Sonntag, 12. April 2020

Frohe Ostern / Happy Easter


wir wünschen Euch schöne Ostern!
... we're wishing to all of you Happy Easter!

Und auch, wenn wir dieses Ostern anders feiern müssen - machen wir das Beste draus. Wir haben auch ein kleines *hüstel* Ostergeschenk für Euch mitgebracht... also... äh... genau genommen handelt es sich dabei um Folge 93912 unserer *ähem* beliebten Reihe "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBären im Garten"... aber Ostergeschenk hört sich doch viel besser an. *grins* So sah es in unserem Garten an Karfreitag aus - und wie Ihr gleich sehen werdet, haben wir auch einige Bekannte getroffen...
And although everything is totally different this Easter - let's try to make the best of it. And we're bringing along a small *coughcough* Easter present for you... well... eh... to be exact this is volume 93912 of our *ehem* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"... but Easter present sounds so much better. *grin* This is how our garden was looking at Good Friday -- and you're going to see that we've also met a few familiar ones there...

Aber Birgit hält natürlich nicht nur die Kamera, wenn ihre Blogbärchen im Garten auf Entdeckungstour gehen, sie ist natürlich auch drinnen fleißig am Werkeln. Ich hatte Euch ja schon beim letzten Mal erzählt, dass Birgit sich gerade intensiv mit Fußböden, Wänden und elektrischen Problemen quält - und da braucht sie zwischendurch immer mal wieder etwas, das mehr Spaß macht. Und so kamen nun die Wohnzimmerregale vom Bärchenhaus an die Reihe, Bekanntschaft mit Birgit und ihren Pinseln zu machen. Aus irgendwelchen Gründen, die heute nicht mehr nachvollziehbar sind, war es dazu nämlich bisher nicht gekommen. In anderen Worten - die Regale waren immer noch à la nature und unbemalt - was für ein geplantes Makeover natürlich ein Traum ist. Zur Erinnerung hier noch einmal ein Archivfoto mit den beiden Regalen an der Rückwand...
But Birgit is not only holding the camera when her blogbearies are on a discovery tour in the garden, of course she's also busy crafting along inside of the house. I've already told you the last time that Birgit is intensively struggling with floors, walls and electrical problems at the moment - so she's in need every now and then of something that supposes to be more fun. And so it was time for the shelves of the Beary House's living room to get aquainted with Birgit and her brushes. For some unknown reasons this did not happend so far. Or in other words - the shelves were still à la nature and unpainted - for sure a dream come true when it comes to a makeover. We're showing a picture from the archives for you now with the two shelves at the back wall...

... und hier Kandidat Nr. 1 am Beginn seiner Verwandlung.
... and here is candidate No. 1 at the beginning of his transformation.

Zunächst hat Birgit die schrägen Dekoleisten entfernt. Die sahen zwar gar nicht sooooo übel aus, aber sie waren leider nicht gegengleich und das fand Birgit für ein Paar nicht so gut. Die kamen also weg und stattdessen zwei von diesen her.
The first thing Birgit did was removing the diagonal decorative beams. Well, they did not look thaaaaat bad, but sadly they weren't opposite and Birgit thought a pair should better match. So these were removed and replaced by two of these. 

Und muss ich eigentlich noch erwähnen, dass diese Ornamente aus Birgits Irgendwann-für-Irgendwas-Kisten stammen? Ich finde es ja immer wieder faszinierend, dass diese für-Irgendwas-Gelegenheiten tatsächlich Irgendwann einmal kommen. *kicher* Die Ornamente wurden eingepasst, die unteren Regale bekamen eine Zierleiste und dann kamen die Pinsel zum Einsatz.
And do I even have to mention at all that these ornaments were found in Birgit's Sometime-for-somewhat-boxes? To me it's always amazing that in the end these For-somewhat occasions really do happen sometime. *giggle* The ornaments were made to fit, a decorative strip was added to the shelves below and then it was time for the brushes.

