heute nun geht es endlich weiter mit unserer "Es war einmal..."-Geschichte über Roseys Einzug in ihr Traumhaus. Also Märchenbuch aufgeschlagen und los geht's!
... today we're finally going to continue with our "Once upon a time"-story about Rosey moving into her dream house. So let's open the fairytale book and on we go!
... today we're finally going to continue with our "Once upon a time"-story about Rosey moving into her dream house. So let's open the fairytale book and on we go!
Am nächsten Morgen wurde Rosey von den Sonnenstrahlen geweckt, die durch ihr Bettfenster fielen. Sie war sofort hellwach und sah sich glücklich um - es war nicht nur ein schöner Traum gewesen! Es war die Realität... sie lag hier in ihrem neuen Bett in ihrem neuen Heim. Endlich konnte sie in Flower Cottage wohnen!
The next morning Rosey was awakended by the sun beams shining through her bed window. She was wide awake at once and looked around with joy - it hadn't been just a beautiful dream! It was reality... she was here in her new bed in her new home. Finally she could live in Flower Cottage!
The next morning Rosey was awakended by the sun beams shining through her bed window. She was wide awake at once and looked around with joy - it hadn't been just a beautiful dream! It was reality... she was here in her new bed in her new home. Finally she could live in Flower Cottage!
Aber es gab noch viel zu tun... ganz viele Dinge warteten noch darauf, ihren endgültigen Platz in Flower Cottage zu bekommen. Rosey sprang aus dem Bett, machte sich kurz frisch und ging mit Feuereifer an die Arbeit. Das Blumenbärchen gönnte sich keine Pause - warum auch... sie hatte so viel Spaß als nach und nach jedes Teil an den zugedachten Platz kam und Flower Cottage nach und nach anfing, so auszusehen, wie Rosey es sich schon immer in ihrer Fantasie ausgemalt hatte. Als sie endlich fertig war, betrachtete sie alles von der Tür aus. Endlich - Flower Cottage war fertig eingeräumt und dekoriert, sie hatte ihre eigenes Zuhause, so wie sie es ich immer erträumt hatte. Diesen Anblick hätte sie stundenlang genießen können! Aber das plötzliche Auftauchen funkelnder Sterne riss Rosey aus ihren Träumereien - Besuch vom Hexenturm!
But there was still a lot to do... many things were still waiting to get her final place in Flower Cottage. Rosey jumped out of the bed, freshened herself up and started to work with loads of enthusiasm. There were no breaks needed for the flower beary - she shad so much fun while one after the other each piece found it's dedicated place and Flower Cottage started to look like what Rosey had already seen in her fantasy before. When she was finally done she had a view at everything while standing at the door. Finally - Flower Cottage was fully furnished and decorated, she had her own home as she had always dreamt about it. She could have enjoyed this sight for many hours! But the sudden appearance of sparkling stars made Rosey stop her dreaming - a visitor from the witch towers!
But there was still a lot to do... many things were still waiting to get her final place in Flower Cottage. Rosey jumped out of the bed, freshened herself up and started to work with loads of enthusiasm. There were no breaks needed for the flower beary - she shad so much fun while one after the other each piece found it's dedicated place and Flower Cottage started to look like what Rosey had already seen in her fantasy before. When she was finally done she had a view at everything while standing at the door. Finally - Flower Cottage was fully furnished and decorated, she had her own home as she had always dreamt about it. She could have enjoyed this sight for many hours! But the sudden appearance of sparkling stars made Rosey stop her dreaming - a visitor from the witch towers!
Und schon stand Magicus de Spell neben ihr und lächelte sie an: "Und Rosey... bist Du nun glücklich?" Rosey strahlte ihn an: "Und wie! Aber ich stelle gerade fest, dass es für's Glücklichsein gar kein Limit gibt." Magicus lachte: "Wenn Du das als glücklichstes Blumenbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt sagst, dann wird das wohl stimmen... Hör mal, Rosey, die anderen werden auch gleich hier sein... die sind nämlich neugierig und... nein, wart's ab. Ich bin nur etwas eher hier, weil ich Dir noch ein Geschenk von mir zum Einzug geben wollte..."
