wir hoffen, Ihr genießt den Frühling in vollen Zügen... Bei uns ist das leider nicht immer möglich, weil das Wetter ganz schön launisch ist: Ein Tag Herbstkälte mit Sturm und Regen wird abgelöst von Wärme, die jedem Hochsommer Ehre machen würde. Letztes Wochenende hatten wir sogar ein schweres Gewitter mit Hagel... aber das erklärt natürlich immer noch nicht, warum dieser Post "Schnee im Mai" heißt. *grins* Vielleicht erinnert Ihr Euch ja noch an unsere Nelkenkirsche, die inzwischen zu einem prächtigen Baum heran gewachsen ist - und dementsprechend üppig blüht.
... we hope you're enjoying spring to the fullest... Here at our place this is not always possible because we're having very changeable weather at the moment: One day with autumn chill and storm and rain is followed by warmth that would do honor to every hot summer day. Last weekend we even had a heavy thunderstorm with hail... but this is of course not yet the explanation why this post is entitled "Schnee im Mai" (= snow in May). *grin* Maybe you remember our carnation cherry who has grown into a splendid tree by now - being in full bloom now.
... we hope you're enjoying spring to the fullest... Here at our place this is not always possible because we're having very changeable weather at the moment: One day with autumn chill and storm and rain is followed by warmth that would do honor to every hot summer day. Last weekend we even had a heavy thunderstorm with hail... but this is of course not yet the explanation why this post is entitled "Schnee im Mai" (= snow in May). *grin* Maybe you remember our carnation cherry who has grown into a splendid tree by now - being in full bloom now.
Muss ich eigentlich noch erwähnen, dass meine kleine Schwester hier voll in ihrem Element ist? *schmunzel*
Do I still have to mention that my little sis' is over the moon nowadays? *smile*
Do I still have to mention that my little sis' is over the moon nowadays? *smile*
Aber bei den Wetterkapriolen kommt es dann auch zu einem Phänomen, das wir eben Schnee im Mai nennen. Gut, man hätte es auch "Huch, der Rasen ist rosa!!!" nennen können, aber dann würde mir die Überleitung zum späteren Teil fehlen. ;O)
But the capricious weather was causing a phenomenon we are calling snow in May. Okay, instead of this we could have called it also "Ooops, the lawn is pink!!!" but with this I would miss a good bridge to another topic at the end of this post. ;O)
But the capricious weather was causing a phenomenon we are calling snow in May. Okay, instead of this we could have called it also "Ooops, the lawn is pink!!!" but with this I would miss a good bridge to another topic at the end of this post. ;O)
Habt Ihr Lust auf ein kleines Suchspiel? Auf den Fotos lassen sich tatsächlich zwei BiWuBärchen entdecken! *kicher*
Would you like a little riddle? Can you discover the two BiWuBearies on these photos? *giggle*
Would you like a little riddle? Can you discover the two BiWuBearies on these photos? *giggle*
Seht Ihr uns?
Can you spot us?
Can you spot us?
Aber jetzt bestimmt, oder?
But now it's easy, isn't it?
But now it's easy, isn't it?
War ja nicht schwer... wobei Ihr es deutlich schwerer gehabt hättet, wenn Rosey alleine hier sitzen würde. Aber ich bin ja nun mal ein Gentlebär von Kopf bis Fuß und da muss man eben auch beim Raten vollen Service bieten... *lach* Birgit sagt übrigens, durch uns und unsere Entdeckungsreisen im Garten würde sie überhaupt erst merken, wie schön so ein Rasen übersät mit verblühten Baumblüten eigentlich ist.
Okay, this was not difficult to guess... but it would have been much more difficult if Rosey was sitting here alone. But you know me - I'm a gentlebeary from top to toe and this means I also have to offer full service when it comes to guessing games... *LOL* Btw Birgit says because of us and our discovery tours she was able to notice how beautiful such a lawn full with faded tree blossoms is.
Na, wenn das so ist... dann zeigen wir doch noch mal ein paar weitere Schönheiten im Garten. Und für alle, die es nicht gleich bemerkt haben sollten... ja, ich gestehe... wir sind schon wieder mitten in Folge 93882 von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten"... *hihi*
Okay, this was not difficult to guess... but it would have been much more difficult if Rosey was sitting here alone. But you know me - I'm a gentlebeary from top to toe and this means I also have to offer full service when it comes to guessing games... *LOL* Btw Birgit says because of us and our discovery tours she was able to notice how beautiful such a lawn full with faded tree blossoms is.
