wir sind's wieder... und auch wenn ich keine Ahnung habe, wie das passieren konnte, aber der Juni ist auch schon da. Wo bitte sind die ersten 5 Monate des Jahres geblieben??? Ich erinnere mich allerdings, dass ich in unserem letzten Post im Mai versprochen hatte, dass wir Euch nach dem fertigen Dachgeschoss des Bärchenhauses zeigen werden wie es im ersten Stock, also im Wohnzimmer, weiter geht... und wie das Licht dort hingekommen ist. Birgit steht ja vor der besonderen Schwierigkeit, dass sie zum ersten Mal überhaupt ein Haus richtig beleuchtet - welches aber bereits fertig gebaut ist, was die Sache nicht wirklich einfacher macht. Das Verstecken der Kabel ist echt ein Problem, wenn man nirgends mehr so richtig gut ran kommt... Aber ihr kennt ja Birgit - wenn es nicht einfach geht, dann macht sie es eben einfach. *grins* Und zwar mit Hilfe dieser speziellen Leisten:
... it's us again... and although I have no idea how this could ever happen but June is also already here. Does anybody know where those first 5 months of the year have gone to??? But I remember still that I've promised in our last post in May where we've shown the finished attic of the Beary House to show the progress in the first floor aka the living room... and how the lights moved into it. Birgit had to face with the difficult issue that it's the first time she's illuminating a house this way - which doesn't get any easier by the fact that the house is already built. Hiding the wires is for sure a problem if access is not that easy... But you know Birgit - if there is no easy way to do it she's going to make it easy. *grin* And she did so with the help of these special wooden strips:
Die sind wirklich perfekt, um die Kabel unsichtbar werden zu lassen! Und wenn man die kleinen LEDs noch mit Perlen ergänzt, dann werden daraus tatsächlich moderne Beleuchtungsbalken.
They are indeed perfect for making wires disappear! And after adding beads to the small LEDs all of this changed into a modern beam with lights.
Dadurch wurde die Renovierung des Bärchenhaus-Wohnzimmers wesentlich einfacher. Aber bevor wir Euch nun die einzelnen Schritte zeigen, hier noch einmal zur Erinnerung das "Vorher"-Foto aus dem Archiv. So sah die 1. Etage des Bärchenhauses vor der Renovierung aus:
This helped to make the renovation of the Beary House much easier. But before we're going to show the single steps to you here's once more the "Before" photo from our archives as a little helper for your memory. This is how the first floor of the Beary House looked like before the makeover:
Es war wirklich Zeit für etwas Neues... Nachdem alles leer geräumt und die Wände und der Boden vom Papier befreit waren wurden die Wände und die Decke gestrichen und die Lichtbalken installiert.
It was really time for something new... And after everything was put aside and the walls and the floor were freed from the paper the walls and the ceiling were painted and the light beams were installed.
Dann war es Zeit für den Fußboden...
Then it was time for the floor...
... und etwas Tapete...
... and some wallpaper...
... und dann noch ein paar Leisten - et voilà!
... and in the end a few wooden strips - et voilà!
Hier noch mal eine Detailaufnahme...
Here's a close-up...
... und zum Schluß das Ganze noch mal mit Licht:
... and at the end all of this with the lights on:
Und damit ist der 1. Stock fertig renoviert und bereit, eingerichtet zu werden. Parallel dazu hat Birgit auch schon mit der Überarbeitung der Seitenwände des Hauses begonnen. Ihr erinnert Euch vielleicht, dass Birgit der Hausfront einen Ziegellook verpasst hat, bei dem die Ziegel allerdings aus Holzstückchen bestehen. Für alle die sich nicht erinnern - so sieht das aus:
Now the renovation of the 1st floor is done and it's ready to be furnished. Next to this Birgit has already started with the makeover of the house's side walls. Perhaps you remember still that Birgit gave the house's front a brick look, but with the bricks being in fact small pieces of wood. And for all who don't remember - it looks like this:
Birgit hat sich dafür entschieden, den Seitenwänden auch so einen Ziegellook zu verpassen - ein Entschluss, den sie angesichts der damit verbundenen Arbeit durchaus das eine oder andere Mal bereut hat. Aber es gab schon ab diesem Moment hier kein Zurück mehr:
Birgit decided to keep up with this brick look also for the side walls - a decision she deeply regretted more than once due to the amount of work this meant. But from this moment on there was no way back:
Also hat Birgit weiter gemacht...