When she was finally done she had a view at everything while standing at the door. Finally - Flower Cottage was fully furnished and decorated, she had her own home as she had always dreamt about it. She could have enjoyed this sight for many hours! But the sudden appearance of sparkling stars made Rosey stop her dreaming - a visitor from the witch towers! And in the very moment Magicus de Spell was standing next to her with a smile: "Say Rosey... are you happy now?" Rosey was beaming with joy: "I sure am! But I'm just noticing that there's no limit for being happy." Magicus laughed: "If you being the happiest flower beary in the whole wide world say so this might be true... But listen, Rosey, the others will soon arrive too... they're all curious and... well, just wait. I'm only a little earlier because I wanted to give you a gift from me for moving in..."
When she was finally done she had a view at everything while standing at the door. Finally - Flower Cottage was fully furnished and decorated, she had her own home as she had always dreamt about it. She could have enjoyed this sight for many hours! But the sudden appearance of sparkling stars made Rosey stop her dreaming - a visitor from the witch towers! And in the very moment Magicus de Spell was standing next to her with a smile: "Say Rosey... are you happy now?" Rosey was beaming with joy: "I sure am! But I'm just noticing that there's no limit for being happy." Magicus laughed: "If you being the happiest flower beary in the whole wide world say so this might be true... But listen, Rosey, the others will soon arrive too... they're all curious and... well, just wait. I'm only a little earlier because I wanted to give you a gift from me for moving in..."
Und schon stand eine Geschenkschachtel vor Rosey. Sie ärgerte sich fast, dass ihre Pfoten zitterten und hoffte, dass der Zauberer das nicht bemerken würde... aber sie war so gespannt auf sein Geschenk... Als Rosey sah, was darin war, merkte sie, wie sich ihre Augen mit Tränen füllten. "Ach Magicus... woher hast Du gewusst, dass mir genau das noch im neuen Heim fehlte?" - "Nun... sagen wir mal so... ich hatte das gehofft - und das ohne eine Kristallkugel zu befragen." Es war gut für Rosey, dass Magicus dabei breit grinste, denn das half ihr, ihre Rührung zu überwinden. "Die anderen treffen jeden Moment ein - bring's lieber rein." Und dabei grinste er sogar noch breiter.
The very same moment a gift box stood before Rosey. She was kind of upset that her paws were trembling and she hoped that the wizard wouldn't notice... but she was so excited to see his present... When Rosey saw what was in the box she felt how her eyes were filling with tears. "Oh Magicus... how could you know that this was still missing in my new home?" - "Well... let's say... I was just hoping - and all of this without looking into a crystal ball." It was helpful for Rosey's emotions that Magicus was grinning broadly while saying this. "The others will arrive every moment - you'd better bring it inside." And now he even grinned broader.
The very same moment a gift box stood before Rosey. She was kind of upset that her paws were trembling and she hoped that the wizard wouldn't notice... but she was so excited to see his present... When Rosey saw what was in the box she felt how her eyes were filling with tears. "Oh Magicus... how could you know that this was still missing in my new home?" - "Well... let's say... I was just hoping - and all of this without looking into a crystal ball." It was helpful for Rosey's emotions that Magicus was grinning broadly while saying this. "The others will arrive every moment - you'd better bring it inside." And now he even grinned broader.
Als Rosey wieder auf die Veranda von Flower Cottage kam, sah sie bereits in die strahlenden Gesichter ihrer Freunde. "Na, Rosey, wie war die erste Nacht im eigenen Bett... hast Du was Schönes geträumt... bist Du schon fertig mit Einräumen... können wir noch was helfen..." so tönte es ihr vielstimmig entgegen. Aber dann löste sich die Stimme von Magica de Spell aus dem Chor: "Wir haben hier noch etwas für Dich, liebe Rosey - ein Geschenk von uns allen für Dich zum Einzug!" Rosey traute ihren Augen kaum - da standen plötzlich ein gedeckter Gartentisch und zwei Gartenstühle vor ihr!
When Rosey returned to the porch of Flower Cottage she already looked into the beaming faces of her friends. "Say, Rosey, how was the first night in your own bed... did you dream something nice... are you already finished with decorating... can we help you with something..." that's what multiple voices said to her. But then Magica de Spell's voice came out of the choir: "We're having something for you, dear Rosey - a present from all of us for your moving day!" Rosey couldn't believe her eyes - suddenly a decorated garden table and two garden chairs stood before her!
When Rosey returned to the porch of Flower Cottage she already looked into the beaming faces of her friends. "Say, Rosey, how was the first night in your own bed... did you dream something nice... are you already finished with decorating... can we help you with something..." that's what multiple voices said to her. But then Magica de Spell's voice came out of the choir: "We're having something for you, dear Rosey - a present from all of us for your moving day!" Rosey couldn't believe her eyes - suddenly a decorated garden table and two garden chairs stood before her!
"Das sind genau die Gartenmöbel, die ich mir gewünscht habe!!! Woher wusstet Ihr das???" Alle lachten laut und Arthud Skullington sagte: "Tja, das war wirklich nicht einfach..." Sein Bruder fiel ein: "Überhaupt nicht... aber mit Hilfe vom Zauberspiegel, unseren Kristallkugeln und natürlich dank Agent Flutterby ist es uns doch gelungen, das Geheimnis zu lüften." Flutterby grinste: "Wobei es natürlich schon hilfreich war, dass Du das so ein, zwei Mal erwähnt hast...und dann noch ein paar Mal mehr..." Rosey lachte und konnte gleichzeitig ihre Freudentränen nicht unterdrücken. Igor, der auf ihre Schulter geflattert war, wischte mit seinem Flügel über ihr Gesicht und meinte mitfühlend: "Ein Tag für schwitzende Augen, was?" Rosey nickte: "Ja, absolut... ein Tag für jede Menge Augenschweiß. Ich danke Euch allen... für alles... auch wenn das jetzt nicht nötig gewesen wäre, dass Ihr mir auch noch etwas schenkt... aber jedenfalls möchte ich Euch allen sagen... ich bin echt das glücklichste Blumenbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt!"
"This is exactly the garden furniture I wished to have for myself!!! How could you know???" All were LOL-ing and Arthud Skullington said: "Well, this was really not easy..." His brother continued: "Not at all... but with the help of the Magic Mirror, our crystal balls and of course thanks to agent Flutterby we were able to reveal the mystery." Flutterby grinned: "It was kind of helpful that you've mentioned this one, two times... and even some times more..." Rosey laughed and at the same time couldn't prevent tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. Igor who had landed on her shoulder wiped with one of his wings over her face and said: "A day for sweaty eyes, isn't it?" Rosey nodded: "For sure... a day for loads of eye sweat. I really want to thank you all... for everything... although it wouldn't have been necessary that you're even giving me a present... but anyhow I want to tell all of you... I am for sure the most happiest flower beary in the whole wide world!"
Die Freunde lachten. "Wer hätte das gedacht?" grinste Magica. "Aber mal schauen, ob es noch glücklicher geht... schließlich fehlt noch Dein Garten." Aber da meldete sich Orlin McTwizzle: "Nicht mehr lang... Orlin wird Rosey helfen, einen schönen Garten anzulegen." Und tatsächlich wollte Orlin gleich anfangen zu graben... aber Mysteria und Borthud hielten ihn sanft auf. "Nein, Orlin, nicht jetzt." Orlin erschrak: "Hat Orlin etwas falsch gemacht?" Mysteria schüttelte den Kopf: "Überhaupt nicht - nur ist jetzt nicht die Zeit zum Graben." Borthud klopfte dem Wurzelgnom auf die Schulter: "Jetzt ist nämlich Leg-den-Spaten-weg-und-lass-uns-einen-schönen-Einzugskaffeeklatsch-genießen-Zeit!"