Na, wenn das so ist... dann zeigen wir doch noch mal ein paar weitere Schönheiten im Garten. Und für alle, die es nicht gleich bemerkt haben sollten... ja, ich gestehe... wir sind schon wieder mitten in Folge 93882 von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Bilder von BiWuBärchen im Garten"... *hihi*
Well, in this case... then we will show some more beauties in the garden. And to all of you who have not noticed so far... yes, I do confess... we're once again in another part (volume 93882 to be exact) of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden"... *teehee*
Ohne Zweifel gute Zeiten für meine kleine Schwester alias Miss-Pretty-in-Pink... Gute Zeiten bereitet Birgit auch gerade einem anderen Mitglied unserer BiWuBärenfamilie und ich freue mich riesig, dass ich von nun an endlich darüber berichten kann. Erinnert Ihr Euch noch an unser Giveaway vom letzten Jahr? Wir hatten 5 von denen hier verlost:
These are for sure good times for my little sis' aka Miss-Pretty-in-Pink... But good times made by Birgit have also begun for another member of our BiWuBeary family and I'm totally happy that I'm finally able to tell you about it. Do you still remember our giveaway from last year? The prices were 5 of those:
These are for sure good times for my little sis' aka Miss-Pretty-in-Pink... But good times made by Birgit have also begun for another member of our BiWuBeary family and I'm totally happy that I'm finally able to tell you about it. Do you still remember our giveaway from last year? The prices were 5 of those:
So eine Ecke bietet ja unzählige Möglichkeiten, was man damit machen kann - wir hatten damals mal mit vorhandenen Möbeln einige Anregungen gegeben.
Such a corner offers many possibilities for decorating it - back then we had given a few suggestions using our own furniture.
Such a corner offers many possibilities for decorating it - back then we had given a few suggestions using our own furniture.
Birgit hatte natürlich auch so eine Ecke behalten und nach einiger Zeit kam ihr dann auch eine Idee, was sie daraus machen wollte. Wie schon erwähnt, wird ein weiterer BiWuBären-Kumpel nun Hausbesitzer... oder so was in der Art. Wie bitte? Ach... Ihr möchtet gerne wissen, wer von uns der Glückliche ist? *grins* Nun, das verraten wir erst im nächsten Post... aber einen kleinen Hinweis gibt es schon mal. Dieses Teil hat Birgit für das neue Projekt gemacht (aus einem Bausatz von artofmini):
Of course Birgit had kept a corner for herself and after some time she came up with an idea how to use it. As I mentioned before another BiWuBeary chap will become a house owner... or something in that style. Pardon me? Ah... you would like to know which member of our gang is the lucky one? *grin* Well, we're going to tell this in our next post... but for now we're giving you a little hint already. For the new project Birgit has made this piece (from a kit by artofmini):
Of course Birgit had kept a corner for herself and after some time she came up with an idea how to use it. As I mentioned before another BiWuBeary chap will become a house owner... or something in that style. Pardon me? Ah... you would like to know which member of our gang is the lucky one? *grin* Well, we're going to tell this in our next post... but for now we're giving you a little hint already. For the new project Birgit has made this piece (from a kit by artofmini):
Man kann es kaum glauben, aber es stimmt: Das hat wirklich meine Birgit gemacht - die ja bekanntlich immer ganz schlechte Laune hat, wenn im Winter das weiße kalte Zeug sie zu einem Date mit ihrer Schneeschaufel zwingt. Aber Birgit tut im Zweifelsfall alles für ihre BiWuBärchen, selbst wenn sie dafür ein "I love winter"-Schild basteln muss... Und ich kann Euch schon mal verraten, dass die Überschrift "Schnee im Mai" auch bei unserem nächsten Post passen würde... ;O)
It's of course hard to believe but nevertheless true: This was really made by my Birgit - who is well known for getting in a very bad mood when in winter this white cold stuff forces her to date her snow shovel. But in the end Birgit is doing everything she can for her BiWuBearies even if this means she needs to craft a "I love winter"-sign... And I can already tell you that the title "Snow in May" would also match with our next post... ;O)
It's of course hard to believe but nevertheless true: This was really made by my Birgit - who is well known for getting in a very bad mood when in winter this white cold stuff forces her to date her snow shovel. But in the end Birgit is doing everything she can for her BiWuBearies even if this means she needs to craft a "I love winter"-sign... And I can already tell you that the title "Snow in May" would also match with our next post... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs