nachdem wir letzte Woche so viele echte Blumen gezeigt haben, kommen wir heute wie versprochen zu den magischen Pflanzen. Unsere Kräuterhexe Gertie Gumthrop ist zwar schon lange pensioniert, aber ihre Leidenschaft für Pflanzen ist ungebrochen - und so steht natürlich außer Frage, dass es jede Menge ungewöhnliche und magische Pflanzen in ihrem Haus und vor allem in ihrem Dachgarten geben muss. Da wird Birgit noch einiges zu tun haben... aber die ersten Exemplare sind bereits entstanden. Und zum Glück haben wir ja auch schon einige wunderbare Pflanzen für Gertie geschenkt bekommen. Hier sind sie noch mal zur Erinnerung:
... after showing so many real flowers last week we're heading as promised towards the magical plants today. Although our herb witch Gertie Gumthrop retired long ago her passion for plants is still going on - and so it was no question at all that there need to be many unusual and magical plants in her house and especially in her roof garden. Birgit will have some work still with this... but a few plant creations were already finished. And of course we're also lucky having already received some awesome plants for Gertie as gifts. Here's a little reminder for you:
... after showing so many real flowers last week we're heading as promised towards the magical plants today. Although our herb witch Gertie Gumthrop retired long ago her passion for plants is still going on - and so it was no question at all that there need to be many unusual and magical plants in her house and especially in her roof garden. Birgit will have some work still with this... but a few plant creations were already finished. And of course we're also lucky having already received some awesome plants for Gertie as gifts. Here's a little reminder for you:
Der freundliche Kaktus Daggy und die kluge Palme Smarty waren Geschenke von Melli, die Augballpflanze war ein Geschenk von Jane und den indianischen Wunderbaum haben wir von unserem Freund Sioux bekommen (der wahrscheinlich immer noch Klebe an seinen Händen hat... *hihi*). Die Sonnenblumen, die ja eigentlich Sans!flowers sind, hat Sunflower Euch ja kürzlich bereits vorgestellt. Damit haben wir schon mal einen wunderbaren Grundstock für Gerties Heim gelegt - denn mal ehrlich... jede dieser Pflanzen ist ein besonderes Meisterwerk - nicht nur, weil sie so toll gearbeitet sind, sondern weil liebe Freunde sie extra für uns gemacht haben. Aber nun... äh... Moment mal... ich höre da was...
The friendly cactus Daggy and the witty palm Smarty were gifts from Melli, the eyeballplant was a gift from Jane and we received the Indian Tree of Wonders from our friend Sioux (who is probably having glue on his hands still... *teehee*). The sunflowers who are in a way Sans!flowers were shown by Sunflower not long ago. With this we're already having a wonderful base for Gertie's home - and honestly speaking... every plant on its own is a special masterpiece - not only because they are perfectly made but because dear friends made them just for us. And now... eh... just a moment... I'm hearing something...
The friendly cactus Daggy and the witty palm Smarty were gifts from Melli, the eyeballplant was a gift from Jane and we received the Indian Tree of Wonders from our friend Sioux (who is probably having glue on his hands still... *teehee*). The sunflowers who are in a way Sans!flowers were shown by Sunflower not long ago. With this we're already having a wonderful base for Gertie's home - and honestly speaking... every plant on its own is a special masterpiece - not only because they are perfectly made but because dear friends made them just for us. And now... eh... just a moment... I'm hearing something...
Flutterby: Neeeeeeeeeein!!! Bitte nicht!!!
Audrey: Hallo Süßer!!! Ich könnte ja fast den Eindruck bekommen, dass Du mich vergessen hast.
Flutterby: Dich zu vergessen fällt mir schwer... bleib mir vom Leib!!!
Audrey: Aber was... ja, warum springst Du denn jetzt hinter dieses Grünzeug??? Ich bin doch hier?!
Flutterby: Kann mir bitte irgendjemand helfen?
Daggy: Äh... ich darf Dich daran erinnern, dass ich ein ausgebildeter Kampfkaktus bin... ich kann Karate und...
Audrey: Hör mal zu, Stachelgesicht, die Nummer hat schon beim letzten Mal niemanden beeindruckt... geh lieber weg von meinem Süßen, bevor ich grün vor Eifersucht werde...
Flutterby: (stöhnt)
Rosey (kommt näher): Ich komme, Fluby... keine Panik. (Zu Audrey): Also wirklich, Audrey! Du weißt doch, dass Du Fluby in Ruhe lassen sollst... Dein ewiges "Hallo Süßer" ist nichts für seine Nerven.
