nun haben wir also schon den 3. Advent... nur noch eine Woche und dann ist Weihnachten. Unglaublich, wo ist denn nur die Adventszeit geblieben? Um so wichtiger ist es aber, die wenigen verbleibenden Tage der Adventszeit zu genießen... zum Beispiel mit einem schönen gemütlichen Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch. Heute grüßen Euch drei ganz besondere BiWuBärchen aus der Kaffeeklatschtasse:
... and now it's already Advent 3rd... just one more week and Christmas will be here. Incredible, where did the Advent time go to? So it's even more important to enjoy the few remaining days of Advent... for example with a nice Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch". Today three very special BiWuBearies are greeting out of the "Kaffeeklatsch"-cup:
... and now it's already Advent 3rd... just one more week and Christmas will be here. Incredible, where did the Advent time go to? So it's even more important to enjoy the few remaining days of Advent... for example with a nice Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch". Today three very special BiWuBearies are greeting out of the "Kaffeeklatsch"-cup:
Bruni, Sunflower und Angie leben normalerweise bei Birgits Tanten in Kiel - aber die Drei dürfen zur Zeit Weihnachtsurlaub bei uns machen und vor allem unseren BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarkt besuchen. Was glaubt Ihr wohl, wie sich unsere drei Gastbärchen darüber gefreut haben... und noch mehr, als ich ihnen die heutige Hauptrolle in der Kaffeeklatschtasse angeboten habe. *schmunzel* Weihnachten ist schließlich ein Fest der Familie und der Freude - und das heute am 3. Advent ganz besonders, denn der heutige Sonntag trägt ja den Namen "Gaudete" und fordert uns damit auf, uns zu freuen. Grund zur Freude hatten wir letzte Woche aber schon mehr als genug - zum Beispiel, als wir letzten Sonntag Ilonas Geschenke zum 2. Advent auspacken durften. Diese fantastischen Metallanhänger haben wir bekommen...
Usually Bruni, Sunflower and Angie are living in Kiel with Birgit's aunts - but they got permission to visit us for Christmas vacation and especially for visiting the BiWuBeary Christmas Market. And just imagine how happy our three guest bearies have been... and even more when I offered them today's lead role in the "Kaffeeklatsch"-cup. *smile* Well, Christmas is of course a holiday to spend with the family and to have joy - especially today at Advent 3d because today's Sunday is named "Gaudete" demanding us to be happy. Last week offered many reasons for us to be happy - for example when last week we were finally allowed to open Ilona's presents for Advent 2nd. We received these awesome metal charms...
Usually Bruni, Sunflower and Angie are living in Kiel with Birgit's aunts - but they got permission to visit us for Christmas vacation and especially for visiting the BiWuBeary Christmas Market. And just imagine how happy our three guest bearies have been... and even more when I offered them today's lead role in the "Kaffeeklatsch"-cup. *smile* Well, Christmas is of course a holiday to spend with the family and to have joy - especially today at Advent 3d because today's Sunday is named "Gaudete" demanding us to be happy. Last week offered many reasons for us to be happy - for example when last week we were finally allowed to open Ilona's presents for Advent 2nd. We received these awesome metal charms...
... und dann noch dieses Hammerteil:
... and on top this stunning piece:
... and on top this stunning piece:
Der ist einfach nur wunderschön, das gibt das Bild gar nicht wider... klar, dass der Hirschkopf einen Ehrenplatz im zukünftigen Weihnachtsprojekt bekommen wird. Vielen, vielen Dank, liebe Ilona! Aber es sind auch wieder jede Menge geheimnisvolle Päckchen angekommen...
This one ist just beautiful, pictures don't do it justice... it's for sure that this stag head will get a place of honor in the future Christmas project. Many, many thanks, dearest Ilona! But we've received once more many mysterious packages...
This one ist just beautiful, pictures don't do it justice... it's for sure that this stag head will get a place of honor in the future Christmas project. Many, many thanks, dearest Ilona! But we've received once more many mysterious packages...
