagen, darüber freuen wir uns sehr, denn - Trommelwirbel - die Zeit der Stehplätze ist nun vorbei! Jetzt haben wir tolle Tische und Bänke und können ganz gemütlich und bequem unsere Leckereien genießen. Wie toll ist das denn??? Rosey und ich haben das natürlich gleich mal unter Realbedingungen getestet...
Sadly also in this year too Birgit did not manage to finish the booth she already wanted to finish last year and in which gingerbread shall be sold. Well, at least Birgit already worked this year a bit on the offered gingerbread treats - although she did it the Birgit way (we're reminding you of our post "Baking with the BiWuBearies" from March *LOL*) But at least Birgit still managed to finish another new addition for our Christmas Market this year - and I must say we are very delighted about that because this means - drumroll please - that the standing room times are over now! Now we're having wonderful tables and benches and will be able to enjoy our treats in a comfortable and cozy way. How great is that??? Of course Rosey and I tested this at once under real life conditions...
Jaja, Blogbärchen zu sein bedeutet jede Menge Verantwortung... *kicher*
Oh yes, being a blogbeary means for sure taking plenty of responsibility... *giggle*
Gemacht wurden die Sitzgruppen aus Bausätzen von "Iriginals" und dekoriert mit bereits vorhandenen oder neuen selbst gemachten Miniaturen. Birgit hat auch für jeden Tisch noch ein Gesteck gemacht und unter anderem auch selbst bemalte Tannenzapfen verwendet (Zapfenrohlinge von "Artofmini").
These settees were made from kits by "Iriginals" and were decorated with miniatures either already at hand or home made new ones. Birgit also made a candle arrangement for every table and used next to other stuff pine cones painted by herself (blank cones by "Artofmini").
Link zur kommerziellen Webseite von... / link to the commercial website of...
Iriginals: https://www.iriginals.nl/
Artofmini: https://www.artofmini.com/
Und es gibt noch jemanden, der es dieses Jahr bequemer haben wird - unser Sabienchen! Dieses Jahr hat der Verkäuferbär vom Erzgebirgsstand seiner Lieblingsbesucherin ("Kundin" kann man ja nicht sagen *kicher*) sogar einen Stuhl hingestellt statt eines Hockers. Wir fürchten nur, dass Sabienchen dadurch auch nicht entscheidungsfreudiger werden wird. *lach*
And there's somebody else who will enjoy much more comfort this year - our Sabienchen! This year the sales bear of the booth selling wood art from the Ore Mountains even offers a chair instead of a stool to his favourite visitor (well, you can't call her a customer, can you... *giggle*). But we have massive doubts that this will help Sabienchen to decide faster. *LOL*
Und das war's für heute von unserem Weihnachtsmarkt - beim nächsten Mal zeigen wir Euch dann, wie er in diesem Jahr aussieht, wenn er von lauter festlich und fröhlich gestimmten BiWuBärchen besucht wird.
And that's all from our Christmas Market for today - the next time we're going to show you how all of this looks in 2020 when being visited by many BiWuBearies being in a festive and happy mood.
Übrigens hat auch unser Garten kürzlich Besuch von zwei festlich und fröhlich gestimmten BiWuBärchen bekommen, die außerdem warm eingepackt waren, weil Jack Frost schon kurz vor uns zu Besuch war. Und ich merke gerade - ich hätte jetzt auch einfach sagen können: Herzlich Willkommen zu Folge 93918 unserer *hüstel* beliebten Reihe "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten"... *grins*
Btw our garden too was recently visited by two BiWuBearies being in a festive and happy mood who were on top wrapped up warmly because Jack Frost had visited this place a little before us. And I just notice - I also could have said: A heartfelt welcome to volume 93918 of our "coughcough* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"... *grin*
Und nach so einem Ausflug in den schönen aber kalten Garten ist es in Christmas Cottage doch gleich noch mal so schön.
And after such a little visit in the lovely but very chilly garden Christmas Cottage appears to be even more lovely.
Aber Moment mal... ist da etwa jemand an der Tür?
But wait a moment... it there somebody at the door?
Rosey, Abby und Wuff haben auch was gehört...
Rosey, Abby and Wuff heard something too...