Flutterby: Nooooooooooo!!! Please no!!!
Audrey: Hi Sweetie!!! Somehow I might get the impression you forgot about me.
Flutterby: Forgetting about you would be hard or me... stay away from me!!!
Audrey: But... say, why are you jumping behind that green stuff??? I mean I am over here?!
Flutterby: Can anybody help me please?
Daggy: Eh... may I remind you of the fact that I am a trained warrior cactus... I can do karate and...
Audrey: Listen, sting-face, this sad show already failed the last time... better stay away from my sweetie before I'm going to turn green from jealousy...
Flutterby: (moans)
Rosey (coming nearer): I'm coming, Fluby... don't panic. (Towards Audrey): Say, Audrey! You know for sure you're supposed to stay away from Fluby... All your "Hi Sweetie"-talk is just not good for his nerves.
Flutterby: Nooooooooooo!!! Please no!!!
Audrey: Hi Sweetie!!! Somehow I might get the impression you forgot about me.
Flutterby: Forgetting about you would be hard or me... stay away from me!!!
Audrey: But... say, why are you jumping behind that green stuff??? I mean I am over here?!
Flutterby: Can anybody help me please?
Daggy: Eh... may I remind you of the fact that I am a trained warrior cactus... I can do karate and...
Audrey: Listen, sting-face, this sad show already failed the last time... better stay away from my sweetie before I'm going to turn green from jealousy...
Flutterby: (moans)
Rosey (coming nearer): I'm coming, Fluby... don't panic. (Towards Audrey): Say, Audrey! You know for sure you're supposed to stay away from Fluby... All your "Hi Sweetie"-talk is just not good for his nerves.
Audrey (seufzt): Aber ich muss doch meinen Süßen hin und wieder mal sehen dürfen... oder? Außerdem gehöre ich hier ja wohl auch mit auf das Gruppenbild - schließlich war auch ich ein Geschenk von Melli.
Rosey: Ja, und auch Du bist wirklich etwas ganz Besonderes. Und nun seid bitte alle so nett und lasst uns hier weitermachen mit den Pflanzen, die Birgit für Gertie gewerkelt hat.
Audrey: (will etwas sagen)
Rosey: Du auch, Audrey! Fluby und ich müssen jetzt arbeiten.
(Die Pflanzen ab)
Flutterby: Danke...
Rosey (lacht): Keine Ursache - ich rette gerne mal meinen großen Bruder aus höchster Not.
Flutterby: Audrey ist mein bärsönlicher Alptraum... wenn ich nur die Worte "Hallo Süßer" höre, bricht mir schon der Angstschweiß aus.
Rosey (grinst): Okay, mein Süßer, dann lass uns mal anfangen...
Flutterby: Harharhar... sehr witzig!
Rosey: Ja, das fand ich auch. Wen haben wir zuerst?
Flutterby: Ich dachte, wir beginnen mit dem Schädelmoos...
Rosey: Gute Idee.
Audrey (sighing): But every now and then I should be able to see my sweetie, shouldn't I? And whatsmore I too deserve to be on this group photo - because I too have been a gift from Melli.
Rosey: Yes, and you are for sure something special. But now all of you please be kind and let us continue with the presentation of the plants Birgit has crafted for Gertie.
Audrey: (intends to say something)
Rosey: You too, Audrey! Fluby and I have work to do.
(The plants leave)
Flutterby: Thanks...
Rosey (laughing): You're welcome - it's my pleasure coming to the aid and rescue of my big brother.
Flutterby: Audrey is my bearsonal nightmare... only when hearing the words "Hi Sweetie" floods of panic sweat start flowing.
Rosey (grinning): Okay, Sweetie, now let's start...
Flutterby: Harharhar... very funny!
Rosey: Yes, I thought so too. Who's the first one?
Flutterby: I suggest we should start with the skull moss...
Rosey: Good idea.
Audrey (sighing): But every now and then I should be able to see my sweetie, shouldn't I? And whatsmore I too deserve to be on this group photo - because I too have been a gift from Melli.
Rosey: Yes, and you are for sure something special. But now all of you please be kind and let us continue with the presentation of the plants Birgit has crafted for Gertie.
Audrey: (intends to say something)
Rosey: You too, Audrey! Fluby and I have work to do.
