Sonntag, 19. April 2015

Kaffeeklatsch (Nr. 245)

eine weitere April-Woche ist vorüber... und schon haben wir wieder Sonntag und damit auch einen neuen Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch. Heute geht es weiter mit dem nächsten Besucher-Bärchen. Sunflower lebt eigentlich bei Birgits Tante Kirsten aber auch er hat es sich natürlich nicht nehmen lassen, seinen Heimaturlaub mit einem Kaffeeklatsch-Fotoshooting zu verbinden.
... another week in April is over... and once more it's Sunday which means time for a new Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch". Today we're continuing with our next visitor beary. Sunflower lives now with Birgit's aunt Kirsten but when being on a visit to his old home of course he couldn't resist to combine this with a "Kaffeeklatsch"-photoshooting.
Dabei ist es aber nicht geblieben... denn wo wir schon mal unseren Sunflower da hatten, hat Birgit beschlossen, dass er genau der Richtige ist, um eine ihrer Werkeleien zu präsentieren. Nein, keine Bange... nicht schon wieder Transsylvanischen Marmor... *grins* Neben der Arbeit an den Möbeln und natürlich auch anderen Dingen für das Haus an sich werkelt Birgit natürlich auch immer mal an magischen Pflanzen, die irgendwann einmal auf der Dachterrasse von Gerties Altersruhesitz wachsen sollen. Und da kamen nun auch endlich die wunderschönen Sonnenblumen zum Einsatz, die wir vor einiger Zeit zusammen mit anderen lieben Bloggern von Sans! geschenkt bekommen haben (Ach Sans!... zu schade, dass sie sich nicht mehr in Blogland blicken lässt... wie so viele andere auch). Hier haben wir mal ein Archivbild (mit gutaussehendem Flatterbärchen *hihi*) heraus gesucht...
But this wasn't all yet... because having our Sunflower around made Birgit decide that he was the right one to present one of the results of her crafting along. No, don't worry... not again Transylvanian marble... *grin* But next to working on the furniture and other things for the house Birgit also works on some magical plants every now and then - plants that shall grow at the roof terrace of Gertie's retirement home someday. And now finally it was showtime for the lovely sunflowers we received some time ago together with some other dear bloggers as a gift from Sans! (My, Sans! ... so sad she isn't seen in blogland anymore... like so many others too). We're able to show you a picture from the archives (together with a handsome flutterybeary *teehee*)...
Drei schöne Sonnenblumen haben wir bekommen. Und mit ein bisschen Farbe, einem Topf, zusätzlichen Blättern und drei Halbperlen ist dann das daraus geworden...
We had received three nice sunflower stems. And together with some paint, a pot, additional leaves and three half pearls they turned out this way...
Sunflower jedenfalls war begeistert von dieser besonderen Variante seiner Lieblingsblumen - und stolz wie Oskar, dass er sie auf dem Blog vorstellen durfte. Ich bin ja normalerweise immer etwas skeptisch, wenn mich Dinge anschauen, die mich eigentlich NICHT anschauen sollten... aber in dem Fall finde ich das in Ordnung. Die magischen Sonnenblumen sehen jedenfalls richtig nett und lustig aus. Überhaupt finde ich ja, dass Sonnenblumen immer etwas Freundliches haben... aber es dauert ja leider noch etwas, bis die 1:1 Sonnenblumen wieder blühen. Nur gut, dass man einen netten, gemütlichen Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch an jedem Sonntag genießen kann... *schmunzel* Und genau dabei wünsche ich Euch nachher - natürlich auch im Namen von Sunflower - ganz viel Spaß bei ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskuchen. Und eine schöne Woche wünsche ich Euch natürlich auch!
I can tell you Sunflower was over the moon with this special version of his favourite flowers - and he was really proud being the one to present them on the blog. I am usually somehow a bit skeptical about things looking at me which are NOT supposed at all to look at me... but in this case I have no problems. These magical sunflowers sure look nice and funny. In my opinion sunflowers alwasy have a friendly appearance... but it will still take some time until sunflowers in 1:1 will bloom around here. Thankfully we're able to enjoy a  nice cozy Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch" on every Sunday... *smile* And for this I'm wishing to you later on - of course also in Sunflower's name - loads of fun while having one, two cups of tasty Sundayafternooncoffee and enjoying one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Sundayafternooncake. And of course I'm wishing to all of you a great week on top!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs

17 Kommentare:

carmen hat gesagt…

feliz semana!

miniaturista hat gesagt…

Buen café con pasteles para tí y girasol.
Un abrazo

Fabiola hat gesagt…
Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.
Fabiola hat gesagt…

The gift from Sans is amazing.