The friends laughed. "Who would ever have guessed?" Magica asked while grinning. "But let's wait and see whether it's still possible to get any happier... at least your garden is still missing." But now Orlin McTwizzle said: "Not for long... Orlin will help Rosey to build a beautiful garden." And Orlin actually intended to start digging... but Mysteria and Borthud kindly made him stop. "No, Orlin, not now." Orlin was startled: "Did Orlin make a mistake?" Mysteria shook her head: "No, not at all - but now it's not the time for digging." Borthud padded the root gnome's shoulder: "Now it's Lay-away-the-spade-and-let's-enjoy-a-nice-moving in-"Kaffeeklatsch"-time!"
Und so feierten sie alle den Einzug des glücklichsten Blumenbärchens auf der ganzen weiten Welt in das für Rosey schönste Flower Cottage auf der ganzen weiten Welt mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Kaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Kuchen. Als die Freunde sich verabschiedet hatten, winkte Rosey ihnen noch lange nach. Sie war so froh und dankbar für alles...
And so they were all celebrating the moving day of the happiest flower beary in the whole wide world in what was according to Rosey the most beautiful Flower Cottage of the whole wide world with one, two cups of tasty coffee and with one, two, three, four pieces of yummy cake. And after the friends had said goodbye and gone home Rosey was waving after them for a long time. She was so happy and thankful for everything...
Und dann ging sie nach diesem ereignisreichen Tag in ihr neues Heim - das ihr fertig dekoriert entgegen strahlte.
And then after this very exciting day she went into her new home - which was fully decorated and kind of shining.
Rosey genoss den Anblick ihres neuen Zuhauses in vollen Zügen:
Rosey enjoyed the sight of her new home to the fullest:
Aber weil der Tag so schön und ereignisreich gewesen war, mochte sie noch nicht zu Bett gehen. Stattdessen setzte sie sich zum allerersten Mal an ihren schönen, geräumigen Arbeitstisch und begann, an ihrem kleinen Bärchenhaus zu werkeln.
And because the day had been so lovely and exiting she didn't want to go to bed yet. Instead of this she sat down for the very first time at her nice and spacious work table and started to work at her small beary house.
Und genau da verlassen wir nun Rosey und Flower Cottage... allerdings nicht, ohne einen letzten Blick zurück zu werfen...
And this is where we're going to leave Rosey and Flower Cottage... but not without having one last look back...
... einen letzten Blick auf das glücklichste Blumenbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt!
... a last look at the happiest flower beary in the whole wide world!
Tja, das war's... das ist das Ende! Also... das Ende der Geschichte von Roseys Einzug in Flower Cottage... Aber eigentlich ist es ja eher ein Beginn, denn von nun an hat unsere Rosey ihr eigenes Zuhause. Ich aber klappe nun das Märchenbuch zu und werde mal Birgit gegenüber erwähnen, dass mir nach dem ganzen Vorlesen eine Honigmilch richtig gut tun würde... *pfiffel*
Yes, this was it... that's the end! Well... the end of the tale of Rosey's moving day to Flower Cottage... Because somehow it's more a beginning because from now on our Rosey has her own home. But now I'm closing the fairytale book and will have a word with Birgit about a honey milk being just the right stuff for me after all this reading aloud... *tweet*
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
"This is exactly the garden furniture I wished to have for myself!!! How could you know???" All were LOL-ing and Arthud Skullington said: "Well, this was really not easy..." His brother continued: "Not at all... but with the help of the Magic Mirror, our crystal balls and of course thanks to agent Flutterby we were able to reveal the mystery." Flutterby grinned: "It was kind of helpful that you've mentioned this one, two times... and even some times more..." Rosey laughed and at the same time couldn't prevent tears of joy rolling down her cheeks. Igor who had landed on her shoulder wiped with one of his wings over her face and said: "A day for sweaty eyes, isn't it?" Rosey nodded: "For sure... a day for loads of eye sweat. I really want to thank you all... for everything... although it wouldn't have been necessary that you're even giving me a present... but anyhow I want to tell all of you... I am for sure the most happiest flower beary in the whole wide world!"
