einige von Euch werden sie schon auf Betsy's Blog gesehen haben - Birgit sind wieder mal zwei neue Bärchen von der Nadel gehüpft. Und nachdem die beiden inzwischen wohlbehalten in den USA in ihrem neuen Zuhause angekommen sind, können wir sie hier endlich vorstellen. Ich darf Euch bekannt machen mit Sir Orion Blackthorne the Skywalker und Brother Beorn!
... some of you may have seen them on Betsy's blog already - two new bearies have hopped from Birgit's needle once more. And since these two arrived safe and sound at their new home in the USA in the meantime I'm finally able to introduce them here to you. I may now introduce you to Sir Orion Blackthorne the Skywalker and Brother Beorn!
Die Beiden hat Birgit im Auftrag von Betsy genäht, die fand, ihre blaue Fee Blue könne nicht allein in dem wunderschönen Wolkenpalast wohnen, den sie gerade gebaut bekommt. Und wie sich herausgestellt hat, hat Blue einen Bruder - einen Druiden mit weißem Fell namens Brother Beorn. Und dessen bester Freund ist zufälligerweise ein Ritter mit schwarzem Fell. Schwarz und Weiß eben.
Betsy commissioned both of them because she thought her blue fairy Blue shouldn't live alone in her beautiful Cloud Palace she is building for her at the moment. And as we found out Blue has a brother - a druid with white fur named Brother Beorn. And his best friend happens to be a knight with black fur. Black and White, that's how it turned out.
*hihi* Kleiner Scherz! Bevor die zwei bärigen Helden sich auf ihre lange Reise über den großen Teich bis hin zu Blues Wolkenpalast gemacht haben, wollte Beorn aber unbedingt noch einen Besuch am Hexereibedarfsstand machen, um noch ein paar Dinge für die Reise einzukaufen.
*teehee* Just a little joke! But before the two beary heroes left for their journey over the big ocean to reach Blue's Cloud Palace Beorn really wanted to visit the Witchy Supplies Stall to buy some items for the journey.
Wie man sehen kann, hat er sich prächtig mit Magica de Spell verstanden, die beiden sind aus dem Fachsimpeln gar nicht rausgekommen. Irgendwie scheint es bei magischen Bärchen keine große Rolle zu spielen, welche Art von Magie sie ausüben. Orion hat sich unterdessen sehr angeregt mit dem Schwarzen Ritter unterhalten und hat sich sehr dafür interessiert, wie das "Miete Dir einen Ritter"-Geschäft so läuft.
As you can see he made friends at once with Magica de Spell, both of them had a serious expert talk. Somehow with these magical bearies it doesn't matter at all which kind of magic they're practicing. Meanwhile Orion had a nice talk with the Black Knight and he was very interested to hear how the "Rent a Knight"-business works.
Und die beiden wollten auch unbedingt noch einen Blick in meinen Garten werfen. *stolzbin*
And they both really wanted to visit my garden. *beingveryproud*
And they both really wanted to visit my garden. *beingveryproud*
Brother Beorn ist als Druide nämlich ein echter Experte für Pflanzen und natürlich ganz besonders für Heilkräuter, deshalb war ich wirklich glücklich, dass gerade ihm mein Garten gefallen hat. Die beiden hatten aber noch einen anderen Programmpunkt, der ihnen vor ihrer Abreise total wichtig war - einen schönen gemeinsamen Ausritt!
Being a druid Brother Beorn is for sure a real expert about plants and of course especially about healing herbs so I was really happy that he truly liked my garden. But both of them still had something left on their agenda they really wanted to do before their departure - going on a lovely ride together!
Das gab aber einen wilden Galopp - die beiden hatten richtig Spaß!
This really led to a wild galop - but they were having loads of fun!
This really led to a wild galop - but they were having loads of fun!