Na, dann wollen wir doch mal nachschauen, wer uns da am 2. Advent besucht, oder? *schmunzel*
Well, we should better have a look who is visiting us for Advent 2nd, shouldn't we? *smile*
Oh, was für eine Überraschung! Es ist Santa Snow!!!
Oh, what a surprise! It's Santa Snow!!!
Aber natürlich haben wir diesen ganz besonderen Besucher bereits erwartet - und deshalb auch schon eine schöne Tasse Eistee für ihn vorbereitet (das Rezept dafür habe ich übrigens von Bowler *grins*)
But of course we were already expecting this very special visitor - that's why I already had prepared a nice cup of ice tea for him (from a recipe I got from Bowler btw *grin*)
Santa Snow war in diesem Jahr Birgits Beitrag zur Erweiterung der Schneemannsammlung der stillen Blogleserin, auch bekannt als unsere Oma oder als Birgits Mama.
Santa Snow was Birgit's contribution to this year's expansion of the silent blog reader's snowman collection who is also know as our Granny or as Birgit's Mom.
Traditionell findet die stille Blogleserin ein neues BiWuBären-Schneewesen am 1. Dezember in ihrem Adventskalender, den sie von Birgit bekommt. Und in diesem Jahr war es eben Santa Snow... und ganz ehrlich... das musste ja mal passieren... Schneemann mit Weihnachtsmütze. *zwinker*
Traditionally the silent blog reader finds a new BiWuBeary snow being at December 1st in her Advent calendar she receives from Birgit. And in this year it was time for Santa Snow... honestly speaking... this had to happen one day... a snowman with a Christmas hat. *wink*
Aber wenn Ihr genau hinseht... ein bisschen Birgit-Touch ist auch dabei... Santa Snow hat jedenfalls nicht die traditionelle Karottennase. Die hat aber ein anderer Schneemann, den Birgit ebenfalls für den Adventskalender der stillen Blogleserin gemacht hat... weil Schneemann mit Weihnachtsmütze halt ganz gut aussieht.
But if you'd have a closer look... there's a bit of Birgit touch included... regarding Santa Snow does not have the traditional carrot nose. But this sort of nose has another snowman Birgit has also made for the Advent calendar of the silent blog reader... because a snowman with a Christmas hat looks very good indeed.
Santa Snow II sozusagen... und eine gute Art, die Kerzen-Gläser einer gewissen amerikanischen Firma weiter zu verwerten.
Somehow Santa Snow II... and a great way to re-use the candle jars of a certain American company.
Aber Birgit hat nicht nur Geschenke gemacht, sondern auch welche bekommen. Schaut mal - wir hatten kürzlich das große Glück, das Kürbis-Giveaway von Alex zu gewinnen!
But Birgit did not only give away gifts, she also received some herself. Have a look - we have been the very lucky winners of Alex's pumpkin giveaway lately!
Link zu / to Alex's blog: https://mirinconminiaturil.blogspot.com/
Sind die nicht toll gemacht? Wir sind absolut begeistert!
We hope you'll agree - aren't these absolutely gorgeous? We are over the moon with them!
Dear Alex, once more from this place: Muchas gracias - thank you so much for sending us these awesome miniatures. We will cherish them and there are already some bearies very interested in them, we're not telling names... but as a hint... they're wearing special hats and have magical powers. *LOL*
Aber auch unsere liebe Freundin Ilona hat uns wieder mit einem Weihnachtsgruß verwöhnt - und die ersten zwei von vielen anderen Päckchen durften wir dann am 1. Advent aufmachen. Darin waren tolle verspiegelte Tannenbäume (hier noch mit Schutzfolie versehen) und jede Menge Rentier-Konfetti. Ich vermute, da wird es wieder Rentier-Kekse geben. *grins*
But our dear friend Ilona too spoiled us once more with a Christmas greeting - and the first two out of many packages were meant to be opened at Advent 1st. Inside we found mirrored Christmas trees (still with the protective foil on) and loads of reindeer confetti. I suppose we will have reindeer cookies once more. *grin*
Link zu / to Ilona's blog: https://minimumloon.blogspot.com/
Davon waren wir jedenfalls schon total begeistert - aber der Inhalt der kleinen Schachtel hat uns völlig umgehauen!!!
Well, we've already been over the moon with this - but the content of the little box totally blew us away!!!
