tja... so leid es uns tut... aber heute haben wir - neben anderem - Folge 93883 unserer Reihe "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten" im Gepäck... *lach* Was sollen wir machen - der Juni ist nun mal nicht nur der Erdbeermonat (ach ja... süße, rote, saftige, aromatische Erdbeeren... *seufz* Ich könnte schon wieder glatt eine ganze Schale voll verputzen... äh... wo war ich...) sondern auch der Rosenmonat. Und überhaupt blüht im Moment alles im Garten um die Wette und da müssen Rosey und ich einfach raus und die Blumen besuchen. Achtung - unkommentierte Bilderflut! *grins*
... well... we somehow regret it... but nevertheless today it's time - next to other things - for part 93883 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"... *LOL* What are we supposed to do - June is not only the strawberry month (oh my... sweet, red, juicy, aromatic strawberries... *sigh* I could have a full bowl now right away... eh... where was I...) but also the roses' month. At the moment everything is in full bloom in the garden so Rosey and I have no choice but to go out and visit the flowers. Beware - picture flood without comments! *grin*
Blumen sind aber nicht nur im Garten schön, sondern machen sich auch immer gut auf Karten. Birgit musste kürzlich zwei Glückwunschkarten für eine Hochzeit machen - und Rosey und ich haben wie immer die Endkontrolle übernommen.
But Flowers are not only pretty in the garden but look also good on cards. Birgit had to make two congratulation cards for a wedding lately - and as always Rosey and I were in charge for final check.
But Flowers are not only pretty in the garden but look also good on cards. Birgit had to make two congratulation cards for a wedding lately - and as always Rosey and I were in charge for final check.
Also, wir haben die abgenickt... *kicher* Aber Birgit hat nicht nur Karten gebastelt, sondern sich auch an einer kleinen Miniaturspielerei versucht. Vielleicht erinnert Ihr Euch noch, dass wir von Betsy zu Weihnachten einen Beutel voll mit Good Luck Minis von Safari bekommen haben. Das war für Birgit gleich doppelte Freude - einmal wegen des Geschenks an sich, klar, aber auch, weil sie bisher nicht sicher war, ob sich mit diesen Plastikfiguren etwas anfangen ließe und sich nicht recht getraut hat, dafür Geld auszugeben. Nun aber war für Birgit klar: Die Dinger sind toll - und haben jede Menge Potential. Man kann die Figuren auch sortenrein bestellen - was Birgit gemacht hat. Als erstes hat es diesen Drachen erwischt:
Well, they got our approval... *giggle* But Birgit did not only craft cards but she also played along with miniatures. Maybe you still remember that Birgit received a bag full of Good Luck Minis by Safari from Betsy for Christmas. This was double happiness for Birgit - once because of the gift itself, sure, but also because so far Birgit was wondering if these plastic figurines would fit for anything and she was not sure whether to lay her money down for them or not. But now Birgit knew for sure: These pieces are gorgeous - with big potential. And you can even order these figurines by variety - what Birgit did. The first one who couldn't escape from her was this dragon:
Well, they got our approval... *giggle* But Birgit did not only craft cards but she also played along with miniatures. Maybe you still remember that Birgit received a bag full of Good Luck Minis by Safari from Betsy for Christmas. This was double happiness for Birgit - once because of the gift itself, sure, but also because so far Birgit was wondering if these plastic figurines would fit for anything and she was not sure whether to lay her money down for them or not. But now Birgit knew for sure: These pieces are gorgeous - with big potential. And you can even order these figurines by variety - what Birgit did. The first one who couldn't escape from her was this dragon:
Nach einer ersten Begegnung mit Birgits Pinseln sah er dann so aus:
After a first meeting with Birgit's brushes it looked like this:
After a first meeting with Birgit's brushes it looked like this:
Aber es gab noch einige Dates mehr mit Pinsel, Farbe und Birgit und das ist dann aus dem Drachen geworden:
And after some more dates with brushes, paint and Birgit this is what the dragon looked like in the end:
And after some more dates with brushes, paint and Birgit this is what the dragon looked like in the end:
Hier könnt Ihr die Entwicklung vom ursprünglichen Gummidrachen zum Birgit-Drachen noch mal besser sehen:
Here you can see the evolution from the original rubber dragon to a Birgit-dragon a little better:
Here you can see the evolution from the original rubber dragon to a Birgit-dragon a little better:
Danach waren die geflügelten Pferde der griechischen Mythologie dran...
After this it was time for the winged horses of Greek mythology...
After this it was time for the winged horses of Greek mythology...
Pegasus war der Gott der Pferde und steht für die Dichtkunst. Areion war das schnellste aller Pferde, er war so schnell, dass er sogar über Wasser laufen konnte - und seien wir mal ehrlich... er kann auch einen Zweitjob als Vampirpferd annehmen. *grins* Birgits Plan war, aus diesen Gummipferden Deko-Objekte zu machen, die wie Porzellanfiguren aussehen. Schaut selbst, ob ihr das gelungen ist.