Und lustig sind sie auch... *grins* Aber dann hieß es wieder einmal Abschied nehmen - aber wie schon eingangs gesagt, haben sie ihre lange Reise wohlbehalten überstanden. Obwohl gerade auf den berühmten letzten Metern die Reise besonders beschwerlich wurde.
And they're both funny, too... *grin* But then it was once more time for saying goodbye - but as I've said at the beginning they arrived safe and sound at their new home. Although their journey became real troublesome during the famous last meters.
And they're both funny, too... *grin* But then it was once more time for saying goodbye - but as I've said at the beginning they arrived safe and sound at their new home. Although their journey became real troublesome during the famous last meters.
Aber auch hoher Schnee konnte unsere beiden Bärchenhelden nicht aufhalten! Wer den Post über die Ankunft der Beiden in Blues Wolkenpalast noch nicht kennt, der sollte unbedingt einmal hier klicken und Betsys Blog besuchen (nebenbei bemerkt ein Besuch, der sich immer lohnt). Und natürlich haben die beiden auch auf unserem Nebenblog, der BiWuBären-Homepage, ihren eigenen Post bekommen. Wer also noch ein bisschen mehr von den Beiden sehen möchte, der sollte auch einmal hier klicken.
But even deep snow couldn't stop our two beary heroes! And who might not know the post about the arrival of those two in Blue's Cloud Palace so far should really click here to visit Betsy's blog (btw visiting her blog is always worth while). And of course both of them also got their own post on our sideblog, the Homepage of the BiWuBears. Who would like to see a little bit more of those two should really click here.
But even deep snow couldn't stop our two beary heroes! And who might not know the post about the arrival of those two in Blue's Cloud Palace so far should really click here to visit Betsy's blog (btw visiting her blog is always worth while). And of course both of them also got their own post on our sideblog, the Homepage of the BiWuBears. Who would like to see a little bit more of those two should really click here.
Wir winken jedenfalls einmal rüber zu Blue, Beorn, Orion und Betsy und wünschen ihnen ganz viel Spaß zusammen! Und Birgit lässt noch ausrichten, sie hat sich wirklich sehr über Betsy's Vertrauen gefreut! Tja, und ich... ich bin zwar ein bisschen traurig, dass ich wieder zwei BiWuBärchen verabschieden musste und dass ich den Wolkenpalast nicht bärsönlich besuchen kann, um die lachenden Schmetterlinge dort zu hören... aber wenigstens kann ich ja jederzeit in meinem wunderschönen Garten sitzen, der sogar einem Druiden und einem Ritter gefällt! Und außerdem... man weiß ja nie, was die beiden vor ihrer Abreise noch auf ihrer to-do-Liste hatten... ;O)
We are waving "Hello" to Blue, Beorn, Orion and Betsy and are wishing them loads of fun together! And Birgit wants me to say that she was really delighted about Betsy honoring her with this commission. Well, and I... I am of course a little bit sad that I had once more to say goodbye to two BiWuBearies and that I am not able to visit the Cloud Palace bearsonally to hear the butterflies laughing there... but at least I am able to sit anytime I want to in my beautiful garden that is even liked by a druid and a knight. And whatsmore... you can never know what more points have been on their to-do-list before they departed... ;O)
We are waving "Hello" to Blue, Beorn, Orion and Betsy and are wishing them loads of fun together! And Birgit wants me to say that she was really delighted about Betsy honoring her with this commission. Well, and I... I am of course a little bit sad that I had once more to say goodbye to two BiWuBearies and that I am not able to visit the Cloud Palace bearsonally to hear the butterflies laughing there... but at least I am able to sit anytime I want to in my beautiful garden that is even liked by a druid and a knight. And whatsmore... you can never know what more points have been on their to-do-list before they departed... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
19 Kommentare:
Dear Flutterbeary (and Birgit too!)I am so honored to see the mentions of my Blog on your pages! And I feel so privileged to have some of the Wonderful Bears created by Birgit to come live with me! And I am thrilled to see that the two Travelers were able to make so many visits before they left Home for the Wider World! It is always good to have friends... no matter how far off they might be! Here in the Blogland we can at least visit through the pictures... and I am sure the Bearys have Magical ways of staying in touch with their First Home! Even though the building of the Cloud Palace is Waaaayyy behind Schedule.... at least they have each other for company.... and I am sure I will have many Tales to Tell about their Adventures! It is such a JOY to collaborate in this way! Thank you, Birgit! (And Flutterbeary too!):):)
They are GREAT as all your bears, dear Brigit!