Maria Ireland hat gesagt…

I love what you have done to the sunflowers.Thank you Sunflower for showing us these beautiful cheerful flowers. I also feel sad that we don't !see! Sans and others any-more here in blogland :( At least we have her beautiful flowers to remind us of her :)Have a wonderful Sunday and week.
Hugs Maria

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hallo Sunflower! I'll also send you some sunny greetings from me in The Netherlands, where we enjoy such beautiful and sunny weather :D!! Yup, no sunflowers yet, that will have to wait for awhile....until summer will come.
Yes, I do remember that Sans! did sent her sunflowers to other bloggers. I think Birgit has changed hers into perfect sunflowers for Gertie :D! I'm so curious to see the garden at the roof of Gertie's new home, I can't wait!!
Just like grandmommy, I also miss a lot of bloggers, who have shut down their blogs, it's so quiet now in the blog world....moreover, congratulations on winning the giveaway of grandmommy, enjoy :D!!
I wish you all a lovely Kaffeeklatsch this afternoon.
Liebe Grüsse, Schepje und Ilona

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Those sunflowers now really look like the Extremely Rare Magical BiWuBaren Sansflowers!!! I think you have discovered a Treasure Trove for Gertie's Garden! I agree that there are things that shouldn't "look" at you... but Sunflowers have always seemed to me to be a big happy face smiling at the World!!! And now you have managed to tease them into revealing their "True" natures! Well done!!! And of course, it is wonderful to see Sunflower in the mug to introduce them! I am now getting Really eager to have a look at Gertie's Roof Garden!!!
But I can be patient! As long as I have Coffeecake.... Lol!!!

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

The sunflowers are lovely and I too miss Sans and hope she's fine and still
travelling around the world. Who knows, maybe one day she'll come here to Israel.
It's a lovely Sunday here and I'll have
a cup of coffee just to accompany
Dear Sunflower the visitor.
Have a wonderful week all.
Hugs, Drora

Kikka N hat gesagt…

Wow, your sunflowers are really lovely! It is a wonderful gift from Sans! I really miss her also.
I have been wanting to ask you many times if you have ever stepped into a cup with some coffee in there...getting your toes wet? ;)
Warm hugs

The Old Maid hat gesagt…

Good to see all the Sunflowers again. :) Yes it is sad bloggers vanish from our blogland but I don't think there is anything we can do about it. I still hope our dear Sans! will come back to blogging one day. :)
Have a great week ahead and Sunday evening too!
Hugs and kisses
Lady A., Peevee and me!

Lovejoy Bears hat gesagt…

I love sunflowers, they always make me smile. They do have a friendly, happy appearance. Sunflower the bear is adorable and so are the sunflowers in miniature!! I hope you are all having a wonderful Sunday with lots of yummy cake :) Hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

Plushpussycat hat gesagt…

Oh yes, four pieces of Sundayafternooncake are definitely in order for today--and every Kaffeeklatsch! LOL May your week ahead be a good one, all your BiWuBearies and Birgit! xo Jennifer

The grandmommy hat gesagt…

It looks like I am not the only one who likes sunflowers! This year I will have sunflowers in my real life backyard.

Again, Congratulations on winning the give away on my blog! :-D

Unknown hat gesagt…

What a sunshiny happy garden to have such cute flowers!

Oh the bearies look happy ,flowers do bring a smile to the face..and cake as well!

Pippibär hat gesagt…

Achja... *seufz* Sonnenblumen... das wird noch eine Weile dauern... im Moment fühlt es sich hier eher nach Eisblume oder Weihnachtsstern an ;-)
jaja, die Nachteule friert schon wieder.
Gut dass du so einen schönen warmen Pelz hast und dich bei Kaffee und Kuchen warm halten konntest...
Liebe wieder mal zu spät dran Grüße

Tatiana hat gesagt…

Привет Биргит!
Я восхищаюсь вашей фантазией! Подсолнухи стали еще лучше!! Я люблю их глаза! :) :) :)

rosanna hat gesagt…

Sunflowers truly cheer up anybody's mood.
Yes, it's pretty calm in blogland but I don't think it's because of less affection. Defnitely real life can be too much imposing and I realize that finding time for it has become harder and harder.
I miss the old times though....
BTW I was certain that you should have recognized the Donald's cartoon, it depicts me quite sincerely as I am in the last times ;o)
Big hugs and like someone we both love used to say... Loveloads ! :o)))