... abgeschickt von ganz lieben Freunden. *freu* Vielen, vielen Dank an Drora, Tine, Rosanna und Nina! Wie immer durften wir noch nichts auspacken und mussten uns wieder mal Birgits Vortrag zum Thema "Alles hat seine Zeit und die Zeit für Weihnachtsgeschenke ist am Abend von Heiligabend" anhören (das könnte ich auch singen... oder zusammen fassen in "blablabla"... *kicher*... äh... oooops... lieber Weihnachtsmann, falls Du das jetzt mitbekommen hast, also ich... äh... habe natürlich ganz konzentriert zugehört, damit ich Birgits wichtige Worte auch voll beherzigen kann! *schwitz*) Aber wir durften wenigstens schon mal ganz vorsichtig schauen, ob Grußkarten dabei sind - die dürfen schon vorab mit Freude gelesen werden und werden danach dekorativ an einer Schnur aufgehängt. Diese wunderschönen Karten haben wir bekommen...
... sent to us from very dear friends. *beams-with-joy* Many, many thanks to Drora, Tine, Rosanna and Nina! As usual we were not allowed to open them and had to listen to Birgit's sermon with the topic "Everything has it's own time and the time for Christmas gifts is the evening of Christmas Eve" (I could also sing this... or sum it up to "blablabla"... *giggle*... eh... ooops... dear Santa, just in case you've noticed this, well I... eh... was of course listening with full concentration to enable me to save Birgit's most important words in my heart! *pant*) But we were allowed to have at least a careful glimpse whether they were greeting cards included - because these may be read with joy in advance and we're hanging them on a garland adding to the Christmas decoration. We've received these beautiful cards...
... sent to us from very dear friends. *beams-with-joy* Many, many thanks to Drora, Tine, Rosanna and Nina! As usual we were not allowed to open them and had to listen to Birgit's sermon with the topic "Everything has it's own time and the time for Christmas gifts is the evening of Christmas Eve" (I could also sing this... or sum it up to "blablabla"... *giggle*... eh... ooops... dear Santa, just in case you've noticed this, well I... eh... was of course listening with full concentration to enable me to save Birgit's most important words in my heart! *pant*) But we were allowed to have at least a careful glimpse whether they were greeting cards included - because these may be read with joy in advance and we're hanging them on a garland adding to the Christmas decoration. We've received these beautiful cards...
... vielen Dank für die lieben Worte. Einen sehr lieben Weihnachtsgruß haben wir auch kürzlich von einer von Birgits Tanten in Form eines schönen Blumenstraußes bekommen.
... and many thanks for your kind words. And lately we've received another sweet Christmas greeting from one of Birgit's aunts coming along as a beautiful flower bouquet.
... and many thanks for your kind words. And lately we've received another sweet Christmas greeting from one of Birgit's aunts coming along as a beautiful flower bouquet.
Sieht das nicht schön aus? Und der Blütenstaub sieht ein bisschen aus wie Sternenstaub:
It's beautiful, isn't it? And somehow the pollen looks like star dust:
It's beautiful, isn't it? And somehow the pollen looks like star dust:
Noch besser gefällt mir aber die tolle Deko, die für das Foto drum herum drapiert wurde...
But I like even more the fantastic decoration that was arranged around it for the photo shooting...
But I like even more the fantastic decoration that was arranged around it for the photo shooting...
... nur schade, dass man mit so was hier nie lange allein ist. *grins*
... but sadly you're never alone with something like this for long at this place. *grin*
... but sadly you're never alone with something like this for long at this place. *grin*
Und während Rosey und ich hier ein bisschen... äh... aufräumen *hihi* dürfen wir Euch heute etwas Besonders zeigen. Wir haben sie schon oft erwähnt aber noch nie gezeigt: Die Schneemannsammlung unserer Oma alias Birgits Mama alias der stillen Blogleserin. Zur Weihnachtszeit bekommen die Karottennasen nämlich ihren eigenen Tisch:
And while Rosey and I are going to... eh... clean up a bit *teehee* we are able to show you something special today. We have often mentioned it but have never shown it before: The snowman collection of our Granny aka Birgit's Mom aka our silent blog reader. During Christmas time all the carrot noses come together at one table:
And while Rosey and I are going to... eh... clean up a bit *teehee* we are able to show you something special today. We have often mentioned it but have never shown it before: The snowman collection of our Granny aka Birgit's Mom aka our silent blog reader. During Christmas time all the carrot noses come together at one table:
Nur gut, dass noch ein bisschen Platz vorhanden ist... *lach*
Good to know there's still a bit of space left... *LOL*
Good to know there's still a bit of space left... *LOL*
Die Schneemänner auf der Decke hat Birgit übrigens vor vielen Jahren für ihre Mutter darauf gestickt. Und noch etwas wollen wir Euch heute zeigen - nachdem wir Euch die Buden des BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarktes gezeigt haben, wollen wir nicht die beiden Verkaufskarren vergessen, die auch unbedingt dazu gehören. Da ist einmal dieser hier, prall gefüllt mit Weihnachtsschmuck...