So Birgit continued...
... und irgendwann wird sie dann auch oben ankommen... und dann auf der anderen Seite weiter machen. *grins* Rosey und ich haben derweil andere Dinge zu tun gehabt... Mal ehrlich - Ihr habt doch wohl nicht wirklich geglaubt, dass der Kelch dieses Mal an Euch vorbei geht, oder? *kicher* Hey, es ist Juni!!! Der Rosenmonat!!! Und überhaupt... es gibt im Garten jetzt so viel zu entdecken! Mit anderen Worten: Herzlich Willkommen zu Folge 93914 unserer *hüstel* beliebten Serie "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten". *hihi*
... and sometime she will reach the top... just to continue at the other side. *grin* In the meantime Rosey and I had other things to do... Honestly - did you ever believe you could escape this time? *giggle* Hey, it's June!!! The month of the roses!!! My, there's so much to discover in the garden now! In other words: A heartfelt welcome to volume 93914 of our *coughcough* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden." *teehee*
Und das war's für heute - fast... denn natürlich sagen wir nicht "Tschüß" bevor ich den Beweis angetreten habe, dass ich auch im Juni keine Gelegenheit ausgelassen habe, um zu zeigen, dass ich ein Gentlebär von Kopf bis Fuß bin (der wie immer jeden Pluspunkt im Goldenen Buch des Weihnachtsmannes dringend gebrauchen kann... *schluck*) In diesem Monat zeigt unser Sprüchekalender ein fast prophetisches Bild - als hätten die voraus geahnt, wie Strandkörbe in Zeiten von Social Distancing aufgestellt werden müssen. Der Monatsspruch kommt diesmal von Arthur Schopenhauer: "Lasse nie zu, dass du jemandem begegnest, der nicht nach der Begegnung mit dir glücklicher ist."
And this was it for today - almost... of course we can't say "Bye" before I've proved that in June too I did not miss any occasion to show that I'm a gentlebeary from top to toe (who is as always in need of every good point in the Golden Book of Santa... *gulp*) In this month our wisdom calendar is showing a picture which is almost prophetic - as if they had known in advance how beach chairs need to be placed in times of social distancing. This month's saying is by Arthur Schopenhauer and we're doing it in a very free translation now, he said we should make sure that everybody would be happier after meeting us than he/she was before.
Wir hoffen sehr, dass Ihr nach diesem Post - also der Begegnung mit uns - etwas glücklicher seid als vorher. Und falls nicht - dann versuchen wir es wieder mit dem nächsten Post! *schmunzel* Habt einen schönen Juni!
We really hope that after this post - or in other words after meeting us - all of you are a bit happier than before. And if not - well, than we'll try again with our next post! *smile* Have a wonderful June!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
15 Kommentare:
Die Beleuchtung ist klasse geworden! Überhaupt ist die Renovierung der Stube super gelungen.
Die Außenmauern sind großes Kino. Ich bewundere die Geduld und Ausdauer von Birgit. Da hat sie sich echt was vorgenommen.
Euer Garten ist ein Paradies. So herrliche Rosen, Hostas und mehr. Ich genieße die Fotos immer wieder sehr.
