Samstag, 1. Dezember 2012

Willkommen im Dezember

nun ist er da - der Dezember. Und ich kann Euch sagen... er hat gar nicht gut angefangen. Jedenfalls nicht für meine Birgit... Kleine Quizfrage: Was gehört zu den Dingen, die Birgit überhaupt und total nicht ausstehen kann und die ihr garantiert und mit 100 %iger Sicherheit den Tag verderben? Naaaaa? Genau, Ihr habt es erraten... heute morgen hatte Birgit ein Überraschungsdate mit ihrer Schneeschaufel!
... now it's here - December. And I can tell you... it didn't start well. At least not for my Birgit... Short Question: Can you name one of the things Birgit totally and absolutely dislikes and which will ruin her day with a 100 % guarantee? Well? Yes, you guessed right... this morning Birgit had all of a sudden a surprise date with her snow shovel!
Nachdem der Tag für Birgit dermaßen schlecht angefangen hat, war es für mich natürlich absolute Ehrensache, ihr auch in diesem Monat bei der Aktualisierung ihrer zahlreichen Kalender zu helfen. Und ab heute gilt es ja auch noch täglich den/die Adventskalender zu aktualisieren... *strahl* Unser Sprüchekalender kommt uns diesen Monat mit folgender (leider wieder mal anonymer) Weisheit: "Glaube nicht das Unglaubliche, sondern tue das Unwahrscheinliche."
Because the day started this bad for Birgit it was of course a question of honor for me to help her to actualize our calendars again. And from this day on we also have to take care of the advent calendars daily, too... *beamswithjoy* Our wisdom calendar tells us this month (again anonymous) we shall not believe the incredible but we should do the unlikely (As always I'm not quoting in English but try to say it with my own poor words).
Aber wie immer habe ich noch ein paar weitere schöne Gedanken für den Monatsbeginn für Euch. Pablo Picasso hat einmal gesagt: "Wenn es nur eine Wahrheit gäbe, könnte man nicht hundert Bilder über dasselbe Thema malen." Und Imanuel Kant hat festgestellt: "Drei Dinge helfen, die Mühseligkeiten des Lebens zu tragen: Die Hoffnung, der Schlaf und das Lachen." Und noch eine schöne Erkenntnis von Albert Schweitzer: "Viele Menschen wissen, dass sie unglücklich sind. Aber noch mehr Menschen wissen nicht, dass sie glücklich sind."
But as always I have some more nice thoughts for the start of the month for you. Pablo Picasso once said if there would be only one single truth it would be impossible to paint hundred pictures of the same subject. And Immanuel Kant found out there are three things that help us to carry the burdens of life: Hope, sleep and laughter. And another great conclusion of Albert Schweitzer who said many people know that they are not happy. But many more people don't know that they are happy.
Ich glaube, da ist viel wahres dran - ich z. B. weiß genau, dass ich ein wirklich glückliches Flatterbärchen bin. Ich habe schönes Haus, werde in den nächsten Tagen ganz oft den BiWuBären-Weihnachtsmarkt besuchen, ich habe meine Birgit, die für mich sorgt - und ich muss morgens nicht raus zum Schnee schaufeln. *zwinker*
I think there's some truth in it - I for example know for sure that I am a very happy flutterybeary. I have a beautiful home, will visit the BiWuBear Christmas market very often during the next days, I have my Birgit who takes care of me - and I don't have to get up early to shovel snow. *wink*
Ich wünsche Euch allen einen wunderschönen Dezember, eine gemütliche Adventszeit und morgen einen tollen 1. Advent.
I'm wishing to all of you a fantastic December, a cozy Christmas season and tomorrow a fine 1st Advent.
Liebe Grüße / Hugs

18 Kommentare:

Fabiola hat gesagt…

A fantastic December to you!
Bye Faby

Maria Ireland hat gesagt…

All of you have a fantastic December. Enjoy your coffee and cake on the 1st advent. Flutterby I hope you gave Birgit lots of warm hugs after she shovelled all that snow ;)
Hugs Maria

Lovejoy Bears hat gesagt…

Where do you find all these wonderful words of wisdom Flutterby?? You are such a clever little bear!! Poor Birgit with her snow shovel, I hope there was not too much snow!!
I'm wishing you all a wonderful December with lots of lovely things to be happy about and not too much snow :)
Hugs ♥ Vicky ♥