Pegasus was the God of Horses and a patron of poetry. Areion was the fastest of all horses, he was so fast that he was able to run on water - and let's be honest... he can easily take a side job as a vampire horse. *grin* Birgit's plan was to turn these rubber horses into decorative objects looking like porcelain figurines. Have a look and decide whether she was successful or not.
Pegasus was the God of Horses and a patron of poetry. Areion was the fastest of all horses, he was so fast that he was able to run on water - and let's be honest... he can easily take a side job as a vampire horse. *grin* Birgit's plan was to turn these rubber horses into decorative objects looking like porcelain figurines. Have a look and decide whether she was successful or not.
Hier seht Ihr die Zwei noch mal bei einem Dekotermin in Flower Cottage.
Here you can see them again at a photo shooting in Flower Cottage.
Here you can see them again at a photo shooting in Flower Cottage.
Und wo Birgit schon mal dabei war, ihre Pinsel zu schwingen, hat sie sich auch noch einen Playmobil-Frosch vorgenommen. Ihr findet sicher heraus, welcher von Beiden das Original und welches die Birgit-Version ist... *zwinker*
And while Birgit was already together with her brushes she also started a makeover of a frog by Playmobil. I guess you'll be able to find out which one of them is the original and which one the version by Birgit... *wink*
And while Birgit was already together with her brushes she also started a makeover of a frog by Playmobil. I guess you'll be able to find out which one of them is the original and which one the version by Birgit... *wink*
Birgits Pinsel kamen natürlich auch in Bowlers Schneeballhaus zum Einsatz - aber da zeigen wir Euch jetzt nur einen kleinen Appetizer...
And of course Birgit's brushes were also needed in Bowler's snowball home - but we're just showing you a small appetizer now...
And of course Birgit's brushes were also needed in Bowler's snowball home - but we're just showing you a small appetizer now...
... denn heute müssen wir Euch unbedingt noch unseren tollen Gewinn von Carmen zeigen. Diejenigen von Euch, die Carmen kennen, werden uns sicher zustimmen - Carmens Kreativität kennt keine Grenzen... und ihre Großzügigkeit auch nicht. Und so war unsere Freude riesengroß, dass wir bei ihrem letzten "Sorteo" die Glücklichen waren - und nur wenige Tage später kam ein großer Umschlag bei uns an und in dem war diese wunderschöne Schachtel.
... because today we really need to show you our fantastic win from Carmen. Those of you who know Carmen will for sure agree - Carmen's creativity knows no limits... and neither does her generosity. That's why we were totally happy being the lucky ones to win her latest "sorteo" - and only a few days later a big envelope arrived at our home with this pretty box inside.
... because today we really need to show you our fantastic win from Carmen. Those of you who know Carmen will for sure agree - Carmen's creativity knows no limits... and neither does her generosity. That's why we were totally happy being the lucky ones to win her latest "sorteo" - and only a few days later a big envelope arrived at our home with this pretty box inside.
Es ist immer wieder klasse, so eine Geschenkschachtel auspacken zu dürfen. *freu* So viele liebevoll verpackte Schätze!
It's always a big fun being allowed to open such a gift box. *beams-with-joy* So many nicely wrapped treasures!
It's always a big fun being allowed to open such a gift box. *beams-with-joy* So many nicely wrapped treasures!
Hier könnt Ihr sehen, was Carmen uns alles geschickt hat:
Here you can see what Carmen has sent to us:
Here you can see what Carmen has sent to us:
Blumendraht, eine Flasche Champagner, eine Schachtel Cola Cao, einen Schnellkochtopf mit Verpackung und ein Kinderbuch. Den Schnellkochtopf und das Buch müssen wir Euch noch einmal näher zeigen:
Paper wire, a bottle of champagne, a box of Cola Cao, a pressure cooker with box and a children's book. We would like to show the pressure cooker and the book in detail:
Paper wire, a bottle of champagne, a box of Cola Cao, a pressure cooker with box and a children's book. We would like to show the pressure cooker and the book in detail:
Den Kochtopf hat Carmen aus einer Glocke/Schelle gemacht... und das Buch ist lesbar und hat eine besondere Form. Wir sind total begeistert!
Carmen made the pressure cooker out of a bell... and the book is readable and has a special shape. We are over the moon with this!
Carmen made the pressure cooker out of a bell... and the book is readable and has a special shape. We are over the moon with this!
Estimada Carmen, gracias por todos estos regalos maravillosos - que son todos consiguen un lugar de honor! Estábamos muy feliz por ello - GRACIAS !!!
Und beim nächsten Mal gibt's dann Neues von Bowlers Haus... und bis dahin... also... ein Blumenbild haben wir noch... ;O)
And the next time we are going to show progress with Bowler's home... and until then... well... we still got another flower picture... ;O)
And the next time we are going to show progress with Bowler's home... and until then... well... we still got another flower picture... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs