Mittwoch, 1. Juli 2015

Willkommen im Juli und einiges mehr

und herzlich Willkommen im Juli! Ehrlich gesagt, ich kann's immer noch nicht wirklich glauben... JULI!!! Wo bitte ist denn das 1. Halbjahr wieder geblieben??? Kann da einer sachdienliche Hinweise machen? Ach... Ihr wisst es auch nicht und wundert Euch selbst, wie schnell die Zeit immer verfliegt? Na dann... *lach* Dann werde ich eben mal wieder das Fell an den Armen hochkrempeln und meiner Birgit beim Umstellen ihrer zahlreichen Kalender helfen. Denn wenn ich auch nicht verstehe, wie es kommt, dass wir schon wieder Juli haben - aber deswegen höre ich ja nicht auf, im Juli ein Gentlebär zu sein... *grins* Schauen wir also mal, was unser Sprüchekalender uns diesen Monat zu sagen hat... Wie immer zeigt er ein schönes Bild und kommt uns diesen Monat mit einer fernöstlichen Weisheit: "Die schönsten Blumen blühen oft im Verborgenen."
 ... and Welcome to July! Honestly, I'm still not able to get this... JULY!!! Please tell me - where did the first half of the year go to??? Anybody able to give me some clues or hints? Ah... you don't know about it either and are also wondering how fast time flies by? Well, okay... *LOL* Looks like I should better tear up the fur on my arms once more to help Birgit with updating her numerous calendars. Because even though I don't understand how it comes that we're already finding ourselves in July - but this doesn't stop me from being the well-known gentlebear in July... *grin* Let's have a look what our wisdom calendar is offering to us this month... As usual a nice picture and this month a wisdom from the far East (and as always I'm not going to quote but try to say it in my own poor English), it says the most beautiful flowers are often blooming in secret.
Und manchmal sieht man vielleicht auch nicht gut genug hin... Franz Wittkamp jedenfalls meint "Blumen, die wir selten sehen, haben es uns angetan. Wir bewundern Orchideen und verachten Löwenzahn." Tja, und da drängt sich jetzt wieder mal eines unserer Lieblingszitate auf... von Pearl S. Buck: "Die wahre Lebenskunst besteht darin, im Alltäglichen das Wunderbare zu sehen."
Yes, sometimes we don't look close enough... there's a little poem (well, it rhymes in German) by Franz Wittkamp who said we are impressed by flowers we rarely see - we admire orchids and despise dandelions. Well, that's for sure a good opportunity for one of our most favourite sayings... coming from Pearl S. Buck who wrote the true art of life would be seeing the wonder in the everyday.
Wie wahr... und manchmal ist es auch einfach nur richtig, den Augenblick zu genießen und sich etwas Gutes zu tun. Das hat Birgit kürzlich gemacht... aber da muss ich vorher noch ein bisschen was erklären. Vor vielen, vielen Jahren (Und ich meine VOR VIELEN, VIELEN JAHREN!!! *kicher*), als sogar meine Birgit noch ein Kind war, da hatte sie ein ganz besonderes Haustier - einen kleinen Papagei... genauer gesagt ein Rosenköpfchen. Eigentlich ist es Tierquälerei, so einen Unzertrennlichen alleine zu halten, aber damals wusste es Birgits Familie nicht besser (ja, das war noch in Zeiten, wo es kein Internet gab... schwer vorstellbar... aber ich habe mir sagen lassen, dass es damals immerhin schon Erdbeeren gab, immerhin ein Trost... äh... wo war ich...) - und bei diesem besonderen kleinen Kerl ging das glücklicherweise gut. Er war ein gefiederter Freund, ein Familienmitglied, ein Clown... und manchmal eine Plage... und ist bis heute in Birgits Familie unvergessen. Und irgendwann hat Birgit Fanni entdeckt, die wunderbare Miniaturen von Vögeln macht, und einfach mal angefragt, ob Fanni ihr ein Rosenköpfchen in 1:12 machen könnte - als Erinnerung an ihren kleinen Freund aus Kindertagen. Tja, und Fanni konnte...
How true... and sometimes it's just right to enjoy the moment and do yourself something good. That's what Birgit has done lately... but I better should do some explaining first. Many, many years ago (And I do mean MANY, MANY YEARS AGO!!! *giggle*), when even my Birgit was still a child she had a very special pet - a small parrot... a rosy-faced lovebird. It's of course somehow animal torture keeping these birds single but Birgit's familiy didn't know it better then (yes, these were the days when there was no internet yet... hard to imagine... but as far as I am informed strawberries were already known, at least one comfort... eh... where was I...) - but luckily with this special little guy this went really well. He was a feathered friend, a family member, a clown... sometimes a nuisance... but until today unforgotten in Birgit's family. And somewhen Birgit happened to discover Fanni who creates awesome miniatures of birds and asked Fanni if she would consider doing such a rosy-faced lovebird in 1:12 - as a memory of a small friend back of childhood days. Well, and Fanni could...

Birgit ist ganz begeistert von ihrem Miniatur-Rosenköpfchen... aber natürlich brauchte der kleine Kerl nun auch noch ein schönes Zuhause. Und da besann sich Birgit auf unsere Blogfreundin Magda, die ganz außergewöhnliche Vogelkäfige in ihrem Etsy-Shop anbietet... und was soll ich Euch sagen... Magda hat ein kleines Wunderwerk für Birgit und ihren Minipapagei gewirkt! Und nicht nur das... sie hat auch noch ein sensationelles Geschenk für Birgit mit eingepackt!
Birgit is very happy with her miniature rosy-faced lovebird... but of course this little chap needed a lovely home now. And that's when our blogfriend Magda came to Birgit's mind who is offering very special birdcages in her Etsy-shop... well, what am I supposed to say... Magda worked a little miracle for Birgit and her tiny parrot! And even more - she also included a stunning gift for Birgit!

Noch einen zweiten Dekokäfig! Wie toll ist das denn??? Und der Käfig, den Magda nach Birgits Wünschen bemalt hat, ist einfach nur wunderschön...
A second decorative cage! How great is that??? And the cage which Magda painted after Birgit's request is simply beautiful...
und wie Ihr jetzt sehen könnt...
... and as you can see now...
... er gefällt auch ganz besonders seinem neuen Eigentümer! *lach*
... the new owner appreciates it very much, too! *LOL*
Dear Magda, thank you very much for creating this beautiful, beautiful piece just for Birgit and her miniature parrot!!! We are going to treasure it for always!
Nicht vergessen wollen wir aber ein weiteres Dankeschön... Vor einiger Zeit hat Birgit nämlich bei einem Giveaway der Grandmommy gewonnen... und inzwischen ist unser Preis bei uns angekommen.
Speaking of "Thank you's" we don't want to forget about another one... Some time ago Birgit was the lucky winner of the Grandmommy's giveaway... and in the meantime our price arrived.
Ein tolles Buch, das die Autorin (die eigentlich Camille Minichino heißt) persönlich gestiftet hat. Wir freuen uns schon darauf, es zu lesen... aber da es zur Weihnachtszeit spielt, werden wir uns das entsprechend aufheben. Dann hat Birgit was zu Lesen, während ich über den BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarkt bummle... *hihi*
A great book, donated by the author herself (who's real name is Camille Minichino). We are really looking forward to reading it... but the story takes place during Christmas time so we will keep that for later so Birgit has something to read while I am enjoying a good time at the BiWuBeary Christmas Market... *teehee*
Dear Grandmommy and dear Camille - thank you very much for this wonderful giveaway price!
So, das war's für heute von mir - ich wünsche Euch einen wunderschönen Juli! Und zum Schluß habe ich noch eine schöne Erkenntnis von Mark Twain für Euch: "Sommer ist die Zeit, in der es zu heiß ist, um das zu tun, wozu es im Winter zu kalt war." ;O)
So, this was all from me for today - and now I'm wishing to all of you a great July! And in the end I have saved a lovely wisdom by Mark Twain for you who said summer is the time when it's too hot to do all the things that couldn't be done in winter because it was too cold. ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs

17 Kommentare:

Pepper hat gesagt…

The lovebird and cage are lovely Birgit. Fanni and Magda are very talented.
Enjoy the book in the lovely sunshine. Yes, far too hot to do any jobs...I will leave it til winter ;0P

Lovejoy Bears hat gesagt…

Hello Fluby,
Happy July!!! I cannot believe we are half way through the year!! It is good news for you though because strawberries are coming soon :) The love bird is adorable and it's wonderful that he has such a perfect home :)
Hugs for you all ♥ Vicky ♥

Tatiana hat gesagt…

Ах, как я люблю этого начитанного медведя!
Попугай и клетки сделаны прекрасно! Фанни и Магда очень талантливые леди! Я поздравляю вас с прекрасным приобретением и подарком!
И да... прошло пол года! Это немного грустно...

