Sonntag, 26. Januar 2020

Shades of grey

wir sind's... mit unserem 2. Post in diesem Jahr. Geht es Euch auch so - wir können noch weniger als sonst verstehen, dass der Januar schon wieder so gut wie vorbei ist. Und irgendwie scheint Weihnachten ewig her zu sein... Trotzdem werden wir uns heute noch ein wenig auf "weihnachtlichem Terrain" bewegen. Diejenigen von Euch, die unseren Post vom 3. Advent gelesen haben, erinnern sich vielleicht, dass wir versprochen haben, Euch Dasher und Dancer noch einmal näher vorzustellen.
… it's us again… with our second post in this year. We don't know about you - we have even more problems than usual to understand that January has already reached its end again. And somehow Christmas seems to be over since so long… Nevertheless we're going to move on "Christmassy ground" once more today. Those of you who have read our post for Advent 3rd may perhaps remember that we promised to introduce Dasher and Dancer a little more to you.
Wie so oft bei uns kann auch deren Geschichte auf zwei Arten erzählt werden. Version 1 haben wir bereits erzählt und auch Version 2 geht davon aus, dass Rentiere des Weihnachtsmannes nach einigen Jahren in Rente gehen und ihren Lebensabend in den Workshops am Nordpol verbringen. Und weil Birgit gerade ein Weihnachtshaus baut und außerdem ein großes Faible für Rentiere hat, lag es nahe für sie, einen Rentierstall zu integrieren. Und was braucht man unbedingt für einen Rentierstall? *grins* Genau... und weil Birgit kein großes Budget hat, musste sie selbst dafür sorgen, dass der Stall nicht unbewohnt bleibt. Das ging mit Hilfe von unserem bereits vorhandenen Rentier der Marke Papo, der Neuanschaffung eines zweiten Rentieres (sind schließlich Herdentiere) sowie bereits vorhandenem Sticktwist in allerlei Grautönen. Wie viele "Shades of grey" aber tatsächlich verarbeitet wurden, da ist sich nicht mal unsere Birgit sicher. *kicher*
As it often happens around here this is also a story that can be told in two different ways. Version 1 is the one we've already told and version two is also presuming that Santa's reindeers retire after a few years and enjoy the evening of their lives in workshops at the North Pole. And because Birgit is building a Christmas House and is also very fond of reindeers it was not surprising that she decided to include a reindeer stable there. And what is absolutely mandatory for a reindeer stable? *grin* Sure... and because Birgit does not have a huge budget she had to make sure by herself that the stable would not stay empty. She did this with the help of a reindeer made by Papo which she already had, by buying a second reindeer (they are herd animals after all) and with embroidery yarn she already had in several shades of grey. But the exact amount of shades of grey being involved is something even Birgit doesn't know. *giggle*

Link zur kommerziellen Webseite von / link to the commercial website of Papo:

Weil Birgit wegen ihrer Arm- und Fingerprobleme nicht stricken oder häkeln kann, ist Wolle bei uns Mangelware. Sie hat aber früher sehr viel Kreuzstich gemacht - hier könnt Ihr ein paar Beispiele sehen:
Wool is something that can't be found around here because due to her arm and finger problems Birgit is not able to knit or crochet. But she used to do a lot of embroidery in cross stitch years ago - here you can see a few examples:

Sticken geht heute leider auch nicht mehr, aber das Garn war noch vorhanden. Nicht unbedingt perfekt zum Beflocken, aber Birgit wollte es damit wenigstens versuchen. Und so wurde aus dem ursprünglichen Dasher (= unbehandelte Papo-Version)…
Stitching is in the meantime also not possible anymore but the yarn was still in our stash. Not really the perfect thing for flocking but Birgit wanted to give it a try at least. And that's how the original Dasher (= the untreated version by Papo)…

… der neue Dasher.
… became the new Dasher.

Und weil das Makeover bei ihm ganz gut geklappt hat, war nun Dancer alias Rentier Nr. 2 an der Reihe.
And because his makeover went quite well it was now the turn of Dancer aka reindeer No. 2.

Rosey und ich wollten Dancer die Wartezeit bis zur Begegnung mit Birgits Pinseln etwas angenehmer gestalten und haben ein paar Snack-Karotten für sie geholt. Aber als wir zurück kamen... also... ich zittere immer noch... und Rosey hat so geweint... das ist jetzt echt nichts für sensible Personen oder Bärsonen… wirklich ein Schock... seid also gewarnt... Ihr müsst jetzt echt tapfer sein... uns erwartete DAS hier:
Rosey and I wanted to make the time Dancer had to wait for meeting Birgit's brushes a bit nicer and went to get some snack carrots for her. But when we came back... well… I'm still trembling… and Rosey cried so much… the following is indeed nothing for sensitive persons or bearsons… a real shock… so be aware, I'm warning you… and you really need to be courageous now… because THIS is what we saw:

Ein Blutbad! *schluck* Ein Massaker... oder vielleicht auch nur ein wenig böser BiWuBären-Humor mit einem Rest roter Farbe... *hihi* Keine Bange, Dancer geht's gut, ehrlich... und sie sieht inzwischen so aus:
A bloodbath! *gulp* A massacre… or maybe just a case of bad BiWuBeary humour combined with a leftover of red paint… *teehee*. No need to worry, Dancer is fine, really… and in the meantime she looks like this:

Birgit wollte kein identisches Rentierpaar in ihrem Stall stehen haben, deshalb musste die Körperhaltung bei einem etwas verändert werden. Birgit ist zwar nicht ganz mit dem veränderten Hinterbein zufrieden, aber alles in allem hat es geklappt und man kann Dasher und Dancer nun ganz gut auseinander halten. Schaut selbst - Bilderflut! *schmunzel*
Birgit didn't want to have an identical pair of reindeers in her stable so it was necessary to change the posture of one of them. Birgit is not totally happy with the change of the back leg but in the end everything went quite well and now it's easy to tell who is Dasher and who is Dancer. Just look at them - picture flood! *smile*


Wir sind schon sehr gespannt, wie so ein Rentier-Stall aussehen wird... auf jeden Fall wird er aber nicht leer sein. Und wenn wir Euch demnächst zeigen, wie die drei Weihnachtselfen En, To und Tre entstanden sind, wird auch garantiert kein Blut fließen. Großes Flatterbärchenehrenwort! ;O)
We are already excited to see how such a reindeer stable is going to look like... but it's already pretty clear that it won't be empty. And when we're going to show you soon how the three Christmas elves En, To and Tre were created there will be no more puddles of blood. Take the word of honor from a flutterybeary! ;O)

Liebe Grüße / Hugs

16 Kommentare:

Zulueta E hat gesagt…

WOW!!! Es increíble lo que has conseguido con los renos, se ven maravillosos ahora! Y más vale que lo del pobre Dancer solo ha sido un susto; se me ha encogido el corazón cuando lo he visto bañado en sangre; ha sido un gran alivio volverlo a ver en pie :)
Un abrazo!

Contrastes-Rosa Mª hat gesagt…

Genial la transformación y la broma de BiWuBeary un poco pesada. Feliz semana:-)

Jodi Hippler hat gesagt…

It is such a shame that due to worn out parts you have had to give up on your extraordinary embroidery and stitching skills! It is lovely, though, that you have such incredible pieces to show and continue to enjoy! The owls look at though you could pluck a feather right off and the bear's shading is marvelous! How jolly are Micky and all those jaunty dwarves!
I love that you have found a way to continue your skill with yarn by utilizing it to fur majestic animals. Each one is a lovely specimen who's coloring and markings are spot on! The gory scene was a little shocking (and hilarious), but I say all is well that ends well. Everyone who's witnessed it shall have a greater appreciation for peace and for your ability to reposition and pose livestock! Bravo!
I can't wait to see the stable with these fine gentlemen greeting visitors! As with each and every element of your wondrous Christmas village market, magic and delight abound!

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo liebe Freunden!! I can fully agree with you that time flies so fast!! Your embroidery works are absolutely awesome, it's such a pity that you aren't able to this anymore, dear Birgit.
I was peacefully reading your blog, until I came across the 6th picture and I saw you, Fluby, was a true gentleman, by covering the eyes of your little sister, and turned her away from this terrible scene (it was hilarious, because thankfully is wasn't for real ;O). Your dear Birgit "slaughtered" a mini reindeer!!! OMG, how "cruel" we can be in our miniworlds LOL ;O! I thought I was the only one who was "slaughtering" animals in miniature, read hens *wink*!!!
Dasher looks great, but after the massacre/makeover Dancer looks fantastic, your Birgit has done a great job, both reindeer are now like the real life ones!! She can be so proud of her excellent job on these animals, so these two were a photoshoot more than worthy ;)!!
But: I'm glad to read that there will no more blood involved for making elves ;)!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje (who's cheered up a bit by reading your blogpost, he's a bit sad that there's no snow and coldness at all this winter) und Ilona

Ulrike hat gesagt…

Also, dass Birgit auch mal gestickt hat, hat sie ja schon mal erwähnt...aber dass ihr die tollen Bilder bis heute unterschlagen habt... tztztz! Der dicke Braune im Schnee ist ja wohl ein Traum! Ein Traum sind auch die beiden Rentiere. Großes Kino!