Btw Birgit has stitched the snowmen on this tablecloth for her Mom many years ago. But we would like to show you something else still - after showing you the booths of our BiWuBeary Christmas Market we won't forget the two sales carts that are for sure part of this too. First there's this one, well filled with Christmas decorations...
Btw Birgit has stitched the snowmen on this tablecloth for her Mom many years ago. But we would like to show you something else still - after showing you the booths of our BiWuBeary Christmas Market we won't forget the two sales carts that are for sure part of this too. First there's this one, well filled with Christmas decorations...
... alles Sachen, die Birgit so werkelt. Und natürlich zeige ich Euch auch den wohl außergewöhnlichsten Verkaufsstand unseres Weihnachtsmarktes - denn mal ehrlich... wo sonst kann man auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt bei echten Hexen und Zauberern kaufen? *schmunzel*
... full of stuff crafted by Birgit. And of course I'm also showing to you the perhaps most unusual sales cart of our Christmas Market - because honestly... where else are you able to buy from real witches and wizards? *smile*
... full of stuff crafted by Birgit. And of course I'm also showing to you the perhaps most unusual sales cart of our Christmas Market - because honestly... where else are you able to buy from real witches and wizards? *smile*
Die de Spells und die Skullingtons dürfen auf unserem Weihnachtsmarkt einfach nicht fehlen und sie haben mir netterweise erlaubt, ihren Verkaufswagen für Euch zu fotografieren... auch die Seite, auf der nur Magier einkaufen dürfen.
The de Spells and the Skullingtons can not be missed on our Christmas Market and they kindly allowed me to take pictures of their sales cart for you... even of the side that is reserved for magicians only.
The de Spells and the Skullingtons can not be missed on our Christmas Market and they kindly allowed me to take pictures of their sales cart for you... even of the side that is reserved for magicians only.
Tja, damit machen unsere Hexentürmer auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt keinen Umsatz - mit der anderen Seite aber machen sie das mehr als wett!
Well, with this our Witch Tower Crew won't earn anything at our Christmas Market - but they come in even with the help of the other side!
Well, with this our Witch Tower Crew won't earn anything at our Christmas Market - but they come in even with the help of the other side!
Hier dürfen nicht nur alle Bärchen einkaufen - es ist auch noch oberlecker!
All bearies are invited and allowed to buy here - and on top it's totally yummy!
All bearies are invited and allowed to buy here - and on top it's totally yummy!
Und garantiert ohne dubiose Zutaten wie Spinnenbeine und Krötenschleim - dafür aber mit Spaßfaktor, denn so ein Monstercupcake ist echt witzig.
With a guarantee that strange ingredients like spider legs or toad slime are not involved - but instead of this with a big fun factor because such a monster cupcake is indeed funny.
Verantwortlich für all diese Leckereien sind Vincent der Hauself...
Responsible for all of these treats are Vincent the house elf...
... und Ritter Kunibert, den ich in der Weihnachtszeit ganz besonders gern treffe. (Schaut auf das nächste Bild und Ihr wisst warum... *zwinker*)
... and Knight Kunibert whom I like to meet during Christmas time even more than usual. (Just look at the next picture and you know why... *wink*)
Und nach dieser kleinen Kaffeepause mit leckeren Weihnachtskeksen geht es nun weiter mit dem Projekt "Weihnachten im Schrank". Ihr erinnert Euch sicher noch vom letzten Sonntag an all die Symbole, die Birgit da hinein packen will... darunter waren auch Glocken.
And after this short coffee break with tasty Christmas cookies we are now going to continue with our project "Christmas in a cabinet". I guess you remember well from last Sunday all the symbols Birgit is planning to include... among these were also bells.