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

Both lovebird and cage are gorgeous! Congratulations for your book prize!
And, yes, where has half 2015 gone?? Enjoy the rest of the year!
Hugs, Drora

Plushpussycat hat gesagt…

The mini parrot is adorable! And what wonderful birdcages from Magda! She is so generous too. Congrats on your big win of the Christmas book--looks like it will be a fantastic read. Happy July!!! xo Jennifer

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo Fluby! I already seen and also admired the mini parrot on Fanni's blog, who makes the most awesome miniature animals, she's a real master! But our friend Magda has also done a great job on painting this beautiful birdcage for your parrot, he got a real bird palace now :D!!
Congratulations on winning the fantastic book of the giveaway by grandmommy, enjoy reading it with Christmas, when it will probably much cooler than it is now ;D!
I think we can say that summer/July has started well, eh 'well'?? This huge heat wave isn't over yet and not very good for lots of people, including your poor Birgit (I can tell that we're also living here in dark rooms of our house in order to keep it 'cool' ;O)! But okay, we can't change the weather, so we will have to cope with this very unusual heat, isn't it? We'll stay calm, drink enough water and try to keep our mind cool.
Although summer has started too hot, I still wish you all eine fröhliche Sommer!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona

The Old Maid hat gesagt…

We had two little parrots and though they say one shouldn't keep them home personally I think these bought in shop would die quite quickly when left free. Of course I don't agree with bringing wild animals to keep them home but our guys had the whole home to travel around and as yours they were family members to us.;)
Mini parrot is so cute. :) The cages are great - I know for I have Magda's one home too. :) And congrats on winning the give-away!
Have a very happy July!
Hugs and kisses
Lady A., Peevee and me!

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Yes, about that Time flying by.... I think we have to lecture a Fairy or Two about the Key of Time and Who has been playing around with it!!! LOL! I agree with you... where did the first half of the year go? Here we are starting the downward slide to Christmas! Yes.... I used the "C" word!!! (If I don't start thinking about it now.... well, there would not BE a Christmas in my house! LOL!)
I think the Wisdom calendar is always so Wise...! And Birgit has added several other wonderful sayings to help us feel the wonder of life... and no wonder they all have to do with flowers! :)
But truly, it is Mark Twain who is the wisest... But I would like to add the words of Henry James who said the two most beautiful words in the English Language are "Summer Afternoon!"
As for the Stunning birdcages Magda has made for Birgit and her new little friend.... they are just gorgeous!!! I hope you all survive the Too Hot part of the most beautiful English words! LOL!

Unknown hat gesagt…

What a lovley birdy! Oh he should be singing and chattering on soon enough of beary adventures!

Wonderful gifts to enjoy for any season!

17-17 hat gesagt…

Dear Birgit,
I'm so happy that you enjoy of birdcages, this is the best compliment!
Mini parrot is cute! Hope, she likes her new home :-)
Happy July!
big hugs,

Maria Ireland hat gesagt…

Your new bird and cage are amazing both are very talented. Congratulations on your wonderful win. Enjoy all your new treasures. As for time flying I am beginning to believe that someone ( not looking at Daydreamer ) is cutting out days of each month :D Have a wonderful July before it flies ;o.
Hugs Maria

Fabiola hat gesagt…

Happy July!
The parrot and birdcages are wonderful.

Kikka N hat gesagt…

Hi! The Lovebird and the cages are wonderful!

PAKY hat gesagt…

Happy July dear Birgit and all Biwubar family! So beautiful cages, Magda is a very talented miniaturist. And the mini parrot is so cute, I love it!! Congrats to Birgit for win Grandmommy giveaway! Have a great weekend and a big hug to all!

Unknown hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Unknown hat gesagt…

Those cages are a work of art!!! Absolutely beautiful!! So is the little bird....even if I like it more outside of the cage ;) Congratulations on your win....books are precious! Happy July to all your bears....and you of course!! :)

miniaturista hat gesagt…

El verano es muy esperado por muchos, y esa jaula con su mini loro me ha encantado, son una preciosidad.
Un abrazo