und herzlich Willkommen zum letzten Kaffeeklatsch im Juli - und leider auch zum letzten Kaffeeklatsch Extra. Uns hat diese Aktion unheimlich viel Spaß gemacht, wir haben wirklich tolle und lustige Bilder von ausgewanderten BiWuBärchen und ihren neuen Adoptiveltern bekommen - und wir hoffen sehr, dass Euch diese Extraserie genau so viel Freude gemacht hat wie uns. Aber keine Sorge - natürlich geht es nächste Woche wieder ganz normal mit dem Kaffeeklatsch vor Ort weiter... und wer weiß, zwei Blogfreunde hatten uns noch Bilder versprochen und es wandern ja vielleicht auch mal wieder BiWuBärchen aus... vielleicht gibt es ja irgendwann doch noch mal einen Nachschlag.
... and a heartwarm welcome to the last "Kaffeeklatsch" in July - and sadly also to the last "Kaffeeklatsch Extra". This project was so much fun to us, we received the most fantastic and funniest pictures of BiWuBearies from their new homes - and we really hope that this little special series brought to you as much joy as to us. But don't worry - of course from next week on we'll continue with our familiar "Kaffeeklatsch" from our home... and who knows, two more blogfriends promised to take some pictures for us and from time to time some BiWuBearies will find new homes... maybe someday we will be able to continue this.
... and a heartwarm welcome to the last "Kaffeeklatsch" in July - and sadly also to the last "Kaffeeklatsch Extra". This project was so much fun to us, we received the most fantastic and funniest pictures of BiWuBearies from their new homes - and we really hope that this little special series brought to you as much joy as to us. But don't worry - of course from next week on we'll continue with our familiar "Kaffeeklatsch" from our home... and who knows, two more blogfriends promised to take some pictures for us and from time to time some BiWuBearies will find new homes... maybe someday we will be able to continue this.
Nun aber zum (vorerst) letzten Kaffeeklatsch Extra - und da haben wir heute jemanden, der allen, die wie wir mit Hitze zu kämpfen haben, vielleicht ein klein wenig visuelle Abkühlung bringt: Schepje, den kleinen Schneemann, den viele von Euch bestimmt schon von Ilonas Blog kennen, weil er ihr ab und an mal behilflich ist, ihre wunderbaren Miniaturen auf ihre Funktionstüchtigkeit zu testen. Als Schepje hier auszog hieß er noch Schop, denn Birgit hatte den Google Translator nach der niederländischen Übersetzung für Schaufel befragt und eben Schop als Antwort bekommen. Aber Ilona war damit nicht ganz so glücklich, sie meinte, Schop sei in ihrer Sprache auch negativ besetzt und deshalb heißt der Kleine eben seitdem Schepje - und das klingt ja auch in jedem Fall viel netter, oder?
But now to the (so far) last "Kaffeeklatsch Extra" - and today we're presenting somebody who might bringt a little virtual refreshment to everybody suffering from heat at the moment: Schepje, the little snowman whom some of you may already know well from Ilona's blog because every now and then he appears to help her to test the terrific miniatures she has made. When Schepje left for his new home he was still named Schop because Birgit had asked Google Translator for the Dutch translation of shovel and got schop as an answer. But Ilona was not that happy with the name, she told us Schop would have other, not so nice meanings in her language and she suggested Schepje for the little chap - and that sounds indeed nicer, doesn't it?
But now to the (so far) last "Kaffeeklatsch Extra" - and today we're presenting somebody who might bringt a little virtual refreshment to everybody suffering from heat at the moment: Schepje, the little snowman whom some of you may already know well from Ilona's blog because every now and then he appears to help her to test the terrific miniatures she has made. When Schepje left for his new home he was still named Schop because Birgit had asked Google Translator for the Dutch translation of shovel and got schop as an answer. But Ilona was not that happy with the name, she told us Schop would have other, not so nice meanings in her language and she suggested Schepje for the little chap - and that sounds indeed nicer, doesn't it?
Eine richtig schicke Tasse hat sich unser kleiner Schneemannfreund da ausgesucht. Das er sich damit - wie so viele andere BiWuBärchen - nicht ganz einfach getan hat, könnt Ihr auf diesem Foto sehen. Entscheidungen, immer diese Entscheidungen!
Our little snowman friend has chosen a very nice mug indeed. But like many other BiWuBearies he had a hard time to choose - you can see that on the following pictures. Decisions, so many decisions!
Our little snowman friend has chosen a very nice mug indeed. But like many other BiWuBearies he had a hard time to choose - you can see that on the following pictures. Decisions, so many decisions!
So viel Auswahl! Na, wie immer war ganz klar, wie man ein solches Problem löst - man nimmt sie alle!
What a variety to choose from. Well, no question at all how to solve that problem - just take them all!
What a variety to choose from. Well, no question at all how to solve that problem - just take them all!
Klarer Fall von "Christmas in July"! *lach* Und wie man sieht, Schepje weiß sich zu helfen... der kommt auch ohne Ilonas Hilfe in den Kaffeebecher.
A true case of "Christmas in July"! *LOL* And as you can see Schepje knows how to handle things... he's able to climb into the mug without Ilona's help.
A true case of "Christmas in July"! *LOL* And as you can see Schepje knows how to handle things... he's able to climb into the mug without Ilona's help.
Dieses Modell hat er extra für Birgit ausgesucht, sie hat ihn ja schließlich auf die Welt gebracht. Aber mit einer kleinen Variante wird daraus auch ein Gruß an seine neue Mama, denn Ilona liebt Päonien...
This one he has chosen especially for Birgit because she was the one who made him come to life. But with just a little change this becomes a greeting to his new Mom because Ilona is a peony-lover...
This one he has chosen especially for Birgit because she was the one who made him come to life. But with just a little change this becomes a greeting to his new Mom because Ilona is a peony-lover...
...und Schepje liebt es Blödsinn zu machen! *hihi* Aber so viel ich weiß, hat die Blumenvase das Fotoshooting wohlbehalten überlebt! Und weil Schepje immer für einen Scherz gut ist, habe ich hier noch mehr von ihm (Die meisten von Euch werden schon auf Ilonas Blog darüber geschmunzelt haben, aber das folgende Bild ist bestimmt auch noch beim 2. Mal lustig!). Also, hier kommt er, der kleine freche Schepje!
... and Schepje likes to fool around! *teehee* But according to my informations the flower vase survived the photo shooting safe and sound! And because Schepje is always ready for a funny joke I'm going to show you some more of him (Many of you may have already smiled at some of the following pictures at Ilona's blog but I think the next picture is even funny at second sight!) Okay, here comes little naughty Schepje!
... and Schepje likes to fool around! *teehee* But according to my informations the flower vase survived the photo shooting safe and sound! And because Schepje is always ready for a funny joke I'm going to show you some more of him (Many of you may have already smiled at some of the following pictures at Ilona's blog but I think the next picture is even funny at second sight!) Okay, here comes little naughty Schepje!
Da wäre Birgit fast verzweifelt, als Ilona uns diese Bilder geschickt hat, so was Ungezogenes von einem BiWuBärchen... tssss... aber nein, keine Bange, doch nicht Schepje. Das ist ein ganz lieber, hilfsbereiter Kerl - ist eben alles nur eine Frage der Perspektive!
Birgit was about to get desperate when Ilona sent us these pictures, what a naughty little BiWuBeary... tsssss... but no, don't worry, not Schepje. He's a well-behaved, nice and helpful guy - well, it simply depends on the perspective!
Birgit was about to get desperate when Ilona sent us these pictures, what a naughty little BiWuBeary... tsssss... but no, don't worry, not Schepje. He's a well-behaved, nice and helpful guy - well, it simply depends on the perspective!
Gut gemacht, kleiner Kerl! Na, Schepje wollte unbedingt noch einmal zum Schluß grüßen, einmal in sein altes Zuhause und dann auch an alle unsere Blogleser.
Well done, little chap! Oh, and Schepje wanted to wave hello at the end because he wanted to greet to his old home and to every blog reader of ours.
Well done, little chap! Oh, and Schepje wanted to wave hello at the end because he wanted to greet to his old home and to every blog reader of ours.
Dear Ilona, dear Schepje - thank you so much for these gorgeous and funny photos!!!
Wirklich tolle Bilder haben Ilona und Schepje uns da geschickt und uns richtig schön eingestimmt auf den Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch. Und genau dabei wünsche ich Euch nachher ganz viel Spaß - bei ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskuchen. Denn auch wenn es so heiß ist wie bei uns, so ein Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch muss schon sein - es bleibt ja immer noch wie gehabt die Option, den Kuchen durch ein, zwei, drei, vier Portionen Eis zu ersetzen. *kicher* Kommt gut durch die Hitze und noch besser in den August und habe eine schöne Woche!
Ilona and Schepje truly sent us the most gorgeous photos and this was a very nice way to prepare for the usual Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch". And for this I'm wishing you loads of fun later on - having one, two cups of tasty Sundayafternooncoffee and enjoying one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Sundayafternooncake. And in case it is as hot as here at your place there's still the option to replace the cake with one, two, three, four portions of icecream. *giggle* Get well through the heat, have a got start of August and of course have a great week!
Ilona and Schepje truly sent us the most gorgeous photos and this was a very nice way to prepare for the usual Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch". And for this I'm wishing you loads of fun later on - having one, two cups of tasty Sundayafternooncoffee and enjoying one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Sundayafternooncake. And in case it is as hot as here at your place there's still the option to replace the cake with one, two, three, four portions of icecream. *giggle* Get well through the heat, have a got start of August and of course have a great week!
Liebe Grüße / Hugs