Donnerstag, 5. November 2015

Willkommen im November


jetzt ist es passiert - wir haben November und ich habe keine Ahnung, wie das passieren konnte! Wo bitte ist der Oktober geblieben??? Und der September??? Und auf einmal... NOVEMBER!!! *schwere-Orgelmusik-ertönt-im-Hintergrund* Das ist bei uns der Monat, wo Birgit regelmäßig zu dem Schluß kommt, dass die Tage in diesem Monat unmöglich 24 Stunden haben können wie sonst... *lach* Nicht mehr lang, und sie wird mit den Vorbereitungen anfangen für die Weihnachtsdekoration (Ja, auch das bringt der November mit sich... ich kann jetzt das W-Wort sagen, ohne dass Birgit anfängt "Aaaaahhhhrrrrggggghhh!!!" zu schreien... das schreit sie inzwischen sowieso ständig, weil sie eigentlich so viel vor hat und jetzt schon fest steht, dass sie wieder einiges davon auf nächstes Jahr vertagen muss, aber das ist ja ganz normal... jedenfalls für Birgit und alle, die mit ihr leben, man gewöhnt sich daran... äh... wo war ich... ach ja... Weihnachtsdekoration) - gründlich saubermachen, die ersten Staubfänger ins Weihnachtsexil stellen, damit Platz ist für all die schönen Dinge, die uns die Weihnachtszeit verschönern werden. Unter uns - Rosey und ich haben schon eine Wette laufen, wann Birgit zum ersten Mal stöhnen wird "Ich habe einfach zu viel Weihnachtsgedönse!!!" *hihi*
... now it has happened - November is here and I have not even a clue how this could happen! Where did October go to??? And where is September??? And now all of a sudden... NOVEMBER!!! *heavy-organ-music-starts-playing-in-the-background* Here at our place this is the month when Birgit comes to the conclusion that this month can not have days being 24 hours long as the others do... *LOL* Soon she will start with the preparations for the Christmas decoration (Yes, this is one of the things November brings... and now I can even say the C-word without making Birgit shout "Aaaaahhhhhrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!"... by now she's already shouting this very often because she had so many plans and it's once more clear again that she won't be able to realize all of them and will have to save them for next year which is quite a normal thing... at least for Birgit and all who are living with her, you get used to this... eh... where was I... yes... Christmas decoration), cleaning the house, bringing the first dust catchers to Christmas exile to gain space for all those lovely things who are supposed to make our Christmas time brighter. Just among us - Rosey and I have a bet running about the moment when Birgit will be moaning for the first time "I have too much Christmas stuff!!!" *teehee*

Um so wichtiger natürlich, dass ich auch in diesem Monat meiner Birgit bei der Umstellung ihrer zahlreichen Kalender geholfen habe. Ihr wisst ja - ich bin ein Gentlebär von Kopf bis Fuß... Mal sehen was unser Sprüchekalender uns im November zeigt - also schon mal ein wunderschönes Herbstbild... und ein Zitat von Heinrich Waggerl: "Denn alles Heil kommt aus der Stille."
So it's even more important for me to help Birgit once more with the update of her many calendars. You know it - I am a gentelbear from top to toe... Let's see what our wisdom calendar is offering us in November - first of all a beautiful fall picture... and a saying by Heinrich Waggerl (as always I'm not going to quote but try to say it in my own poor English), he said all salvation would come out of silence/tranquility.
Gut, ob nun wirklich ALLES Heil nur aus der Stille kommt... hmmm... Aber ich habe noch ein chinesisches Sprichwort für Euch heraus gesucht: "Ein Augenblick Geduld kann viel Unheil verhüten." Ja, das stimmt... das Problem ist nur manchmal die praktische Umsetzung... *lach* Aber wie hat Albert Schweitzer doch so schön gesagt: "Jahre runzeln die Haut, aber Enthusiasmus aufgeben runzelt die Seele."
Well, if really ALL salvation comes out of silence... hmmm... But I can offer you another one, a Chinese proverb about a moment of patience being able to prevent a lot of trouble. Yes, that's true... the only problem is the practical implementation... *LOL* But as Albert Schweitzer said - years give wrinkles to the skin, but giving up enthusiasm gives wrinkles to the soul.

A propos Seele... meine kleine Schwester und ich haben gestern auch etwas für unsere Seele getan. Nach Tagen voller Nebel und 50 Shades of Grey *grins* zeigte sich auch bei uns der Herbst wieder von seiner wunderbaren Seite. Und natürlich gab es für uns kein Halten und wir mussten ab in den Garten... selbstverständlich warm eingepackt, ganz im Gedenken an das chinesische Sprichwort... die Geduld, den Schal umzubinden verhütet das Unheil einer Erkältung. *kicher*
Speaking of the soul... my little sister and I were doing something for our souls yesterday. After days full of mist and fog and 50 shades of grey *grin* autumn was showing his beautiful face once more. And of course there was no stopping us and we had to go to the garden... but of course we were having this Chinese proverb in mind... having the patience to put on a scarf prevents the trouble of getting a cold. *giggle*

Und wenn man von so einem Ausflug in den herbstlichen Garten wieder ins Haus kommt, schmeckt die heiße Honigmilch glatt noch mal so gut... Wir wünschen Euch allen einen wunderbaren November!
And when coming home to the house after such a lovely tour in the fall garden the hot honey milk tastes even better than usual... We're wishing to all of you a great November!

