Freitag, 24. Juli 2020

"W" im Juli / "C" in July


meine Güte, die Zeit rennt wieder... und ein gewisser Stichtag am Ende des Jahres kommt unerbittlich näher. Nur noch so wenig Zeit für ein gewisses Flatterbärchen, sich Pluspunkte im Goldenen Buch des Weihnachtsmannes zu verdienen... *schluck* Und von Birgit wollen wir gar nicht erst anfangen... die bloße Erwähnung von Ihr-wisst-schon-was löst bei ihr ein sofortiges "Aaaaahhhhrrrggggghhhhhh!!!" aus. Zur Schonung unserer Nerven - und auch der Nerven unserer lieben Leser (fröhliches Winken zu Betsy) - vermeiden wir daher die Nennung von Ihr-wisst-schon-was und verwenden den Code "W". Jedoch... ob es uns gefällt oder nicht... "W" ist gar nicht mehr so lange hin wie manch einer sich das wünschen würde. Und so hat auch meine Birgit sich zwischendurch mal wieder mit dem "W"-Thema beschäftigt. Ihr erinnert Euch vielleicht - im März hatten wir Euch schon einmal gezeigt, auf welch unterschiedliche Weise Birgit Leckereien für das Weihnachtshaus und die neue Bude auf dem BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarkt herstellt. Inzwischen sind noch ein paar dazu gekommen - unter anderem Lebkuchenherzen à la Birgit.
... my, time is flying still... and a certain deadline at the end of the year is coming nearer without showing any mercy. Only so little time left for a certain flutterybeary to earn himself good points in Santa's Golden Book... *gulp* And let's not start talking about Birgit... just the simple mention of You-know-what immediately causes an "Aaaaahhhhrrrggggghhhhhh!!!". But for taking care of our nerves - and also of the nerves of our dear readers (happily waving towards Betsy) - we avoid to mention the You-know-what-word and use Code "C" instead. Anyhow... whether we like it or not... "C" isn't as far away anymore as some of us would want it to be. And so my Birgit started to face the "C"-theme in between of something else. Maybe you remember - back in March we had already shown you in which different ways Birgit is creating sweet treats for the Christmas House and the new booth at the BiWuBeary Christmas Market. In the meantime a few more have joined them - among them gingerbread hearts à la Birgit.

Link zu / to Betsy's blog:

Birgit hat diese herzigen Sticker in einem 1-Euro-Shop gefunden und sofort deren Potential erkannt:
Birgit found these hearty stickers in an 1-Euro-shop and recognized their potential at once:

Mit ein bisschen brauner, weißer und gelegentlich roter Farbe sowie einem passenden Nagelsticker wurden daraus Lebkuchenherzen.
With a bit of brown, white and every now and then red paint as well as with matching nail stickers these turned into gingerbread hearts.

Und zwar eine ganze Menge - die meisten davon gleich mit Bändsel, damit man sie schön aufhängen kann. Und noch eine Lebkuchenvariante ist entstanden - wieder mit Hilfe von Anhängern aus Metall.
In fact plenty of them - most of them already with a thread so they can be hung neatly. And another gingerbread creation was made - once more with the help of metal charms.

Und damit man zwischendurch auch mal ein paar Vitamine auf unserem Weihnachtsmarkt zu sich nehmen kann *hüstel* sind auch noch diese kandierten Äpfel entstanden:
And to make sure that we will also get some vitamins at our Christmas Market every now and then *coughcough* Birgit also made these candied apples:

Ganz simpel mit einfachen Plastikäpfeln aus Birgits Irgendwann-für-Irgendwas-Kisten, bemaltem Draht und schön dick aufgetragenem roten Nagellack. Und es gab auch noch ein paar neue Geschmacksrichtungen von Birgits hausgemachten Lebkuchenpralinen. Vielleicht erinnert Ihr Euch - es gab bereits eine schöne Auswahl:
Very easy with simple plastic apples out of Birgit's Sometime-for-somewhat-boxes, painted wire and a very thick coat of red nail polish. And a few more variations of Birgit's homemade gingerbread pralinés were made too. Perhaps you remember - we already had quite a nice variation:

Und nun kommen noch vier weitere Sorten hinzu: "Beary Choc", "Teddy Treat", "Good Luck" und "Canadian Smile".
Now we're having four more variations: "Beary Choc", "Teddy Treat", "Good Luck" and "Canadian Smile".

