herzlich Willkommen zu einem weiteren Kaffeeklatsch - und das an einem ganz besonderen Sonntag. Und deshalb habe ich es mir als Blogbärchen nicht nehmen lassen, heute ein weiteres Mal den Kaffeeklatsch bärsönlich zu übernehmen und grüße alle Mütter an ihrem Ehrentag! Ich habe auch für alle Mütter unter unseren Besuchern extra diesen schönen Blumenstrauß dabei, den ich Euch sozusagen virtuell überreichen möchte. *strahl*
... and a heartwarm welcome to yet another "Kaffeeklatsch" - on a very special Sunday. So it was for sure a question of honor for me being the blogbeary to host once more the "Kaffeeklatsch" bearsonally and I'm greeting all mothers on their special day! For all the mothers among our visitors I'm offering this beautiful bouquet of flowers which I would like to give to you - virtually of course. *beamswithjoy*
Allerdings haben wir hier es nicht so mit dem Muttertag... Birgit zum Beispiel hält gar nichts davon, wenn Ihr ein Kalender vorschreiben will, wann sie ihrer Mutter ein Geschenk machen soll - und das sieht Birgits Mama ganz genau so. Und das ist dann auch für mich ganz praktisch, weil das natürlich bedeutet, dass ich wiederum für meine Birgit kein extra Geschenk zum Muttertag haben muss... *hihi* Nö, ich zeige meiner Birgit lieber bei passender Gelegenheit, wie lieb ich sie habe - Ihr erinnert Euch ja sicher, dass ich gerade heldenhaft zusammen mit Rosey einem Schokoladenriegel vernichtet habe, bevor er Birgits Hüften gefährlich werden konnte. Ja, ich bin schon ein echt lieber Flattersohn... ich hoffe, die Mütter unter Euch haben auch so viel Glück mit ihren Kindern... ;O)
Nevertheless around here we don't care that much about Mother's Day... Birgit for example really dislikes the thought about a calendar telling her when to give a present to her mother - and Birgit's Mom really shares her attitude. For me this comes in handy because this means that I don't need a Mother's Day gift for my Birgit neither... *teehee* No, I'm showing my Birgit whenever possible how much I love her - you might remember that Rosey and I heroically got rid of a chocolate bar before it was able to become dangerous for Birgit's hips. Yes, I am indeed a very nice flutteryson... I really hope, the mothers among you are as lucky with their kids... ;O)
Aber wie auch immer man zum Muttertag steht - es ist in jedem Fall ein wunderbarer Anlass für einen schönen Sonntagsnachmittagskaffeeklatsch! Und genau dabei wünsche ich Euch nachher ganz viel Spaß, bei ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Sonntagsnachmittagskuchen - oder eben wahlweise bei ein, zwei Tässchen leckerem Muttertagssonntagsnachmittagskaffee und ein, zwei, drei, vier Stückchen oberleckerem Muttertagssonntagsnachmittagskuchen. Und wie immer wünsche ich Euch natürlich eine ganz tolle Woche - mal sehen, für einen von Euch wird die ja hoffentlich eine kleine Freude bringen, denn am Dienstag ist ja die Ziehung unseres Giveaways. Wir sind alle schon total gespannt, welches Los Lucky diesmal ziehen wird...
But whatever you're thinking about Mother's Day - it's for sure a great reason for a nice Sundayafternoon-"Kaffeeklatsch"! And for this I'm wishing you loads of fun later on, having one, two cups of tasty Sundayafternooncoffee and enjoying one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Sundayafternooncake - or if you'd prefer for having one, two cups of tasty Mother's Day Sundayafternooncoffee and enjoying one, two, three, four pieces of yummy Mother's Day Sundayafternooncake. And as always I'm wishing to you a great week on top - maybe it will bring a little joy to one of you because on Tuesday is the draw of our giveaway. We are already very excited which name will be the one picked by Lucky...
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
16 Kommentare:
Hallo, Flutterby und Rosey! I don't like Mother's Day too, because of the very same reason like Birgit and her Mother, please tell her that ;)! For me it is just every day Mother's Day, because I am every day the Mother of my kids. That's why we also don't celebrate this day here at home....
I had to laugh about reading that you and Rosey were so brave to get rid of that chocolate bar before Birgit got it on her hips....;)!
I wish you all a nice Kaffeeklatsch this afternoon, enjoy!
Big hugs for all of you, but most of all a very huge and special hug for Birgit, who is the spiritual Mother of Schepje :D!
LG, Schepje und Ilona
Happy Sunday Fluby, I hope you're all enjoying lots coffee and yummy cake :) I agree with your thoughts on Mother's day and it's very lovely that you show your Birgit how much you love her whenever possible :) It was so kind of you to get rid of that chocolate bar to save her hips :) LOL!! Have a lovely day, hugs for you all Vicky ♥ ♥
Happy Sunday (Mothers Day or not)
afternoon. Here they cancelled
Mothers Day and made Family Day instead) Who invented all these days?
Here is wishing all a wonderful day and a lovely week to follow.
Hugs, Drora
Happy Mother's Day to your Mum and to you from all the teeny bears around the world!:)
Have a great Sunday afternoon and the whole week ahead!
Hugs and kisses
Hee hee... you are indeed a Wonderful Flutteryson, Fluby!!! I think you probably saved Birgit "Tons" of hip anguish! ;)
But seriously, my family is like yours, we have never made a big deal about Mother's Day.... we love our Mothers Everyday... and make sure they know it! But nonetheless... Any excuse for some celebration and an extra piece or two of cake... now that is worth paying attention to! LOL! And I want to send extra Fluttery kisses to Birgit from her three distant Beary children.... they are waving and blowing kisses your way today! I hope you feel your nose tickle all day long! LOL! (That means you're going to get a kiss... they do have a long way to fly after all!) :)
Ohhhh tambem pensamos como voce todos os dias é dia das maes que tanto amamos independente de datas no calendario.beijos
I agree!
Jaja diese selbstgemachte Feiertage. So ist es halt . Wenn Mutti was kriegt , kriegt Vater meistens auch was ... Aber da legen die nicht so viel Wert drauf ... Unser Sonntag war hier etwas verregnet ... Wir haben uns einen netten couchsonntag gegönnt und nun wird noch etwas gelesen ... Wünsch euch noch nen schönen Restsonntag
Have a nice mothers day, whether you like it or not ;)
Hope you had a wonderful day! I agree, everyday we should honor our moms and not need a day to be reminded. But it is a nice excuse to do something extra ;-)
I just spent a lovely day celebrating Mother's Day with my mom and my 95-year-old grandmother. What fun we had together. Yet, as Drora put it so aptly, "Who comes up with all these holidays?" These are marketing strategies, no doubt! Hope you had extra cake today, just for the fun of it! ;-) xo Jennifer
Well: Mothers Day, not such a big day, but a day for a good reason to have cake!... :D
Thank you for the lovely virtual bouquet.
Hello Flutterby,
I always try to treat my mother like it is mother's day every day. Mother's do so much for us it seems ungrateful to only have one day to honor and cherish them.
Big hug,
Hallo Birgit, danke für den schönen Kaffeeklatsch und für deinen Blogbesuch.
(Die Blüte gehört zu einem "Bellis, Kulturgänseblümchen")
Liebe Grüße Iris
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