Das glaubt Ihr nicht - wir glauben es ehrlich gesagt selbst immer noch nicht... In einem Präsent für den 1. Advent waren Ilona-Schätze, die für mehrere Weihnachten gereicht hätten! Seht selbst:
You will hardly believe it - in fact we can hardly believe it ourselves until now... But in a gift dedicated for Advent 1st we found Ilona-treasures which would have been worth many Christmasses! Look for yourselves:
Ist das nicht der Hammer??? Und wunderschön - und wie alles von Ilona unfassbar gut gemacht. Wir sind echt die glücklichsten Blogbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt - nur Birgit meinte, dass sie bei aller Freude über diesen Schatz jetzt fast ein wenig Angst vor den Päckchen zum 2. Advent hätte. *lach*
This is a true burner, isn't it??? And so beautiful - and as everything coming from Ilona so incredibly well made. We are for sure the most happiest blogbearies in the whole wide world - however Birgit menitioned apart from all joy about this treasure she would now be a bit afraid about opening the packages for Advent 2nd. *LOL*
Dearest Ilona, once more from this place: You are da*n crazy and you know that you are - but thank you soooooooo much!!! In case we did not mention it before - but we are the happiest ones who ever opened a package at Advent 1st!!!
Versteh' ich gar nicht - ich bin doch da, um ihr nachher beim Auspacken zu helfen. *grins* Aber erst einmal feiern wir jetzt den 2. Advent - und zwar wie sich das gehört mit einem schönen gemütlichen Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch. So wie es sein soll - mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Adventssonntagsnachmittagskuchen. Und ein paar Plätzchen hier und da und ggf. eine Tasse Eistee für Santa Snow können ja auch nicht schaden.
Somehow I can't understand that - because I'm here to help her with the unwrapping. *grin* But first we're going to enjoy Advent 2nd - in the way it has to be done meaning with a nice cozy Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch". As it should be - with one, two cups of tasty Adventsundayafternooncoffee and one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Adventsundayafternooncake. And a few cookies here and there as well as a cup of ice tea for Santa Snow would be welcome too.
Und damit verabschieden wir uns für heute und wünschen Euch weiterhin eine wunderschöne Adventszeit. Passt gut auf Euch auf! Und weil die Zeit vor Weihnachten ja so besonders ist, haben wir zum Schluß auch noch etwas Besonderes für Euch - Ihr dürft Euch jetzt etwas wünschen! Ja, ganz ehrlich... Birgit hat nämlich beim Blätterharken am 25. November einen Wunscherfüller auf unserem Rasen gefunden. Also, Augen zu, fest wünschen und ebenso fest pusten:
And with this we're saying goodbye for today and we're wishing that you're having a wonderful time of Advent still. Take good care of yourselves! And because the time before Christmas is so special we've saved something special for you until this post's end - now you're allowed to make a wish! Yes, really... when raking leaves at November 25th Birgit found this helper for making wishes on our lawn. So, close your eyes, make a wish and start to blow:
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
15 Kommentare:
A very beautiful post. There is a Christmas air.
The Christmas market is amazing and Fluby and Rosey are very happy to visit it.
Wonderful gifts from dear friend. Enjoy!
Dear Fluby and Rosey and Birgit too, this post was the BEST
"procrastination" from a certain task on a certain drawing table that I have ever found!! :) And I did have my tea too! :) I am SO glad the Magica was able to make it safe for the Bearey Advent Market to Happen! I cannot imagine how empty life would feel with no Advent Market! The very idea gives me the shivers! Instead, I have been able to revisit so many lovely booths filled with beautiful Treasures! I would be like Sabienchen... I can't begin to decide what my favorite is from any of them! To be able to see them close is so much pleasure! I think Birgit has worked wonders with the new "Eating Seating" arrangements! (We call these "picnic tables" over here and they are indispensible!!!) With BiWuBeareys showing how they need to be used it is clear that the Advent Market needed a few!! :):) And as for the gifts, both given and received, the list is too long to remember everything! Santa Snow is WONDERFUL! And the lanterns from Ilona are too amazing to believe! (How does she do that???) And to top everything off... Jack Frost made a timely and Beautiful appearance in your garden... what a splendid way to welcome Winter.... just the beautiful icing and no snow yet! LOL! Well, I am always eager to see the next Advent Post... whenever it comes... and especially this year when we all need Any cheer we can find! And you can probably earn good points Fluby, by reminding Birgit for me to Stay safe and keep making minis! :):):)
Dear Flutterby, Rosey, Santa Snow, and Birgit
What a stunning Christmas Market!! Thank you for showing me all the awesome stalls, stands, and carts. I love the festive tree and snowman's entry welcome, and dear Flutterby, I also love your beautiful Christmas decorated room! In fact, I love everything in this post. The new additions this year are perfect for the market, especially the table and seats where one can enjoy a delicious cup of tea and a tasty piece of cake.
Ilona's Chinese lanterns are precious treasures to cherish.
Take care, keep safe, dear BiWuBaren, Birgit, and Silent Reader.
Hugs, Drora
Que maravilloso 2º adviento! me he sentado a tomar un te especiado mientras leía vuestro post,he disfrutado de cada foto y de cada sorpresa.
Me gustaría tanto haber podido acompañaros en el recorrido del mercado de navidad,además con el hechizo mágico que previene todo tipo de contagio y poder saludar,hablar y reír sin mascarilla!! realmente sois muy afortunados!
Como afortunada ha sido Birgit con el sorteo de Alex y el precioso regalo de Ilona,que maravilla!!!
El nuevo personaje,Santa Snow,me ha robado el corazón,es tan dulce y navideño!
He pedido mi deseo y he soplado! gracias por la oportunidad.
Mientras,cuidaros y sed felices!
I always enjoy your markets. This year it is a lot of fun and beautiful pictures. The smiling Christmas tree is adorable!
Hallooooo!!! Good to read this blog post of you, I missed you already! Because when you say: Advent (and Christmas) time, you say Fluby, Rosey and Birgit ;O)!!
Fluby, you are truly a lucky bird, your Birgit is spoiling ou way too much, because your renovated Christmas Cottage looks gorgeous this year!!
I am sooo glad that your Christmas Market could go on this year, credits to Magica de Spell, especially nowadays!
It's a feast for the eyes to see all the booths again, one evn more nice than the other. I would have loved to meet Teddy with his Glühwein but unfortunately it's too early in the morning for this ;).
The benches and tables were a fantastic idea of your Birgit, they look wonderful and comfortable to sit down for awhile. The deocrations look great on the table.
What to say about the chair for Sabinchen...? Would it work to help her deciding faster, hehehe ;O)??
I am curious to see how the market will look like next time, I can't wait *lol*!!
WOW, I love to see these wintery pctures of your garden, being a winter child I love wintery scenes, but sofar we here don't have much if a winter yet. Every year I hope for snow and ice and skating but since the last 8 year nothing of this happened here in my region....and now with the global warming....well, what can I say more? So: your gorgeous pictures are more than welcome for me :)!!
I LOVE seeing Santa Snow, WOW, he is truly gorgeous, Birgit what a fantastic new creation of your hand!!! Birgit's Mom will have been thrilled seeing this snow creation, a new addition for her collection.
I love his nose: instead of orange, a red (Rudoplh) one and his Christmas hat, hahahaha your Birgit has humor, but that is wrld wide known ;O).
Congrats for winning the giveaway of Alex, enjoy your prize.
And I am glad you liked my gifts to you all for the 1st of Advent, more to come.....for the greatest fan of Christmas there is in the world ;).
I've blown the fluff of the dandelion and made a wish, for the world of today, but I won't say what it was, otherwise my wish won't come true ;).
Happy (belated, you know why) 2nd day of Advent, dear friends.
Stay safe and take good care of yourselves, dear friends, including the silent reader of this blog.
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje (who had so much fun yesterday) und Ilona
Ohhhh!!! Te aseguro que me he hecho pequeña y he recorrido todos los rincones del mercadillo :) Es tan maravilloso!!! Viendo tu entrada he conseguido hasta olvidar por un momento que esta Navidad no va a ser como siempre la hemos conocido. Gracias!!!
Una entrada fantástica ,he mirado cada foto descubriendo tantos tesoros, seguro que seguiré mirándolas con más detenimiento pues ese mercado navideño es increíble. Tu jardín para estas fechas esta precioso con ese toque de hielo, con la compañía de tus osos es un placer para la vista. Felicidades por esos regalos de Llona y el sorteo de Alex. Como despedida soplaré pidiendo un gran deseo para todos y que el año 2021 sea mejor , seguir cuidándose. Feliz Navidad. Besos
Seasons Greetings Mr. Flubby! I'm glad you suggested grabbing a coffee or tea, or in my case - hot apple cider, as this was such an enjoyable start to my day! I love what you and Birgit have done to Strawberry Cottage: her physically and of course with your expert guidance and direction.
It was so good in this time of Corona Restrictions to see the Christmas Market going strong and to be greeted by these much loved and always enjoyed cast of characters! Great work, Magica, for using your powers for the utmost good! Hey - would you mind speaking to our current president here in the US about one's responsibility with power? Er, sorry.
Santa Snow is a marvelous addition to the beary gang and I bet you all are so excited to have him! I truly have been looking forward to Birgit's Christmas spirit all year and am so happy that even a pandemic couldn't keep her from spreading it!
Que alegría volver a disfruta de Weihnachtsmarkt.
Será una gran alegría ver como sigue creciendo.
Un saludo
Dear Birgit, Fluby and Rosey,
What a wonderful start of Christmas!!! Yeahh we can say it now 😁. I love how Christmassy is Fluby´s cottage. It´s a delight to go to each corner and discover so many wonderful Christmas miniatures. Birgit, for sure is the most talented Christmas decorator of the mini world, don´t you agree? You are very lucky Fluby, your cottage is fantastic ❤❤❤.
It´s a beautiful thing that some things don´t change, and we have our fabulous Beary Christmas market open again! Thanks to Magica we can also get to enjoy this magical place 🎄. I love every stall and their wonders. The new benches are fenomenal, it´s a good thing you can get to rest a little bit of the tiring but awesome activity of walking around this wonderful Christmas market. One, for sure, need a moment to rest a bit, we are not getting any younger lol, and enjoy the delicious treats found in the market. Big cheers to Birgit, the benches are a success and their center pieces are amazing.
It was nice to meet Santa Snow I and II, they are adorable ⛄⛄, BIrgit´s mum must be over the moon.
Thank you for your appreciation of my humble pumpkins, I am so happy they are in the right hands 😁.
I would like to add that your 1st advent presents from Ilona are beautiful, I know how you must feel, those lanterns are WOW, totally outstanding ❤❤❤. Enjoy them, you deserve it. And at last, thank you for volume 93918 of the beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden" the photos are beautiful as always and the frost adds an extra touch of magic, beauty and Christmas feeling. Merry Christmas to you all!! 😘🎄😘
Birgit!!!!! Estás ahí???? Ven a mi blog, por favor!!! ♥
Dear Birgit,
What a wonderfull post. Full of lovely gifts given and received. A new friend for the flubberbearies and a trully stunning Christmas market where Covid needs not be on anyones mind.
This blogpost was a wonderful and enjoyable read. And at the end, we all get to make a wish ourselves! that is so lovely. I will not tell, but I have made my wish for next year and hope that it will come true.
I am not the only one when I say that I look forward to your post for the third sunday of advent. ;-)
Although the 1:1 Christmas Market was unavailable this year, attending your 1:12th scale Village of Christmas Stalls was even MORE Enjoyable for me!
I took your advice Birgit, and sipped my mug of hot chocolate as I casually strolled from booth to booth and looked at and examined ALL the Wonderful minis there on display! I must say that I lingered the longest at the pastry stall- but hey can I help it that I LOVE to eat sweets?
Moving does keep the body warm and although it may have been cold outside, being surrounded by so many tiny and lovely Christmassy things, instantly warmed my heart and I had sooooo much fun being where you are! :D
Another thing which warmed my heart was the unexpected surprise package I received in the mail last week! Exploring the contents of the package was as exciting for me as it must be for Birgit, Fluby and Rosey and each member of the Advent Calendar Group!
Please forward my BESTEST CHRISTMAS WISHES to each of the Beary Bears and to Birgit.
Sadly the DE-LICIOUS marzipan didn't last for long, but the assortment of craft items including the Wonderful 2021 Calendar will extend throughout the upcoming year and EVERYTHING will be put to good use! :D
GOD's Blessings to All! ❤️
I'm happy to know that one Christmas market at least is taking place. Wouldn't it be lovely if we could cast a spell in 1:1 scale too? Hold out for next year this time, I think it will happen! Wishing you a wonderful Christmas, and thank you for being instrumental in improving my German language reading skills this year.
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