unglaublich - die Zeit vergeht so schnell... Nun ist es schon wieder fast einen Monat her, dass ich Euch all die wunderbare Deko für mein zukünftiges Heim gezeigt habe. Da wird es aber allerhöchste Zeit, dass wir damit weiter kommen. Heute zeige ich Euch all die wunderbaren Kleinigkeiten, die zu meinem Arbeitstisch gehören. Da ich ja auch sehr gerne bastle - da bin ich meiner Birgit sehr ähnlich - brauche ich natürlich jede Menge Kram, der immer in Pfotenreichweite sein soll.
... incredible - time flies by so fast... Now it's almost one month ago since I've shown you the lovely decoration items for my future home. Well, it's about time that we carry on with that. Today I'm going to show you all the fantastic details that belong to my worktable. Because I like to craft - I really share this liking with my Birgit - I need of course a lot of stuff that needs to be right at paw.
... incredible - time flies by so fast... Now it's almost one month ago since I've shown you the lovely decoration items for my future home. Well, it's about time that we carry on with that. Today I'm going to show you all the fantastic details that belong to my worktable. Because I like to craft - I really share this liking with my Birgit - I need of course a lot of stuff that needs to be right at paw.
Ich weiß nicht, wie es Euch so geht beim Basteln - aber vermutlich habt Ihr genau wie Birgit und ich so ein paar Hilfsmittel, die absolut unverzichtbar sind. Birgit kann zum Beispiel nicht ohne doppelseitiges Klebeband leben *lach* - und ganz wichtig sind ihr auch ihr Bastelkleber und ihre Scheren in zwei Größen.
I don't know your experiences with crafting - but I suppose just like for Birgit and me there are some helpers that are totally mandatory to you. Birgit for example can't live without double-sided tacky tape *LOL* - and very important to her are also her craft glue and her scissors in two sizes.
I don't know your experiences with crafting - but I suppose just like for Birgit and me there are some helpers that are totally mandatory to you. Birgit for example can't live without double-sided tacky tape *LOL* - and very important to her are also her craft glue and her scissors in two sizes.
Hier könnt Ihr die guten Stücke mal sehen... und nicht nur das - denn Birgit wäre nicht Birgit, wenn sie mir von ihren Bastelutensilien keine Miniaturausgaben spendiert hätte.
Here you can get to know these treasured pieces... but even more than this - because Birgit wouldn't be Birgit if she wouldn't have turned her crafting tools into miniature versions for me.
Here you can get to know these treasured pieces... but even more than this - because Birgit wouldn't be Birgit if she wouldn't have turned her crafting tools into miniature versions for me.
Die Scheren sind gekauft und wurden entsprechend gefärbt. Die Tube ist ein Rohling von Playmobil, den Birgit bemalt und beklebt hat, so dass sie nun aussieht wie die, mit der Birgit immer selbst rumklebt. Ebenfalls von Playmobil sind diese beiden Kisten:
The scissors were purchased and painted in matching colours. The tube comes from Playmobil and was painted and covered by Birgit to look like the one Birgit always uses herself to spread glue everywhere. Also from Playmobil are these two boxes:
The scissors were purchased and painted in matching colours. The tube comes from Playmobil and was painted and covered by Birgit to look like the one Birgit always uses herself to spread glue everywhere. Also from Playmobil are these two boxes:
Nach ein bisschen Birgit-Behandlung sehen die nun so aus:
After a little Birgit-treatment they are looking like this:
After a little Birgit-treatment they are looking like this:
Wie Ihr sehen könnt, dient mir die eine Kiste zur Aufbewahrung meiner Srapbooking-Papiere - Papier kann man nie genug haben. *schmunzel* Und Birgit hat mich zum Basteln richtig gut ausgestattet...
As you can see I'm using one of these boxes for storing my scrapbooking papers - you can never have enough paper. *smile* And Birgit gave me a great equipment for crafting...
As you can see I'm using one of these boxes for storing my scrapbooking papers - you can never have enough paper. *smile* And Birgit gave me a great equipment for crafting...
Schneidematte, Klebe und Klebeband sind von Middlemum's Miniatures, Gesso und Pinsel-/Stiftehalter sind von Marquis Miniatures. Und weil ich ja auch gerne kleine Bärchenhäuser baue, wird bei mir auch das eine oder andere Material rumliegen wie z. B. diese Holzleisten. Und hier sind noch ein paar Dinge, die unbedingt auf meinen Arbeitstisch gehören:
Cutting board, glue and tacky tape were bought at Middlemum's Miniatures, gesso and brush-/pen holder are from Marquis Miniatures. And because I too like to build little beary houses there will be some material lying on my table like for example this wood scraps. And here are some more things that need to be found at my worktable:
Cutting board, glue and tacky tape were bought at Middlemum's Miniatures, gesso and brush-/pen holder are from Marquis Miniatures. And because I too like to build little beary houses there will be some material lying on my table like for example this wood scraps. And here are some more things that need to be found at my worktable:
Von Birgit selbstgemachte Stifte und ein Radiergummi (Der Stifthalter war ein Geschenk von Simona), Klebeband und Schraubenzieher (gekauft), eine Bastelpackung für Miniaturmöbel(Geschenk von Jennifer) sowie mein Radio und meine Kamera (Rohlinge von Playmobil, bearbeitet von Birgit) und natürlich der Tablet-PC, den Birgit für mich gemacht hat. Und natürlich darf auch so was nicht auf meinem Arbeitstisch fehlen:
Pens and a rubber made by Birgit (The pen holder was a gift from Simona), tacky tape and a screwdriver (both purchased), a kit for miniature furniture (gift from Jennifer) as well as my radio and my camera (from Playmobil, treated by Birgit) and of course the tablet Birgit has made for me. And there's something more needed at my worktable:
Pens and a rubber made by Birgit (The pen holder was a gift from Simona), tacky tape and a screwdriver (both purchased), a kit for miniature furniture (gift from Jennifer) as well as my radio and my camera (from Playmobil, treated by Birgit) and of course the tablet Birgit has made for me. And there's something more needed at my worktable:
Man muss sich schließlich zwischendurch auch mal stärken, oder? *kicher* Den Becher hat Birgit bemalt und gefüllt, der Untersetzer war ein Geschenk von Jennifer. Die Obstschale war ein Geschenk von Vicky, die Früchte sind von Miniaturen Schneider. Die kleine Metalldose gefüllt mit Baiser war ein Geschenk von Julia, Tatiana hat uns die Geldbörse geschenkt und die Schale mit den Süßigkeiten war ein Geschenk von "Abasketof". Ja, das alles wird auf meinem Schreibtisch stehen... man muss eben alles immer zur Pfote haben. Aber zum Glück habe ich ja auch in den Fächern meines Schreibtisches noch jede Menge Stauraum. Und damit ich den Überblick behalte, hat Birgit mir meine eigenen Boxen gemacht.
Of course you need something to keep your energy level straight, don't you? *giggle* Birgit painted and filled the mug, the coaster was a gift from Jennifer. The fruit bowl was a gift from Vicky, the fruits are from Miniaturen Schneider. The tiny tin box filled with meringues was a gift from Julia, the purse was a gift from Tatiana and the bowl with sweets was a gift from "Abasketof". Yes, all of this must find a place at my worktable... it's important to have everything right at paw. But luckily I have also some storage space in the compartments of my work desk. And to make sure that everything will be in order Birgit made my own boxes for me.
Of course you need something to keep your energy level straight, don't you? *giggle* Birgit painted and filled the mug, the coaster was a gift from Jennifer. The fruit bowl was a gift from Vicky, the fruits are from Miniaturen Schneider. The tiny tin box filled with meringues was a gift from Julia, the purse was a gift from Tatiana and the bowl with sweets was a gift from "Abasketof". Yes, all of this must find a place at my worktable... it's important to have everything right at paw. But luckily I have also some storage space in the compartments of my work desk. And to make sure that everything will be in order Birgit made my own boxes for me.
Schick, oder? Und so eine schöne Farbe... *hihi* Aber ich habe noch mehr Boxen...
They look great, don't they? And such a nice colour... *teehee* But I will have some more boxes...
They look great, don't they? And such a nice colour... *teehee* But I will have some more boxes...
Die Körbe sind gekauft, aber Birgit hat mir zwei schöne Dekoanhänger dafür gemacht. Die runde Box war ein Geschenk von Silke und die beiden Kartons haben wir von Nina bekommen. Aber natürlich brauche ich auch noch ein bisschen Platz für Lektüre...
The baskets are purchases but Birgit made some nice decorative hangers for them. The round box was a gift from Silke and we got the two boxes from Nina. But of course I also need a little space for my reading material...
The baskets are purchases but Birgit made some nice decorative hangers for them. The round box was a gift from Silke and we got the two boxes from Nina. But of course I also need a little space for my reading material...
... etliche Miniaturenzeitschriften und ein paar Don Rosa-Comics (alle von Birgit gemacht). Und nun (Keine Bange, Ihr habt es gleich geschafft) kommen zu guter Letzt auch noch die Papierblöcke, die Birgit für mich gekauft hat.
... some miniature magazines and some cartoon books by Don Rosa (all made by Birgit). And now (Don't worry, there's not much more to come) finally I'd like to show you the paper blocks Birgit has bought for me.
... some miniature magazines and some cartoon books by Don Rosa (all made by Birgit). And now (Don't worry, there's not much more to come) finally I'd like to show you the paper blocks Birgit has bought for me.
Ich sammle darin Anregungen...