Ist ein Marienkäfer eigentlich auch international als Glücksbringer bekannt? Falls Ihr Euch aber wundern solltet, warum die Pralinen mit den lustigen Blümchen "Canadian Smile" heißen... Wie lautet doch gleich noch mal die Überschrift dieses Posts? *breitgrins* Ja, bei uns war wirklich "W" im Juli, denn wir bekamen ein Überraschungspäckchen von unserer lieben Blogfreundin Elizabeth aus Kanada! Was für eine Freude! Und endlich mal wieder eine Gelegenheit für mich zu zeigen, dass ich immer noch der unangefochtene Champion im Paketeöffnen in der Bärchenklasse bis 10 cm bin! *grins*
Is a ladybug known to be a lucky charm in other countries too? But in case you might wonder why the pralinés with the funny flowers are called "Canadian Smile"... Well, do we recall the headline of this post? *broadgrin* Yes, here at our place it was indeed "C" in July because we received a surprise package from our dear blogfriend Elizabeth from Canada! So much joy! And finally another opportunity for me to show that I'm still the world champion in opening packages in the beary class up to 10 cm! *grin*

Link zu / to Elizabeth's blog:

Und was für Schätze da zum Vorschein kamen! Alleine in dieser uns sehr vertrauten Box (*grins*) war mehr als genug Material, um das Herz eines jeden Miniaturisten zu erfreuen...
You would not believe what treasures we've found inside! In this very familiar box (*grin*) alone was more than enough material to make the heart of every miniaturist happy...

... und unter anderem eben auch die Fimostange, die wir für das "Canadian Smile"-Praliné verwendet haben. *schmunzel* Aber das war noch längst nicht der ganze Inhalt dieser Box - ein paar besonders schöne Teile wollen wir Euch noch einmal extra zeigen.
... and among them also the clay cane we've used for the "Canadian Smile" praliné. *smile* But this was not the whole content of the box yet - we'd like to show some very nice pieces extra to you.

Aber auch das war noch lange nicht alles - da gab es noch eine Tüte mit einem besonderen Gruß an die Hexentürmer und vielen nützlichen und tollen Miniaturen...
But this wasn't all yet - there was also a bag with a special greeting to the Witch Tower Crew and many more useful and awesome miniatures...

... und einen weiteren Beutel mit einem Gruß an das Weihnachtshaus. 
... and another bag with a greeting to the Christmas House.

Auf dem Foto kann man gar nicht wirklich erkennen, wie toll der Kranz gemacht ist. Und auch das war noch nicht alles, denn es waren noch mehr Schätze in dem Karton...
Sadly the photo can't do justice to the beauty of the wreath. And this wasn't the end yet because there were still more treasures waiting in the box...

... unter anderem "Flower Soft" und Blütenstanzteile. Muss ich eigentlich noch erwähnen, dass meine kleine Schwester ganz begeistert von dem Beutel mit den rosafarbenen Blüten ist? *stöhn* Und ganz zum Schluß fanden wir noch diesen lustigen Kerl:
.... among them "Flower Soft" and flower punches. Do I have to mention at all that my little sis' was over the moon with the bag of pink flower punches? *groan* And the last piece we've found was this funny guy:

