my, time flies! Once more it's that one day in the year when somebeary else is taking over "BiWuBären on the Blog". It's Halloween... and to me being the Major Witch of the Witch Towers it's a question of honor to bearsonally welcome you to a new post on this very special day. And the good thing about being a witch is that nobody or nobeary would ever think of not granting you such a modest wish. *giggle*
And as always I put myself in charge to work at our Magical Sales Shop while every magical being is preparing for the Night of Nights and hopefully finding out that some supplies are missing still and then dropping by or flying in at "De Spell's". Even witches and wizards need to make a living... *LOL* And I like working on this special day, although it's stressful with many customers being in a hurry everybody is in a cheerful mood and at the end of the day a wonderful party is waiting. And just among us... I prefer working here than participating in the party preparations. Take my word - even a very powerful beary witch like me doesn't want to stand in the way of the Magical Broom when he's doing the Halloween cleaning. Believe me... beneath the dust he also seems to sweep away any sense of humour for a day. *broadgrin*
And while Fluby and Rosey are on their way to the magical world - one in anticipation of many pieces of Knight Kunibert's famous apple pie "Snow White's Death" (btw that's what I call the magic of Halloween... if even the greatest strawberry addict in the world becomes an apple pie lover at least for one day) and the other one looking forward to meet my uncle. *grin* - they provided me with blog stuff I shall present to you. It's all about some things Birgit treated herself with - and now you know there's no typo in the headline. This is about treats... and who knows... perhaps also about tricks... like smuggling volume 93941 of "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden" into a post at Halloween hosted by a Major Witch. But do not fear... no picture flood:
And in case you may have wondered - Fluby and Rosey did not miss the chance to gain themselves some good points in Santa's Golden Book by helping Birgit once more with the monthly update of her many calendars. Well, there are rumours that especially one of them is in need of every good point... however, here comes the evidence photo:
And now it's time to show some new treats Birgit bought for the North Pole project - and as I must admit that I often have no idea what the use of some of these thingies might be or why somebody should ever need them Fluby and Rosey agreed to provide me with the necessary explanations. For example you're about to see a duct tape holder... I would never need it, why should I... muttering the right stick-together-spell will do the trick much better than duct tape ever could. But I understand that this might be helpful for non magical beings... so... here come our experienced blogbearies showing Birgit's latest stuff to you.
* * *
Hello from Rosey and me - and honestly... it makes us wonder why Magica insisted on hosting this post while making us do the work. Really... she's one clever and smart witch... *LOL* And because Magica de Spell already mentioned it we're starting right away showing the duct tape holder next to some other gorgeous 3d printed pieces Birgit bought from DollhouseDesign. A bouquet of all sorts of miniatures being dedicated for the North Pole project.
Link to the commercial website of DollhouseDesign: https://www.dollhousedesign.nl/en_GB/
Birgit also bought a cakestand, springform pans and a knife block for Einar's kitchen. The frames - and there are a few more of them - are meant for a very special purpose... but this is still a secret. However... one of you might be able to guess it. *wink* And the piece in the middle is meant to be a doll bed... but Birgit has other plans and is going to turn it into a special bed for Abby, the Christmas goose. And now let's have a closer look at the office set and the knife block:
Isn't this amazing - we're totally fascinated what is possible with 3D printing! Every knife can be taken out and the scissors even work... okay, when it comes to being movable. *grin* And the best thing is that you're able to choose the colors you need. It's easy to see why Birgit chose red and white for the knife block making it just perfect for the North Pole kitchen. And there's also a reason why the office set comes along in noble gold... it's meant for Ylvi's work desk. Well, we can't reveal much about Ylvi's work space yet but keep in mind that she is the Chief Elf of the Wishing Department... so the color gold might become quite important for her work area. *smile*
But sadly not all possible colors are available for all items in this shop. When Birgit bought a chair for Lasse's work desk (sad but true... even Christmas Elves need to go to school and have to do homework) she would have liked to have a transparent one but as this wasn't possible she decided for a color called "milky white" expecting this would be transparent too. And yes, it was... in some way... but not to Birgit's likings... and also not to Lasse's likings...
This way it did not fit into the color scheme of Lasse's room... but hey, these are the risks of ordering online. And my, problems of this kind are just solutions coming around in working clothes! *LOL* So it was time for a little makeover... and for a bit of that special Birgit touch. For some reasons which can not be explained here (but might be related to some special holiday at the end of the year which is coming closer so fast that every flutterybeary in need of good points can only panic... eh... where was I... oh yes...) Birgit happened to have plenty of leftovers from sticker lines. So she thought why not give it a try and reduce the waste by using at least some of those stickers? And you know Birgit... she did try!
According to us and - most important of all - to Lasse she turned his chair into a very special and totally unique piece matching with his room and fitting with his work desk. The main piece for this is the miniature version of a common chest of drawers called "Alex" being sold at a well-known Suedish furniture shop.