Inside of these I'm collecting inspirations...
Inside of these I'm collecting inspirations...
... oder mache Skizzen.
... or I'm doing some sketches.
... or I'm doing some sketches.
Tja, all das werde ich in und auf meinem wunderbaren Arbeitstisch unterbringen... und nun wird es auch nicht mehr lange dauern, bis ich endlich einziehen kann in mein Flower Cottage. Ach, ich bin wirklich das glücklichste Blumenbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt! *lach* Allerdings - etwas muss ich Euch vorher noch zeigen... da sind doch noch Dekostücke, die Ihr noch nicht kennt... aber die zeige ich Euch dann beim nächsten Mal!
Yes, all of this will find a home in and on my wonderful worktable.... and now it won't be very long until moving day to Flower Cottage. Well, I am for sure the most happiest flower beary in the whole wide world! *LOL* Nevertheless - before moving day I still need to show something else to you - some decoration you don't know so far... but this I'm going to show to you the next time!
Yes, all of this will find a home in and on my wonderful worktable.... and now it won't be very long until moving day to Flower Cottage. Well, I am for sure the most happiest flower beary in the whole wide world! *LOL* Nevertheless - before moving day I still need to show something else to you - some decoration you don't know so far... but this I'm going to show to you the next time!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
19 Kommentare:
Dear Rosie, what a great story :)
everything is so tiny, so adorable:)))What a lucky beary you are to live with Birgit :)
Wahnsinn! Du hast eine super Ausstattung! Ich bin richtig begeistert!!!
Da macht basteln wirklich Spaß.
Liebste Grüße
Hello Rosey,
What wonderful accessories you have collected. you really have been spoiled. I am happy that you have all you need to keep your arts and crafts in order. I cannot wait to see more of your beautiful home,
Big hug,
OMG! I was suprised to see that glue tube but the cutting mat made me shocked, lol! What ingenius items for Rosey! She surely is one very happy and lucky BiWuBear!
Hugs and kisses
Wow Rosey what a lot of fantastic items you got for your new home. You will have lots of fun creating with these wonderful items and plenty of storage to keep everything in. Lucky you :)
Hugs Maria
Du bist jetzt wirklich perfekt ausgestattet. Jetzt kann es losgehen. Gut, dass du einen so großen Arbeitstisch ganz für dich allein hast, so musst du auf nichts verzichten.
Viel Spaß beim Basteln, Werkeln und naschen!
Liebe Grüße
im wahrsten Sinne du hast alles da was du zum basteln brauchst... Da musst du dich aber ganz dolle bei Birgit bedanken... Ich freu mich schon wenn du endlich einziehen darfst
Wahnsinn! Das ist ja wieder Präzisionsarbeit vom Feinsten. Birgit ist großartig. Das wir ein wundervoller Arbeitsplatz.
Liebe Grüße
Wow Rosey! I wish my own craft table looked so good. I love all the craft accessories shown. Birgit has the most brilliant ideas and great links here. Thank you both for sharing.
Hugs, Drora
What a fantastic craft storage! I must admit yours are much better than mine and so pretty too!
I do love your new supplies they are darling! Hugs~J
I LOVE the craft storage, glue, and all of the purchases and gifts you showed, Rosey! All of these lovely things make your craft room sooooo special. I can hardly wait for move-in day! xo Jennifer
Rosey you are a VERY VERY VERY Lucky Flower Beary indeed!!! You have better supplies than I do! LOL!!! Birgit has thought of Everything... and it is all so well made and pretty with the pink designs!!! Wow!!! I sure look forward to seeing the projects you will be making with all this wonderful stuff...! And the special other thing Birgit has made.... I am sure it will be something Amazing!!!!
I can't wait to see it all assembled in your cottage!!!
Da wird aber dan mit Feuereifer gebastelt werden! :) Toll, was man so alles braucht und dass so viele tolle Geschenke ihren Platz finden! :) Und gut, dass es auch einen Kaffee gibt fuer zwischendurch..ohne sowas gehts nicht! :) :) Viele Gruesse!!! :)
Ohhh que coisinhas mais lindas ....Tenha um otimo final de semana meu amigo.
Molto divertenti le scene con Rosey che ti vuole imitare nei tuoi lavori!
Deliziosi i doni ricevuti!
Un caro abbraccio.Manu
Dear Rosey, material for your craft is fantastic! I loved every detail that you showed. Hugs.
I'm glad you now have all you need to make some wonderful things by yourself, Rosey!
I love all the craft material Birgit made and got from friends for you Rosey! Everything looks fantastic, I want a mini-craft room too, I wouldn't mind a big one either.. but its a matter of space... But a tiny craft-room, I just must have one now! =) Hannah
I am quite envious of your wonderful craft table and accessories. I am sure you will make some wonderful things, especially with Birgit's help.
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