(The plants leave)
Flutterby: Thanks...
Rosey (laughing): You're welcome - it's my pleasure coming to the aid and rescue of my big brother.
Flutterby: Audrey is my bearsonal nightmare... only when hearing the words "Hi Sweetie" floods of panic sweat start flowing.
Rosey (grinning): Okay, Sweetie, now let's start...
Flutterby: Harharhar... very funny!
Rosey: Yes, I thought so too. Who's the first one?
Flutterby: I suggest we should start with the skull moss...
Rosey: Good idea.
Flutterby: Beeindruckender Formschnitt, oder?
Rosey (kichert): Echt toll in Form... aber mal ehrlich - würdest Du so was im Garten haben wollen?
Flutterby (lacht): Muss nicht sein... außerdem würde ich dann lieber noch ein paar mehr Erdbeeren pflanzen. Aber für einen Hexengarten finde ich das witzig... vor allem, weil das so einfach zu machen war.
Rosey: Ja, ich weiß - dafür hat Birgit einem unschuldigen Plastikskelett den Kopf abgerissen.
Flutterby: Ja, da kennt Birgit nichts... Jedenfalls ist das Schädelmoos schon mal ein netter Beitrag für Birgits eigene magische Pflanzen.
Flutterby: Somehow impressive topiary, isn't it?
Rosey (giggling): Really in good shape... but tell me - would you like to have something like this in your garden?
Flutterby (laughing): I can do without... and I would prefer to plant more strawberries instead. But for a witch's garden I think it's funny... especially when having in mind how easily this was made.
Rosey: Yes, I know - for this Birgit has torn off the head of an innocent plastic skeleton.
Flutterby: Yep, without any hesitation at all... Nevertheless this skull moss is a very nice contribution to Birgit's own magical plants.
Flutterby: Somehow impressive topiary, isn't it?
Rosey (giggling): Really in good shape... but tell me - would you like to have something like this in your garden?
Flutterby (laughing): I can do without... and I would prefer to plant more strawberries instead. But for a witch's garden I think it's funny... especially when having in mind how easily this was made.
Rosey: Yes, I know - for this Birgit has torn off the head of an innocent plastic skeleton.
Flutterby: Yep, without any hesitation at all... Nevertheless this skull moss is a very nice contribution to Birgit's own magical plants.
Audrey: Bin ich auch ein gelungener Beitrag? He... wo willst Du denn hin, Süßer?
Flutterby (ist hinter Rosey in Deckung gegangen): Audrey, verschwinde endlich!
Audrey: Am I a nice contribution, too? Say... where are you going to, Sweetie?
Flutterby (hiding behind Rosey): Audrey, beat it!
Audrey: Am I a nice contribution, too? Say... where are you going to, Sweetie?
Flutterby (hiding behind Rosey): Audrey, beat it!
Rosey: Wirklich, Audrey, ich habe Dich ausdrücklich gebeten, uns hier in Ruhe die Präsentation machen zu lassen und nun störst Du schon wieder. Das ist wirklich nicht nett und... (Magische Sterne tauchen überall auf) Hey... wir bekommen Besuch!
Flutterby (murmelt): Endlich... magischer Beistand!
Rosey: My, Audrey, I have pointed out you should leave us alone during the presentation and now you're disturbing us once more. That's really not nice and... (Magical stars start to appear everywhere) Hey... here comes a guest!
Flutterby (muttering): Finally... magical support!
Rosey: My, Audrey, I have pointed out you should leave us alone during the presentation and now you're disturbing us once more. That's really not nice and... (Magical stars start to appear everywhere) Hey... here comes a guest!
Flutterby (muttering): Finally... magical support!
Rolli (appariert): Hallo zusammen - und ganz besonders hallo Audrey! Ich habe Auftrag, Dich nach Hause zu holen - es kann doch wohl nicht sein, dass Du immerzu Fluby ärgerst.
Audrey: Darf man nicht mal dem süßesten Flatterbärchen auf der ganzen weiten Welt guten Tag sagen? Darf ich wenigstens noch auf Wiedersehen sagen?
Rolli: Nun ja...
Audrey: Ich möchte doch nicht unhöflich sein...
Rolli: Also gut...
Audrey: Auf Wiedersehen, mein Süßer... ach, Du riechst so lecker...
Flutterby: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Rolli (appearing): Hi together - and especially hi Audrey! My order is to bring you home - it's a shame you're always teasing Fluby.
Audrey: What could be wrong about saying hello to the sweetest flutterybeary in the whole wide world? Am I at least allowed to say goodbye?
Rolli: Well...
Audrey: I don't want to be impolite...
Rolli: Okay then...
Audrey: Goodbye, Sweetie... ah, you're smelling so very yummy...
Flutterby: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
Rolli (appearing): Hi together - and especially hi Audrey! My order is to bring you home - it's a shame you're always teasing Fluby.
Audrey: What could be wrong about saying hello to the sweetest flutterybeary in the whole wide world? Am I at least allowed to say goodbye?
Rolli: Well...
Audrey: I don't want to be impolite...
Rolli: Okay then...
Audrey: Goodbye, Sweetie... ah, you're smelling so very yummy...
Flutterby: Aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
*Zwei Sekunden später* / * Two seconds later *
Rolli: Donnerwetter! Ich meine... dass Fluby amtierender Weltrekordhalter im Paketeöffnen ist und eine Schüssel Erdbeeren schneller auffuttern kann als jeder andere habe ich ja gewusst - aber das hier...
Rosey (nickt): Beeindruckend, nicht?
Rolli: Great Scott! I mean... I already knew about Fluby being the actual world champion in opening parcels and emptying a bowl of strawberries faster than anybody else - but this is...
Rosey (nodding): Impressive, isn't it?
Rolli: Great Scott! I mean... I already knew about Fluby being the actual world champion in opening parcels and emptying a bowl of strawberries faster than anybody else - but this is...
Rosey (nodding): Impressive, isn't it?
Rolli: Ja, absolut beeindruckend. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ein Flatterbärchen so schnell laufen kann!
Rosey: Man sieht wirklich nur noch eine Staubwolke...
Audrey (winkt mit einem Blatt): Auf Wiedersehen, mein Süßer... bis bald!
Rolli: Komm, Audrey, ab zu den Hexentürmen... mal sehen, was unsere magischen Bärchen zu Deinem heutigen Auftritt zu sagen haben.
Audrey: Phhhh... das macht mir nichts... Hauptsache, ich habe meinen Süßen mal wieder gesehen.
Rolli: Na, ich möchte nicht in Deiner Haut stecken... Tschüß Rosey!
(Rolli und Audrey ab)
Rolli: Yes, absolutely impressive. I would never have guessed a flutterybeary could be able to run that fast!
Rosey: Only some dust clouds are still visible...
Audrey (waving with a leaf): Goodbye, Sweetie... see you soon!
Rolli: Come on, Audrey, back to the Witch's Towers... let's see what our magical bearies think about your behaviour today.
Audrey: Phhhhhh... I don't care at all... The only thing that counts is having seen my sweetie once more.
Rolli: Well, I'm glad this is not my business... Bye, Rosey!
(Rolli and Audrey leave)
Rolli: Yes, absolutely impressive. I would never have guessed a flutterybeary could be able to run that fast!
Rosey: Only some dust clouds are still visible...
Audrey (waving with a leaf): Goodbye, Sweetie... see you soon!
Rolli: Come on, Audrey, back to the Witch's Towers... let's see what our magical bearies think about your behaviour today.
Audrey: Phhhhhh... I don't care at all... The only thing that counts is having seen my sweetie once more.
Rolli: Well, I'm glad this is not my business... Bye, Rosey!
(Rolli and Audrey leave)
Tja... ich fürchte, da werden wir heute nicht weiter machen können. Ich werde jetzt erst mal nach meinem großen Bruder schauen... Ich habe nämlich so das Gefühl, dass der zwei Pötte Honigmilch vertragen kann - einen für sich und einen für seine Nerven! *lach*
Well... looks like we won't be able to continue today. And I should better look after my big brother now... Somehow I have a feeling he could be in need of two pots of honey milk - one for him and one for his nerves! *LOL*
Well... looks like we won't be able to continue today. And I should better look after my big brother now... Somehow I have a feeling he could be in need of two pots of honey milk - one for him and one for his nerves! *LOL*
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
Anmerkung der Redaktion:
Keine Sorge - Flutterby geht's gut! Und selbst Audrey wird nicht in einer vegetarischen (!) Suppe landen. Ihr wisst doch... wir machen hier nur Spaß! ;O)
Editor's Note:
Don't worry - Flutterby is fine! And even Audrey must not fear to end in a veggie (!) soup. Just remember... we're only fooling around! ;O)