ich begrüße Euch herzlich zur 93872. Folge von "Schon wieder ein Post mit einer Flut von Bildern, die BiWuBärchen im Garten zeigen"! *lach* Aber mal ehrlich... wen hält es denn jetzt drinnen wo wir gerade so wunderbares Frühlingswetter haben? Na, Rosey und mich nicht...
... and a heartwarm welcome to the 93872nd episode of "And again a post with a flood of pictures showing BiWuBearies in the garden"! *LOL* But honestly... who would want to stay inside while we're enjoying the nicest spring weather around here? Well, certainly not Rosey and I...
... and a heartwarm welcome to the 93872nd episode of "And again a post with a flood of pictures showing BiWuBearies in the garden"! *LOL* But honestly... who would want to stay inside while we're enjoying the nicest spring weather around here? Well, certainly not Rosey and I...
Also haben wir uns auf Entdeckungstour in den großen Garten und damit auch zu den Farben des Frühlings begeben - zuerst ging es zu den Stiefmütterchen, die uns eine wirklich breite Palette an Farben bieten.
So we went on an expedition into the big garden and somehow on a quest for the colours of spring - first we stopped at the pansies who showed us quite a wide variety of colours.
So we went on an expedition into the big garden and somehow on a quest for the colours of spring - first we stopped at the pansies who showed us quite a wide variety of colours.
Und auch die kleine Schwester des Stiefmütterchens, das Hornveilchen, bietet ein wunderbares Farbenspiel - und mittendrin meine kleine Schwester. *höhö*
And the little sister of the pansies, the horned pansy, also shows a wonderful variety of colours - and among them my little sister. *teehee*
And the little sister of the pansies, the horned pansy, also shows a wonderful variety of colours - and among them my little sister. *teehee*
Aber es muss ja nicht immer bunt sein - wie man an unserer Sternmagnolie sehr gut sehen kann.
But it doesn't always have to be colourful - just have a look at our star magnolia.
But it doesn't always have to be colourful - just have a look at our star magnolia.
Was die Präsenz ihrer Lieblingsfarbe angeht, muss Rosey sich allerdings noch etwas gedulden - die Nelkenkirsche bereitet sich noch auf ihren großen Auftritt vor.
And Rosey needs some patience still until her most favourite colour will be present - our Japanese cherry is still preparing for the big show.
And Rosey needs some patience still until her most favourite colour will be present - our Japanese cherry is still preparing for the big show.
Auch die Azalee beginnt erst, Farbe zu zeigen.
And the azalea too has just begun to show some colour.
And the azalea too has just begun to show some colour.
Aber wir haben auch ein richtig schön leuchtendes Rot gefunden:
But we managed to find a nice bright red:
But we managed to find a nice bright red:
Und wie könnten wir die hier vergessen??? *lach*
And how could we ever forget these??? *LOL*
And how could we ever forget these??? *LOL*
Danach hatten wir Glück und fanden eine Mitreisegelegenheit...
After this we were lucky to find someone to give us a lift...
After this we were lucky to find someone to give us a lift...
... bis zur Terrasse - wo ich gleich mal geschaut habe, wie es unserem Johannisbeerstrauch geht.
... to the terrace - where I looked at once after our currant shrub.
... to the terrace - where I looked at once after our currant shrub.
Sieht so aus, als ob Birgit auch dieses Jahr reichlich rote Johannisbeeren ernten kann. Als Soße über Vanilleeis ein Gedicht... nur Erdbeeren mit Vanilleeis sind schöner. Ach ja... Erdbeeren... *seufz* süße, rote, saftige, aromatische Erdbeeren... wie ich mich darauf freue, wenn demnächst ENDLICH die Saison für Erdbeeren beginnt... äh... wo war ich... ach ja... Rosey hat dann noch eine besondere Entdeckung im Johannisbeerstrauch gemacht.
Looks as though Birgit will be able to harvest many red currants this year. As a topping on vanilla icecream some kind of a dream... only vanilla icecream with strawberries is better. Oh my... strawberries... *sigh* sweet, red, juicy, aromatic strawberries... how I'm looking forward to strawberry season FINALLY beginning in a while... eh... where was I... oh yes... then Rosey made a special discovery in the currant shrub.
Looks as though Birgit will be able to harvest many red currants this year. As a topping on vanilla icecream some kind of a dream... only vanilla icecream with strawberries is better. Oh my... strawberries... *sigh* sweet, red, juicy, aromatic strawberries... how I'm looking forward to strawberry season FINALLY beginning in a while... eh... where was I... oh yes... then Rosey made a special discovery in the currant shrub.