Liebe Grüße / Hugs

20 Kommentare:

Contrastes-Rosa Mª hat gesagt…

Un buen comienzo de Noviembre disfrutando de las fotos tan bonitas que nos has puesto.No te agobies, pues a todas nos pasa lo mismo, los días tenían que tener más de 24 horas,disfruta de este nuevo mes que se irá volando. Besos:-)

17-17 hat gesagt…

Oh, the November...grey, foggy... and was coming too fast! Birgit I also had many plans, which I won't be able to realize at this year, but I'm glad that I could realize a part of them. Sometimes better simply to live without plans :-)
your sweet bears look great between autumn flowers, and their scarves are beautiful.
Happy November! hugs

Unknown hat gesagt…

We have had a few warm days so far in this Nov beginning but soon enough the frost will take over and yes Christmas and holiday decorations will feel close!

Your Autumn looks lovely I hope the bearies are frolicking in the leaves and enjoying the last bit of the season!

Pepper hat gesagt…

It is lovely to still see all of those pretty colours in your Autumnal garden. Yes, the months fly by. Before you know it, you'll be planning your Summer holidays. Happy November =0)

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo liebe Freunden :)! Hallo Fluby, I think that your good behavior surely will be noticed by Santa Claus. Because of your big help to Birgit, so there will be more good points in his book for you ;)! By the way: am I allowed to speak about der Weihnachtsmann too, or........will Birgit start screaming again, if I do LOL ;)!? Please, tell me, because I don't want you to get bad points in the big book......hohoho ;)!
Here, we have had such beautiful weather since the end of last week, but today it was enough for me and I've sent some sunshine to you all up in the North. I see that you've enjoyed the sunny weather with your sweet little sister Rosey. Wonderful pictures with absolutely gorgeous autumn colors. It was also very wise of you both to put on your scarfs for preventing a cold ;)! Please, sent some hugs to Birgit, she will need it in this coming month, will you :D!? Happy November to you all, dearies/bearies ;)!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje, my cheerful, little guy is helping me very good with cleaning out the 'exploded' mess in my livingroom, which is emerged in the last few months LOL :D!
Viele liebe Grüsse, auch von mich, Ilona

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

Dear Flutterby,
Yes, it seems that November replaced October too soon. But nice autumn days
with beautiful flowers and colors make up for it. You and your sister among
the gorgeous flowers look wonderful. Thank you for the photos.
Hugs to you and all the beary family, and of course to Birgit too.

The Old Maid hat gesagt…

So much sun on your side of Europe! :) Over here it is greyer and greyer, but still a bit of colour - leaves are falling down...
Have a great November!
Hugs and kisses from
Lady A., Peevee and me!

Maria Ireland hat gesagt…

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat it cant be November already gulp it will be Christmas next week at this rate :-D Wonderful pictures Rosey looks so cute amongst the pink flowers. Have a great November.
Hugs Maria

Kikka N hat gesagt…

Dear Flutterby, your Fall looks so pretty in color! I love those photos where you are with the autumn leaves...and with flowers!
Happy November days to you!

Duendes hat gesagt…

Que seja um novembro bonito e abençoado assim como a natureza.beijos.

rosanna hat gesagt…

I thought the same ... NOVEMBER !!!! how can it be ???
And windows are filled with Christmas items !! no, cannot believe it.
Mostly because the weather here is so sunny that it looks like Spring.
Keep warm and enjoy your lovely garden
Hugs, Ro

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Yes, we have been having a Problem over here too with the Disappearing Time!!! And I think we have a Serious Problem if All Salvation comes through Silence.... I hope they don't also include Typed words as "noise".... because we have a Lot of those in a Blog that will remain unnamed! LOL! I am glad to see that you have had a soul nurturing visit with the Autumn garden, Rosey and Fluby! You make it look Lovely with your scarves on! As for the Small amount of Time left to Prepare for Christmas..... it is difficult to even imagine it over here right now... we are having a heat wave with temperatures of 70 degrees F.!!!
I hope Birgit has a "Merry" Time with Preparing for Christmas.... even when she is finding too many Christmas Things!!! (I have that problem too!) There is no point unless we can be Merry whatever the challenges! And surely extra warm honey milk is part of being "Merry"!!! :)

GINGERALE hat gesagt…

you have such bright and colorful November! we have melting snow mixed with mud )))

Lovejoy Bears hat gesagt…

Hello Fluby,
What a lovely blog post!! It always makes me happy to see such lovely photos of you and Rosey in the garden and your words of wisdom are always so wonderful!! I hope your Birgit will find some time for silence and tranquility in the countdown before Christmas!! Don't say the C. word too much and hopefull she will be OK :) I absoloutely adore Rosey's colourful scarf, I wish I had one in human size :) Hugs for you all ♥ Vicky ♥

Fabiola hat gesagt…

The weather here is so sunny. I like it!
Beautiful photos.

Sam hat gesagt…

Happy November! Great photos.

Maria Blanca "AyamontinoMaria" hat gesagt…

Si, Noviembre ha llegado, y en cuanto nos demos cuenta, tendremos la Navidad al lado...No te preocupes, a todas nos pasa lo mismo, el tiempo se nos escurre entre los dedos...Pero gracias a fotos como las tuyas, conseguimos atrapar algunos preciosos momentos. Gracias, Birgit. Un beso

Hannah hat gesagt…

Such lovely autumn pictures! Have a wonderful November, and take it easy, less shouting, more enjoying ;)

Unknown hat gesagt…

So many colors that can inspire you!! Wonderful garden and warm month were I am now. Hugs!!

Unknown hat gesagt…

So many colors that can inspire you!! Wonderful garden and warm month were I am now. Hugs!!