ist es nicht unglaublich - nun ist der April schon wieder fast vorbei... genau wie das wunderbare Fühlt-sich-schon-echt-wie-Sommer-an-Wetter, mit dem wir die letzten Tage verwöhnt wurden. Inzwischen zeigt sich der April wieder von der ganz launischen Seite und es ist grau und regnet - was zu schlechter Laune bei meiner Birgit führt, weil der Rasen wächst wie wild aber viel zu nass zum Mähen ist. Ja, meine Birgit hat inzwischen die Schneeschaufel beiseite legen können und gleich eingetauscht gegen den Rasenmäher und die Gartengeräte. Währenddessen haben Rosey und ich uns bärsönlich davon überzeugt, wie die Natur auch in unserem Garten explodiert. Ach ja... Frühling... für uns die schönste Jahreszeit. Nie ist das Grün grüner... und jede Blütenknospe nach einem langen Winter ist ein kleines Wunder. Und ich weiß gar nicht, wie ich Euch das nun schonend beibringen könnte, deswegen sage ich es rundweg gerade heraus: Es lässt sich leider nicht vermeiden - hier kommt Folge 93889 von "Und schon wieder jede Menge Fotos von BiWuBärchen im Garten". *grins* Achtung - unkommentierte Bilderflut!!! *hihi*
... isn't it incredible - April is in fact almost gone again... as well as the most wonderful feels-already-like-real-summer-weather we've been spoiled with during the last days. In the meantime April is showing the capricious face its famous for with everything being grey and rainy - which leads to a bad mood by Birgit with the lawn growing like crazy but being much too wet to be mowed. Yes, my Birgit was finally able to put the snow shovel aside exchanging it at once with the lawn mower and the garden tools. Meanwhile Rosey and I checked bearsonally that nature in our garden is exploding. Oh my... spring... according to us it's the most beautiful season of all. The green is never greener... and after a long winter each blossom is a little miracle. And I have no idea how I could announce this in a gentle and soft way to you so I'm saying it right away: We can't help it - here's volume 93889 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". *grin* Caution - picture flood without comments!!! *teehee*
... isn't it incredible - April is in fact almost gone again... as well as the most wonderful feels-already-like-real-summer-weather we've been spoiled with during the last days. In the meantime April is showing the capricious face its famous for with everything being grey and rainy - which leads to a bad mood by Birgit with the lawn growing like crazy but being much too wet to be mowed. Yes, my Birgit was finally able to put the snow shovel aside exchanging it at once with the lawn mower and the garden tools. Meanwhile Rosey and I checked bearsonally that nature in our garden is exploding. Oh my... spring... according to us it's the most beautiful season of all. The green is never greener... and after a long winter each blossom is a little miracle. And I have no idea how I could announce this in a gentle and soft way to you so I'm saying it right away: We can't help it - here's volume 93889 of our series "And once more many pictures of BiWuBearies in the garden". *grin* Caution - picture flood without comments!!! *teehee*
Und auch, wenn Birgit sehr viel im Garten zu tun hatte, so hat sie doch auch Fortschritte bei einigen Projekten gemacht. Die Weihnachtsbude, die als Display für Weihnachtsminiaturen in unserem Etsy-Shop dienen soll, ist inzwischen fertig mit Holz verkleidet und sieht so aus:
And although Birgit has plenty of work to do in the garden she still managed to make progress with some of her projects. The Christmas booth which shall become a display for Christmas miniatures offered in our Etsy shop has been covered completely with wood in the meantime and looks like this now:
And although Birgit has plenty of work to do in the garden she still managed to make progress with some of her projects. The Christmas booth which shall become a display for Christmas miniatures offered in our Etsy shop has been covered completely with wood in the meantime and looks like this now:
Oben sind Haken eingearbeitet, an die Weihnachtskugeln zur Präsentation gehängt werden können.
Hooks were fixed on top which will help to present the Christmas ornaments.
Hooks were fixed on top which will help to present the Christmas ornaments.