With a guarantee that strange ingredients like spider legs or toad slime are not involved - but instead of this with a big fun factor because such a monster cupcake is indeed funny.
Verantwortlich für all diese Leckereien sind Vincent der Hauself...
Responsible for all of these treats are Vincent the house elf...
... und Ritter Kunibert, den ich in der Weihnachtszeit ganz besonders gern treffe. (Schaut auf das nächste Bild und Ihr wisst warum... *zwinker*)
... and Knight Kunibert whom I like to meet during Christmas time even more than usual. (Just look at the next picture and you know why... *wink*)
Und nach dieser kleinen Kaffeepause mit leckeren Weihnachtskeksen geht es nun weiter mit dem Projekt "Weihnachten im Schrank". Ihr erinnert Euch sicher noch vom letzten Sonntag an all die Symbole, die Birgit da hinein packen will... darunter waren auch Glocken.
And after this short coffee break with tasty Christmas cookies we are now going to continue with our project "Christmas in a cabinet". I guess you remember well from last Sunday all the symbols Birgit is planning to include... among these were also bells.
Und zwar solche Glocken, wie die meisten BiWuBärchen sie um den Hals tragen... ich bin eines davon. *schmunzel* Genau genommen verwendet Birgit die aber nicht für "Weihnachten im Schrank" sondern mehr für "Damit sich "Weihnachten im Schrank" auch öffnen lässt"...
The kind of bells most BiWuBearies are wearing around their necks... well, I'm one of those. *smile* To be exact Birgit is not using these for "Christmas in a cabinet" but somehow for "To make sure 'Christmas in a cabinet' can be opened at all"...
The kind of bells most BiWuBearies are wearing around their necks... well, I'm one of those. *smile* To be exact Birgit is not using these for "Christmas in a cabinet" but somehow for "To make sure 'Christmas in a cabinet' can be opened at all"...
Schrankknöpfe mal ganz anders... Und um Dinge wie Winteridylle, "Stille Nacht" sowie Weihnachtsleckereien abzudecken, wird Birgit etwas Ähnliches machen wie bei ihren typischen Häuschenszenen.
Cabinet knobs in a totally different way... And to cover things like winter wonderland, "Silent Night" or Christmas treats Birgit plans to create something similar to her typical small house scenes.
So langsam bin ich echt gespannt, wie all das am Ende als "Weihnachten im Schrank" aussehen wird. Aber es fehlt ja noch mehr... was wäre Weihnachten ohne Geschenke und denjenigen, der sie dankenswerterweise bringt? Genau, der Weihnachtsmann persönlich muss auch noch dabei sein... und wenn man Birgit kennt, dann überrascht es nicht, dass der Weihnachtsmann nicht allein kommt sondern im Rentierschlitten vorfährt. Ausgangspunkt war der Rentierschlitten von Preiser (Maßstab HO / 1:87):
In the meantime I'm really excited to see how all of this will look as "Christmas in a cabinet" in the end. But there's even more missing... what would Christmas be without presents and the one who is so kind to bring them to us? Sure, Santa Claus needs to join us here in person... and knowing Birgit it's no surprise that Santa doesn't show up alone but drives by in his reindeer sleigh. The start of this was the reindeer sleigh by Preiser (scale HO / 1:87):
In the meantime I'm really excited to see how all of this will look as "Christmas in a cabinet" in the end. But there's even more missing... what would Christmas be without presents and the one who is so kind to bring them to us? Sure, Santa Claus needs to join us here in person... and knowing Birgit it's no surprise that Santa doesn't show up alone but drives by in his reindeer sleigh. The start of this was the reindeer sleigh by Preiser (scale HO / 1:87):
Ganz nett... aber nicht nett genug für Birgit. Als Erstes waren die Rentiere dran - die sehen so aus, wenn man sie kauft...
Quite nice... but not nice enough according to Birgit. First it was the reindeers' turn - they look like this when you buy them...
Quite nice... but not nice enough according to Birgit. First it was the reindeers' turn - they look like this when you buy them...
... und so, wenn sie Birgit und einem ihrer Pinsel begegnen.
... and like this after meeting Birgit and one of her brushes.
... and like this after meeting Birgit and one of her brushes.
Da wir es hier aber mit Birgit zu tun haben, war ein bisschen Farbe nicht genug.
