so, jetzt aber mal Butter bei die Fische: Wo ist der April geblieben??? Ich nehme wie immer sachdienliche Hinweise entgegen... *lach* Und bei der Gelegenheit wüsste ich dann auch gerne, ob es nur mir so vorkommt, dass die Zeit in 2016 sogar NOCH schneller läuft... Ich habe sogar schon darüber nachgedacht, ob ich schon mal meinen Wunschzettel für Weihnachten beginnen sollte - stellt Euch vor, da sagt doch meine Birgit glatt zu mir: "Bevor Du auch nur an Deinen Wunschzettel denkst, solltest Du erst mal dafür sorgen, dass das überhaupt lohnt - Du weißt ja, der Weihnachtsmann kommt nur zu artigen Flatterbärchen, die viele Pluspunkte im Goldenen Buch haben... und wer immer heimlich in die Bonbonschale langt, der kommt nicht so leicht an Pluspunkte." Ich weiß gar nicht... habe ich eigentlich schon mal erwähnt, dass ich das hier auch nicht immer leicht habe? Vor allem frage ich mich, woher Birgit so was immer weiß? Schreibt ihr der Weihnachtsmann 'ne Memo? Hat sie heimliche magische Kräfte... oder kennt sie mich einfach nur so gut... Fragen... immer so viele Fragen... *grins*
... okay, let's talk business now: Where has April gone to??? As usual I'm accepting any useful hint... *LOL* I would also take this opportunity to ask if I have ever wondered before if it's just me or if time is really running EVEN faster in 2016... I've also thought about whether to start with my Christmas wishing list now - guess what, my Birgit just said to me: "Before you even start to think about your wishing list you should better make sure it's worth the effort at all - you know Santa only visits flutterybearies who are nice and who earned many good points in the Golden Book... and those who always secretly steal candy out of the jar don't earn good points the easy way." I wonder now... did I ever mention before that it's not always that easy around here for me? And above all I'm wondering how Birgit is always able to know all of this? Does Santa write her a note? Does she have hidden magical powers... or is it just because she knows me so well... questions... always so many questions... *grin*
... okay, let's talk business now: Where has April gone to??? As usual I'm accepting any useful hint... *LOL* I would also take this opportunity to ask if I have ever wondered before if it's just me or if time is really running EVEN faster in 2016... I've also thought about whether to start with my Christmas wishing list now - guess what, my Birgit just said to me: "Before you even start to think about your wishing list you should better make sure it's worth the effort at all - you know Santa only visits flutterybearies who are nice and who earned many good points in the Golden Book... and those who always secretly steal candy out of the jar don't earn good points the easy way." I wonder now... did I ever mention before that it's not always that easy around here for me? And above all I'm wondering how Birgit is always able to know all of this? Does Santa write her a note? Does she have hidden magical powers... or is it just because she knows me so well... questions... always so many questions... *grin*
Aber es kann ja nie schaden, sich ein paar Pluspunkte zu verdienen... außerdem habe ich einen Ruf zu verlieren... ich bin schließlich ein Gentlebär von Kopf bis Fuß *kicher* - und so habe ich natürlich auch am 1. Mai meiner Birgit bei der Umstellung ihrer zahlreichen Kalender geholfen. Unser Sprüchekalender kommt uns diesen Monat mit einem schönen Spruch von Charles Dickens: "Wünsche sind nie klug. Das ist sogar das Beste an ihnen."
But it can never be wrong to gain a few good points... and on top I have a reputation to be proud of... you know I'm a gentlebear from top to toe *giggle* - so of course I've helped my Birgit once more to update all of her calendars at May 1st. Our wisdom calendar comes along with a nice saying from Charles Dickens (as always I'm not going to quote but try to say it in my own poor English) about wishes never being smart - but that would somehow be the best about them.
But it can never be wrong to gain a few good points... and on top I have a reputation to be proud of... you know I'm a gentlebear from top to toe *giggle* - so of course I've helped my Birgit once more to update all of her calendars at May 1st. Our wisdom calendar comes along with a nice saying from Charles Dickens (as always I'm not going to quote but try to say it in my own poor English) about wishes never being smart - but that would somehow be the best about them.