Mr. Iceman persönlich! Wie toll ist das denn??? Wer Elizabeths Blog kennt (und das können wir wirklich nur jedem dringend empfehlen), der erinnert sich vielleicht an Mr. Iceman aus Elizabeths "W"-post... und nun ist er bei uns... und Birgit sagt, sie wisse bereits das richtige Plätzchen für ihn. Mist, ich fürchte, dass es sich dabei nicht um Strawberry Cottage handelt... schade... mit Mr. Iceman im Haus wären die Erdbeeren und die Honigmilch immer schön kühl gewesen... äh... wo war ich... ach ja... falls sich jemand fragt, was Birgit eigentlich bekommen hat (außer Arbeit natürlich... irgendwer muss all das ja verarbeiten... *hihi*)... Birgit wurde natürlich nicht vergessen und bekam (*Trommelwirbel*)...
Mr. Iceman in person! How great is that??? Those who know Elizabeth's blog (and we would really recommend you to know it) remember maybe that Mr. Iceman appeared in Elizabeth's "C"-post... and now he is here with us... and Birgit says she would already know the perfect place for him. Rats, I suppose she's not talking about Strawberry Cottage here... what a pity... with Mr. Iceman in the house all strawberries as well as the honey milk would always have been well chilled... eh... where was I... oh yes... in case you might wonder what Birgit received (except work of course... because somebody needs to craft away all of this... *teehee*)... Birgit was not forgotten and received (*drumroll please*)...

... diese wunderschöne Karte. Es ist soooooo schön, ein BiWuBärchen zu sein...  wir kriegen die Geschenke und Birgit die Karte *lach*
... this beautiful card. It's soooooo good to be a BiWuBeary... we get the presents while Birgits gets the card *LOL*

Dearest Elizabeth, thank you once more for this wonderful surprise! We're over the moon with all your awesome and well chosen gifts and we appreciate each and every one of them... but most of all the gift of friendship you've included. Thank you beary much!!!

Ihr seht, bei uns war wirklich "W" im Juli angesagt... Wem das jetzt aber vielleicht doch etwas zu viel "W" im Juli war, den erinnern wir sehr gerne daran, dass es zwar nur noch 5 Monate bis "W" sind, wir aber im Moment noch Sommer haben und den sollen und wollen wir doch genießen so gut es geht. Und wie könnte man den Sommer wohl besser genießen als zum Beispiel am Strand oder... im Garten! *grins* Und damit herzlich Willkommen zu Folge 93915 unsere *hüstel* beliebten Reihe "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten". *höhö*
You know by now - we've really had "C" in July around here... But to all of you who think this was much too much "C" in July now we like to happily remind you that it's for sure only 5 months until "C" but that we're still having summer at the moment which we shall and want to enjoy to the fullest. And what better way could there be than to enjoy summer for example at the beach or.. in the garden! *grin* So, a heartfelt welcome to volume 93915 of our *coughcough* beloved series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". *teehee*

Ein sehr gefährlicher Fototermin - Luftangriff im Lavendel! *lach* (Keine Bange - kein BiWuBärchen und keine Hummel waren in Gefahr für dieses Foto *schmunzel*)
A very dangerous photo shooting - air attack in the lavender! *LOL* (No need to worry - no BiWuBeary and no bumblebee were in danger during the taking of this photo *smile*)

Die ersten roten Johannisbeeren hat Birgit übrigens schon geerntet... lecker!!! Und das war's von uns für heute. Wir wünschen Euch einen schönen Rest-Juli, erinnern noch einmal daran, dass "W" schneller kommt, als manchem lieb ist, und beschließen diesen Post genau so herzlich, wie wir ihn angefangen haben. ;O)
Btw - Birgit already harvested the first red currants... yummy!!! And this is all from us for today. We're wishing to you a lovely rest of July, are reminding once more of the fact that "C" is coming faster than some of us would love it to come and finish this post with as much heart as we've started it with. ;O)

Liebe Grüße / Hugs

12 Kommentare:

Ulrike hat gesagt…

Beim Anblick der herrlichen Leckereien in Form von Lebkuchen, kandieren Äpfeln und Pralinen, kann man es kaum erwarten dass es Advent wird. Wie lange doch 5 Monate sein können. Andersrum, wenn man noch viel vorzubereiten hat, oder gar noch Pluspunkte sammeln möchte ;0) , sind die 5 Monate ratzfatz um. Nutzen wir die Zeit sinnvoll!
Die Fotos vom Garten sind wieder herrlich, die Hortensien ein Traum. Unsere blühen in diesem Jahr auch so schön und die Blüten sind so groß. An einer unserer Hortensien sind die Blüten so groß, dass sich die Stiele durch das Gewicht gebogen haben.

Ein schönes Wochenende.

PILAR6373 hat gesagt…

Que maravilloso ver que los dulces navideños aumentan y parecen deliciosos!!! Todavía hay tiempo para seguir ganando puntos en el libro de oro,aunque habrá que ser perseverante!!
Elizabeth ha sido muy generosa,cuantas cosas maravillosas!
Las flores de vuestro jardín están tan bonitas! yo creo que la primavera quiso compensarnos de alguna manera ésta época de pandemia,haciendo que todas las plantas estén aún más exuberantes.
Disfrutar de esas grosellas tan apetitosas y del buen tiempo.

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo Fluby and Rosey! Have I ever told you that your Birgit is a GENIUS...? No, than I tell you again that she is. I think she is upgraded to professor Birgit, now I see her gingerbread cookies, which she made out of other ingredients than the usual ones ;O)!! They look absolutely delicious AND wonderful, as her candied apples are!!
Birgit's homemade gingerbread pralinés have become ever more delicious (if that's possible), they are mouthwatering. But I love her names for them, especially Canadian Smile with a real Canadian touch ;). Elizabeth spoiled your Birgit soooo much, but she truly deserves this and I am sure that everyone who know Birgit will agree. I think that every single gift of Elizabeth will do make Birgit's brains overtime, more and more inventions and brilliant ideas will follow and will be seen here on your blog ;).
I am sure that your Birgit is now withdrawing in her rooms, thinking out new ideas for making miniatures. And seeing these beautiful range of Christmas miniatures, such as the books, and the beautiful card, I think Birgit is over the moon, Christmas fan as she is.
Last but best: Mr. Iceman, cool or cold as ice ;O). Yes, I remember the story Elizabeth wrote back then, so lovely to see him here.
And of course I enjoyed your garden tour once more, it's a riddle to me how you grow your flowers and berries, they all seem without a flaw......don't you have critters in your garden, or are your plants made of plastic ;O)?? No, I'm kidding, your flowers and berries look beautiful and delicious!! Enjoy your garden whenever you can and have a happy Summer as well.
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona

Jodi Hippler hat gesagt…

Hi Fluby! I love your photo shoot! You and Rosey look marvelous among those incredible flowers!!! The following message is meant directly for Dear Birgit. Please make sure she gets it...

Dear Birgit,

I am so sorry that the big "C" is coming up so fast for you (holy smokes this year is flying by!) but may I remind you that the additions to the "C" wonderland that you presented to us last March was already enough to knock us off our chairs?!? And already you have made a whole new supply of delectable delights with those outstanding gingerbread cookies and all of the confections you have shown us today! You are way ahead of the curve in "C" productivity!!! And somehow, you always manage to meet your goals! Trust yourself. You Are Fine!!!

I love that you received some return Love from our wonderful Elizabeth! And in the same box! She's awesome, isn't she!!! I know you'll be able to make the most of every bob and bead! Those knit hats are going to look fab on the bearys!

