Sonntag, 23. September 2018

Kaffeeklatsch zum Herbstanfang

wir begrüßen Euch herzlich am ersten offiziellen Herbsttag! *schmunzel* Und hier bei uns ist wirklich mit dem kalendarischen Herbst auch wettertechnisch der Herbst angekommen - den ersten Herbststurm hatten wir auch schon und die Temperaturen sind deutlich gefallen. Da ist es kein schlechter Gedanke, es sich drinnen schön gemütlich zu machen... zum Beispiel mit einem schönen, gemütlichen Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch.
… and a heartfelt welcome at this first official day of autumn (at least in our half of the globe)! *smile* And here at our place the calendarian autumn came along with typical autumn weather - we've even had the first autumn storm and temperatures are so much lower now. Regarding this it's for sure a good idea to get comfortable indoors… for example with a nice and cozy Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch".
Vorher möchten Rosey und ich Euch aber noch wie versprochen unsere kleinen Häuschen von außen zeigen - wir beginnen mit Strawberry Hut.
But before we're coming to this we'd like to show our tiny houses from the outside as promised last time - we're starting with Strawberry Hut.

Vielleicht ist es jemandem aufgefallen - wir haben darauf verzichtet, die im Bausatz enthaltenen Fensterläden anzubringen. Die waren zwar schon bemalt, aber irgendwie verdecken die das Fachwerk und das gefiel uns nicht, also haben wir sie weggelassen. Wir befinden uns da in guter Gesellschaft - Birgit hat es damals bei Pumpkin Cottage ganz genau so gemacht. *schmunzel* Und nun zu Flower Hut:
Maybe somebody has noticed - we've been doing this without using the shutters that were included in the kit. Although we had already painted them but somehow these were covering the framework and we didn't like it that way so we simply let them go. We're in good company with this - Birgit did the same when building Pumpkin Cottage some time ago. *smile* And here's Flower Hut:

Und noch einmal beide Häuschen zum Vergleich auf einem Bild:
And here both houses together in one picture for comparison:
Jetzt wird es Zeit, mit der Innendekoration zu beginnen... Wir haben uns auch schon mal einen der Möbelbausätze angeschaut - und da wurde mir doch ein wenig blümerant zumute. Schaut mal... daraus soll ein Sofa werden?!
Now it's time to start with the decoration of the interior… We've already had a closer look at one of the furniture kits - which made me feel a bit queasy. Have a look… this is supposed to become a sofa?!
Und wie winzig die Teile sind! *schluck* Worauf haben wir uns da bloß eingelassen? Ich meine... wir haben nur Pfoten... keine Finger und keine Daumen... das ist echt schwierig mit so kleinen Teilen.
And how tiny these pieces are! *gulp* How can we ever cope with this? I mean… we only have paws… no fingers and no thumbs… which makes dealing with such tiny pieces really difficult.
Aber zum Glück hat mich meine kleine Schwester dann an unseren bärsönlichen Leitspruch erinnert. Das hier ist meiner:
But fortunately my little sis' reminded me of our bearsonal motto. This one is mine:
Und das ist der von Rosey (Überraschung!!! *grins*):
And this one is Rosey's (Surprise!!! *grin*):
Und falls das immer noch nicht ausreichen sollte, dann bleibt uns immer noch Plan B! Wisst Ihr, was Plan B ist? Ach, ich glaube schon... das hier ist Plan B:
And if this should still not be enough we can still count on plan B! Do you know about plan B? Well, I suppose you do... this one is plan B:
So, und nun wünschen wir Euch einen schönen Herbst und empfehlen Euch nachher einen schönen gemütlichen Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskuchen. Und danach schauen wir mal, wie wir mit den Möbeln klar kommen, Rosey und ich. Im Zweifelsfall bleibt uns ja zum Glück immer Plan B... ;O)
And now we're wishing to you a wonderful autumn and recommend you to enjoy a nice and cozy Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" later on with one, two cups of tasty Sundayafternooncoffee and with one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Sundayafternooncake. And after this Rosey and I will find out how we're getting along with the furniture. And if we should get in trouble there's fortunately still plan B... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs

18 Kommentare:

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo liebe Freunde! I love what Birgit and you, guys, have done with the kits of your tiny houses, each one of them look so lovely and especially after they got the special magical Birgit touch ;O! The text on the last sign is a good one: Keep calm and call Birigt....very good advice: I think that I'll do it, if I need her this upcoming week and weekend :D!
I see that you have gotten the same autumnal weather as us here, and yes, the first autumn storm has come and is already gone, today we will get the next one: WHUSJJJJ!! Personally I so much love this sort of weather, Fluby, because now we can make again new miniatures. At the moment I'm not in the blog world, due to the lack of time, and because I'm not able (for the same reason) for writing a long email to your Birgit and you, my furry friends, I write to all of you this comment.... ;).
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje, who is playing outside in rain and wind, together with Little Me, und Ilona

carmen hat gesagt…

jaaa….buenos los planes A y B ! feliz otoño ...

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

The two little huts look marvelous. Birgit did a fantastic job on them.
And having Birgit on call 24 hours a day will certainly keep you calm. I wish I had this privilege. It will be interesting to see how a sofa will be born from that pile of woodsies.

The days are still hot here,but not so much as before. The nights are nice and cool.