Genau - und das Allerbeste ist sogar, sich hin und wieder einen Wunsch zu erfüllen... eine schöne große Schale voll mit Erdbeeren wäre zum Beispiel ein großer Wunsch von mir... süße, rote, saftige, aromatische Erdbeeren... *seufz*... das kommt auch ganz oben auf meine Liste für den Weihnachtsmann, jawohl... äh... wo war ich... ach ja... Aber jetzt im Frühling gibt es ja noch einen anderen großen Wunsch, sobald das Wetter einigermaßen freundlich ist: Raus an die frische Luft! Rosey und ich haben letzten Sonntag erst mal in unserem Garten nach dem Rechten gesehen... und daher heiße Euch nun herzlich Willkommen zur 93877. Folge von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten"! *lach*
Sure - and it would be even better if we'd grant ourselves a wish every now and then... a nice huge bowl filled with strawberries would for example be a big wish of mine... sweet, red, juicy, aromatic strawberries... *sigh*... that's one to put on top of my list for Santa, yessir... eh... where was I... oh yes... But now in spring there's another big wish coming up whenever the weather is nice: Get out and breathe fresh air! Rosey and I had things checked in our garden last Sunday... and that's why I'm cordially welcoming you to part 93877 of "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"! *LOL*
Sure - and it would be even better if we'd grant ourselves a wish every now and then... a nice huge bowl filled with strawberries would for example be a big wish of mine... sweet, red, juicy, aromatic strawberries... *sigh*... that's one to put on top of my list for Santa, yessir... eh... where was I... oh yes... But now in spring there's another big wish coming up whenever the weather is nice: Get out and breathe fresh air! Rosey and I had things checked in our garden last Sunday... and that's why I'm cordially welcoming you to part 93877 of "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"! *LOL*
Einfach schön, die ersten Sonnenstrahlen auf dem Fell zu spüren...
Simply great to fear the first sunbeams on the fur...
Manche würden sagen, das ist ein Fleck Unkraut im Rasen... aber wenn man so klein ist wie wir, dann ist das ein Gänseblümchenbeet... und einfach wunderschön!
Many would say this is just a spot of weeds in our lawn... but for those being as small as us this is a bed of daisies... and simply beautiful!
Mal ehrlich... jemand der so lieb guckt, würde doch nie widerrechtlich in die Bonbondose langen, oder??? *hihi*
Say... someone looking as nice as me here would never ever put his paws into the candy jar without permission, wouldn't he??? *teehee*
Die Sternmagnolie hat leider etwas durch den Schnee letzte Woche gelitten... Übrigens - findet Ihr nicht, dass Rosey noch etwas blass aussieht? *höhö*
Sadly our star magnolia suffered from last week's snow... Btw - don't you think too that Rosey looks a bit pale still? *hehe*
Ich dagegen habe doch schon einen schönen braunen Teint, oder? *lach*
But I do have a nice tan already, don't I? *LOL*
Bevor ich mich für heute verabschiede, habe ich noch ein weiteres Zitat für Euch - Albert Einstein hat einmal gesagt: "Vorstellungskraft ist wichtiger als Wissen." Nun, ich bin nur ein kleines Flatterbärchen - aber ich frage mich: Ist es nun wichtiger, sich nur vorzustellen, was in dem Überraschungspäckchen ist, das wir kürzlich von einer lieben Freundin bekommen haben - oder wäre es doch besser zu wissen, was drin ist? Hmm...
Before I'm saying goodbye for today I have another saying for you - Albert Einstein once said imagination would be more important than knowledge. Well, I'm just a small flutterybeary - but I wonder: Is it more important to just imagine what's inside of the surprise package we recently received from a dear friend - or would it be better to know what's inside? Hmm...
Also... ich bin ja eher wissbegierig... *grins* Und deshalb werden wir Euch beim nächsten Mal verraten, was alles in dem geheimnisvollen Päckchen enthalten war... und wer da so lieb an uns gedacht hat... ja, so machen wir das! Und für heute bleibt mir nur, Euch einen wunderschönen Mai zu wünschen! ;O)
Well... I am eager for knowledge... *grin* And that's why we're going to show you the next time what was inside of this mysterious package... and who was the one thinking so kindly of us... yes, that's the way we're going to handle this! And for today there's only one thing left to do - I'm wishing to all of you a great May! ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
15 Kommentare:
Hello Flutterby,
I just love the spring and I'm happy you are enjoying it as well. THe flowers are lovely, but I am sorry for the beautiful magnolias.