Due to the fact that Birgit is in charge of this a little bit of paint was not enough.
Due to the fact that Birgit is in charge of this a little bit of paint was not enough.
Hier könnt Ihr sehr gut sehen, wie sich die Preiser-Rentiere durch ihre Bekanntschaft mit meiner Birgit verändert haben:
This photo shows quite well how much the reindeers have changed after getting to know my Birgit:
Nicht übel... *schmunzel* Danach war dann noch der Schlitten an der Reihe, Birgit und ihre Pinsel kennen zu lernen und dann musste ich erst mal überlegen... wie ging der Text noch gleich?
Not that bad... *smile* Afterwards it was the sleigh's turn to meet Birgit and her brushes and I had to search in my memory... to remember the lyrics...
Not that bad... *smile* Afterwards it was the sleigh's turn to meet Birgit and her brushes and I had to search in my memory... to remember the lyrics...
♪ You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen...
Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen. ♫
🎶 But do you recall
The most famous reindeer of all?🎵🎵
Alle acht Rentiere des Weihnachtsmannes sind vor dem Schlitten eingespannt wie sich das gehört!
All eight of Santa's reindeers in front of the sleigh as it should be!
All eight of Santa's reindeers in front of the sleigh as it should be!
Verzeihung?! Was sagt Ihr? Ach... Ihr vermisst das berühmteste aller Rentiere? Keine Bange, den guten Rudy hat Birgit natürlich nicht vergessen... und das Wichtigste von allem fehlt ja auch noch. Aber gut, es ist ja auch noch nicht Weihnachten. *schmunzel*. Und meine Birgit hatte diese Woche echt viel zu tun... dabei ging es leider unter anderem auch um so ekliges, kaltes, weißes Zeug... *seufz* Und obwohl die damit verbundene Arbeit so gar nichts Nettes hat, hat Birgit (!) persönlich (!!!) diese Bilder gemacht... nach dem ersten, noch leichten Schneefall vor unserer Haustür aufgenommen.
Pardon?! What do you say? Oh... you're missing the most famous of all reindeers? Don't worry, of course Birgit did not forget good ol' Rudy... and the most important of all is still missing too. Well, it's not Christmas yet. *smile* And my Birgit has been very busy during this week... which included having to deal with certain disgusting, cold, white stuff... *sigh* And although the work involved with this isn't nice in any way Birgit (!) personally (!!!) took these pictures... made after the first and still light snowfall in front of our entrance.
Pardon?! What do you say? Oh... you're missing the most famous of all reindeers? Don't worry, of course Birgit did not forget good ol' Rudy... and the most important of all is still missing too. Well, it's not Christmas yet. *smile* And my Birgit has been very busy during this week... which included having to deal with certain disgusting, cold, white stuff... *sigh* And although the work involved with this isn't nice in any way Birgit (!) personally (!!!) took these pictures... made after the first and still light snowfall in front of our entrance.
Ganz ehrlich - meine Birgit hat sich diesmal ihren Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch noch mehr als sonst verdient (und das sage ich wirklich nicht, weil ich nach wie vor jeden Pluspunkt im Goldenen Buch des Weihnachtsmannes gebrauchen kann... *schluck*... nur noch so wenig Zeit übrig... äh... wo war ich...). Aber auch ansonsten ist das ja immer eine gute Idee... so ein schöner gemütlicher Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Adventssonntagsnachmittagskuchen. Vorher gilt es aber noch, die drei Kerzen am Adventskranz anzuzünden:
Honestly - this time my Birgit deserves her Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" even more than usual (and I'm really not saying this because I'm still in need of every single good point in Santa's Golden Book... *gulp*... only so little time left.. eh... where was I...). But of course this is always a good idea... a nice and cozy Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" with one, two cups of tasty Adventsundayafternooncoffee and one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Adventsundayafternooncake. But first we need to lit the three candles on the Advent wreath:
Honestly - this time my Birgit deserves her Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" even more than usual (and I'm really not saying this because I'm still in need of every single good point in Santa's Golden Book... *gulp*... only so little time left.. eh... where was I...). But of course this is always a good idea... a nice and cozy Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" with one, two cups of tasty Adventsundayafternooncoffee and one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Adventsundayafternooncake. But first we need to lit the three candles on the Advent wreath:
Geschafft! Und nun werden meine drei besonderen Gäste Bruni, Sunflower und Angie zusammen mit Rosey und mir einen schönen gemütlichen Adventssonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch genießen und hinterher noch auf den BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarkt gehen (von dem es übrigens beim nächsten Mal ganz viel zu sehen gibt... wir wollen unbedingt noch die 3-Tassen-Tee-Marke bei Betsy knacken! *grins*). Wir wünschen Euch eine schöne Woche - und sollte der Weihnachtsstress doch mal um die Ecke lugen dann erinnert Euch: Gaudete! ;O)
Done! And now my three special guests Bruni, Sunflower and Angie will enjoy a nice and cozy Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" together with Rosey and me and afterwards we are going to visit the BiWuBeary Christmas Market (which will be shown the next time with many pictures... we really want Betsy to get over the 3-cups-of-tea-mark! *grin*) We're wishing to all of you a wonderful week - and in case the Christmas stress might show up around the corner just keep in mind: Gaudete! ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
Done! And now my three special guests Bruni, Sunflower and Angie will enjoy a nice and cozy Adventsundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" together with Rosey and me and afterwards we are going to visit the BiWuBeary Christmas Market (which will be shown the next time with many pictures... we really want Betsy to get over the 3-cups-of-tea-mark! *grin*) We're wishing to all of you a wonderful week - and in case the Christmas stress might show up around the corner just keep in mind: Gaudete! ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
16 Kommentare:
What happiness! thank you for these beautiful things and this sharing of joy .. the collection of snowmen is beautiful, the sled of Santa Claus is beautiful and all the other scenes of Christmas
a big thank you and happy third Sunday of Advent!
What happiness! thank you for these beautiful things and this sharing of joy .. the collection of snowmen is beautiful, the sled of Santa Claus is beautiful and all the other scenes of Christmas
a big thank you and happy third Sunday of Advent!
Das war ja wieder eine turbulente Woche für euch. Was da alles angekommen und entstanden ist. Der Rentierschlitten ist ja wohl der Oberhammer. Da hat Birgit wieder ordentlich den Zauberstab geschwungen.
Habt einen schönen 3. Advent
Yes, Joy it is to visit here for a Sunday Morning Tea... er Kaffeeklatch!!! And the question of whether or not it uses Three cups of tea to view it all properly is going to be difficult to decide... I have to confess I just poured my tea in a new mug for the first time this morning and it is a HUGE 16oz. mug!!! LOL! (The benefit of a large cup should be easy to decipher... plus this one has a good "saying" on it: "Don't get your tinsel in a tangle...!") Which is a very useful thing for ME to be remembering about now..... The Christmas Card problem you know!:) So yes...Visiting here is as Special as it can be! I must say that Birgit has Outdone herself with those reindeer!!! Wow Oh Wow!!! I Adore the harnesses and the painting to make them more realistic as well as the correct number of reindeer! Not to mention the lovely gold glittery runners on the sleigh and the star and decorations on the tree!!! Beautiful! And on such a small scale!!! Bravo! (I know how much fun the itty-bitty decorations are and Birgit has clearly done a fantastic job!!!) And beyond all that there is the visit to the Christmas Market wagons... with the view of the Magical one too! Wonderful! But The part I love BEST is seeing Birgit's Mom's Snowbeary corner!!! What an amazing and beautiful display of all those wonderful Snowbearys! Oh, and the special visit of Angie and Bruni And Sunflower perhaps is the most Special part!!! Well, Time is running Fast over here, And I will just have to add that I have been so busy scrolling back and forth from picture to picture... my tea has gone cold! LOL! I am Really looking forward to seeing the Next installment of Christmas in a Cabinet!!! :):):)
What a nice Kaffeeklatsch you had with more members of the famous BiWuBaer family, Fluby, enjoy! I see that your Birgit has been spoiled with gifts from lovely blog friends, she deserves it so much, especially since she has some rascals, like you, in her family ;O!
