ich bin's - der Sunny! Sozusagen der Sonnenstrahl unter den BiWuBärchen! *lach* Und natürlich freue ich mich, dass ich heute Euer Gastgeber beim Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch sein darf... Trotzdem bin ich heute mit sehr gemischten Gefühlen in die Kaffeeklatschtasse geklettert...
... it's me - Sunny! Somehow the sunbeam among the BiWuBearies! *LOL* And of course I'm really happy being your host of today's Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch"... Nevertheless I've climbed the "Kaffeeklatsch"-cup with very mixed emotions today...
Es ist nämlich so... das heute ist nicht nur der letzte Kaffeeklatsch im Juni sondern auch der letzte vor unserer Kaffeeklatsch-Sommerpause. Och, nun schaut doch nicht so... der Kaffeeklatsch kommt ja wieder! Aber es ist einfach so, dass hier nicht mehr genug BiWuBärchen in Reichweite leben, um 52 mal den Kaffeeklatschbecher zu füllen. Von den "normalen" BiWuBärchen bin ich jetzt der letzte... alle, die sonst noch übrig sind, gehören entweder zur Hexenturmcrew oder zu den Weihnachtsbärchen bzw. Schneewesen. Und erfahrungsgemäß wird es ohnehin in den Sommermonaten sehr ruhig in Blogland...
See, it's like this... today is not only the last "Kaffeeklatsch" in June but also the last before our "Kaffeeklatsch" summer break. Oh, don't give me that look... "Kaffeeklatsch" is not going forever, we will be back! But truth is that there aren't enough BiWuBearies around here anymore to fill the "Kaffeeklatsch"-cup 52 times. I'm the last one of the "normal" BiWuBearies... the ones still left belong either to the Witch Tower Crew or are Christmas bearies or snow beings. And let's not forget that it's always very quiet in blogland during the summer months...
Außerdem wisst Ihr ja inzwischen auch ohne uns ganz genau, wie man dafür sorgt, dass der Sonntag zu einem richtig schönen, gemütlichen Sonntag wird. *schmunzel* Aber für alle Fälle werden Rosey, Fluby und ich das hier noch einmal genau demonstrieren...
Besides all of you know very well in the meantime what it takes to turn a Sunday into a nice and cozy Sunday. *smile* Nevertheless Rosey, Fluby and I are going to show this one more time just to make it pretty clear...
Ist doch ganz einfach - zu einem schönen Sonntag gehört halt ein schöner Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch dazu...
It's as simple as this - it just takes a nice Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" to make a Sunday nice...
Und ein Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch wird erst richtig schön mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskuchen! Und genau dabei wünschen wir Euch viel Spaß - an diesem und den nächsten Sonntagen bis irgendwann Ende September das erste unserer magischen Bärchen testen wird, ob Ihr überhaupt noch Lust und Bedarf am BiWuBärchen-Kaffeeklatsch habt... ;O) Und um das noch mal deutlich zu sagen: Nur der Kaffeeklatsch geht in die Sommerpause... aber nicht unser Blog, da wird sich Fluby auch weiterhin melden und berichten, was sich hier so tut. Und damit wünsche ich Euch eine schöne Woche und einen schönen Start in den Juli!
And a Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" gets really nice with having one, two cups of tasty Sundayafternooncoffee and enjoying one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Sundayafternooncake! And for this we're wishing you loads of fun - for this and the coming Sundays until somewhen in Semptember the first of our magical bearies is going to check if you'll be still interested and in need for a BiWuBeary-"Kaffeeklatsch"... ;O) And let me point this out once more: Only the "Kaffeeklatsch" is going on a summer break... but not our blog, Fluby is still going to report about what's going on around here. Well, and now I'm wishing to you a great week and a nice start into July!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
18 Kommentare:
vaya festín, feliz semana
Hallo Sunny! I guess that it was not a coincidence that exactly for today you appeared on this blog post......it seems that this coming week we will get the most hot summer weather :)! So, your appearance in the coffee mug was an announcement of the summer vacation and very hot summer, where so many people are craving for....:S! I wish you all a lovely summer vacation and we'll see the Kaffeeklatsch again, whenever it's the time for it ;)!