Die Freunde lachten. "Wer hätte das gedacht?" grinste Magica. "Aber mal schauen, ob es noch glücklicher geht... schließlich fehlt noch Dein Garten." Aber da meldete sich Orlin McTwizzle: "Nicht mehr lang... Orlin wird Rosey helfen, einen schönen Garten anzulegen." Und tatsächlich wollte Orlin gleich anfangen zu graben... aber Mysteria und Borthud hielten ihn sanft auf. "Nein, Orlin, nicht jetzt." Orlin erschrak: "Hat Orlin etwas falsch gemacht?" Mysteria schüttelte den Kopf: "Überhaupt nicht - nur ist jetzt nicht die Zeit zum Graben." Borthud klopfte dem Wurzelgnom auf die Schulter: "Jetzt ist nämlich Leg-den-Spaten-weg-und-lass-uns-einen-schönen-Einzugskaffeeklatsch-genießen-Zeit!"
The friends laughed. "Who would ever have guessed?" Magica asked while grinning. "But let's wait and see whether it's still possible to get any happier... at least your garden is still missing." But now Orlin McTwizzle said: "Not for long... Orlin will help Rosey to build a beautiful garden." And Orlin actually intended to start digging... but Mysteria and Borthud kindly made him stop. "No, Orlin, not now." Orlin was startled: "Did Orlin make a mistake?" Mysteria shook her head: "No, not at all - but now it's not the time for digging." Borthud padded the root gnome's shoulder: "Now it's Lay-away-the-spade-and-let's-enjoy-a-nice-moving in-"Kaffeeklatsch"-time!"
Und so feierten sie alle den Einzug des glücklichsten Blumenbärchens auf der ganzen weiten Welt in das für Rosey schönste Flower Cottage auf der ganzen weiten Welt mit ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Kaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Kuchen. Als die Freunde sich verabschiedet hatten, winkte Rosey ihnen noch lange nach. Sie war so froh und dankbar für alles...
And so they were all celebrating the moving day of the happiest flower beary in the whole wide world in what was according to Rosey the most beautiful Flower Cottage of the whole wide world with one, two cups of tasty coffee and with one, two, three, four pieces of yummy cake. And after the friends had said goodbye and gone home Rosey was waving after them for a long time. She was so happy and thankful for everything...
Und dann ging sie nach diesem ereignisreichen Tag in ihr neues Heim - das ihr fertig dekoriert entgegen strahlte.
And then after this very exciting day she went into her new home - which was fully decorated and kind of shining.
Rosey genoss den Anblick ihres neuen Zuhauses in vollen Zügen:
Rosey enjoyed the sight of her new home to the fullest:
Aber weil der Tag so schön und ereignisreich gewesen war, mochte sie noch nicht zu Bett gehen. Stattdessen setzte sie sich zum allerersten Mal an ihren schönen, geräumigen Arbeitstisch und begann, an ihrem kleinen Bärchenhaus zu werkeln.
And because the day had been so lovely and exiting she didn't want to go to bed yet. Instead of this she sat down for the very first time at her nice and spacious work table and started to work at her small beary house.
Und genau da verlassen wir nun Rosey und Flower Cottage... allerdings nicht, ohne einen letzten Blick zurück zu werfen...
And this is where we're going to leave Rosey and Flower Cottage... but not without having one last look back...
... einen letzten Blick auf das glücklichste Blumenbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt!
... a last look at the happiest flower beary in the whole wide world!
Tja, das war's... das ist das Ende! Also... das Ende der Geschichte von Roseys Einzug in Flower Cottage... Aber eigentlich ist es ja eher ein Beginn, denn von nun an hat unsere Rosey ihr eigenes Zuhause. Ich aber klappe nun das Märchenbuch zu und werde mal Birgit gegenüber erwähnen, dass mir nach dem ganzen Vorlesen eine Honigmilch richtig gut tun würde... *pfiffel*
Yes, this was it... that's the end! Well... the end of the tale of Rosey's moving day to Flower Cottage... Because somehow it's more a beginning because from now on our Rosey has her own home. But now I'm closing the fairytale book and will have a word with Birgit about a honey milk being just the right stuff for me after all this reading aloud... *tweet*
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
20 Kommentare:
♥ herzallerliebst, wie süß ist das denn, so ein schönes liebevoll eingerichtetes Häuschen *schwärm*
Liebe Grüße Iris
Hello Peevee,
What a terrific story! I am sorry I missed the party! The cottage is just wonderful and I know Rosey will be insanely happy there.