Plushpussycat hat gesagt…

Dear Flutterby, Please tell Birgit I am so sorry she had to use the snow shovel this morning. Keep crafting and having fun! I am looking forward to seeing your lovely cottage and market stalls! Happy December! xo Jennifer

Drora's minimundo hat gesagt…

Shovelling snow must be tiresome. We very seldom have snow here and always, if we do, it is in the higher mountains. Entire families travel a great distance just to watch it, hoping that it will still stay there when they arrive. I suppose too much of anything can be bad. Lets hope December will be nice and cosy. Meanwhile warm hugs, Drora

Tatiana hat gesagt…

У нас сейчас нет снега. И я радуюсь.
Ты добрый медведь. Помоги Биргит убрать снег. А потом можно пить вместе кофе.
Счастливого декабря!!!!

Eliana hat gesagt…

A great December and preparations for Christmas!

Kays Kids hat gesagt…

Poor Birgit shovelling snow, I can hear her teeth chatter from here. Flutterby you should be out there helping, and may be make a snow man. All we do here is water the garden because it is hot....
Hugs Kay

The Old Maid hat gesagt…

Have a great December dear Brigit! Over here there was snowing almost the whole day but no snow on the ground so far - they say the ground is still too warm for it. Guess it will change soon;)
Hugs and kisses!

afairytalecometruewyrna hat gesagt…

I do not hope the snow comes up to Denmark. Also good December for you and Flutterby.

Daydreamer hat gesagt…

Happy December Flutterbeary and Birgit! I had a first snow on the ground this morning too! But it was only a pretty inch of light fluffy snow and no shoveling was required! I have Great Sympathy with Birgit... the "surprise" of needing to shovel snow first thing in the morning is not my favorite either... but the Beauty of the snow.... that Almost makes it okay! And after all that exercise Surely an extra slice of cake and hot cocoa is required.... ;)

Pippibär hat gesagt…

WOW! "Glaube nicht das Unglaubliche, sondern tue das Unwahrscheinliche" ein sehr schönes Zitat... Also glaube ich jetzt mal das nicht, dass Birgit unglaublich viel Spaß beim Schnee schaufeln hatte, sondern wünsche ihr, dass sie beim nächsten Mal richtig viel Freude daran hat, was aber wohl eher unwahrscheinlich sein dürfte... ;-)
Habt einen traumhaften "schönsten Monat des Jahres"
Liebe Grüße

Natalia's Fine Needlework hat gesagt…

Cheer up, Birgit! Shoveling is a good exercise! Did you have a hot cup of tea? I am sure, Flutterby took care of you, true?

rosanna hat gesagt…

Shoveling snow....shivers on my seldomhappens in Genoa but I had to do it on the Alps and truly it is NOT the best way to start a day!
Dear Birgit,I knew you would have understood why I did not take any pic. You are the one who forgets about it too.The city was so amazing,the decorations so huge, the monuments were so imposing that it looked like a crime to crop them in few inches.My camera doesn't allow me big landscapes so everything would have been croocked.
And the wonder so such that most of the time I simply forgot.
Big hugs to you, Mama and Papa, I wish you a lovely Sunday,Rosanna

GINGERALE hat gesagt…

Thank you so much for these nice wishes, the same to you Birgit, Flutterby and Co:)
Let this January be fantastic and full of delight:)

Ilona hat gesagt…

Hi Fluterby and Birgit! SNOW!!!! I come and visit and help with the snowshovel, cause I am fond of snow!! Sadly yesterday evening it was snowing here too, but it was a rainsnow: melting before the flakes kissed the ground ;)! It is a pity :( but today the sun is shining TADAA:D!
Have a great start of this feasts month December and enjoy all the fun!
Warm hugs, Ilona

Sans! hat gesagt…

I made my 1st snow angel in 2010. Never again! Like Birgit, I am not a big fan of snow especially when I have to walk on them.

Birgit, if you are reading this ;p, close your eyes and pretend that we are all there helping you shovel shovel shovel :). That will help the chore, won't it?

Love all the great sayings as usual. My favourite one is " If we believe in the incredible, we will be able to achieve the impossible!" :):). That's me, me me! :)

Is that calendar pic showing a Maharjah's Palace? ;p

Ascension hat gesagt…

Seguro que sera un fantastico mes de Diciembre.......eso espero.
besitos ascension