endlich hat Birgit mir grünes Licht für's Weiterlesen gegeben... und sie hat mich beruhigt, ich solle immer schön weiterlesen und Flutterby hat auch gemeint, wir müssten die Hexenturmbewohner nicht warnen... Naja - die beiden wissen wohl mehr... ich hab' alles dabei, was ich brauche, also keine langen Vorreden mehr, Märchenbuch aufgeschlagen und los geht's!
... Birgit allowed me to read on finally... and she tried to calm me down, I should only continue reading and Flutterby too said there was no need to warn the inhabitants of the Witch Tower... Well - they seem to know more than me... but I have everything I need at paw, so no more smalltalk, let's open the fairytale book and on we go!
... Birgit allowed me to read on finally... and she tried to calm me down, I should only continue reading and Flutterby too said there was no need to warn the inhabitants of the Witch Tower... Well - they seem to know more than me... but I have everything I need at paw, so no more smalltalk, let's open the fairytale book and on we go!
Paula hatte lange auf ihre Chance warten müssen... aber irgendwann tief in der Nacht schliefen alle Hexenturmbewohner und sie konnte endlich in den Garten schleichen und die Radix Transnero an sich nehmen. Die Pflanze sah das Drachenmädchen erschrocken an, aber sie konnte nicht um Hilfe schreien und Paula hatte keine Zeit für irgendwelche Erklärungen. Sie musste schnellstens weg hier, ihr Meister wartete bestimmt schon ungeduldig auf sie.
Paula had to wait a long time to get her chance... but sometime deep in the night all the inhabitants of the Witch Tower were fallen asleep and she finally could sneak into the garden to take the Radix Transnero. The plant looked terrified at the dragon girl, but she wasn't able to shout for help and Paula had no time for any kind of explanations. She needed to get away from here, her master was for sure awaiting her impatiently.
Paula rannte los mit der Pflanze in den Armen, schnell erreichte sie den Zauberwald, der den Hexenturm umgab. Die Dunkelheit machte ihr nichts aus... sie musste nur schnell die Pflanze zu ihrem Meister bringen. Es war allerhöchste Zeit!
Paula ran away holding the plant in her arms, in a wink of an eye she entered the Magical Wood that surrounded the Witch Tower. Darkness was no problem for her... she only had to bring the plant to her master fast. It was about highest time!
Paula ran away holding the plant in her arms, in a wink of an eye she entered the Magical Wood that surrounded the Witch Tower. Darkness was no problem for her... she only had to bring the plant to her master fast. It was about highest time!
Paula musste abrupt abbremsen. Wie aus dem Nichts stand Polus plötzlich vor ihr. Einen Augenblick starrten sie sich wortlos an, und Polus hatte Tränen in den Augen als er schließlich zu sprechen begann: "Ich kann es einfach nicht glauben... Paula! Wie kannst Du denn nur so etwas Schlimmes tun? Warum denn nur?" Paula starrte ihn an und ging im Geist ihre Möglichkeiten durch. Sie wollte ihn nicht angreifen, sie mochte Polus, er war so freundlich zu ihr gewesen und sie wollte ihm bestimmt nicht weh tun. Aber einfach weglaufen war auch keine Option, er musste ihr vom Drachenturm aus gefolgt sein und sie hatte ja immer noch die Pflanze in den Klauen...
Suddenly Paula had to stop her running. As if he'd appeared out of nowhere Polus was standing right before her. For a moment they starred at each other with noone saying a word, but as he started to speak Polus had tears in his eyes. "I can't believe it, I can't... Paula! How could you ever be able to do something as terrible as this? Why?" Paula starred at him but in her mind she was weighing out her options. She didn't want to attack him, she liked Polus, he had been very friendly to her and she really didn't want to do him any harm. But running away was no option, he must have followed her since she left the witch tower and she had still to carry the plant in her claws...
Suddenly Paula had to stop her running. As if he'd appeared out of nowhere Polus was standing right before her. For a moment they starred at each other with noone saying a word, but as he started to speak Polus had tears in his eyes. "I can't believe it, I can't... Paula! How could you ever be able to do something as terrible as this? Why?" Paula starred at him but in her mind she was weighing out her options. She didn't want to attack him, she liked Polus, he had been very friendly to her and she really didn't want to do him any harm. But running away was no option, he must have followed her since she left the witch tower and she had still to carry the plant in her claws...