Kommt gut in die neue Woche

PILAR6373 hat gesagt…

Birgit,que maravillosos bordados! que lástima que la vida nos ponga en el camino dificultades que hacen que tengamos que dejar aficiones,pero somos fuertes verdad? aprendemos a vivir con nuestras limitaciones.
Fluby,no podía creer al ver ese baño de sangre,Dancer decapitado y mutilado,el horror en vuestros rostros,se había vuelto loca Birgit? no podía ser! es un alma buena!!! Me nos mal que después ya he visto la gran transformación que ha hecho con los renos,son tan bonitos y reales ahora!
Ese establo de renos va a estar lleno de vida!!!!

Maria Blanca "AyamontinoMaria" hat gesagt…

Creí que había habido una desgracia, pero me alegra saber que ha sido solo una broma, y después de la "reparación" el resultado ha sido magnífico...
Ese establo de renos va a ser una delicia!!

Huibrecht hat gesagt…

Dear Birgit,

The horror! That poor Dancer. But the true (late) Christmas miracle in this post is the decapitation and resurrection of Dancer. Although perhaps this theme fits better with Halloween. :-)

Th reindeers look great. And although it is said that you no longer can do emroidery it is good to see that the cotton does not need to go to waste. I believe the amount of shades you used ar more than enough. Dasher and Dancer look very good!

I hope that their retirement in Santa's reindeerstabe will be peaceful for these sweet old reindeer.


Fabiola hat gesagt…

Your embroidery works are fantastic Birgit.
The "new" reindeers are so beautiful and looks real.

Megan Schetsche hat gesagt…

You are wicked :-))) But the change was necessary and worthwhile.
The flocking went really well, I'm impressed.
Stupid question probably, but do female reindeer also have those wicked antlers? I thought they belonged only to the males so they can fight one antoher.

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

OMG! Birgit turned yo be one of the best plastic surgeons in Miniland!
It's very sad though, that the exquisite stitching stopped. I wish it possible to find a cure for this situation.
I love Dasher and Dancer. and look forward to seeing their stable.
Hugs, Drora

carmen hat gesagt…

formidables esos bordados y ese tueno de los renos!

Alexandra Martinez hat gesagt…

😂😂😂😂 OMG, a blood bath!! Noooo. **LOL** I see that Birgit has a sense of humor. Thankfully nothing happened and Dasher and Dancer are well, by the way they look terrific!! I hope Fluby and Rosey are not scared for life!!

Marisa hat gesagt…

thank goodness they're ok, when I saw the blood I thought to myself that the bears had taken to homicide (reindeercide) but reading on I see how you just wanted to change things up. will there be more deer? I hope so I like how you flocked these two

Hugs and Love

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Yup, It's me again.... being late (as usual!) I didn't comment when I read this yesterday because I needed to recover from all that blood.... (I get a little faint)! Even when I know it is all in the best possible plan for perfecting a character... still.... ahem... I get a little upset. But here, now (after scrolling very fast...) I am seeing nothing but the fantastic version of Dasher and Dancer who can dwell in the Christmas House stables, each with their own distinct appearance! The "shades of Gray" that Birgit has conjured from her wool (tee-hee.... we won't follow those other thoughts).... look just right on the new Dancer and original Dasher! Dare I say he is "dashing" in his long gray locks... and Dancer could even be said to take a bow...! But anyway, the new versions are Awesome!!! I am also very eager to see how the stables will look... as I am sure Birgit is aware that this project is very dear to my sensibilities! (That means I wish I was making one too!) :):):)

Tatiana hat gesagt…

Hi Birgit!
We have winter today! Frost came and brought snow and wind! Sadly .... BUT! I went to your blog and got a good mood. I have said more than once that I love your humor! :) :) :)
I looked at your deer and I saw this bloody scene !!! Shock! But I forgot that I am on the blog of an amazing sorceress! One wave of a magic wand and a deer turned its head, lively, cheerful and unscathed !! I am sitting and smiling!