nun ist der Sommer offiziell vorbei. Der Herbst ist da und die Bäume beginnen ja bereits, die Farbe zu wechseln und mit "Sebastian" hat auch schon der erste heftige Herbststurm vorbei geschaut (der zum Glück nicht annähernd so schlimm war wie Harvey, Irma und Maria - so grausam). Und Ihr habt es bestimmt schon befürchtet... natürlich bedeutet Herbst auch, dass es Zeit ist für Folge 93885 von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Fotos von BiWuBärchen im Garten"... *grins* Hin und wieder gibt es ja mal einen schönen Altweibersommertag - und dann hält Rosey und mich nichts mehr drinnen, da müssen wir raus und schauen, was im Garten so los ist.
... now summer is officially over. Autumn is here and the trees are already starting to change their colors and with "Sebastian" we already had the first heavy thunderstorm of the season (luckily far away from being as serious as Harvey, Irma and Maria - so cruel). And I suppose you have already been on alert... of course autumn also means that it is now time for volume 93885 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"... *grin* Every now and then we are lucky to enjoy a nice Indian Summer day (our German word for this is "Altweibersommer" which would be old women's summer in English... it refers to the morning mist and especially to the spider webs that resemble the thin and white hair of elderly ladies) and then there's no stopping Rosey and me from having a look at what's going on in our garden.
... now summer is officially over. Autumn is here and the trees are already starting to change their colors and with "Sebastian" we already had the first heavy thunderstorm of the season (luckily far away from being as serious as Harvey, Irma and Maria - so cruel). And I suppose you have already been on alert... of course autumn also means that it is now time for volume 93885 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"... *grin* Every now and then we are lucky to enjoy a nice Indian Summer day (our German word for this is "Altweibersommer" which would be old women's summer in English... it refers to the morning mist and especially to the spider webs that resemble the thin and white hair of elderly ladies) and then there's no stopping Rosey and me from having a look at what's going on in our garden.
Auch unsere Birgit hat geschaut, was im Garten so los ist. Aber sie wollte sich nicht nur so wie wir an Heide und Hortensie erfreuen, nein, Birgit wollte einen Dieb stellen! Jawohl, einen Dieb in unserem Garten... einen gemeinen Verbrecher, der unsere Weintrauben stiehlt. Und Birgit hat ihn tatsächlich in flagranti erwischt - sogar (für Birgit völlig untypisch) zusammen mit ihrer Kamera. Und so sieht ein böser Weintraubendieb aus:
Our Birgit too wanted to look at what's going on in our garden. But her intention was not only to enjoy heather and hydrangea like we did, no, Birgit wanted to catch a thief! Yes, a thief in our garden... an evil criminal stealing our grapes. And Birgit really managed to catch him in the act - even (regarding Birgit very unusual) together with her camera. And that's how a bad grape robber looks like:
Our Birgit too wanted to look at what's going on in our garden. But her intention was not only to enjoy heather and hydrangea like we did, no, Birgit wanted to catch a thief! Yes, a thief in our garden... an evil criminal stealing our grapes. And Birgit really managed to catch him in the act - even (regarding Birgit very unusual) together with her camera. And that's how a bad grape robber looks like:
Ach, Ihr meint, dieser Dieb sehe doch eigentlich ganz harmlos aus? Na, dann schaut mal genauer hin, wie gründlich der die Weintrauben abräumt. Hier zum Beispiel hat er schon ganze Arbeit geleistet:
So, you think this thief doesn't appear to plan any mischief? Well, just have a closer look how careful he is taking the grapes. Here's an example of his well done job:
So, you think this thief doesn't appear to plan any mischief? Well, just have a closer look how careful he is taking the grapes. Here's an example of his well done job:
Und es besteht kein Zweifel: Er plant schon den nächsten Coup! Falls nun jemand meint, wir könnten doch einfach die Bank wegstellen... das hält den guten Amselino nicht auf. Ja, der Dieb ist tatsächlich unsere hauseigene Amsel namens Amselino, es ist empörend... der ebenso dreiste wie clevere Piepmatz fliegt auch direkt in die Pflanze, wenn er unten alles weggemuffelt hat. He, glaub' nicht, dass wir Dich nicht sehen!