Birgit has already made so many snow bearies for her Mom. I was able to admire them personally, when I was visiting her last year, each one has his/her own personality. And all of them got a big dose of Birgit's creativity that makes them so specal. Speaking of snow.....oh my, I have thought about your Birgit, her dates with the snow shovel will have asked alot of her. Take care for her, Fluby, and warm her hands and feet when she's coming indoors, will you? But although the snow has teased so much your Birigt, her pictures are very atmopsherical because of the Christmas time, won't you think?
I love the sales cart your Birgit has created, filled with so many magical and special Christmas goodies. Allthough the most of these specialities are created by Vincent and knight Kunibert, so there are even for witches and wizards Christmas treats ;).
What a gorgeous find to use the bells as door knobs, it shows the genius of your Birgit once more.
But the rendeers, the sleigh and Santa Claus are fantastic work from your Birigt too, Fluby, she never cease to amaze me! I love her special cabinet for Christmas, and I wonder how it will look like after finishing, ah well, I'll have to wait patiently.
You're such a lucky bearie to have a Mom, as your Birgit ;)!
Have a lovely and cozy 3d Sunday of Advent my friends.
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje (who is exhausted after blowing the midwinter horn), Litlle Me und Ilona
PS I bet it will take quite some time from Betsy for reading this long blogpost, she will definitely need 3 cups of tea now ;)!!
I now see I wasn't far away with my guess that Betsy surely needed three cups of tea HAHAHAHA!
LG, Ilona
cuantas miniaturas hermosas, feliz navidad!
Que bonita colección de figuras navideñas. Me encanta como van adornados los renos para acompañar a Papa Noel.
Felicidades por los regalos tan hermosos recibidos.
Un abrazo
No se por donde empezar, tus entradas son encantadoras , disfruto de ellas desde el principio al fin. La colección de muñecos de nieve son espectaculares
y el carro de la bruja tiene unos productos muy originales.
Pero lo que me ha cautivado son los ocho renos con Santa Precioso y el regalo de Llona por lo que se ve muy acertado.
Felices fiestas.Besos:-)
Where to begin? You cannot find more of a Christmas spirit than here! Everything is so 'christmasy', so joyful. It is a pleasure to come here with a *BIG* cup of coffee (no cake here) and just enjoy yourself in the most wonderful Christmas blog. Thank you! I have enjoyed knowing your visitors, the snowmen collection, those carts, the witches one is my favourite, and Santa´s transportation, reindeers included :). Our Birgit sure knows it all!! Well with all this anticipation I can´t wait to finally get to see "Christmas in a cabinet" I am sure it won´t be disappointing! Big hugs xxx
Unos regalos preciosos, Birgit, y los renos de Papa Noel están perfectos tal y como los has vestido...La colección de muñecos de nieve es espectacular...Me encanta leer tus entradas!!. Besitos para Flutterby y para toda la mini familia BiWuBären..¡Feliz Navidad! Un abrazo
Hello Flutterby,
I woke up very tired this morning and the only thing I wanted to do was stay in bed. Now I am full of excitement and Christmas cheer after this wonderful post. I cannot believe Christmas is so close. I am happy the gang was able to visit and enjoy the Christmas market. How wonderful that all of you, be it at the market or in the witches real, are all happy and having such a great holiday time. I almost wish it could be the holidays all the time...almost!
Have a wonderful week and make the most of the 7 days till Christmas.
Big hugs to everyone,
What a cheerful beginning to this post seeing three cuties in a mug!
The snowmen collection is awesome and unique. The marketplace brought me right into the Holidays festivities. I love the Santa sleigh with the 8 reindeers! Not long to wait for Christmas.
Hugs, Drora
Hola!!! No conocía tu blog, pero he llegado a él desde el blog de Alexandra que ha publicado una entrada mostrando tu regalo :) He venido a conocerte y con tu permiso, me quedaré. Tienes unas minis adorables! Feliz Navidad! :)
I always enjoy reading about the Kaffeeklatsch. So thank you Flutterby for the wonderful update. I absolutely adore the reindeer! Birgit outdid herself!
Have a Merry Bearry Christmas and may 2018 be kind and inspiring to all of you.
Deine Bilder sprechen mal wieder für sich... entzückende Weihnachts-Deko.
Meine liebe Birgit... wünsche Dir und Deinen Lieben eine wunderschöne und besinnliche Weihnachtszeit und einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr 2018.
Und ebenso an Die Flutterby-Rasselbande...
PuNo / Monika
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