Ganz zum Schluß wurde das neue Ornament noch mit weißem Transparentpapier hinterklebt - kann man auf dem Foto nicht sehen, aber glaubt mir, es ist da. Muss es auch... denn sonst gäbe es nicht diesen schönen Effekt, wenn man das Ganze beleuchtet:
The last step was backing the ornament with a transparent white paper - not visible in the photo but believe me, it's there. And it really has to be there... otherwise we would not have this nice effect when all of this is illuminated:

Inzwischen sind beide Regale fertig und Birgit kann sich wieder mit ganzer Kraft ihren *hüstel* geliebten Arbeiten an Wand und Boden widmen. Aber natürlich erst nach einem schönen, gemütlichen Osternachmittagskaffeeklatsch, das versteht sich ja wohl von selbst. Wir wünschen Euch ganz viel Spaß bei ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Osternachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Osternachmittagskuchen. Obwohl... an Ostern darf es alternativ ja auch gerne mal so was sein... *höhö*
In the meantime both shelves are done and Birgit can once more concentrate all her power on her *coughcough* beloved work on walls and floors. But of course not until enjoying a nice, cozy Easterafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" first, that's for sure. We're wishing to all of you later on loads of fun while enjoying one, two cups of tasty Easterafternooncoffee and one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Easterafternooncake. However... at Easter it could also be something in this range for a change... *teehee*

Wir wünschen Euch schöne Ostertage, weiterhin einen schönen April und alles Gute, vor allem Gesundheit. Passt gut auf Euch auf!
We're wishing to all of you nice days of Easter and a lovely April. Best wishes, above all health - take good care of yourselves!

Liebe Grüße / Hugs

14 Kommentare:

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo liebe Freunden, auch Ich wünsche Ihr Alle schöne Ostern!
Oh, oh, how I always LOVE seeing back your beautiful garden, it's a lot of work but now you can enjoy it to the fullest, especially nowadays when we all have to stay at home. I truly envy you for having such a beautiful garden, and the birds are having a first class hotel at your house ;).
Fluby and Rosey look "at their Easter best", as we literally say in a Dutch saying.
The shelves: well, what to say? Your Birgit has an inventive mind when it comes to solving solutions for issues in mini, they look just fabulous! And together with the lights they are changed into deisgn furniture!!
I hope you're enjoying a lovely Easter Kaffeeklatsch at his very moment, and because of the lovely weather (at least here) maybe you can enjoy the garden today??!!
Take good care for yourselves, dear friends (and our silent reader), stay healthy!!
Liebe Grüsse,
Schepje (who has already looked for Easter eggs in the garden ;O) ) und Ilona

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Happy Easter Dear Fluby and Rosey and Birgit and Birgit's Mom too! The weather here has been typical Spring in New England... cold Windy and wet... with a few clouds thrown in for extra fun! So the glimpses of sunshine on smiling BiWuBeareys in the blossoms is truly a Treat! I do have one bunch of daffodils now blooming.... and the pansies I got from the garden store! Seeing all your birds up close is a treat too!
As for the shelves... I would never recognize the finished ones as the same as the starter ones!! And the addition of the lights is Brilliant!! :) Now I look forward to seeing what goes on these beautiful shelves! But I can be patient! I know how hard it is to work on the outside walls of the house.... because I have about five houses that only have half of their outside wall finished by now!!!! (LOL) So Birgit should be encouraged to keep on keeping on! And especially if a good kaffeeklatch bunny can help!:)
Stay safe & Well!!!

Contrastes-Rosa Mª hat gesagt…

Una maravilla pasear por tu jardín de la mano de tus BiWuBearies y disfrutar de esas maravillosas flores. El cambio de tu estantería ha sido genial y con luz es fantástico. Te comprendo la alegría de poder utilizar aquellas cosas que guardamos por si acaso. Felices pascuas , un besos:-)

Nina hat gesagt…

Liebe Birgit, Fluby, Rosey und Oma,

Wir wünschen Euch einen wunderschönen Ostersonntag. Genießt Eure Leckereien!!

