im Moment haben wir hier in Norddeutschland wirklich das herrlichste Frühlingswetter... da hält es uns BiWuBärchen natürlich gar nicht mehr groß im Haus und wir müssen raus in den Garten. Tja... und deshalb gibt es heute den 3847. Post "BiWuBärchen unterwegs im heimischen Garten"... hoffentlich langweilen wir Euch nicht damit... *schluck*
... at the moment here in northern Germany we're enjoying the most lovliest springtime... and of course no BiWuBeary can stand being in the house, we just have to go out to visit the garden. Well... that's why we're showing the 3847. post "BiWuBearies on tour in their home garden" today... let's hope we won't bore you with this... *gasp*
... at the moment here in northern Germany we're enjoying the most lovliest springtime... and of course no BiWuBeary can stand being in the house, we just have to go out to visit the garden. Well... that's why we're showing the 3847. post "BiWuBearies on tour in their home garden" today... let's hope we won't bore you with this... *gasp*
Uns wird nämlich dabei überhaupt nicht langweilig, ganz im Gegenteil, es gibt ja immer so viel zu entdecken und es wartet jede Menge Spaß auf uns. Und manchmal auch ein kleines Suchspiel... könnt Ihr Rosey inmitten der Nelkenkirsche entdecken?
But for us it never gets boring, not at all because there's always so much to be discovered and so much fun waiting for us. And sometimes there's also a little riddle... can you spot Rosey sitting in our decorative cherry tree (don't know the English word for it, in a 1:1 translation it would be a carnation cherry)?
But for us it never gets boring, not at all because there's always so much to be discovered and so much fun waiting for us. And sometimes there's also a little riddle... can you spot Rosey sitting in our decorative cherry tree (don't know the English word for it, in a 1:1 translation it would be a carnation cherry)?
Und, habt Ihr sie entdeckt? War doch gar nicht so schwer, oder? *lach* Aber wir fahren trotzdem noch mal näher ran...
And, did you spot her? Wasn't very difficult, was it? *LOL* Nevertheless we're doing a little close-up now...
And, did you spot her? Wasn't very difficult, was it? *LOL* Nevertheless we're doing a little close-up now...
Ja, für Rosey ist unser Garten im Moment ein wahr gewordener Traum, denn derzeit blüht irgendwie alles, was bei uns rosa ist, prächtig um die Wette. Aber ehrlich gesagt, auch wenn ich ein Bärchenjunge bin und rosa deshalb so gar nicht meins ist... aber bei Blumen finde sogar ich das ganz okay. Jedenfalls fühle ich mich ganz wohl hier auf dieser rosa Wolke. *kicher*
Yes, for Rosey our present garden is a dream come true because at the moment everything blooming rosé and pink is in full bloom. But to be honest, although I'm a beary boy and not at all crazy about pink... but when it comes to flowers even I think it's okay. At least I'm feeling very comfortable sitting here on my pink cloud. *giggle*
Aber auch unsere Magnolie setzt rosa Glanzpunkte...
But our magnolia too is setting some pink highlights...
But our magnolia too is setting some pink highlights...
... und selbst unser Rhododendron "Cunningham White" will zumindest am Anfang der Blüte bei all der Rosa-Pracht nicht zurück stehen.
... and even our rhododendron "Cunninghmam White" wants to participate in the pink business, at least when it starts to bloom.
... and even our rhododendron "Cunninghmam White" wants to participate in the pink business, at least when it starts to bloom.
Warum bin ich eigentlich nicht überrascht, dass Rosey viel mehr von den Knospen angezogen wird? *seufz*
Why am I not surprised that Rosey gets more attracted from the buds? *sigh*
Why am I not surprised that Rosey gets more attracted from the buds? *sigh*
Allerdings ist unser weißer Rhododendron ja nun gar nichts im Vergleich mit diesem Prachtstück hier:
But our white rhododendron can't compare with this splendor:
But our white rhododendron can't compare with this splendor:
Aber selbst unsere Zierkirsche zeigt ein zartes Rosa...
And even our Japanese Cherry is offering a soft pink...
And even our Japanese Cherry is offering a soft pink...
... kein Wunder, dass meine Schwester sich zu mir gesellt hat.
... so it was no surprise that my sister was joining me.
... so it was no surprise that my sister was joining me.
Übrigens ist der Baum, in dem wir hier gerade sitzen, ganz schön groß - schaut mal:
Btw, the tree we are just sitting in is quite tall - have a look:
Btw, the tree we are just sitting in is quite tall - have a look:
Ja, wirklich, wir sitzen tatsächlich da... schaut nur genau hin! *lach*
Yes, believe me, we're really sitting in there... just have a close look! *LOL*
Yes, believe me, we're really sitting in there... just have a close look! *LOL*
Aber auch wenn im Moment in unserem Garten Rosa dominiert... der nächste Farbregent sitzt schon in den Startlöchern und bereitet sich auf seinen Auftritt vor.
But although pink is the dominant colour in our garden at the moment... the next colour that will reign is already preparing for showtime.