I wish you all the best May ever.
Big hug
Love these spring pictures, thank you! finally spring is also here! today is beautiful sun and all trees are so green :-D
Interesting new packet ..."fragile"... sounds mysterious :-)
Замечательная весенняя экскурсия!!! Моя улыбка зацепилась за уши!!! Я с удовольствием читала ваше сообщение! Хороших выходных!
Gosh I love your garden!! Again so many pretty flowers and bears around. :D We all can't wait to see what is in this parcel! But for now we wich you a very happy May!
Hugs and kisses from Lady A., Peevee and me.
Hallo liebe Freunden! I see that you all are enjoying this most beautiful sunny spring weather, just as we do here in The Netherlands :D!! I LOVE to see all of your colorful pictures, they really are a feast for the eyes. But I'm sorry for your Magnolia, such a pity, did it happen by night frost? These past two weeks it was also cold here, even snow and hail and I'm afraid we've lost our Agapanthus, due to the cold at nights :(.
Regarding the last picture: I see that there has been someone thinking of you, uh, who would that be.......I've no idea ;)!!! So, Fluby, you still have to wait for some days, until you can open the parcel and see what is inside of this box. Enjoy the unwrapping :) and enjoy your wonderful weather (I do, indoors ;o)!!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje (who is solidair with me ;O) und Ilona
Meus amigos tenham um mes de maio feliz.....Estou curiosa para saber oque tem dentro do pacote misterioso.beijos.
What beautiful pictures, bears make everything better. Your pictures made me feel so happy.
Big Hugs,
Dear Fluby, I agree with you, There must be something happening to all those minutes that seem to be disappearing from MY days! LOL! Maybe we need to launch an investigation of where the minutes go and whether they are breaking the speed limits!!! :) It is hard to believe it is MAY already... especially with it still Feeling more like April over here! The trees and the Blossoms don't seem to be in as big a Hurry as all those Minutes! :) But nevertheless, it is a Delight to see you and Rosey have been inspecting Spring in the Garden!!! Before we know it it Will be Strawberry Season.... and after that, Well, you might as well warn Birgit that she should just get started on the Christmas Plans and forget about all those other things that seem to get in the way!!! :) But even more that means behaving in a way that makes Golden Points...! which Obviously you are doing ALL the Time!!! :) Yes, we can Wish for things that might not be the wisest .... but might be the most fun anyway! And now I am really curious as to what was sent in that mysterious package? I hope Birgit will let you open it very quickly!!! :)
Hallo zusammen
Da bin ich aber gespannt, was sich im Päcklein befindet.
Wunderschön sind die frühlingshaften Bilder. Bei uns ist der Frühling endlich angekommen. Wir werden mit ganz viel Sonnenschein verwöhnt.
Ein sonniges und gemütliches Wochenende wünscht Euch Yvonne
que bonito va floreciendo tu jardín
Wow how beautiful are the flowers in your garden. The pansies are lovely and quite big in comparison to ours here.
I wish you a wonderful sunny weekend.
Hugs, Drora
Wonderful sunny spring pictures. I love the picture of you both in the pansies my favourite flowers :) Yes time is going faster and faster each month for sure it will be ch*****as before we know it. Wow that package sure looks interesting I hope it is opened soon :-) Happy May
Hugs Maria
Bei Euch ist ja auch endlich der Frühling eingekehrt das ist toll, aber dass Du uns so neugierig machst und dann erst nächstes Mal zeigst, was im Päckchen ist , ist schon ein wenig fies ;-)
Beautiful flowers in the garden. I love these spring photos.
Was für schöne Bilder. Der Mai hat uns ja in den letzten Tagen sehr verwöhnt. Das muss man einfach genießen. Da guckt man auch mal über die lästigen Pollen hinweg.
Erdbeeren gibt es ja jetzt auch bald. Auf dem Markt und in den Supermärkten sind sie ja schon zu bekommen. Erdbeeren vom Weihnachtsmann sind dagegen schon ein luxuriöses Geschenk. ;0)
Ich wünsche euch noch eine schöne Woche
Liebe Grüße
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