Big hug to you all,
Ehh, excuse me, have I missed what Rosey has got from Magicus???? So how come it is the end of a story?
Good Rosey is enjoying her house with all her friends. :)
Hugs and kisses
Dear Rosey, your heart must be bursting with happiness. Thank you for reading that wonderful story. Friends are very special.
Sending Hugs
О!!!! Мне нужны такие помощники!!! Я пригласила бы их в наш заброшенный сад!!! Волшебная палочка, и розы расцвели!!! Увы! Моя волшебная палочка, это лопата и грабли...... Я не завидую.... Ну совсем немного.....:) :) :) :) :)
Я с таким удовольствием разглядывала домик Рози!!!! Такие любимые мелочи!!! Так все красиво! А какой очаровательный маленький домик! Рози такая рукодельница!!! :) :) :)
Замечательный рассказ!
Sweet story! Rosey looks so happy in her new cottage! One question, though. What was in Magica's box for Rosey? Will we learn about it next time? I'm on pins and needles waiting to know. xo Jennifer
Rosey ia very happy! her cottage is beautiful....and I like the rug...Everything is perfect.
Endlich hat Rosey es geschafft! Erst mit Deko wird ein Haus zu einem Zuhause... und das mit dem Garten, das wird sicher auch noch werden bevor der Winter kommt. Orlin kann es ja schon kaum noch abwarten Rosey angraben... ääähhh... in Roseys Garten graben zu können.
Liebe Grüße
What a great and wonderful story about so much joy, but I do think it is a never ending story.....;)??
Like melli just said:eh, the garden....?? Well, we'll see what will happen now, isn't it :D!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje (who enjoyed this story soo much and now has to go to bed.... after a day of hard work for his spiritual Mom ;o) und Ilona
Oh how wonderful for Rosey! The cottage is gorgeous and I am so happy that she is all moved in and settled. What was in the box from Magica? Did I miss that in the story? Looking forward to the story continuing....
Lisa :-)
The cottage turned out so wonderful the colors and gifts from friends are just gorgous!
I know Rosey will be very happy in her new home!
Whats in the box??
Hallo Rosey und Friends !
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum neuen wunderschönen Haus! Im Rahmen dieser Wohnungseinweihung wünsche ich dir, dass alle deine Träume und Wünsche in diesen vier Wänden in Erfüllung gehen werden.
Alles Gute usw wünscht
Ohhh que lindo a estoria sua casinha tao linda e que quarto e cama tao delicados .Amei tudo.beijos.
Jöööö.... so süss! Da wäre ich doch am liebsten ein Blumenbärchen.
Einen gemütlichen Abend wünscht Euch Yvonne
Thank you PeeVee for this lovely story. What a wonderful way to celebrate moving into her dream cottage having all her friends over for a party :))) Beautiful gorgeous cottage.
Hugs Maria
Wow! it's sooooo pretty! I LOVE the desk, with all the craft materials, I wish my desk could look like that =) And the frame with Magica in it, such a great detail! And the swing, looks very inviting!
She sure has a wonderful house now Rosey!
And I could need some Beary paws to help me sort out the mess my mini-house is right now.. Would you please tell all bears they are welcome to me in Sweden any day?! ;)
Rosey is very lucky has a truly wonderful home! I love the bed and the desk, gorgeous!
Rosey, your Cottage is SO Lovely.... I have to fight a tiny bit of envy!!! It must be that Wonderful craft table with all those Supplies.... and the little house.... and the flowers on that Fantastic window sill.... I could go on and on...! I think I LOVE Every thing you have!!! :):)
I will come back again and again to look at all the beautiful details!
You are indeed the Luckiest and Happiest Flower Beary Ever!!!
I will just sit and look over your shoulder for a while... and Smile at everything!!!
What a great story and what a lovely house does Rosey have, she must be very happy now, surrounded with all the things she loves!
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