Polus riss sie aus ihren Überlegungen: "Paula, was immer der Grund sein mag... noch kannst Du alles wieder in Ordnung bringen. Komm, lass uns die Pflanze zurück bringen - niemand wird je erfahren, was Du getan hast. Komm, Paula, tu das Richtige..." Paula sah ihn an. "Das was ich hier tue, ist das Richtige, Polus. Also geh mir aus dem Weg. Ich möchte Dir nicht weh tun - aber ich werde es tun, wenn Du nicht verschwindest!" Polus verzog das Gesicht. "Du kannst also doch sprechen... noch eine weitere Lüge. Paula, gib mir die Radix zurück - ich gehe hier nicht ohne die Pflanze weg."
Polus interrupted her feverish thinking. "Paula, whatever may be the reason... there's still time to decide yourself for good. Come on, let us bring the plant back - nobody will ever know what you have done. Come on, Paula, do the right thing..." Paula looked at him: "What I'm doing here is the right thing, Polus. So get out of my way. I don't want to hurt you - but I will if you don't beat it now!" Polus swallowed. "So you're even able to speak... another lie. Paula, give the Radix back to me - I won't leave from here without the plant."
Polus interrupted her feverish thinking. "Paula, whatever may be the reason... there's still time to decide yourself for good. Come on, let us bring the plant back - nobody will ever know what you have done. Come on, Paula, do the right thing..." Paula looked at him: "What I'm doing here is the right thing, Polus. So get out of my way. I don't want to hurt you - but I will if you don't beat it now!" Polus swallowed. "So you're even able to speak... another lie. Paula, give the Radix back to me - I won't leave from here without the plant."
"Gib ihm sofort die Pflanze, Du kleiner dreckiger, mieser Wurm - ich garantiere Dir sonst mehr Ärger, als Du Dir überhaupt vorstellen kannst!" Die Stimme, die das gesagt hatte, bebte vor Wut, und beide Drachen hielten erschrocken inne und waren verblüfft, als Tante Paula aus dem Unterholz auftauchte. Paula wich instinktiv einen Schritt zurück - Sir Pauls Tante war außer sich vor Wut und der kleine Drache wusste, dass mit ihr nicht zu spaßen war. Polus dagegen hätte nicht gedacht, dass ihn der Anblick von Sir Pauls Tante jemals so erfreuen könnte. "Ich wusste gleich, dass Dir nicht zu trauen ist... Los, gib uns die Pflanze zurück, und dann lassen wir Dich vielleicht am Leben."
"Give him that plant at once, you dirty filthy rotten little worm - otherwise I guarantee you to get more trouble than you could ever imagine!" The voice who had said this was trembling in fury and both drogons stood still terrified and were both surprised as Aunt Paula appeared out of the woods. Paula made one step back instinctively - Sir Pauls Aunt was beside herself in rage and the little dragon knew there was no fooling around with her. Polus on the other side had never expected he could ever been so pleased with the sight of Sir Paul's Aunt. "I knew from the first time you were not worth any trust... Now give us back that plant and you may have a chance to stay alive."
"Give him that plant at once, you dirty filthy rotten little worm - otherwise I guarantee you to get more trouble than you could ever imagine!" The voice who had said this was trembling in fury and both drogons stood still terrified and were both surprised as Aunt Paula appeared out of the woods. Paula made one step back instinctively - Sir Pauls Aunt was beside herself in rage and the little dragon knew there was no fooling around with her. Polus on the other side had never expected he could ever been so pleased with the sight of Sir Paul's Aunt. "I knew from the first time you were not worth any trust... Now give us back that plant and you may have a chance to stay alive."
Paula wusste nicht mehr, was sie tun sollte. Doch da ertönte hinter ihr eine Stimme, die sagte: "Keine Angst, Paula, wir sind da." Für einen Moment erblickten Polus und Tante Paula ein Skelett mit einem Holzbein, einer Augenklappe und einem Piratenhut... aber es brauchte schon weit mehr als ein Piratenskelett, um eine Tante Paula einzuschüchtern. "Gebt uns unser Eigentum zurück, ihr dreckigen Diebe. Glaubt nicht, dass wir Euch einfach so ziehen lassen. Ich warne Euch!" Für eine Sekunde grinste das Piratenskeleltt. "Nein, ich warne Euch! Verschwindet, dann geschieht Euch kein Leid."
Paula didn't know what to do anymore. But all of a sudden a voice came from behind her saying: "Have no fear, Paula, we're here." For a little moment Polus and Aunt Paula caught the sight of a skeleton with a wooden leg, an eyepatch and a pirate's hat... but it needed much more than a pirate skeleton to frighten Aunt Paula. "Give us back what belongs to us, you filthy thieves. Don't think you can simply get away with this. I'm warning you!" For a single second the pirate skeleton was grinning. "No, I'm warning you! Get away from here, than we won't do you any harm."