Hugs, Drora

Ulrike hat gesagt…

Ein Kaffeeklatsch! „freu”
Die Häuschen werden große Klasse...und ich bin mir sicher, dass Birgit euch bei den Möbeln behilflich sein wird. Jetzt wo die Stürme uns wieder mehr an die gute Stube binden, wird sie bestimmt ein bisschen Zeit finden. Das Wochenende hat uns ja einen schönen Vorgeschmack geboten. ;0)

Liebe Grüße

Megan Schetsche hat gesagt…

I love plan B call Birgit, ha ha.
The little houses are looking lovely.

claude hat gesagt…

beautiful autumn to you! what wonderful cottages! Birgit is a fairy
warm hugs

Contrastes-Rosa Mª hat gesagt…

Un cordial saludo este primer día de otoño. El comienzo de estas dos casa promete , estoy deseando ver esos muebles seguro que Birgit y Rosey lo llevarán a buen término.Feliz semana,besos:-)

Jodi Hippler hat gesagt…

They are so lucky to have you and your steady hands! Not to mention your skill, artistic vision and experience! Can't wait to see what mini magic is in store for the interiors of these enchanting little houses!

PILAR6373 hat gesagt…

Vaya suerte que tenéis con Birgit,seguro que ella os ayudará en todos los problemas que surjan,tanto con el plan A como con el B!!!
Feliz otoño!

Zulueta E hat gesagt…

Qué divertidos son tus ositos y qué bonitas se ven las casitas! :) No quiero ser pesimista, pero celebro que tengáis un plan B, jaaaaa! Pese a todo, estoy segura de que esas pequeñas piezas pronto serán un sofá encantador; estoy deseando verlo! Un abrazo! :)

tereminis hat gesagt…

Esta casita es encantadora ..junto con tus ositos , buen trabajo .!!

Fabiola hat gesagt…

The small houses are amazing.
The plan B is perfect and fun!

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Dear Fluby and Rosey and Birgit, I am here at last!!! :) Only a week late... Last week-end was a LOoooong Travel home day needing extra patience and no sleep... I have been trying to catch up ever since! But now I can add my votes to the rest... "Call Birgit" sounds like Great advice to me!!! :):) I am sure the teeny tiny pieces of wood will look much better glued to her fingers than to your furry paws! LOL! (And they can be pulled off of fingers with greater ease!) And the paint colors too.... I know she will be practicing her "ancient Babylonian" a great deal... warn her for me that sometimes a piece that was right there a moment ago can just plain disappear in the blink of an eye... ! And occasionally it will turn up on an elbow or a sleeve cuff...! It is best to put all the pieces on a tray with low sides..... I am sure she knows all this already... she did make the tiny Christmas cupboard after all! So now I am waiting with 'bated breath to see what lovely details will be added to your tiny cottages.... they are already so cute! I am sure Birgit will amaze us all again! Oh, and not to forget that it is always a pleasure to see you both in the Kaffeklatch cup... especially as I am enjoying my morning tea! LOL! :):):)

Alexandra Martinez hat gesagt…

Dear Flubby and Rosey you are both doing a terrific job with your houses. They are gorgeous. I can't wait to see more. Don't worry I see you are very intelligent and your motto "Keep calm and call Birgit" is the best idea ever!!

Nina hat gesagt…

Hallo Rosey und Fluby,

so schöne Häuschen! Gute Arbeit habt ihr geleistet und eure Leitsprüche sind auch super.
Am besten aber gefällt mir euer Plan B. Hihi. :) KEEP CALM AND CALL BIRGIT. :)

Ich wünsche euch einen kuscheligen Herbst und viel Spass und Geduld beim Möbelbauen.

Liebe Grüsse aus Riverside,

Tatiana hat gesagt…

Ох, эти пушистые лапы! Я думаю, что Биргит самый лучший помощник! Маленькие домики выглядят потрясающе! Я бы хотела быть очень маленькой, чтобы заглянуть в гости!
Хорошей недели!

Jodi Hippler hat gesagt…

Hi Birgit! I, too, am shocked (and sad) that October is here and is nearly 1/4 over!!! My very smart daughter, who graduated Summa Cum Laude in sciences, tells me that it's the 'drain theory'. Like water moves faster as it approaches the drain, so, too, life moves faster as we approach the end of it. I try not to dwell on that, as it is too disturbing to think about. I have 15 more dollhouse kits in my stash, for heaven's sake!!!
You have made the most of the dawn of fall, and each of the furnishings for the cottages are absolutely and completely adorable! As is Rosey's room, which inspires so many ideas that I now need to add another project to my queue! I am taken back by how you can make things so tiny, so perfect and loaded with charming detail!
Marrubita, the tiny strawberry and the lovely bag are incredibly special gifts from one talented lady! I am glad Flutterby and Rosey were beary eager to peacefully work out the ownership!
I hope you are able to enjoy your fill of Kaffeeklatsch while putting the final, special touches on the cottages! Can't wait to see!

Véronique hat gesagt…

Hello Rosie, Flutterby and Birgit, I am late, late, late but catching up. Yes it was a coincidence that the first official autumn day was a day with typical autumn weather. Strangely enough, the drought that started in summer is still there, even getting worse. Today, first day wintertime (what will Germany pick?) The sun is shining bright!! On to your next post!