Wir beide wünschen Ihnen allen eine fröhliche Sommerpause :D!!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona
Oh good to hear Fluby is not going for holidays yet! :) :) Good to see Sunny again! This bear is always close to me for the name of my blog contains word sunny too ;)
Have a great week ahead and Sunday afternoon too!
Hugs and kisses
Lady A.,
and me
Hello Sunny,
Thank you for brightening my Sunday :) I'm going to miss this lovely Sunday ritual but will look forward to it's return in September.
The garden at Strawberry Cottage is looking so wonderful and inviting. I wish I was small enough to visit for coffee and cake :)
Wishing you all a happy Sunday ♥ Vicky ♥
Oh, Okay..... I guess it IS a good time to take a Holiday! I will Try not to complain when there is nobeary giving me a Sunday Morning Kaffeeklatch post! I think Birgit deserves a Good Long summer holiday.... and I know I am selfish and really have NO Excuse.... I mean, I have a Whole Crowd of BiWuBearys over here and they are just Clamoring for their Sunday Morning... Noon.. Afternoon... Supper.... Early bedtime.... Regular bedtime..... Midnight.... Kaffeeklatches!!! LOL! I guess the Only thing to do is help Hamish Harry Hotcakes with the cooking!!!
Sunny is a Happy sight to my eyes as we are once again in Gray skies territory over here..... and it is surely an inspiration to see Fluby's garden with the party underway! I have plenty of Gardening to get caught up with too! And it is a Happy thing to know that we will still be seeing the updates on Birgit's Amazing and Awesome Creative Projects!!! I hope All the BiWuBearys have a Wonderful Summer... and that Birgit especially enjoys the Carefree days of Summer too!
Dear Sunny it's great to see you as our host this Sunday, but even more so seeing you and your friends having a lovely coffee party in Fluby's beautiful garden, sharing yummy strawberry cake and cupcakes. Have a lovely summer, enjoy the sun.
Hugs, Drora
What a wonderful tea party you guys are having!!! I hope you have a nice time off and enjoy the sun!!
What a wonderful tea party you guys are having!!! I hope you have a nice time off and enjoy the sun!!
While I was reading I was getting just a little worried that we would not hear of you at all till Sep lol. Birgit does deserve a little break for sure. Thank you sunny for brightening this trying to be sunny Sunday :D Have a wonderful sunny week.
Hugs Maria
Sunny, I'm glad to see you. The tea party is fantastic.
Дорогой Sunny! Я рада тебя видеть! В Украине идет дождь и веет сильный ветер! Я рада, что увидела сегодня Sunny! :) :) Я желаю хорошо провести летние каникулы!
Schade, dass der Kaffeeklatsch in die Sommerpause geht, aber solange Fluby sich regelmäßig meldet, werde ich die Zeit schon überstehen. Übrigens hast Du eine ganz entzückende Zitrusfrichtkette.
Have a nice summer break. We are cold down here in Auzzie land. I will see you back here in Sept.
Hugs Wilbur
Have a great summer break, sweet friends! Thanks for showing us what makes a nice Sunday afternoon--sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words! :-) xo Jennifer
What a fantastic time to spend with friends! The garden looks lovely in bloom the cakes are divine and everyone looks like they had a fabulous day!
I hope your summer is wonderful!
Schade, dass der Kaffeeklatsch eine Sommerpause macht. Er wird mir fehlen ;o) Geniesst die Sommerpause und lasst es Euch gut gehen.
Herzlichst Yvonne
Hello Sunny,
You looked like you were all having a great time!
I hope the weather there is nice and "sunny" and warm.
Big hug,
I would like to stay on that tea party!! So beautiful garden! I hope enjoy with all your friends Sunny, a big hug to all!
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