zunächst einmal soll ich mich in Birgits Namen ganz herzlich für Eure lieben Genesungswünsche bedanken... Es hat geholfen - Birgit, ihrer Nase und ihrem Rachen geht es wieder besser! ;O) Und nun wollen wir uns mal wieder dem Bau von Gerties Altersruhesitz zuwenden! Mal ehrlich... Birgit hat mit Begeisterung so viele magische Möbel erschaffen - aber nun konnte sie sich wirklich nicht mehr länger um den Innenausbau drücken. *grins*
... first thing I shall say thanks in Birgit's name for your kind wishes for better health... It worked somehow - Birgit, her nose and her throat are feeling better! ;O) And now let's get back to the building of Gertie's retirement home! Honestly... Birgit created many magical pieces of furniture with loads of enthusiasm - but now she couldn't run away any longer from facing the work on the interior. *grin*
... first thing I shall say thanks in Birgit's name for your kind wishes for better health... It worked somehow - Birgit, her nose and her throat are feeling better! ;O) And now let's get back to the building of Gertie's retirement home! Honestly... Birgit created many magical pieces of furniture with loads of enthusiasm - but now she couldn't run away any longer from facing the work on the interior. *grin*
Ihr erinnert Euch hoffentlich - die Innenwände wurden ja bereits bemalt bzw. mit einer Felsschicht überzogen. Allerdings wollte Birgit gerne noch eine Wandvertäfelung dort anbringen, wo die Wände bemalt sind. Nun ist so was in Birgits Fall leichter gesagt als getan... denn Birgit und Holz geht bekanntermaßen wegen ihrer angegriffenen Arme nicht zusammen. Und so hat Birgit sich dann eine Alternative ausgedacht, die selbst mich überrascht hat: Sie hat Stroh genommen!
Hopefully you'll remember - the inner walls were already painted or covered with rocks. But Birgit still intended to add a wall paneling on the painted walls. But speaking of Birgit this is easier said than done... because Birgit and wood are known for not matching due to her arm problems. And so Birgit came up with an alternative that was a surprise even for me: She used straw!
Hopefully you'll remember - the inner walls were already painted or covered with rocks. But Birgit still intended to add a wall paneling on the painted walls. But speaking of Birgit this is easier said than done... because Birgit and wood are known for not matching due to her arm problems. And so Birgit came up with an alternative that was a surprise even for me: She used straw!
Ja, Ihr habt richtig gelesen... und nein, ich habe mich nicht verschrieben - Birgit hat wirklich Stroh genommen! Und zwar die Art aufgebügeltes Stroh, aus dem man zu Weihnachten Strohsterne bastelt.
Yes, you've read correctly... and no, I didn't make any typo - Birgit used straw indeed! The kind of ironed straw you take for crafting straw stars for Christmas.
Yes, you've read correctly... and no, I didn't make any typo - Birgit used straw indeed! The kind of ironed straw you take for crafting straw stars for Christmas.
Hmm... Stroh zu Gold, das kennen wir ja aus dem Märchen vom Rumpelstilzchen. Aber Stroh zu Holz... das konnte ich mir gar nicht vorstellen. Birgit aber konnte - und so hat sie das Stroh auf ein Stück dünne Pappe aufgeklebt, angemalt und an der Wand befestigt. Das sah dann so aus...
Hmm... straw into gold, we all know about that business from the fairytale of Rumpelstiltskin. But straw into wood... I could hardly imagine that. But Birgit could - and so she glued the straw on a piece of thin cardboard, painted it and attached it to the wall. And then it looked like this...
... schon irgendwie wie eine rustikale Holzvertäfelung, echt verblüffend. Birgit lässt übrigens ausrichten, wenn sie könnte, würde sie in jedem Fall Holz verwenden. Aber das Stroh hat seinen Zweck erfüllt, meint sie, es ist billig und lässt sich sehr leicht zuschneiden. Jedenfalls hat Gertie nun eine Wandvertäfelung aus Stroh - hat auch nicht jeder! *lach* Für den Fußboden hat Birgit dann aber doch Holz genommen - zum ersten Mal! Sie hat nämlich in der Zwischenzeit einen Händler gefunden, der speziell für Puppenhäuser ganz dünnes Holzfurnier anbietet, das sich einfach mit der Schere zuschneiden lässt.
... somehow like some rustic wooden wall paneling, amazing. And Birgit asked me to tell you if she would be able to she would prefer to use wood. But the straw made quite a good job she said, it's cheap and easy to cut. And now Gertie has a wall paneling made of straw - not a thing shared by many other people! *LOL* But for the floor Birgit has taken real wood - for the very first time! She was lucky to find a provider in the meantime offering thin stripes of wood especially for dollhouses which can be easily cut with a pair of scissors.