Paula didn't know what to do anymore. But all of a sudden a voice came from behind her saying: "Have no fear, Paula, we're here." For a little moment Polus and Aunt Paula caught the sight of a skeleton with a wooden leg, an eyepatch and a pirate's hat... but it needed much more than a pirate skeleton to frighten Aunt Paula. "Give us back what belongs to us, you filthy thieves. Don't think you can simply get away with this. I'm warning you!" For a single second the pirate skeleton was grinning. "No, I'm warning you! Get away from here, than we won't do you any harm."
"Das könnte Dir so passen! Her mit der Radix!" Draco erschien wie aus dem Nichts, und der sonst so freundliche Drache bebte vor Wut. Seinen Zauberstab hatte er bereits im Anschlag.
"Only in your dreams! Give us the Radix!" Draco appeared out of nothing and the dragon that was usually so gentle was in a cold fury. He already hold his wand, preparing for a fight.
"Only in your dreams! Give us the Radix!" Draco appeared out of nothing and the dragon that was usually so gentle was in a cold fury. He already hold his wand, preparing for a fight.
"Paula, aus dem Weg!" rief eine weitere, sehr tiefe Stimme, die wie das Tönen einer schweren Bronzeglocke klang. Die drei Hexenturmbewohner sahen mit Schrecken, dass ein Golddrache hinter Paula und dem Piratenskelett erschien und sofort das Drachenfeuer eröffnete.
"Paula, get out of the way!" shouted another, very deep voice that sounded like a heavy bronze bell. The three Witch tower inhabitants watched with horror a gold dragon appearing behind Paula and the pirate skeleton who started his dragon fire at once.
"Paula, get out of the way!" shouted another, very deep voice that sounded like a heavy bronze bell. The three Witch tower inhabitants watched with horror a gold dragon appearing behind Paula and the pirate skeleton who started his dragon fire at once.
Im selben Moment errichtete Draco sein magisches Abwehrschild. Aber Polus stand weit vor ihm... jeden Moment konnte ihn das Drachenfeuer erreichen... und Polus schien wie gelähmt... Draco konnte ihm nicht mehr helfen, er brauchte alle Kraft für die Abwehr. Genau in diesem Moment, als alle Hoffnung für Polus verloren schien, hechtete Tante Paula mit einem Riesensprung, der jedem Sportler Ehre gemacht hätte, hinter Draco hervor. Ihre Knochen krachten laut, als sie unsanft auf dem Boden aufkam, aber ihre Knochenfinger krallten sich in Polus Schwanz und sie zog den Drachen mit einem Ruck hinter Draco und sein Schutzschild.
At the very same moment Draco put up his magical protection shield. But Polus was standing to far before him... any moment the dragon fire would reach him... and Polus appeared to be paralyzed... Draco wasn't able to help him, he needed all his power for the defense. But right at the moment when all hope seemed lost for Polus, Aunt Paula jumped forwards with a jump every sportsman would have been honored being able to do this, too. Her bones were cracking loudly as she crashed on the ground, but her bony fingers grabbed deep into Polus' tail and she pulled the dragon with all her might back behind Draco and his protection shield.
At the very same moment Draco put up his magical protection shield. But Polus was standing to far before him... any moment the dragon fire would reach him... and Polus appeared to be paralyzed... Draco wasn't able to help him, he needed all his power for the defense. But right at the moment when all hope seemed lost for Polus, Aunt Paula jumped forwards with a jump every sportsman would have been honored being able to do this, too. Her bones were cracking loudly as she crashed on the ground, but her bony fingers grabbed deep into Polus' tail and she pulled the dragon with all her might back behind Draco and his protection shield.
Polus Rettung hätte nicht eine Sekunde später erfolgen dürfen, denn in diesem Moment hatte der Golddrache den Feuerring geschlossen und die Feuerwalze rollte auf Draco, Polus und Tante Paula zu. Draco überlegte fieberhaft, was er gegen das Feuer des Golddrachens unternehmen könnte, aber außer Rückzug und Verstärkung holen wollte ihm nicht recht etwas einfallen... Wie durch einen Nebel hörte er Tante Paula schreien... aber alles was er verstand war "Lähmungszauber". Aus den Augenwinkeln sah er, dass die Tante ihren Zauber beginnen wollte...