And without any doubt he's already planning his next coup! And in case somebody might think now we could just take that bench away... this would never stop ol' Amselino. Yes, this thief is indeed our very own blackbird called Amselino (which is a pun out of the German word for blackbird which is "Amsel"), it's outrageous indeed... this birdie being as impertinent as he is clever flies directly into the plant when he can't reach the lower fruits anymore. Hey, don't fancy we would not see you!
And without any doubt he's already planning his next coup! And in case somebody might think now we could just take that bench away... this would never stop ol' Amselino. Yes, this thief is indeed our very own blackbird called Amselino (which is a pun out of the German word for blackbird which is "Amsel"), it's outrageous indeed... this birdie being as impertinent as he is clever flies directly into the plant when he can't reach the lower fruits anymore. Hey, don't fancy we would not see you!
Jetzt macht er auf unschuldig...
Now he pretends to be the innocent type...
Now he pretends to be the innocent type...
Ha!!!!!!!!!!! In flagranti!!! Mit Fotobeweis!!!
Ha!!!!!!!! Gotcha!!! With photo evidence!!!
Ha!!!!!!!! Gotcha!!! With photo evidence!!!
Macht er jetzt auf reuiger Sünder??? Und kann man ihm das glauben?
Does he now appear to be a repentant sinner??? And should we believe him?
Does he now appear to be a repentant sinner??? And should we believe him?
Nein, kann man nicht... hey, Amselinoooooo!!!
No, we should not... hey, Amselinooooo!!!
No, we should not... hey, Amselinooooo!!!
Tja, was soll man da machen... ein Netz spannen?
Well, what are we supposed to do... install a net?
Well, what are we supposed to do... install a net?
Oder wir wünschen ihm einfach guten Appetit... Dann gibt's eben weniger Traubensaft dieses Jahr (oder gar keinen wenn er so weiter futtert *schluck*) Hoffen wir mal, dass er uns das im Frühling mit ein paar Extra-Arien dankt! *schmunzel* Übrigens hat die Herbststimmung auch Birgit erreicht... wenn die Jagd nach Weintraubendieben ihr Zeit dazu lässt *hihi* werkelt sie an einem neuen Projekt. Etwas Kleines für Zwischendurch sozusagen... Unser Bowler muss sich in der Zwischenzeit dann erst mal an seinem fertigen Wohnzimmer erfreuen und darauf warten, dass Birgit weiter an seinem Heim arbeitet. Im Moment hat sie jedenfalls begonnen, einen Bausatz von Petite Properties zu bauen. Im Maßstab 1: 48... tja, als Birgit zum ersten Mal das "Pumpkin Cottage" sah, war es sozusagen Liebe auf den ersten Blick. Und weil ein Pumpkin Cottage nun mal richtig gut in die Herbstzeit passt, hat Birgit beschlossen, sich jetzt daran zu wagen. Wenn ich all diese kleinen Teile sehe, finde ich das irgendwie mutig... *grins*
Or we should just wish "bon appétit" to him... Well, then we will have less grape juice this year (or none at all if he should continue to eat that much *gulp*) Let's hope he will thank us in spring with a few exta arias! *smile* Btw autumn mood has reached Birgit too... whenever the hunt for grape thieves allows her to *teehee* she's working on a new project. Something small for in between so to say... Our Bowler needs to enjoy his finished living room in the meantime and wait patiently for Birgit to continue work on his home. At the moment she has started to build a kit by Petite Properties. In scale 1:48... well, when Birgit saw "Pumpkin Cottage" for the first time it was somehow love at first sight. And because a Pumpkin Cottage fits perfectly into the autumn season Birgit decided to give it a try now. When I look at all these small pieces I think that's in a way quite courageous... *grin*
Or we should just wish "bon appétit" to him... Well, then we will have less grape juice this year (or none at all if he should continue to eat that much *gulp*) Let's hope he will thank us in spring with a few exta arias! *smile* Btw autumn mood has reached Birgit too... whenever the hunt for grape thieves allows her to *teehee* she's working on a new project. Something small for in between so to say... Our Bowler needs to enjoy his finished living room in the meantime and wait patiently for Birgit to continue work on his home. At the moment she has started to build a kit by Petite Properties. In scale 1:48... well, when Birgit saw "Pumpkin Cottage" for the first time it was somehow love at first sight. And because a Pumpkin Cottage fits perfectly into the autumn season Birgit decided to give it a try now. When I look at all these small pieces I think that's in a way quite courageous... *grin*
So viele Teile... aber Birgit sagt, diese Bausätze seien sehr gut und die Beschreibung sehr verständlich. Trotzdem bringt dieser viel kleinere Maßstab aber auch gewisse Herausforderungen mit sich. Birgit meint, man müsse schon von Anfang an eine klare Vorstellung davon haben, was am Ende rauskommen soll. Das entspricht eigentlich so gar nicht Birgits üblicher Arbeitsweise, die normalerweise ein Projekt mit einer Art "Vision" startet und dann nach vielem Ausprobieren, verrückten Einfällen und Irrtümern meistens meilenweit entfernt vom ursprünglichen Plan endet. In diesem Maßstab empfiehlt es sich aber, alles von vornherein zu bemalen und zu dekorieren, weil man hinterher schlecht dran kommt. Und so hat Birgit gleich zu Beginn die Wände von innen und außen bemalt und begonnen, den Fußboden mit Holz zu belegen.
So many pieces... but according to Birgit these kits are very good and the description easy to follow. Nevertheless this small scale brings quite some challenges along. Birgit says you need to have a clear vision right away from the start how it shall look in the end. This is far away from Birgit's usual working method who usually starts a project with some kind of a "vision" just to end up after many trials, crazy ideas and mistakes miles away from the original plan. In this scale it's recommendable to paint and decorate everything right at the beginning because afterwards access is not easy anymore. And so Birgit started with painting the walls from the inside and the outside and began to cover the floor with wood strips.
So many pieces... but according to Birgit these kits are very good and the description easy to follow. Nevertheless this small scale brings quite some challenges along. Birgit says you need to have a clear vision right away from the start how it shall look in the end. This is far away from Birgit's usual working method who usually starts a project with some kind of a "vision" just to end up after many trials, crazy ideas and mistakes miles away from the original plan. In this scale it's recommendable to paint and decorate everything right at the beginning because afterwards access is not easy anymore. And so Birgit started with painting the walls from the inside and the outside and began to cover the floor with wood strips.
Und weil in diesem Bausatz innen keine Fensterrahmen vorgesehen sind, hat Birgit aus Resten ihrer Holzstreifen eben selbst Rahmen gebastelt.
And because this kit does not include interior window frames Birgit made some from leftovers of her wood strips.
Als Nächstes waren das Fachwerk, der Außenschornstein und die Feuerstellen an der Reihe. In dem Bausatz sind passende Fensterscheiben enthalten, Plastik bedruckt mit einem Muster, das an Bleiglas erinnern soll.
Next to come was the timbering, the chimney and the fireplaces. The kit includes matching window "glasses", plastic with a pattern printed on reminding of leaded glass.
Birgit fand die Scheiben aber etwas langweilig und hat sie deshalb mit Permanentmarkern bemalt. Auf dem nächsten Bild könnt Ihr besser sehen, wie schön die Fenster nun leuchten - und Ihr seht schon mal die fertige Hülle von Birgits Pumpkin Cottage (aufgenommen auf Birgits wie immer *hüstel* vorbildlich aufgeräumten Arbeitstisch *hihi*).
But in Birgit's opinion these were a bit too boring that's why she painted them with permanent felt markers. At the next picture you get a better impression how nicely the windows are shining now - and you can already see the finished shell of Birgit's Pumpkin Cottage (photographed at Birgit's work table being as *coughcough* neatly cleaned up aus usual *teehee*)
Nun geht es ans Innere... bis jetzt ging es ja ganz gut mit dem kleinen Maßstab. Mal sehen, wann beim Innenausbau die ersten Flüche kommen... *lach*
Next to come is the interior... until now she managed well to get along with this small scale. Let's wait and see when the interior work will cause the first curses... *LOL*
Wir wünschen Euch einen schönen Herbst und ein schönes Wochenende!