... somehow like some rustic wooden wall paneling, amazing. And Birgit asked me to tell you if she would be able to she would prefer to use wood. But the straw made quite a good job she said, it's cheap and easy to cut. And now Gertie has a wall paneling made of straw - not a thing shared by many other people! *LOL* But for the floor Birgit has taken real wood - for the very first time! She was lucky to find a provider in the meantime offering thin stripes of wood especially for dollhouses which can be easily cut with a pair of scissors.
Und so hat Birgit dann zum ersten Mal einen Holzfußboden verlegt...
And so Birgit laid a wood floor for the very first time...
And so Birgit laid a wood floor for the very first time...
... der bekam dann noch einen Anstrich verpasst (zum Vergleich seht Ihr die Originalstreifen)...
... which was painted next (see the original strips for comparison)...
... which was painted next (see the original strips for comparison)...
... und zu guter Letzt hat Birgit noch Nägel simuliert.
... and last but not least Birgit has simulated nails.
... and last but not least Birgit has simulated nails.
Leider hat Birgit inzwischen feststellen müssen, dass es besser gewesen wäre, die Bodenplatte vorher zu grundieren - wenn man den Fußboden mit Blitzlicht fotografiert, sind da leider einige helle Spalten zu sehen... *seufz* Tja, man lernt nie aus... beim nächsten Mal weiß sie es besser, sagt Birgit... Und ich finde, das ist die richtige Einstellung - außerdem sieht der Boden ja gut aus, so lange man ohne Blitzlicht fotografiert. *grins*
In the meantime Birgit had to find out it would have been better to paint the base first - if you're taking pictures of the floor with flashlight there are some light gaps showing up... *sigh* Well, you live, you learn... next time she knows better says Birgit... And I think that's the right spirit - besides the floor is looking good as long as you don't use flashlight while taking pictures. *sigh*
In the meantime Birgit had to find out it would have been better to paint the base first - if you're taking pictures of the floor with flashlight there are some light gaps showing up... *sigh* Well, you live, you learn... next time she knows better says Birgit... And I think that's the right spirit - besides the floor is looking good as long as you don't use flashlight while taking pictures. *sigh*
Nachdem nun der Fußboden und die Wandvertäfelung fertig sind, fehlen nur noch ein paar Kleinigkeiten... und die weitere Gestaltung der Felswände. Aber das zeigen wir Euch ein anderes Mal, heute möchte ich Euch noch ein paar andere Werkeleien von Birgit zeigen. Unsere langjährigen Leser wissen ja, dass die beiden Hexentürme auch das Zuhause vieler winzig kleiner Elfen sind - und natürlich muss es auch in Gerties Zuhause Wohngelegenheiten für Elfen geben. Dafür hat Birgit sich wieder etwas Besonderes ausgedacht - sie hat einen Bausatz von Petite Properties genommen, einen Taubenschlag im Maßstab 1:24. Ein bisschen Birgit-Touch später und mit Hilfe von Kübeln und zwei Playmobilstäben sah das dann so aus:
Now that the floor and the wall paneling are done there are only a few more details missing... and the additional decoration of the rock walls. But this we're going to show to you another time, today I would like to show you some other work made by Birgit. Our longtime readers already know that the Witch Towers are also the home of many tiny elves - and of course in Gertie's home there needs to be room for elves too. Birgit came up with something very special - she took a kit of Petite Properties for a dovecote in scale 1:24. A little bit of Birgit touch later and with the help of pots and sticks from Playmobil it looked like this:
Now that the floor and the wall paneling are done there are only a few more details missing... and the additional decoration of the rock walls. But this we're going to show to you another time, today I would like to show you some other work made by Birgit. Our longtime readers already know that the Witch Towers are also the home of many tiny elves - and of course in Gertie's home there needs to be room for elves too. Birgit came up with something very special - she took a kit of Petite Properties for a dovecote in scale 1:24. A little bit of Birgit touch later and with the help of pots and sticks from Playmobil it looked like this:
Wie Ihr seht, hat Birgit gleich zwei davon gemacht, der mit den Terrakotta-Amphoren ist für Gertie bestimmt, der andere mit dem Playmobil-Plastikkübel (der natürlich genau wie die Stäbe bemalt und "bemoost" wurde) war für Birgits Etsy-Shop gedacht - und wurde bereits verkauft. Aber weiter im Text - der Stab wurde mit Efeu begrünt, eine Zierkugel wurde eingefügt und die Amphoren wurden gealtert...
As you can see Birgit made two in one setting, the one with the terracotta amphoras is dedicated to Gertie, the other one with the plastic pot by Playmobil (which of course was like the sticks painted and covered with "moss") should go into Birgit's etsy shop - and it was already sold. But on we go - the stick was covered with ivy, a bulb was added and the amphoras were aged...
As you can see Birgit made two in one setting, the one with the terracotta amphoras is dedicated to Gertie, the other one with the plastic pot by Playmobil (which of course was like the sticks painted and covered with "moss") should go into Birgit's etsy shop - and it was already sold. But on we go - the stick was covered with ivy, a bulb was added and the amphoras were aged...
Jetzt fehlte nur noch die Kübelbepflanzung...
Now only the plants for the pots were still missing...
Now only the plants for the pots were still missing...
Hier könnt Ihr das Elfen-Apartmenthaus für Gerties Dachgarten noch einmal näher sehen:
And here you can see the elves apartment home for Gertie's roof garden a bit closer:
And here you can see the elves apartment home for Gertie's roof garden a bit closer:
Und nun möchte ich Euch noch Jemanden vorstellen, den Birgit im Auftrag einer Kundin erschaffen hat. Diese Kundin besaß bereits einige von Birgits Babydrachen und wünschte sich nun einen etwas größeren Drachen von Birgit, der einen Würfel halten sollte. Birgit hatte noch nie so eine große Figur modelliert, aber sie hat es einfach mal probiert und es ist am Ende tatsächlich ein Drache geworden, der - wie sollte es anders sein - den Namen Dice erhalten hat.
And now I would like to introduce you to someone Birgit has created as a custom order. This customer already owned some of Birgit's baby dragons and asked for a dragon being way bigger and holding a dice. Birgit had never created such a big figurine before but she just tried and in the end it actually became a dragon which was named - surprise - Dice.
And now I would like to introduce you to someone Birgit has created as a custom order. This customer already owned some of Birgit's baby dragons and asked for a dragon being way bigger and holding a dice. Birgit had never created such a big figurine before but she just tried and in the end it actually became a dragon which was named - surprise - Dice.
Noch etwas blass im Gesicht... aber nach einem Date mit Birgits Pinseln sah er dann so aus:
Still a bit pale in the face... but after a date with Birgit's brushes he looked like this:
Still a bit pale in the face... but after a date with Birgit's brushes he looked like this:
Hier noch mal mit einem von Birgits Babydrachen zum Vergleich...
Here once more with one of Birgit's baby dragons for size comparison...
Here once more with one of Birgit's baby dragons for size comparison...
Ein echter Riese, der Dice... und weil er ein Weihnachtsgeschenk für den Sohn von Birgits Kundin sein soll, den er zukünftig als Maskottchen zu Spieleabenden begleiten soll, habe ich Dice vor seiner Abreise noch ein paar Benimmregeln beigebracht von wegen andere Mitspieler nicht rösten, keine Löcher in den Tisch brennen...
Truly a big guy, that Dice... and because he's supposed to be a Christmas gift for the son of Birgit's customer as some kind of mascot during gambling evenings I tried to teach Dice some rules for good behavior before his departure such as don't roast the other players, don't burn any holes into the table...
Truly a big guy, that Dice... and because he's supposed to be a Christmas gift for the son of Birgit's customer as some kind of mascot during gambling evenings I tried to teach Dice some rules for good behavior before his departure such as don't roast the other players, don't burn any holes into the table...
Ob es was gebracht hat... tja, das kann man bei Drachen immer nicht so wissen... *hihi* Denn eines ist mal sicher - so unschuldig wie er guckt, ist er garantiert nicht... das haben Birgits Geschöpfe nun mal so an sich. Ich weiß, wovon ich rede... *lach*
If this worked... well, with dragons you can never be sure... *teehee* Because one thing is for granted - for sure he isn't as innocent as he looks to be... this is one thing all of Birgit's creations have in common. I know what I'm talking about... *LOL*
If this worked... well, with dragons you can never be sure... *teehee* Because one thing is for granted - for sure he isn't as innocent as he looks to be... this is one thing all of Birgit's creations have in common. I know what I'm talking about... *LOL*
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
18 Kommentare:
The wooden paneling an floor are amazing. The green dragon is so cute and I really like the plants with the little houses on the top.
¡que maravilla de suelo! el dragón muy simpático y las casas de pájaros una maravilla, la decoración con las flores y setas me encanta; felicidades por este trabajo va a quedar una casa de brujas fantástica, deseando de ver lo siguiente.Besos:-)
Da war deine Birgit wieder ganz schön fleißig...
Wobei es mich (aus irgendwelchen unerklärlichen Gründen) irgendwie beunruhigt, dass Birgit dich mit Dice allein gelasen hat... und nicht nur das... sie hat zugelassen, dass DU ihm Benimmregeln beibringst... *schreck* Da schrillen bei mir alle Alarmglocken!
Da mache ich mir direkt etwas Sorgen um Birgits Schleimhirn und ob damit alles in Ordnung ist... Ob sich Baldrian mit Erkältung wohl doch nicht verträgt?
Grübelnde Grüße
Hallo Fluby, I'm so happy to read that Birgit does feel herself so much better. I think that you've taken good care for her ;D!!
I must say that I've really missed your humoristic stories during my long absence last summer. As always I had to laugh while reading this blog post, thank you for cheering up my (dark and rainy) day :D!
Birgit has done again a magical job on the dovecotes: I'm very fond of her creations, they are funny and awesome in one :D!! I think that Gertie will be happy to move in her new home with all those fantastic creations, who Birgit has already made for her.
I bet that her customer will be thrilled with this new dragon Dice and I'm glad you've given him some lessons in good behavior in advance, Fluby, good guy (one extra point on Santa's list for Christmas, I guess ;O?)!!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona
Oh my! You've been working hard! I think the straw is a great idea and what a fantastic effect!
Th dragon is soooo coool! I am sure your customer will be or is thrilled!
You are my make-over queen! It is not a surprise for me your dovecote was sold so fast!:)
Hugs and kisses from
Lady A. (who is finally enjoying colder days(and nights)), Peevee (who says he loves autumn too but decided not to take off his scarf) and me!
Wow!!! I am so glad to hear (and see - because she has worked so many wonders!) that Birgit is feeling better!!! The Elves Houses are Brilliant!!! I Love the tiny kits added to the tree branches and the mushrooms and ivy are Perfect! And using the straw for paneling is another stroke of Genius! I have never tried those flooring strips, but I have had the same problem with the light showing through because I didn't under-paint the floor (in the Cupboard House)! But really, it isn't noticeable most of the time, and I couldn't see any spots on Gertie's Beautiful floor!
And to top it all off... Birgit has also been making more Dragons!!! Wow! What a Great Dragon "Dice" has turned out to be! I hope he follows all your instructions, Fluby.... we wouldn't want him to get anybody in trouble!!! And now I am eagerly waiting to see what Birgit will do with the stone wall in Gertie's House....!!!
Привет Биргит!
Я рада, что вы чувствуете себя хорошо!
Вы кладезь фантастических идей! Солома оказалась очень полезным материалом!
Я люблю ваш пол! Он выглядит замечательно!
Вы такая творческая леди! Ваши скворечники очень магические и привлекательные! Эльфы будут там счастливы.
Дракон получился очень милый и симпатичный!
que bonitas casas de pájaros ...
Hello Flutterby,
Please tell Birgit she has outdone herself. The clever paneling and the lovely wood floor are fantastic! What a great cottage Gertie will have. Dice is just wonderful. Everything Birgit touches turns to gold...or wood paneling.
Big hug
Dear Flutterby how wonderful to know that Birgit is already well.
Thank you for showing all these new creative and very clever new works Birgit
has done for Gertie. The paneling and the floor are awesome. I love the dovecotes. Everything looks just beautiful, including the adorable baby dragon.
Baalatova will probably be very jealous of Gertie.
Hugs, Drora
Wow I love the new dragon Dice great name :) The tiny elves houses are fantastic I love how they are decorated no wonder it sold so fast. Fantastic idea with the straw it looks like real wood. The floor is beautiful. Gertie is a very lucky witch. Tell Birgit that I am very glad she is feeling better.
Hugs Maria
Hello Fluby,
I am so glad to hear that your Birgit is feeling better and I love all the magical things she has been creating!! The tiny elves houses are wonderful and so magical, and the flooring and panneling for Gertie's house is gorgeous!! I also love the larger dragon, he has so much life and personality, your Birgit is very talented :)
Love and hugs for you all ♥ Vicky ♥
The floor and paneling look amazing. I would never have thought to use straw but it works so well. I bet the elves will love their new homes. They are fabulous =0)
ah, what a cute post! Birgit has made many wonderful things. I love hearing about straw and hardwood flooring that can be cut with scissors--very nice! Dice is a real cutie, even if he isn't small. Nice work all around, Birgit! Thanks for the tour, Fluby! xo Jennifer
Hi Birgit!! your innovatory paneling and the floor are fantastic! Gertie will be very happy! your Fluby always looks charmingly in the pics! I love this guy!
A warm hugs!! Magda
Oh, I forgot about these lovely flowerpots with houses! they are beautiful, fantastic decor to the garden! and Dice! all look great :-)
Oh.... da habe ich etwas verpasst!
Liebe Birgit, ich wünsche Dir weiterhin gute Besserung. Herzlichst Yvonne
Good eveming Birgit, glad that your nose and throat are behaving and that you managed to do so much although you felt poorly.
The elves houses are to die for! such a brilliant, cute, clever idea! and thei gardens in the pots.... truly lovable
The straw is something I never though of, it is not an easy founding in Italy but it worked very well on the wall.
Gertie's cottage will be the prettiest in witchy neighbourhood !
hugs Rosanna
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