Birgit hat inzwischen auch die zweite Bude fertig mit Holz verkleidet, aber die zeigen wir Euch dann, wenn sie fertig bemalt wurde und das Dach eine Schneeschicht bekommen hat. A propos Schneeschicht... es wird ja wohl echt Zeit, dass es mal weiter geht mit Bowlers Hausbau. Nachdem nun inzwischen der Wohnraum und die beleuchtete Zwischendecke fertig sind, war nun endlich die Schneekugel selbst dran, die Bowlers Schlafraum werden wird.
Meanwhile Birgit has also finished to cover the second booth, we are going to show this to you after it was painted and received a layer of snow on the roof. Speaking about layer of snow... now it's for sure time to continue with the building of Bowler's house. Now that the living room and the illuminated in-between-floor are finished it was finally time to care about the snow ball which shall become Bowler's bedroom.
Meanwhile Birgit has also finished to cover the second booth, we are going to show this to you after it was painted and received a layer of snow on the roof. Speaking about layer of snow... now it's for sure time to continue with the building of Bowler's house. Now that the living room and the illuminated in-between-floor are finished it was finally time to care about the snow ball which shall become Bowler's bedroom.
Da fehlten eigentlich nur Kleinigkeiten, denn zusammen mit der Schneekugel hatte Ilona damals auch schon einen roten Holzboden und das wunderbare Bett für Bowler gemacht, so dass die Einrichtung eigentlich schon so gut wie fertig war. Dabei war auch ein Teil, das perfekt an die Rundung angepasst und von Ilona eigentlich als Kamin gedacht war. Bowler wollte aber lieber Stauraum haben, also hat Birgit dem Teil Schubladen verpasst und es sieht nun so aus:
There were just some bits and bobs missing still because back then Ilona did not only give this snow ball to us, it already contained a red wooden floor and the awesome bed she made for Bowler - so the interior was already as good as complete. And there was another piece included which matches perfectly with the bauble's curves and was dedicated by Ilona to be a fireplace. But Bowler preferred to have storage space that's why Birgit attached drawers to this piece which looks like this now:
There were just some bits and bobs missing still because back then Ilona did not only give this snow ball to us, it already contained a red wooden floor and the awesome bed she made for Bowler - so the interior was already as good as complete. And there was another piece included which matches perfectly with the bauble's curves and was dedicated by Ilona to be a fireplace. But Bowler preferred to have storage space that's why Birgit attached drawers to this piece which looks like this now:
Also, dieser *hüstel* Schrank ist in jedem Fall einmalig auf der Welt. *hihi* Als Nächstes hat sich Birgit um den Eingangsbereich des Schneeballs gekümmert - und das war das Ergebnis:
Well, at least this *coughcough* cupboard is an ooak. *teehee* Next on Birgit's to-do-list was the snowball's entrance - and this was the result:
Well, at least this *coughcough* cupboard is an ooak. *teehee* Next on Birgit's to-do-list was the snowball's entrance - and this was the result:
Nun ja... hmmm... mal gucken, wie das funktioniert...
Ehm... hmmm... let's find out how this works...
Ehm... hmmm... let's find out how this works...
Ich schmeiß mich weg... buaaahaaaahaaaa...*wischt-sich-die-Lachtränen-aus-dem-Gesicht* Bowler, tut mir echt leid... aber das sieht nun wirklich aus wie ein überdimensionaler Toilettendeckel... *kicher* Aber zum Glück gab sich das, nachdem die "Tür" *hihi* an Ort und Stelle war.
I can't stand it... buahaaaahaaaaa... *wipes-away-tears-of-laughter-from-his face* Bowler, I'm really sorry... but this thingie looks for sure like a giant toilet seat... *giggle* But luckily all made sense in the end after the "door" *teehee* was attached.
I can't stand it... buahaaaahaaaaa... *wipes-away-tears-of-laughter-from-his face* Bowler, I'm really sorry... but this thingie looks for sure like a giant toilet seat... *giggle* But luckily all made sense in the end after the "door" *teehee* was attached.
Brrrr... hier drinnen muss ich echt meinen warmen Schal umhaben. Und weil der Schneeball keine Fenster hat, musste auch noch unbedingt Licht her. Durch einen Zufall ist Birgit auf dieses Teil hier gestoßen und hat beschlossen, daraus eine Lampe zu machen.