We're wishing to you a lovely autumn and a nice weekend!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
And because this kit does not include interior window frames Birgit made some from leftovers of her wood strips.
Als Nächstes waren das Fachwerk, der Außenschornstein und die Feuerstellen an der Reihe. In dem Bausatz sind passende Fensterscheiben enthalten, Plastik bedruckt mit einem Muster, das an Bleiglas erinnern soll.
Next to come was the timbering, the chimney and the fireplaces. The kit includes matching window "glasses", plastic with a pattern printed on reminding of leaded glass.
Birgit fand die Scheiben aber etwas langweilig und hat sie deshalb mit Permanentmarkern bemalt. Auf dem nächsten Bild könnt Ihr besser sehen, wie schön die Fenster nun leuchten - und Ihr seht schon mal die fertige Hülle von Birgits Pumpkin Cottage (aufgenommen auf Birgits wie immer *hüstel* vorbildlich aufgeräumten Arbeitstisch *hihi*).
But in Birgit's opinion these were a bit too boring that's why she painted them with permanent felt markers. At the next picture you get a better impression how nicely the windows are shining now - and you can already see the finished shell of Birgit's Pumpkin Cottage (photographed at Birgit's work table being as *coughcough* neatly cleaned up aus usual *teehee*)
Nun geht es ans Innere... bis jetzt ging es ja ganz gut mit dem kleinen Maßstab. Mal sehen, wann beim Innenausbau die ersten Flüche kommen... *lach*
Next to come is the interior... until now she managed well to get along with this small scale. Let's wait and see when the interior work will cause the first curses... *LOL*
Wir wünschen Euch einen schönen Herbst und ein schönes Wochenende!
We're wishing to you a lovely autumn and a nice weekend!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
15 Kommentare:
Oh das wird aber ein ganz zauberhaftes Häusle. Das kann ich als bekennender Herbstfan schon jetzt ganz genau sehen. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt wie es weiter geht.
Die Fotos aus Birgits Garten sind wunderschön und was den Dieb angeht...so einen haben wir auch. Frech sind sie denn sie schmeißen die Reste immer auf den Gehweg. ;0) Allerdings kann ich Ihnen nicht wirklich böse sein.
Habt ein schönes Wochenende
what a beautiful autumn you offer us Birgit!
the story of the grape thief is wonderfully illustrated and funny, thank you for this smile
the tiny house is fabulous
beautiful autumn to you
Oh how Exciting!!! A new Project!!! And one that has such "Magical" proportions and even a name that has come straight from Fairy Tales! This is going to be a lot of fun (as if there could be any other result in BiWuBeary-land! LOL!)watching the magic of Birgit to create original interiors and furnishings! And she has already made great progress with the exterior and the beautiful windows!!! I must admit that I was surprised to see a new project..... I must have been not paying attention to any hints that we were going to see a new project so soon! :) As for the never-ending pictures of Bearys in the blossoms... I will never get enough of those... so you can add them any time! The colors are so lovely at this time of year! As for that naughty Amselino.... There is little one can do against the clever birds... nets tend to just make them get stuck inside the netting... But at least Birgit has all the proof anyone could want of the thief!!! The photos are Gorgeous! :):)
Menudo ladrón de uvas más listo que tenéis!! y se queda tan tranquilo después de comérselas,pero bueno,él también tiene que alimentarse!!!
El nuevo proyecto es precioso,yo misma caí también rendida a su encanto y fue un kit que me encantó realizar,os espera mucha diversión!!!
Hallo Fluby! Altweibersommertag, oh yes, I know what you mean, here's the same sort of autumn weather. But here, in our region, we name the foggy nights/mornings "witte wieven", which has also something to do with old women wearing white clothes, who are haunting through the fields and forrests, but in fact they're fog banks.... ;O!