The rescue of Polus was not a single second too late, because in this moment the gold dragon had closed its fire ring and the fireball was rolling towards Draco, Polus and Aunt Paula. Draco feverishly considered what he could do against the fire of the gold dragon but the only idea that came to his mind was retreat and getting help... As coming through the mist he heard the yellling of Aunt Paula... but all he could understand was "laming spell". From the winkle of his eyes he saw the Aunt wanted to start conjuring...
The rescue of Polus was not a single second too late, because in this moment the gold dragon had closed its fire ring and the fireball was rolling towards Draco, Polus and Aunt Paula. Draco feverishly considered what he could do against the fire of the gold dragon but the only idea that came to his mind was retreat and getting help... As coming through the mist he heard the yellling of Aunt Paula... but all he could understand was "laming spell". From the winkle of his eyes he saw the Aunt wanted to start conjuring...
... und in genau diesem Moment ertönte ein lauter Ruf: "Tschang!!!"
... at this very moment they all heard a loud shouting: "Tschang!!!"
... at this very moment they all heard a loud shouting: "Tschang!!!"
Durch den Ring aus Drachenfeuer konnten die Drei vom Hexenturm nur schemenhaft erkennen, was sich da tat... irgend jemand war auf den Golddrachen zugesprungen...
Through the ring of dragonfire the Three from the Witch Tower only could vaguely see through the smoke what was going on there... somebody had jumped towards the gold dragon...
Aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh... das halte ich im Kopf nicht aus... noch eine Fortsetzung - gerade jetzt, wo es so richtig spannend wird. Dieses Märchenbuch nimmt wirklich keine Rücksicht auf die Nerven des vorlesenden Bärchens...
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh... that's way too much... another "to be continued" - right now as the suspense has reached the fever point. This fairytale book really doesn't care about the nerves of the reading beary...
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
Aaaaaaaaaarrrrgggghhhh... that's way too much... another "to be continued" - right now as the suspense has reached the fever point. This fairytale book really doesn't care about the nerves of the reading beary...
Liebe Grüße / Hugs
14 Kommentare:
Not only beary! Human's too!;)
What a story! Again makes me waiting impatiently for more!
Hugs and kisses
Oh my goodness! It's too much excitement for me! I'll have to go lie down now and shake off this jar to my nervous system. ;-) Let the conclusion be kind and gentle, for bears, humans, witches, and especially dragons. xo Jennifer
To be continued....love the Dragon Fire :)
I can't wait to see what happens.
I want to read more....
You're a fabulous writer.
Bye Faby
Tja, auf die Nerven der Nägel und Krallen kauenden Blogleser nimmt das Buch auch reichlich wenig Rücksicht. Bei diesen Vorkommnissen bezweifle ich, dass hier heute Nacht irgendwer zum Schlafen kommt.
Hoffentlich geht's bald weiter mit der Geschichte...
Liebe, gespannte Brummbärengrüße
von Tinchen, Macciato und den Mädels
Oh the suspense is killing me!! I was so relieved when Aunt Paula saved Polus, she was so brave!!
I am very eager for a happy ending!!
vicky ♥ ♥
Grrr ... ich muss mich da Tinchen mal vollumfänglich anschließen!!!!
Wie soll ich jetzt ein Schläfchen einlegen??? Ich versuch mal die Fortsetzung zu Träumen ;O)))
Drachige Grüße Iris
Hi there, I have caught a nasty cold, so I've been kept away from the blogosphere. Now I had to read two posts and I am in this exciting story, but......I still not know how it ends up :(!!
Great story, can't wait to see the rest of it, dears.
Warm hugs, Ilona
Das entwickelt sich ja langsam zu einem echten Thriller! Gott sei Dank ist morgen ENDLICH Halloween, damit alles gut wird. Es war einmal Geschichten müssen nämlich IMMER gut ausgehen... das ist ein ungeschriebenes Märchenonkelgesetz!
Ganz liebe schnell was essen und dann halb tot ins Bett fall aber trotzdem hibbel Grüße aus Burg Schreckenstein
Melli (die heute sogar zu kaputt ist um ihren Hau zu pflegen)
Ich sitze gerade schweißgebadet und lese die Geschichte... ich drück die Däumchen , ab ich habe die Hoffnung das es gut ausgeht ...
What a great suspense! I hope for a happy ending for everyone.;)
What a greta story. i'm trying to think if there is anything more cruel then to finish a story on a note such as this. i can't wait to hear the rest.
Big hug,
........y como acabara?????
Que suspense!!!
Hou que llego pronto jejeje
besitos ascension
O dear, this is too much...still not finished!!!! I need to know how this will end!!!
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