Your garden! It's heavenly! Thank you so much for sharing that infusion of life's joy with us and for sharing your giant heart! 💗

elizabeth s hat gesagt…

Sometimes it is difficult to know exactly what to send to a person with as much Creative Talent as you have Birgit, so sending a box of crafting items seemed to make the most sense.
I KNEW that with your Amazing Imagination, you would be able to magically transform it's Cinderella contents into something BEAUTIFUL, just as you've done with the heart and stocking stickers and I was right!!! :D
Merry "Christmas" in July my dear friend,
and may GOD bless us every one! ❤️😘

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Dear Fluby and Rosey and Birgit too, I can Honestly tell you that I know Exactly what it is like to have "C" come in July!!! Now it is Your turn!!! :):) It is such a Pleasure to see all those pieces of "work" that Elizabeth sent to Birgit.... because I know that we will be seeing the amazing results of Birgit's creativity before too long.... or maybe even after a Long while! :):) And the fact that Birgit is Scaring some of us with the reminders of the shortening days and the upcoming deadlines.... and even giving us a "seasonal preview" with awesome yummy Gingerbread Hearts and Pralines.... will be overlooked because of the visit to the Garden with the BiWuBeareys!!!! I LOVE to visit in the beautiful flowers with Fluby and Rosey.... and what beautiful flowers they are!!! I am enjoying the Summer breezes and long sweet evenings and birds singing still in the mornings.... although the sun is not up as early as he should be....! *Sigh*... Time does not stand still! And I'm NOT thinking about the You-know-what that needs to be "figured out" before too many more weeks have passed.... Yikes!!! No Need to Panic!!! ( But at least I can look forward to when we will be seeing the "C-Market" open....!!!) :):):)

Alexandra Martinez hat gesagt…

Isn´t it wonderful that we can celebrate Christ.. oppsss, sorry!
I mean, isn´t it wonderful that we can celebrate C 😁 in July? It certainly is!! Elizabeth gifts are amazing, I can´t begin to imaging all the things that Birgit could do with them, I´m sure she will amaze us with her creations. Elizabeth is very generous and Birgit deserves it all as she herself is one of the most generous persons I know in this world, or I better say she deserves all the cards she can get as Rosey and Fluby are lucky to keep the presents!! So happy for all of you, enjoy your beautiful C in July. I, in the meantime, will enjoy your beautiful garden xxx.

Fabiola hat gesagt…

Beautiful gifts from Elisabeth; so you can celebrate C... in July. Lucky girl!
Birgit, your gingerbread creations are fantastic and so so simple to do. A brilliant idea!
The garden is fantastic and full of colors; and the last photo is so romantic.

Marisa hat gesagt…

Hi Guys
what wonderful gifts and your photos among the flowers is just adorable, I have had currents before they were mixed in a cup cake I had at an amish home. Rich used to be a driver from an amish crew and we were invited to their home for C it was a lot of fun.


Zulueta E hat gesagt…

Sorprende ver dulces de Navidad en agosto, pero gracias a ellos luego podremos disfrutar de tu maravilloso mercadillo y todas sus novedades :)
Me encantan los dulces y te felicito por los maravillosos regalos y por tus flores siempre preciosas.
Un abrazo!

Huibrecht hat gesagt…

Dear Birgit,

More delicious gingerbread cookies, toffee apples and chocolate pralinés. More lovely sweets that make my mouth water. Nobody eats gingerbread in July, at least not in the Netherlands, but after reading this post I might just have to bake some myself. And it them ofcourse. ;-)

What wonderfull gifts! I am sure that you will find wonderful way to use these for new and exciting miniatures.

Megan Schetsche hat gesagt…

Your "C" baking looks too delicious, Birgit!
In South Africa, we call a ladybug a lieweheersbesie. It literally translates to the dear lord beetle. And yes, they are lucky. A child is always happy to find one and they are never harmed. They've become very scarce here in the last few years, when I was a child they were all over the place. Or maybe I was just more lucky then...
It's lovely to see the bearies enjoying the flowers too. I really miss Germany this year, stuck in SA due to that other ugly C-word.
We had a look online at a farmhouse for sale in Esens last week. It is right up against the North Sea. I recall that you're from the north too, maybe we will be neigbours one of these days!