Habt eine schöne Woche
What a heart lifting post! I for one am so much better for knowing BiWuBearies and that wise and stuffed with kindness Birgit! Her solution is going to help so many dollhouse remodelers and retrofitters! Not only to simply hide the wires in the beams but to make them part of the beams is brilliant and I am sure blowing minds all over the internet! Excellent work! Birgit has also helped me by showing her creative use of lace like wainscoting, giving me an epiphany for a problem that has been wrestling with me for days! Although I know the brick work seems endless, it is such an authentic texture and once finished that regret will fade to nothing. The remodel is looking fabulous, and I know this gorgeous house will be ready to be decked out for Christmas long before the deadline! And to further my point, as if she knew that we have been suffering here in the Northwest United States with nothing but cloudy, rainy days with no hope of improvement, she fills my eyes and them my soul with incredible photos of her magnificent garden, blue skies in the background and two very cheerful bearies reminding us that the sun really does shine every day! So am I better for knowing Flubby, Rosey and Birget? Without doubt!!!
Halloooo liebe Freunden! What an inovating way for installing lights at the ceiling at the attic, your Birgit is so clever, have I ever told you that before....Fluby ;O)?? I still have to install the lights in my farm, whenever it will be ready.....I think I'll still wait for a while before I'll tackle that issue (at least it is for me ;O) ).
What an excellent great makeover for the first floor, I love the wianscoting because of that special effect with the paper. It looks gorgeous!! And than the lights: warm and cosy lights, so great job!
The outer walls of the house look if they have got real brickwork (instead of wood). And it may (have) be(en) a huge amount of work, but it really looks fantastic, come on, you can do it, girl, eh Birgit ;)!
Regarding to your garden tour, dear Fluby, I am always in awe with the beauty of your treasures you have in your garden, they are so delicate and baueties each of all plants/flowers. I will never be bored for seeing gorgeous pictures of your garden. And I think you are a couple of lucky birds....eh bearies for having such a beautiful garden, to walk in, smelling at the roses, playing hide and seek and in autumn throwing with weathered leaves, in winter playing in the snow and so on.....lots to do in the garden. That makes me think of your poor Birgit, who has to do so much work in this beautiful garden ;).
By the way, your garden looks much better than ours, here the drought has strike again, now for the 3th year on row we suffer of the drought which wasn't left us at all. The past few cooler days we got a few drops of rain but the weather is changing again into warm and dry!!
I think it's better to move to your place, and than I'll be able to enjoy your company and garden too ;O)!!
I LOVE this month saying.....because reading your blog makes me always more happy than I was *grin* :O)!! Have a wonderful June too, to all of you, including your silent reader. Stay safe, take care!!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona
Una idea maravillosa.
Un saludo
muy ingeniosas esas regletas oculta cables, la rehabilitación de la casita gana mucho con la luz...
hola. gran idea la de la iluminación, queda fantastico. Tomo buena nota para incorporarla a mi nuevo proyecto
ricardo (ram7255)
Hola amigos! Si alguna vez no he dicho que Birgit es inteligente,lo digo ahora,que ingenioso el sistema de ocultación de cables de iluminación! Y además queda tan integrado y decorativo,que tomo buena nota!!!
Coincido en que el trabajo de ladrillos es extenuante,pero el resultado es tan real y perfecto,que estaréis muy orgullosos al finalizarlo!
La casa va tomando forma,el piso y las paredes son preciosos,que ganas de ir viendo todo amueblado!
Que maravillosa la naturaleza en vuestro jardín,todas las plantas tan llenas de vida con esas preciosas rosas y flores variadas,hace soñar!!!
Seguir disfrutando de cada día,por raro que esté siendo éste año,la pausa en la que nos encontramos,nos hará valorar todo lo que poseemos!
Hello dear Fluby
I don't know about Santa, but from me, you get 12 good points just for posting the cheering-up photos of you and Rosey among the gorgeous flowers in Birgit's beautiful garden.
Birgit, of course, gets a standing ovation from me, just for solving so brilliantly the lights problem. It makes a room look entirely different when the lights are on. The awsome addition of bricks to the outside walls is worth all bothering work. Looks fantastic.