Brrrrr... inside of this I really need to carry my warm scarf. And because the snowball has no windows it was necessary to add some light. Birgit happened to find this piece in her stash and decided to turn it into a lamp.
Brrrrr... inside of this I really need to carry my warm scarf. And because the snowball has no windows it was necessary to add some light. Birgit happened to find this piece in her stash and decided to turn it into a lamp.
Keine schlechte Idee... denn das ist so ein Papierpompon... und der sieht ein bisschen aus wie ein Schneeball.
No bad idea at all... because this is a paper pompom... which reminds somehow of a snowball.
No bad idea at all... because this is a paper pompom... which reminds somehow of a snowball.
Darin wurde ein batteriebetriebenes LED-Licht platziert und das leuchtet das Innere des Schneeballs wirklich richtig gut aus. Leider lässt sich das ganz schwer mit der Kamera festhalten - wir haben es natürlich trotzdem versucht, bitte sehr:
Inside of it a battery run LED light was placed which is able to illuminate the snowball's interior quite well. Sadly it's not easy to catch this with the camera - but of course we've tried it anyway, have a look:
Inside of it a battery run LED light was placed which is able to illuminate the snowball's interior quite well. Sadly it's not easy to catch this with the camera - but of course we've tried it anyway, have a look:
Und hier noch einmal Bowlers Lampe ohne Beleuchtung (aufgenommen mit Beleuchtung durch die Tür - fragt nicht, wie Birgit bei dem Foto geflucht hat... *grins*)
And here once more Bowler's lamp without the illumination on (taken with light through the door - don't ask how much Birgit was cursing while taking the picture... *grin*)
And here once more Bowler's lamp without the illumination on (taken with light through the door - don't ask how much Birgit was cursing while taking the picture... *grin*)
Damit Bowler aber in Zukunft überhaupt in sein Schlafzimmer kommt, brauchte es noch ein letztes besonderes Teil. Zum Glück hatte Birgit so etwas noch in ihren Irgendwann-für-Irgendwas-Kisten... und weiße Farbe war auch schnell zur Hand...
But to make sure Bowler will be able to get into his bedroom a last special piece was still needed. Luckily Birgit could find this needed something in her somewhen-for-somewhat-boxes and white paint was also quick to be at hand...
But to make sure Bowler will be able to get into his bedroom a last special piece was still needed. Luckily Birgit could find this needed something in her somewhen-for-somewhat-boxes and white paint was also quick to be at hand...
Genau, eine Leiter! Allerdings... äh... mal ganz ehrlich... ich weiß nicht, wie es Euch geht... aber... also... ich habe mich schon gefragt, wie das nun gehen soll... ich meine... Bowler und Leiter... er ist ja nun mal ein Schneemann... und unten rum rund ohne Beine... Also habe ich ihn direkt gefragt, ob er denn mit der Leiter klar komme.
Sure, a ladder! Nevertheless... eh... let's be honest... I don't know about you... but... well... I've really wondered how this should work... I mean... Bowler and a ladder... let's remember he's a snowman... with no legs at his round down part... So I've asked him right away how he would get along with this ladder.
Sure, a ladder! Nevertheless... eh... let's be honest... I don't know about you... but... well... I've really wondered how this should work... I mean... Bowler and a ladder... let's remember he's a snowman... with no legs at his round down part... So I've asked him right away how he would get along with this ladder.
Da hat er gelacht und gemeint, das sei kein Problem für ihn, er könne ja schließlich hüpfen. Und das hat er mir auch gleich demonstriert.
He just laughed and said this would be no problem for him because he would be able to hop. And he showed me right away how he's doing it.
He just laughed and said this would be no problem for him because he would be able to hop. And he showed me right away how he's doing it.
Ja, das klappt richtig gut - super... damit sind ja nun alle Probleme gelöst und Birgit kann endlich alles zusammen führen. Ich bin schon sehr gespannt, wie das am Ende aussehen wird... hoffentlich Ihr auch... ;O)
Hey, this works really well - great... with this all problems are solved now and Birgit is finally able to put all of this together. I'm really curious how this will look like in the end... hopefully you are too... ;O)
Hey, this works really well - great... with this all problems are solved now and Birgit is finally able to put all of this together. I'm really curious how this will look like in the end... hopefully you are too... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs