here we are again - and still in June! My, once again we needed to clean our blog from dust... *LOL* And in the meantime summer actually came along to say "Hi". After a long time of dealing with what felt like a very cold and windy autumn with green leaves and day temperatures around 10° C we switched to hot summer since a few days. However, last Thursday started with 30° C and ended with heavy rain and thunderstorms and now we are back to around 20° C. This summer seems to be a rollercoaster...

Well, at least Birgit is happy with our acutal temperatures as she is not fond of hot weather... and she was also happy as we finally managed to take photos for another episode of our *ehem* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden" between the rain and cold coming along with storm which made it impossible for us to sit anywhere in the garden and the heat which makes it impossible for furry beings to enjoy going outside. Believe us, we only had a very short time slot and you can still spot rain drops on the hosta photos... but we managed to bring volume 93938 to life just in time when Birgit already started to fear she would need to use pictures from the archive to fill this year's BiWuBeary calendar. *LOL* Oh, I just notice... I could have made this much shorter by just announcing volume 93938 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden" but hey... that's not our style. *broad grin*
The hosta we're just visiting is a giant:
But the good thing about rainy weather is - apart from not needing to water the plants - having a bit of crafting time. And Birgit used this for assembling a special kit she had in her stash. It's the "Country Cabinet" kit by Iriginals and as this is dedicated for the former (sorry, we need to say it this time) Christmas project you know by now what this post's title means. So let's start with the three C's aka a Country Cabinet for a Christmas project - this is the kit:
Link to the commercial website of Iriginals: https://iriginals.nl/
Birgit started with a coat of gesso and tried to add some C-spirit by attaching stickers and embellishments.
And as this cabinet is dedicated to the kitchen of the North Pole project (which is also known as "Einar's Empire") it had to follow the colour scheme Birgit used for the kitchen furniture she created a long time ago. As service is in our blogbeary DNA we would like to give you a little reminder. Birgit used the furniture from one of her early works (back when she did not even dream it was ever possible to paint such expensive pieces) which was a very bland and boring kitchen roombox - and it looked like this:
And this is how the sink and the stove look after their makeover:
So with a lot of white and some metallic red the new cabinet will go along very well with the other pieces:
Time for "tadaaaaaa":
We heard rumours that Einar is storing his finished cakes in there... well, we'll see. And there are even more rumours about Birgit building yet another cabinet. Seems this one is meant for Lasse's room... and I can already reveal to you that Birgit found a very special theme for it... but this must wait for another post. For today we would like to show you two new garden inhabitants - my, Birgit wasn't able to resist their smile saying "You can trust us... although you shouldn't and you can only do it one time... but please, trust us". We may now introduce you to Bruce and Lee:
As I said... it only took a very short moment for us to understand why it was no good idea to ever trust them. And just in case you might wonder why you're going to find so many "Hi"s in the following dialogue... well, this conversation would be much funnier in our language as in German the word for shark is "Hai" and it is pronounced in the same way as "Hi"... please keep that in mind! *grin*
Bruce: Hi!
Lee: Hi!
Flutterby: Eh... hi, hi!
Rosey: Hi, hi too...
Bruce: You look yummy!
Lee: And you look tasty!
Flutterby (taking Rosey's paw): Well, I don't think so.
Rosey (very confident): Me neither. But if you would consider getting even closer to us I fear we might find out how filleted and roasted shark meat tastes.
Bruce and Lee (very surprised and at the same time): Whaaaaat???
Flutterby: Well, you did not expect us to ever trust you! So we called... let's say... the cavalry in advance.
Rosey: Please say "Hi" to Fluby's Godson... and to my boyfriend too!
*Sparkling stars announce the arrival of members of the magical world*
Magicus de Spell: Hi, hi!
Draco: Hi, hi! Did I just hear anybody asking for trouble?
Bruce: Eh... hi... eh... trouble? What trouble?
Magicus de Spell: My... the trouble anybody with the intention to have my girlfriend and my somehow brother-in-law for dinner would need to face? Hypothetically of course...
Draco: For sure hypothetically... because we would never allow anybody to have my godfather and his sister for dinner and would follow Rosey's suggestion instead.
Magicus de Spell (nods): Yeah, I would be in charge of the filleting part...
Draco: And I would not even need to wave my wand or mutter a spell as a good dose of dragon fire would be enough for the roasting part.
Lee (hastily): Wooohooo... calm down... you did not expect us to mean that serious???
Bruce (desperately trying to support him): No, we were just joking. As if we would ever harm a BiWuBeary!
Lee (in a very low voice): With surprisingly mighty protectors.
Bruce (whispering towards Lee): Who could have seen this coming after all? *And aloud* We were just making some fun. You can trust us... look at our faces... do we look like liars???
Magicus de Spell: No comment. However, we were joking too... no filleting and no roasting from our side.
Draco: But you will still get in touch with magic...
Magicus de Spell: Yes, because I put a spell on you two right now! *Continues in a severe voice* ☆ From now on until all eternity you will not be able in any possible way to ever harm anybody whoever being it may be. ☆ *And in his normal tone and with a broad grin* Sorry, guys - but we're all convinced that you will look pretty good in the garden just by your mere presence.
Draco: Sure you'll do... so hold your breath... we'll send you on your way.
And before Bruce and Lee were ever able to say "Hi" or anything else they found each other being situated in an "ocean" of pebbles in front of Birgit's house... and from now on until all eternity (or so) they will sit there without doing any harm to anybody and showing to everybody coming along a broad "You can trust us"-smile. *giggle*
Trusting Bruce and Lee and their greasy smile became much easier and most of all safer after the intervention of our magical friends. And you can always trust in me to be a gentlebeary, that's why Rosey and I helped Birgit once more with the update of her calendars. Here comes the evidence photo... dedicated to a certain owner of a Golden Book called Mr. Claus. *ehem*
And with this lovely calendar picture from June we're wishing to all of you a wonderful July!
Flutterby & Rosey