Birgit really wanted to have this for Lasse's room because the real life version of this is part of her own work desk. Strange... but she did not allow us to take a picture of this... well... let's explain it this way: There are too many creative ideas lying around at her work desk and she doesn't want this creative mess to be seen in public *teehee*. Anyhow, this miniature version of Birgit's "Alex" needed a very special treatment still to make it match with Lasse's room theme (and btw - anybody still thinking this was about frost and snow is already on the right trace.. but still... the real theme is in fact something else). It's hard to spot at the photo but the visible parts got a coat of white metallic paint and after adding some decorations it looks like this now:
Birgit also bought a seat for Lasse's chill-out-zone...
... and another seat meant for Lasse's parents which caused some questions around here.
Honestly... why would one need a seat after all which is... eh... totally grounded??? I mean... a cushion would do as well and that would be less expensive... or just sitting down on the ground. Well, we were really wondering why Birgit bought such a strange chair...
... and it took quite a bit of examination...
... but then we finally understood. So we weren't surprised anymore when Birgit painted it in her favorite green metallic color and came along with the red cushion being part of Lasse's bedding set (shown in our last post).
Anybody having an idea for the cushion? And the amazing benefit of that chair? We are convinced you do and that there will be no big surprise when we're showing you this now:
And now for the best thing of being a blogbeary: Testing!!! Yippiiiieeee!!! And because I am a gentlebeary from top to toe I remembered the good old rule "ladies first"... even if only my little sis' is around for the ladies' part... *giggle*
And I really need to point out that this was only a little joke. Really!!! As if I would ever mock my sister a few weeks before You-know-what! *broadgrin* And now it's time for a little parental advisory: Please send the minors away... the following is for adults' eyes only! Because now it's time for a flutterbeary striptease! Woohoo!!!
Ha, now I got YOU!!! Everybody thinking I would go naked now was seriously mistaken! Even if I take off my wings I'm still fully dressed. Remember - a flutterybeary would only be naked without the bell around his neck. *teehee* But back to the topic... Rosey and I are totally in love with this stunning swing chair. I would love to have one for Strawberry Cottage too... if I only had the space. *sigh* Oh, speaking of space... Birgit also cared about some storing space for Lasse by painting a gorgeous hamper set being bought from Artofmini. One set consists of 2 hampers in 2 sizes - at the photo you can see the smaller one already being painted and the bigger one in its original state.
Link to the commercial website of Artofmini: https://www.artofmini.com/en-uk/index.html
And we're ending today with giving you a hint of what Birgit is doing next... once more related to the theme of Lasse's room... with the help of 3D prints bought from Nalladris.
Link to the commercial website of Nalladris: https://www.nalladris.com/
And before we leave for today (remember - there's a Halloween party waiting for us *beams-with-joy*) we would like to give you an impression how these figurines can look after spending some time with Birgit and her brushes. And who knows - maybe the tree guy in the middle might look familiar to some...
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And only a little later... in a secret place far, far away but yet quite near to us...
10 Kommentare:
Hi Birgit, Rosey, Fluby, and all the others who appear on this blog especially for Halloween, because let's be honest: what is Birgit's blog (and Betsy's) without a story about Halloween?? It's tradition ;)!!
So of course Magica is in charge today for Halloween, so stay away from her! I can imagine Fluby and Rosey running away into the garden, it must be better there than inside with a magical witch.
Cool that Birgit is still working on her North Pole project, I'm sooo curious to see how that will turn out.
Those items from dollshouse design are necessary for the North Pole, especially if your name is Mr. S! And then all the ideas that Birgit has for this project, she keeps us in suspense, phew.
Pay attention to using that knife in the kitchen, in combination with geese......well, I can only say: pay attention ;O!
I agree that Birgit's touch was the solution for Lasse's colored chair. He is incredibly spoiled with his new furniture, Birgit has a soft spot for him.
And then that swing: WOOOOW!! Birgit can still think creatively, say, well done! And it can't get any crazier: striptease on a blog in the blog world??? Oh my, deep sigh (from laughing) :ODD!!
I see that Birgit has also shopped in quite a few Dutch webshops ;) well, THE festive month of the year (also North Pole related) is coming.
I read the whole story, enjoying it with a cup of tea, accompanied by an overheated mobile phone, which contains all kinds of photos and fun stuff of my grandson, who is going trick & treating from house to house for the first time, of course with mom :) After reading Betsy's Halloween story, I couldn't wish for more fun on Halloween.
Dearest Nirgit, Rosey, Fluby and all the others of the gang: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!
Warm hugs, Ilona and Schepje, who was sad because we don't go door to door (Halloween is sadly not celebrated here in our village)
Siempre es un placer contemplar tu blog y las cosas maravillosas que nos muestras .