But although pink is the dominant colour in our garden at the moment... the next colour that will reign is already preparing for showtime.
Genau, der Flieder! Wenn der Flieder zusammen mit den anderen Rhododendren blüht, dann wird hier violett die vorherrschende Farbe sein. O-Ton Rosey: Lila findet sie auch richtig hübsch. Ich darf mal übersetzen: Rosey findet in der Tat alle Blumen schön... egal in welcher Farbe. Und da bin ich übrigens mal echt mit ihr einer Meinung. Und meine kleine Schwester sieht in einem Meer von blauen Vergißmeinnicht selbst auch richtig hübsch aus... aber sagt ihr bloß nicht, dass ich das gesagt habe! *schluck*
Yes, I'm talking about the lilac! When the lilacs are in bloom together with the later rhododendrons violet will be the reigning colour. Quotation Rosey: She also thinks violet is very pretty. I may translate this: Rosey thinks all flowers are pretty... whatever colour they may have. And for a change I totally agree to her opinion. Doesn't my little sister look very pretty herself in this ocean of blue forgetmenots... but please don't tell her I said so! *pant*
Yes, I'm talking about the lilac! When the lilacs are in bloom together with the later rhododendrons violet will be the reigning colour. Quotation Rosey: She also thinks violet is very pretty. I may translate this: Rosey thinks all flowers are pretty... whatever colour they may have. And for a change I totally agree to her opinion. Doesn't my little sister look very pretty herself in this ocean of blue forgetmenots... but please don't tell her I said so! *pant*
Obwohl... mir steht das Blau doch auch, oder? *hihi*
Nevertheless... I too look good in blue, don't I? *teehee*
Nevertheless... I too look good in blue, don't I? *teehee*
Und weil all diese Gartenabenteuer auch ein bisschen müde machen, habe ich mich ein Stück mitnehmen lassen...
And because all these adventures in the garden make you a little bit tired every now and then I was glad I could hitchhike a bit...
And because all these adventures in the garden make you a little bit tired every now and then I was glad I could hitchhike a bit...
... denn es ging weiter mit einem Besuch bei Birgits Zwerg im Garten - der natürlich KEIN Gartenzwerg in dem Sinne ist, sondern stattdessen ein ziemlich prominentes Exemplar der Gattung Zwerg.
... because I still had an appointment with Birgit's dwarf in the garden - who is of course NO common garden gnome but instead of this a very prominent member of the dwarf family.
... because I still had an appointment with Birgit's dwarf in the garden - who is of course NO common garden gnome but instead of this a very prominent member of the dwarf family.
"Chef" ist eine Koproduktion von Birgit und ihrem Vater, Birgit hat ihn aufgezeichnet und bemalt, ihr Vater hat ihn ausgesägt. Tja, und ganz zum Schluß hatte ich noch eine wichtige Verabredung - es war nämlich wieder mal Zeit für ein Clubtreffen...
"Doc" is a co-production of Birgit and her father, Birgit has made the drawing and painted the colours, her father has done the sawing. Well, and finally I was still having another important appointment - it was time again for another club meeting...
"Doc" is a co-production of Birgit and her father, Birgit has made the drawing and painted the colours, her father has done the sawing. Well, and finally I was still having another important appointment - it was time again for another club meeting...
Genau - "Der Club der Denker" trifft sich wieder bei uns im Garten... aber was bei unseren Überlegungen rausgekommen ist, dürfen wir laut Clubstatuten nicht verraten. Nur so viel - es lässt sich denken, dass wir wieder viel Spaß im Garten hatten! ;O) Ich hoffe, Ihr könnt den Frühling genau so genießen wie wir!
Yes - "The Thinker's Club" is back and meeting again in our garden... but according to the club's rules we can't tell you the results of our thinking. Only this - it's easy to come to the thought that we had loads of fun in the garden once more! ;O) I hope you're able to enjoy spring as much as we do!
Yes - "The Thinker's Club" is back and meeting again in our garden... but according to the club's rules we can't tell you the results of our thinking. Only this - it's easy to come to the thought that we had loads of fun in the garden once more! ;O) I hope you're able to enjoy spring as much as we do!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
24 Kommentare:
Was für ein schöner Ausflug in die Natur und alles in rosa, hmmm.
Aber Flubby bei den Denkern,
ist das nicht gefährlich? nicht das da so auf einmal diese klebrigen Zungen schnalzen und du ein Denkerfrühstück wirst. Wir so ohne Garten können nur neidisch auf die Nachbarn schauen und da gbts nicht viel rosa. So jetzt mal noch eine schöne Woche und kommt gut in den Mai.
-- Dirk --
Why am I thinking it's too early for lilacs...? Maybe it's because winter was long? I don't know.
But your garden is one beautiful and most charming place! Love your manolia and rhododendrons and cherry.:)
Hugs and kisses
Sweet symphony! Enjoy the sunshine!
Hallo ihr Süßen !