Wow, you've showed to us again awesome pictures of your garden and I know that I can't agree with the robbery of nearly all of your grapes, but this incident gave us wonderful pictures of how the robbery took place ;)! Of course, Amselino was allowed to eat some of these juicy grapes, but I hope he has still left enough grapes for your grape juice?? Good to read that the storm didn't cause any damage to your house and garden, as he did here in our region. But it's nothing serious in comparison with the hurricanes, who caused so much damage in the lifes of other people, who live in the areas/countries, who were hit by hurricanes (and also earth quakes), so awful!
And YES!!! I LOVE to see a new project, you are right: your Birgit always has her own ideas, but often they're brilliant ;D! I can't wait to see how the interior will look like, because looking at the outside of Pumpkin Cottage is already a feast for the eyes!
Liebe GrÚsse for all of you, Schepje und Ilona (busy, busy, busy ;O)
The only defense against Amselino the thief is to do what my parents used to push the fruit inside a big paper bag and let it grow inside. We didn't have an Amselino but we had Mediterrean flies (not at all as cute) which used to cause damage to the fruit.
The garden photos are as lovely as can be. I enjoy looking at all these autumn blossoms.
I love the small scale new house. It already looks magical.
Hugs, Drora
que buena la historia de ese mirlo ladrón de uvas y que bueno tu kit...
Hello Flutterby,
I always love pictures of you and Rosie in that magnificent garden. I hope you enjoy the last days of warm weather before the cold sets in. It is very good of you all not to call the authorities for the thief, but I do hope he will give you those extra arias! The cottage is wonderful. I love the kit detail.
Big hug
Hello! I hope you have some grapes left when that naughty creature finishes with them but that is not very like it, is it? I am crossing my fingers for you all. The cottage looks great so far, love the windows!! I cannot wait to see the inside. I hope Birgit manages the small scale and there´s not so much cursing in the future. Have a nice week :)
Guten Morgen Ihr Lieben
Das Häuschen wird ja allerliebst. Und danke für den wunderbaren Rundgang durch den herbstlichen Garten. Oh.... Amselino ist zwischendurch auch bei uns auf Besuch ;o)
Habt eine schöne Woche und seid ganz lieb gegrüsst. Herzlichst Yvonne
The grape robber - a very funny story! Happy autumn to you too!
Liebe Birgit,
es ist immer wieder schön zu sehen, was Du erschaffst! Herbst ist völlig meins, insofern ist dieses ♥-Häuschen voll auf meiner Linie! Ich bin gespannt, wie es weitergeht!
Die Bilder aus Deinem Herbstgarten gefallen mir so gut! Auch Dein kleiner gefiederter Beerenräuber... ;o)) Süß isser ja. Und sooo unschuldig.... *grins*
Ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich Euch!
Liebe Grüße
Привет Биргит!
Вы сделали мой день! Ваши фотографии потрясающие! Вы поймали дрозда на горячем! Я улыбаюсь!!!! И конечно, ваш сад прекрасен! Я надеюсь, что мой сад тоже будет красивый. Я не успела насладиться своим садом, как пришла осень. Дождь и холод меня уничтожают.... Ваши фотографии согрели мое сердце.
Я рада, что у вас есть новые проекты. Мне он очень нравится!
Haha the grape thief made me laugh what a cheeky little bird :)I hope he left you some grapes. I love the pictures of the garden. I love the look of the new house it looks very cute I can't wait to see what magic Birgit does to it :)
Hugs Maria
So viele schöne Bilder in diesem Eintrag...
Erst einmal Kompliment an Birgit für die schönen Biwubearies-im-Garten-Fotos, die ihr mal wieder sehr gut gelungen sind.
Aber was ist doch der Amselino für ein frecher Kerl??? Ich hoffe, ihr bekommt trotzdem noch euren Traubensaft... :)
Birgit's neustes Wohnprojekt ist ja ein absoluter Traum. Und dann der Name: Pumpkin Cottage. Zum Glück muss Mama Hogwarts nicht mehr neidisch werden, wo sie doch im letzten Winter vom Weihnachtsmann und den Engeln eine Cottage-Rundum-Reparatur bekommen hat und sich der böse Poltergeist als trotziges Feenmädchen herausgestellt hat. :)
Viel Freude beim Werkeln und bei allen weiteren Halloween-Vorbereitungen. :)
LG, Nina
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