Esa tienda de Halloween es fantástica, no le falta ni un detalle. Me encanta !!!!
Y los nuevos accesorios en 3D una maravilla, incluso el sillón verde !!
Gracias de nuevo Birgit por la bienvenida del mes de noviembre con tu calendario, siempre es una maravilla ver la composición floral acompañado de tus lindos ositos. Labruja Mayor de Witch Tower tiene un puesto con todas las pócimas mágicas y detalles preciosos como ese lindo murciélago en su hombro. Ya se ve que tu mente no para para tu escena del Polo Norte con las compras de impresiones 3D, que se ve ya tienen su sitio .
Nosotros por aquí tampoco celebramos Halloween, pero os deseo feliz día y que lo paséis muy bien
Dear Magica, it is so good to see your wonderful Market Shop open for business! And it is also Wonderfully magical of you to put together such a wonderful post full of the words of Fluby and Rosey! :):) I can see your Powers of Persuasion are not diminished at all! That Fluby and Rosey would love to tell all about the garden and Birgit's new Treasures is easy to understand! You have made great team work for this Post! As for Fluby and Rosey, I can understand your helpfulness as that Holiday which must not be named is now so near we might almost have to admit.... we are panicking and some might need more than just good points! But I imagine Birgit has been so wrapped up in this Holiday all year,... she might have forgotten to panic! :):) All these new treasures for The Home of Lasse and Ylvi and Einar...... could this be The Christmas House? (Ooops.... did I just let that Word out of the closet???) Oh well.... I can admit I am panicking because I have so many big tasks still to accomplish this year... or next year as by now you know I fail every year to meet the "deadline"!) But that is beside the point... I Love the items Birgit has prepared for Lasse's room! Snowbeings must be part of this them! As for the wonders of 3-D printers.... I am so old fashioned.... you know me... I like to use the glue trick, or paper and wire.... but that doesn't mean the 3-D items aren't wonderful... they are Fantastic!! :):) Anybeary or Elf being would love that swing seat! Not to mention all those lovely tools and gadgets! But really... those figurines are absolutely divine once they have met with Birgit's brushes!!! I am loving this whole project sooo much... well, as you can imagine... I am Dreaming of "Someday" over here where the projects are piled sky high!!! :):) By the way Happy Halloween or Hallows Day by now! :):):)
Da bin ich wohl ein bisschen spät zu der Party ;0) Wer mich aber kennt weiß ja, dass ich ohnehin eher ein Partymuffel bin. Wie ich sehe, hatten aber alle einen richtig schön schaurigen Halloween Abend. Hoffentlich liefen auch die Geschäfte für Magica de Spell gut. Auch eine Hexe muss ja schauen wo sie bleibt. Die Zeiten sind ja nicht so einfach.
Das neu angeschaffte Equipment für das Nordpol Projekt lässt ja wieder keine Wünsche offen. Bestimmt wird es wieder ein Haus zum wohlfühlen; das mit viel Liebe zum Detai gestaltet wurde. Die Schaukel ist wirklich wunderschön. Ich kann das Flutterbärchen gut verstehen, dass es sich eine solche Schaukel für Strawberry Cottage wünscht. Sie hat ja sogar schon die passenden Farben. Vielleicht hat ja der Weihnachtsmann ein einsehen. Wo das Flutterbärchen ja das ganze Jahr über so fleißig Pluspunkte sammelt.
Me perdí Halloween, que pena como aquí no se celebra no me entero donde están las fiestas a tiempo. Las minis que has comprado son preciosas y veo que estas haciendo proyectos nuevos.
Un saludo
Hola amigos! siento haberme perdido la celebración de Halloween este año, pero marché unos días de vacaciones y al volver nuestra pequeña sobrina-nieta ha merecido toda nuestra atención!
Así que he disfrutado con la historia y con el estupendo puesto de mercado de halloween de Major Witch of the Witch Towers!
Veo que Birgit trabaja mucho con la estación del Polo Norte,que ganas de ver más y más! , en un suspiro ya llega la Navidad, estoy segura que estaréis ganando muchos puntos para su libro de oro!
Me encantan los muebles de Lasse!
Hello you all! I can see that Birtgit has been pretty busy making her magic once again. It seems that the North Pole project is making good progress and I can´t wait to see it!! I am sure it will be amazing as everything Birgit does. I also see that you had a great time at Halloween and I hope you had lots of apple pie too, which by the way, I love!
Well, that time of the year that we all love and look forward here at BiWuBearies land is coming soon and I am happy to see that Rosey but especially Fluby are making enough good points so the can enjoy big time. I guess I will see you soon. Lots of love ❤
Beautiful post! Your purchases are wonderful.
Precioso el mercadillo
Feliz Navidad
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