Was habt ihr für ein Glück mit dem Wetter. Hier in NRW ist es zur Zeit ziemlich ungemütlich. Regen und kühl. Da wird man einwenig neidisch auf euch. Holt euch keinen Sonnenstich. Wie wäre es mit paar netten Sonnenhütchen ??
Sind tolle Bilder. Wo ist denn das Suchbild mit Birgit im Baum ???:)
Nun euch noch viel Spaß im Garten.
Liebe Grüße
Hello Flutterby,
How wonderful. Here in Montreal no flowers have come out yet, and the buds on the trees are barely starting. You are so lucky to have such a magical garden. Every color is so beautiful. I swear I can smell the flowers just looking at your pictures. thank you so much for the inspiration. I'll be thinking about your garden all day.
Big hug,
fantástica sinfonía en rosas...
A pink symphony! Very sweet.
Ах, какая красота! Свежий воздух, прекрасные цветы, веселые медведи! А, еще и храбрые медведи!! Они не боятся высоты!!!
Ваш гном очаровательный! Очень приятно, что его сделали вы и ваш папа!
Спасибо за прекрасную прогулку по вашему саду!
Beautiful garden. Your flowering trees and bushes are stunning. Rosey and Flubby look very happy playing in the lovely pinks. I love your frogs and Doc. Enjoy your wonderful weather.
Hugs Maria
Hi Flutterby,
The garden is beautiful. Since I love pink, I must say that it was a delight to see all of the blooms. That tree is so very tall, were you not scared? I hope you had a chance to relax after your meeting. :-) Thank you for sharing your beautiful spring garden.
enjoy the sunshine and flowers, it's raining here today so I wont be going outside until it stops
You two are the most luckiest bearies of the wide world.......for having so much pleasure, a lot of adventures and feast of color in your own garden :D! There's no doubt that you both enjoyed the most beautiful weather..... Unfortunately here in The Netherlands we have wet rainy days, but still it is much too dry for the time of the year. All of the trees are in full bloom now and Mother Nature is one month too early with the bloom of all plants/flowers/trees! The farmers even used their water sprinklers, or water guns on their fields because of the drought!
Big hug for each of you,
Schepje und Ilona
I had a wonderful time just watching you among all those glorious blooms. A super beautiful garden. Birgit and her father have been putting a lot of love and care to keep it so lovely. I love "Doc" and the frogies.
I wish all of you to enjoy a long spring time.
Hugs, Drora
In OWL, was ja im nördlichen NRW liegt ist auch herrliches Wetter und zwischendurch Regen. Da kommt die Natur so richtig in Gang.
Eine herrliche Blütenpracht habt ihr im Garten.
Oh, I'm so happy that you're enjoying a beautiful spring. Like Rosey, I love the colors in your garden at this moment. Strawberries will arrive in another month or two, won't they, Fluby? :-D xo Jennifer
Your garden is looking So beautiful..... it's no wonder Rosey Disappears into it! She is a Perfect Match.... being so Beautiful herself! As for Fluby... his Handsomeness is only added to by the beautiful flowers! (But I agree with him, he does best with the blue and white and lilac.... he can let Rosey have the pinks!)
We have only the first few flowers showing... and the grass is not even green yet! What a long winter.... and a reluctant Spring! At least I know where Spring IS happening! LOL!
A beautiful garden and a fun garden with Doc and the Thinkers. I love the forget-me-nots.
Ihr habt einen wunderschönen Garten und wenn dann gerade alles so herrlich blüht könnte man einfach nur abtauchen . Ich glaub es duftet auch mächtig lecker bei euch in dem rosa blütenmeer. Bei uns ist nicht so schönes Wetter und die meisten Bäumchen so wie auch der Flieder ist schon verblüht ... Eigentlich warten wir schon auf den Sommer : )
Wonderful garden! I love it! I really miss having a garden, but when I have (I really want one soon) I'll have lots of pink trees, I love pink trees =) And forgetmenots have been one of my favourite flower since I was a kid. =)
Hi Flutterby, are you sure you are not looking at your garden through rose coloured glasses. He he. Just kidding!!! I think your garden is fantastic. Did you get the sneezes with all that pollen?
Hugs Wilbur.
...wunderschön! Vielen Dank, auch für die tollen Bilder! :o)
Liebe Grüße
Oh, bei Euch im Garten blüht es so schön! Bei uns würde es eigentlich auch blühen, aber wir haben so ein ungemütliches Mistwetter, dass man gar nicht recht rausgehen mag!
Liiiiiebste Birgit, Du kannst jetzt übrigens aufhören, mit dem Zaunpfahl zu winken (und stattdessen z.B. das Regal zusammen bauen), ich habe vorhin pflichtschuldigst den April-Post veröffentlicht. Teheee!
Ich wünsche Euch einen schönen 1. Mai! Bis bald, Sandra
What a wonderful garden!! I love the colours of the flowers, are really beautiful photos! A big hug and enjoy!
Your garden looks great! I always enjoy the garden photos with Fluby and the other bearies!!!
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