I also always wait impatiently for news from them in their new home.:)
(And I love the horses they were riding!)
Hugs and kisses
They're amazing!
The photos are fantastic and funny.
Bye, Faby
Yes Flutterby, I have read all the stories from those two on Betsy's blog: about how far they have travelled and finally they arrived in Blue's beautiful Cloud Palace through the deep snow.......... These special BiWuBearies are really two brave bears by travelling so far! Birigt has conjured with her needle art for making bears, two very special BiWuBearies for Betsy :D!
Those b&w horses are beautiful, but also very impressive, has Schepje ever seen those two?? Wasn't he afraid of these huge guys ;)?
Big hugs, Ilona
What magical bears that Birgit so generously sent off to the caring hands of Betsy and Blue. I am looking forward to their adventures.
You have a wonderful imagination and it is so fine and lovely pictures you take your time to show us.
Wonderful story, so much fun, and a happy ending--yay! xo Jennifer
Ich glaube mein Bildschirm hat in letzter Zeit öfter mal kleine Aussetzer... erst Schockfarbe und jetzt ist immer wieder mal alles schwarz weiß. Komisch oder? *grübel*
Schön, dass die kleinen Helden gut bei Betsy angekommen sind nach allem was sie durchgemacht haben. Gerade Bruder Beorn hatte es ja nicht immer leicht.
Das Wolkenschloß traue ich mich schon kaum noch anzuschauen, weil Nemus dann ständig fragt, warum die 3 denn sooo ein tolles Haus bekommen und ER nicht *seufz*
Liebe Grüße
Melli (die gerade mal eine Pause macht dir zum Kochen und essen reicht) und Nemus (der nie, aber auch wirklich NIE etwas Schönes bekommt)
This is a nice farewell post, Flutterby. Thank you for sharing. I love all the photos, especially the one showing their ride on the white and black unicorns.
Hugs, Drora
Hello Flutterby,
Birgit did such a wonderful job bringing these 2 to life. I know they will be incredibly well loved at Betsy's...Lucky them, living in that incredible cloud palace.
Big hug,
Good Bye you Wonderful Bears, I hope you enjoy your new home :)
Jööö.... Schwarz und Weiss.... einfach süss!
Einen gemütlichen Abend wünscht Euch Yvonne
I read their adventures on Betsy's blog and they look very happy there. Wonderful pictures I love the one's of them on the beautiful horses. Good luck to them in their new home.
Hugs Maria
I already saw them on Betsy's blog!!! They are 2 wonderful boys and I'm sure they will love to live with Blue and Betsy :-)
Do you make the bears? When I saw them on Betsy's blog I thought they might be bought somewhere, but then I wondered if you sent them to her, and if they are even made by you?!
They are very cute =)
Ma che bella storia! E mi piace moto l'dea dell'orso bianco e nero, sono entrambi deliziosi.
Un abbraccio.Manu
...das mit der To-Do-Liste klingt sehr vielversprechend... ich bin sehr gespannt! :o) Richtig süße Bären sind da wieder geschlüpft, danke für die Fotos und auch den so süßen Post! :o)
Liebe Grüße
That is an awesome idea, Birgit! Love that picture: bears on the horses! Fantastic! Hugs, Natalia
What a nice story with a happy ending. All the pictures are so nice!
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