Birgits Projekte sehen wieder mal SUPERTOLL aus. Das von Innen beleuchtete Regal ist ein Traum.

Ganz liebe Grüsse aus Riverside. Bleibt bitte gesund und munter.

Nina, Jemima und Fudge

Jodi Hippler hat gesagt…

You should have seen my grin when, just after replying to your lovely comment on my blog, and expressing wishes that you would be posting soon, I scrolled up in my blog roll to see a post from you! I was so excited! And then to be greeted by such cheerful bears, bunny, birds AND amazingly heart lifting botanical beauties! Wonderful!

I am so sorry to hear the the floors, walls and lights are giving you trouble! Don't they know that in your hands they will achieve all that they can hope to become and therefore should not argue?!? I hope that they will see the light and start cooperating immediately!
I am glad you had a fun side project that could keep you in good spirits and keep that creativity moving forward! The lattice is such an amazing touch and to have also installed lights? What an incredible transformation!

I hope you have the most satisfying Easter thus far and that your Sunday coffee and chocolate bunny never tasted so good!

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

Happy Easter!
Fluby and Rosey,
You two are the luckiest of all bearies to be out in the lovely garden among the gorgeous daffodils and pansies enjoying spring.
Birgit's famous makeovers continue with the shelves. I love the new look.
Enjoy the huge chocolate bunny and share it with Birgit and her mom.
Take care! Stay healthy!
Hugs, Drora

Zulueta E hat gesagt…

Qué fotos maravillosas! Viendo la primavera romper con tanta fuerza me creo que esta pesadilla que estamos viviendo pasará y que volveremos renovados igual que esa estantería rescatada :) Queda genial con la luz!!!
Gracias por seguir aquí :)
Feliz Pascua y cuídate mucho; ya falta menos!!!
Un abrazo! ♥

PILAR6373 hat gesagt…

Muy feliz Pascua para vosotros también!!!
Una delicia ver la primavera llegando explosiva a vuestro jardín! Me encantan vuestras flores y como disfrutáis de ellas,espero pronto que podamos disfrutar también las de "fuera".
Buen cambio el que ha hecho Birgit con los estantes.Espero que pronto pueda solucionar los problemas de los suelos,paredes y luces,seguro que lo conseguirá!!
A seguir disfrutando del maravilloso abril y sus flores!

Alexandra Martinez hat gesagt…

What a wonderful thing to have a garden, especially in times like this. Birgit, Rosey and Fluby I envy you!! Thank you for the photos of that beautiful garden, I bet you had a terrific time and enjoyed all those wonderful visitors 😊. You are also making good progress in the house, at that pace it will be ready sooner, nice job with the bookshelves. I hope you had a happy Easter. Big hugs xxx

carmen hat gesagt…

precioso jardin en flor ...feliz pascua!

Fabiola hat gesagt…

Your real garden is a riot of flowers! So colorful!
The new look of the shelves is much more beautiful. Birgit, you are the queen of transformations.

Jollie hat gesagt…

Your real garden looks amazing:) and also the new shelf with the lightning, keep on going with your beautiful work!
Hugs Jollie (I know... it’s a long time ago!!)

tereminis hat gesagt…

Ya se han terminado las Pascuas que este año no han sido nada festivas , estamos metidos en un gran problema . Menos mal que tenemos las miniaturas para distraernos un poco , tu jardín esta maravilloso y el cambio de estantería esta estupendo . Cuidemos la salud .Un abrazo .Bsss

Huibrecht hat gesagt…

Dear Birgit,

What a lovely pictures from around your flowering garden. Your little bears are enjoying themselves without a doubt. Easter has passed already but I hope that you all have had a great Easter weekend. A weekend without trouble with the floors and walls.

The transformation of the bookcase is lovely. If the diagonal shelves sloped the opposite way a simple recolor would suffice. But as you said yourself, sadly the do not. The transformation with the diffused lighting is a great idea.