Hugs to you and all the BiWuBarens,
Dear Fluby and Rosey, you sure do have a Beautiful Garden to frolic in! The Roses are gorgeous! I can almost smell them!! (Or maybe that is the one rose from my garden who has finally opened up today! :):)) But either way it is a joyous season and you are clearly having a wonderful time! As for the work Birgit has accomplished on the makeover of the Bearey House... it looks awesome! I Love that wallpaper! The "light strips" Birgit constructed are Brilliant! (Pun intended!) And they look wonderful too... and they make everything in the room look great as well! It is such a pleasure when the lights go on and the House becomes a "Home"!!! And the Brick Marathon that Birgit is working on is a tedious but Grand effort! It will give pleasure for years! Birgit will be able to stand there and think "I never thought it would get finished... but look how great it looks now!" And she might even shed a nostalgic eye tear or two for the memory of her Triumph over tedium! :):) This pleasant vista might be a ways down the road... but it is coming for sure! And I look forward to seeing the results too! :):) (There are only a couple of my buildings needing a steady dose of rock-building attention right now, so I can sympathize!) As for spreading Happiness around... it is what you Beareys and Birgit too are well know for doing..... so I am not surprised when I find myself smiling whenever I visit here!!! :):):)
I don't think that I've seen healthier looking foliage or such lush looking Roses ANYWHERE -EVER! They're GORGEOUS! Your garden plants are SO BIG, Birgit and I can easily see why such fresh air buffs as Flutterby and Rosey would wish to take advantage of such an awesome day in the sun, playing in those Amazing flowers, while leaving you the boring job of applying all those bricks to their house! :D
I admire your stamina and total dedication to the cause and although I wouldn't want to take it on, you'll be so glad you did it, while I'll be turning green with envy! ;D
I LOVE your Clever lighting solutions using the channel mouldings to simultaneously contain the lights and hide the wiring -a Brilliant idea!
The warm hardwood floor against the subtle wallpaper looks so pretty and the pattern you've chosen, reminds me of garden lattice which is an ideal choice for this bright and breezy room especially considering that your rose garden is stationed right outside Fluby and Rosey's front door!
i love how the house looks now and the outside color is going to be perfect. of course the garden scene is wonderful, I havent touched my garden since my rose bush died but I have a few plants that come back every year so they keep me busy. we had a mini storm come thru and knock a lot of branches into the yard ..that kept me busy this morning but at least there wasn't a tornado like there was before a few years back.
take care my good bears
WOW!!! Qué iluminación maravillosa!!! Siempre me ha parecido que las luces de las casitas daban una luz un poco pobre salvo que llenáramos la habitación de lámparas, pero entonces resultaba recargada... Creo que has conseguido el equilibrio porque me encantan tus luces y el aspecto que tienen, genial! Y qué decir de tus flores... entiendo que Fluby y Rosey se vean siempre tan felices :) Un abrazo!!!
Rosie in den Fuchsien, das ist wirklich obersüß !!!!!
LG Nina
The renovation is fantastic. The lights positioned in this place are a nice idea and the floor is simply beautiful. I like the brick cladding.
Birgit, you have a wonderful garden and Rosey and Fluby look very happy among the flowers.
Hi! Once again Birgit has done a terrific job with the remodelling of the Beary house. What a brilliant idea to install the lights on those beams! if there was a Nobel price for creativity and ingenuity in the Dollhouse world, Birgit would be a sure candidate! This is a good idea to keep in mind, I am sure it will prove useful to me in the future. I also have to say that the living room looks fantastic so far, I can´t wait to see it ready with all the furniture and Birgit´s greats ideas.
Guys you are so lucky, the garden is GORGEOUS, I know Birgit has to work really hard, but what a beautiful place, I bet it´s totally worth it.
Have a nice rest of June xxx
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