Einen Marienkäfer mit gaaaaaanz vielen Punkten - die sind bei uns eher selten. Und nach all diesen Entdeckungen und den vielen Farben haben Rosey und ich den Ausflug an unserem Lieblingsplatz ausklingen lassen...
A lady bug with many many dots - these are quite rare around here. And after all these discoveries and the many colours Rosey and I stopped at our favourite place to review our tour...
Und dabei ist uns aufgegangen, dass wir noch eine Farbe des Frühlings vergessen haben - das Blau. Gut, wir hatten zwar die Vergissmeinnicht besucht... trotzdem... wenn etwas typisch ist für einen Frühlingstag dann ja wohl das frische Grün der Bäume und ein strahlend blauer Himmel!
And then we noticed that we had forgotten about one of spring's colours - the blue. Okay, we have visited the forget-me-nots... nevertheless... if there's a typical thing for a spring day then it's the fresh green of the trees and a clear blue sky!
And then we noticed that we had forgotten about one of spring's colours - the blue. Okay, we have visited the forget-me-nots... nevertheless... if there's a typical thing for a spring day then it's the fresh green of the trees and a clear blue sky!
Und damit verabschieden wir uns für heute - und versprechen Euch für den nächsten Post noch mehr Blumenbilder! Aber in dem Fall wird es sich nicht um Blumen aus unserem Garten handeln... sondern um Blumen für Gerties Garten... ;O)
And with this we're saying goodbye for today - and promise even more flower pictures for our next post! But this won't be about flowers from our garden... but about flowers for Gertie's garden... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
And with this we're saying goodbye for today - and promise even more flower pictures for our next post! But this won't be about flowers from our garden... but about flowers for Gertie's garden... ;O)
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
16 Kommentare:
O' teddis and flowers!
Love your photos with flowers all around you: charming and so adorable photos! It really looks like you are enjoying the beautiful Spring day!
Wish I was there.. :)
Vielen dank für deine wunderschönen Frühlingsbilder!!!
Liebste Grüße Conni
Such pretty flowers! I see a couple having a lot of fun in them!
Gorgeous flowers and photos! The models are all very handsome and beautiful too! I'm so glad that spring has sprung in your neck of the woods. xo Jennifer
Beautiful flowers, models and photos.
Was für ein schöner Garten und alles ist so farbenfroh ;O)
Danke für diese schönen Bilder.
Liebe Grüße
Wonderful pictures of all those beautiful flowers you even have my favourite all those gorgeous pansies :) We are also having a very beautiful spring. Thank you Birgit Flubby and Rosey for sharing your wonderful garden.
Hugs Maria
I always enjoy thr photos from your garden so it's been pleasure for me. Lucky for me it is also colorful over here finally. :) You have nice birds there. :D
Hugs and kisses from the 3 of us. :)
I always love to see the BiWuBears having fun among the flowers in the garden :) It's all so beautiful and colourful!! I adore the photo of Rosie in the pansies :) Can't wait to see the flowers for Gertie's garden. Hugs ♥ Vicky ♥
Halloooo liebe Freunden :D! So many beautiful flowers and trees, I see you all have enjoyed your beautiful sunny spring weather! Your colorful photos are always very beautiful, thank you for the spring tour through your garden.
Just like at Ewa in Poland, here whistle the birds the whole day, so it is finally spring :D!
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona
Un jardín con muchas flores y plantas, está precioso.
Un abrazo
Oh, it's such a Pleasure to see you both having such a Lovely time amongst the beautiful blossoms in your Garden! (Said from one who was besieged by Snow again today! *Sigh*) Over here all the flowers are looking for winter hats and scarves to wrap up in...!
So it is especially Wonderful to see such a pretty sight over in your Garden and to know that you are enjoying it so much! And on top of that I can look forward to seeing more of Gertie's flowers too!!!
Какое великолепие!!! Такие прекрасные цветы, замечательный порядок в саду. Биргит , вы большой труженик и художник, ваш сад великолепный!
Я с мужем два раза ездила на дачу. Мы работали с утра до ночи. Только тюльпаны и абрикоса радуют цветами. :( :( :( Очень много труда и сил надо отдать, что бы получить такой райский сад!
Спасибо за наслаждение!
eso es primavera!
Hallo ihr Lieben !
Danke für die schönen Bilder. Ihr habt Recht, es hält einen nichts in der Bude und man fühlt sich im Moment im Garten pudelwohl. Es ist herrlich zu beobachten, wie alles blüht und strahlt. Bei Sonnenschein und eine Tasse Kaffee im Garten, dann den Grill an, was kann schöner sein !
Euch wünsche ich noch ein sonniges Wochenende.
Bis bald, liebe Grüße
You are so lucky to have such a beautiful garden to explore under the beautiful blue sky.
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